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Last night, some of you may have witnessed me throwing a bit of a temper tantrum and a subsequent pity party. I believe it went something along the lines of "f**kING f**k f**k BANK OF AMERICA THoSE SHITS" followed whimpering as I tried to pull myself together and deal with the situation.


What happened: I had the perfect itinerary and at a cost just meeting my budget. The problem was I did not have enough money actually in the bank at the time, so I had to make a deposit. Unfortunately, they only gave me credit for half of that deposit until it was too late to book that flight. The flight itself had disappeared from the online databases at priceline, travelocity, and USAir, and nothing approximating it was available anywhere else. Well... I found other times that could work for me among various carriers, unfortunately the cost was too high. Finally I called USAir and asked them about the flights... they confirmed they could put me on them... for a hundred dollars more than the price listed just one day before. I was having a bit of a panic attack at that time, trying to figure out how to work this. Finally I decided to go ahead and call Silven to try to figure out a new itinerary.


Having got ahold of him I brought Priceline back up and put in the information for the flight I was looking for. I did a double take. I found an itinerary for a flight I had looked at earlier but had decided against in favor of one that would cut three hours out of my flight time. Now I'll be arriving at 930pm instead of 615pm, but at least I'll be there on the day that I want to be. The kicker.... I had just been on the phone with someone from USAir who told me there was nothing cheaper than 387, not but a few minutes before I redid my priceline search. Now I've got it at 243 (the original quoted price) and for the days I need.


I'd just like to give a big **** you to the folks at Bank of America for holding my funds without cause, the folks at USAir for upping the price of the flight I wanted by a hundred dollars after one day, and the special jerk who lied to me on the phone.


I'd also like to thank Silven for bearing through my foolishness of not depositing the money sooner.



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Dem, I worked for the airlines, actually two of them for 20 yrs. Priceline, orbits, and some travel agents will go out and buy blocks of airline seats on different flights.

They not only get bulk discounts, they get the early booking discounts offered by the airlines.


You will find in almost ALL cases that calling the airline direct will result in a much higher fare. The fares go up as the days wind down to departure time.


Don't be afraid to call a travel agent either, they can give you options that you don't always get with the on-line companies, you don't have to say yes before thay show you the price. The bigger the travel agency, the more horsepower they have with the airlines, I know..... I used to not believe that they could compete with the on-line ticket companies, but sometimes they can.

Any seats that they don't sell within a few days of departure are returned back to the airline, and the airline isn't going to sell that seat at that late a date at anything that resembles a discount.


Even though I flew on employee passes, on several occasions I had to buy a seat in order to get home, so there are some ins and outs that I do know about.


:hug: for all the stress.



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