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Do you believe everyone is smart?

I've had this lingering thought in the back of my mind, for the longest while. It's been reaffirmed, strengthen at times by some of the things that I read here on GA and as of recently an NPR story that I listened to a week ago. It's the idea that everyone is smart in his/her own level and, given the opportunity, can provide a grounded opinion. In other words, when enable to, a person can produce a creative idea, logical response, or convincing argument. That there aren't just a "set" of people


Camilo in Camilo

A return to blogging

April 30, 2010         I've just completed a good run. I always feel well afterward, if a bit parched since I don't have a water bottle. I'll be fixing that soon, hopefully. I've been meaning to work out more regularly and I've decided that today will mark day zero for that effort. My goal is to eventually do two miles in fifteen minutes, and twenty minutes of running total. Today I got maybe a mile and a half before the fifteen minute mark and my lower legs felt like they were burning, but


Demetz in Demetz

Email sucks

So I got rid of AOL a long time ago, but when they said i could keep my email address I said sure because it was convenient.   Fast forward to now and for the last few hours I haven't been able to get into my account. I'm using the right sign-on info and the


DomLuka in Dom Luka

Nutty bonkers

I don't share tooth brushes and I don't share boyfriends. That said, when I'm in a relationship I don't cheat and I certainly don't wait for my boyfriend to do it. If it happens, and it has, then they're gone and I move on, because I know myself too well to try to work it out. I'll hold a grudge and those don't belong in a relationship.   So today I'm talking to this girl who thinks her boyfriend is cheating on her. With his cousin(distant, but still), no less. All because the girlfriend does


DomLuka in Dom Luka

I'm bored and curious.

So here's the question: do you like to know how a story ends before you read it?   I'm guilty of reading the last page before I start a novel, or even buying a book unless I trust the author to be consistent and give me what I want in the end. Usually, that's the happy, or at least a somewhat peaceful ending. Unless I'm reading something twisted, in which case...   Anyway, it seems like I've read too many stories where someone dies meaninglessly and I'm brought down instead of up, even if th


DomLuka in Dom Luka

My Sinking Ship.....

Hmmm, I like to think that I have an awesome mother, and and awesome brother, yay! So it would only seem logical that living with only my mom and brother would be just peachy, wouldn't it. Well, it's not..... They're great and all, but it seems that problems on top of problems just keep on circling us. My dad is pretty much being an asshole and keeps on doing stupid shit when I'm trying to strengthen the relationship that I have with him. But, I can't summon up the courage to tell him "Hey f**ke


Camilo in Camilo

six, almost seven days later

My whole week has been completely nutty. Body hurts. Head hurts. Over all, good times.   Someone I love is dying. My family is afraid we’re all going to fall apart over it. I know we won’t because she taught us better than that. It hurts, but she’s at peace with it, so I am, too.   {delete moment of stupidity} Nevermind. I remember.   Off to drink too much and pass out.


DomLuka in Dom Luka

Well what can you expect from a dumb Jock

So this is are a few recaps about homosexuality and me. Chiefly the fact that it appears everywhere around me. You know, I bet when I come out, nothing around me will remind me of it. That's just how things are; when you don't wan to think about it, it's everywhere and when you are ready for it, it's nowhere to be found,


Camilo in Camilo

! Soy yo ! Otra vez

Well it's blog time!!!!   I haven't written a blog entree in a while now, so here I go. The first thing I have to say is F U C K!!!!!!   I'm so pissed! I just found out that the biggest rich, spoiled, emotionless, hated by everyone, sexist, and overall jerk Sean is also applying to Williams (my top school) !!!! Listen to this, the reason he is going to Williams is because "Williams has the hottest girls!" it's not a question of whether he will take my spot or not, most likely he and I will b


Camilo in Camilo


Well...I feel like shit both physically and mentally. I don't know but it's been a bad last two weeks and I really can't wait until this week is over and go bond with some of my classmates at a weeklong retreat. It'll be awesome.   Anyway, I guess this is like writing therapy or something like that


Camilo in Camilo

*Imagine that this is a really cool title that I came up with and you guys all love it*

Hey, f**ktard! Yeah, you! You f**ker!   How are you buddy, how's it hanging? (Mwahaha, *Camilo laughs at a joke no one else gets but he does so that's all that matters*)   Hehe, well I truly forgot pretty much about every single online friend that I have. Well, I got my typical excuse, I was soooooooooo busy,   It's true! I really have no time to do shit! Plus college applications are starting and it's one of the most painful processes you can ever go through. First, you have to take t


Camilo in Camilo

Oh funk me!

Um let's see...I'm in a funk right now. Sigh, I know like, it was supposed to be a "Skyler the slut" blog entry, lol. Hehe, just kidding Skyler (since you're probably are reading this, when I say slut, I mean it in a good way!) oh and also goes for you reader people, Sky is a really good guy, hehe I'm just teasing him 'cause were "Besties"...yeah, name - totally Skyler's idea (yeah, he's uber gay and since I'm also gay I can make fun of his super duper gayness...lol, his dream job = weeding plan


Camilo in Camilo

Um..a quickie (not my style, more of a long drawn out...:P )

Um....let's see. Well this is the second blog entry, and I'm tired lol. Opps! I mean I'm tired physically and mentally today, not of the blog, 'cause like who can get tired when they talked about me. I know, I know, it was bad on my part and I apologize, hehe. Ok, Just kidding! But I am tired...well that's not the right word, let's see...I'm not in "energizer bunny" mode.   OH TODAY IS MY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I can barely believe it! I'm 18 already and that's like I'


Camilo in Camilo

New guy; new job?

So last night I had this guy come over. We go out to dinner at applebees for their 2 for 20 special and have nice and ranging conversation... then we go back to my place and for the next couple hours our hands are all over each other but we keep our pants on...   Actually... I could give a very thorough and exciting description of all the foreplay that went on between us, but instead I'm going to skip all that and say that at about 2am I asked if he wanted to spend the night or head home... he


Demetz in Demetz

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