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Wee Nede Pruf Teem Memberz



First, the deadline for the 2024 Anthology - In too Deep - is fast approaching, so I hope there are lots of authors working on getting their stories ready for the proof team!  Mine is about halfway finished, and I can't wait to share it with you all :)

Second, if the title of this blog entry has you twitching in the corner clutching your blankie, then you're just the person we need!  We need people with a good eye for catching spelling errors, misused words (such as they're, there, their), incorrect grammar, and punctuation.  Proofreaders are NOT editors.  Stories submitted to the anthology have already been edited and beta read, so we do not make editing comments outside of what I outlined above.   If you feel you can stay within those parameters, please PM me, and we will go from there.  

Kermit The Frog Reaction GIF by Muppet Wiki

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If I wasn't already trying to wrestle my own entry under control (aiming for 15k words), I might be up for giving this a go. Next year maybe.

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