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taking a break....



... just me and my vanilla bean frappacino. :thumbup:


So just for fun last night, I took this color quiz here... http://www.colorquiz.com/


Here were my results...


Your Existing Situation

Hopes to obtain an improved position and greater prestige, so that she can procure for herself more of the things she has had to do without.



Your Stress Sources

Wants freedom to follow her own convictions and principles, to achieve respect as an individual in her own right. Desires to avail herself of every possible opportunity without having to submit to limitations or restrictions.



Your Restrained Characteristics

Has high emotional demands and is willing to involve herself in a close relationship, but not with any great depth of feeling.



Your Desired Objective

Takes easily and quickly to anything which provides stimulation. Preoccupied with things of an intensely exciting nature, whether erotically stimulating or otherwise. Wants to be regarded as an exciting and interesting personality with an altogether charming and impressive influence on others. Uses tactics cleverly so as to avoid endangering her chances of success or undermined others' confidence in herself.



Your Actual Problem

Seeks to avoid criticism and to prevent restriction of her freedom to act, and to decide for herself by the exercise of great personal charm in her dealings with others.



Your Actual Problem #2

Greatly impressed by the unique, by originality, and by individuals of outstanding characteristics. Tries to emulate the characteristics she admires and to display originality in her own personality.


Then Rich wanted to take it... here are his results....



Your Existing Situation

Sensitive and understanding but under some strain; needs to unwind in the company of someone close to him.



Your Stress Sources

Resists any form of pressure from others and insists on his independence as an individual. Wants to make up his own mind without interference, to draw his own conclusions and arrive at his own decisions. Detests uniformity and mediocrity. As he wants to be regarded as one who gives authoritative opinions, he find it difficult to admit to being wrong, while at times he is reluctant to accept or understand another's point of view.



Your Restrained Characteristics

Feels he is receiving less than his share, but that he will have to conform and make the best of his situation.

Unhappy at the resistance he feels whenever he tries to assert himself. Indignant and resentful because of these setbacks, but gives way apathetically and makes whatever adjustments are necessary so that he can have peace and quiet.


Becomes distressed when his needs or desires are misunderstood and feels that he has no one to turn to or rely on. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense.


Conditions are such that he will not let himself become intimately involved without making mental reservations.



Your Desired Objective

Hopes that ties of affection and good-fellowship will bring release and contentment. His own need for approval makes him ready to be of help to others and in exchange he wants warmth and understanding. Open to new ideas and possibilities which he hopes will prove fruitful and interesting.



Your Actual Problem

Feels insufficiently valued in his existing situation, and is seeking different conditions in which he will have greater opportunity of demonstrating his worth.



Your Actual Problem #2

Feels restricted and prevented from progressing; seeking a solution which will remove these limitations.


Besides that, my son brought me a balloon yesterday and asked me to blow it up for him, so I did, but then he wanted me to draw a face on it, and hair... and I CANNOT draw, but I tried for him, and it actually doesn't look too bad. So then he wants to name it and wants me to write the name on the balloon. so he wants to name it what sounds like Mr. Nibbah.... so I ask him how to spell that and he says M-R-DOT-N-I-B-B-A so I write it and that's his baby now and he's a daddy. Now he wants a basket to put his baby in with a blanket, so I get him one from the closet and then his sister sees it and wants one too, so she makes one and names it Summer. So now we have two baby balloons, and Rich gets home from work and I say... Oh look, Grandpa is home :lmao: and he <_< but it was kinda cute. So then today, my son has evolved the baby balloons name and he is now Mr. Nibbusr. :huh:


I finally got some X-mas shopping done, so that's good, and the cards are half done, also good, and the anthology is half done... not so good since it's due in 2 DAYS!!!! :o


Better get back to writing....


Hope everyone is staying warm and smiling...


Hugs, Viv


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You know... the title of your blog kinda freaked me out. "Taking a break..." Withthat 'not' posting until 07 stuff, I was kinda scared.


But looks like I don't have to be scard at all! :D


The ballon thing is soooo cute. How does it feel to be a grandmother at such a young age? :D


Lots of :hug:

Kurt :D

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Hope you get the Anthology story done.........can't wait.


I wonder where they got the, preoccupation with things erotically stimulating, idea from ;):D .


Well, I wish you and your family all the best this holiday season.


And this :hug: is for you.



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