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The Inevitable Murder of Horace Fink

Okies, I bowed to incredible pressure from millions of GA members and posted the first chapter of TEMOHF. BUT, dumb dumb here made some kinda boo boo cuz it's got a dark blue background and I couldn't find a way to GET RID OF IT! So I contacted GA to ask why. The story is posted in eFiction. I've written 26 chapters so far, so be patient...all will be revealed soon enough. Actually, the story is not finished yet but I anticipate the final chapter sometime around July. I generally write about two a week. (I since went ballistic and posted the first 3 chapters).




Prawn cutlets tonight with CHIPS! I love chips WHEN THEY'RE COOKED PROPERLY! If you want the chef technique for 'perfect chips' just holler. I plagiarized it from a cooking program on tele. Yes, ladies and genitals, plagiarism rocks (unless somebody steals my stuff).


Plagiarism? I suppose we're all guilty of a form of semi-plagiarism in that we're influenced by all manner of things, including the writings of others. Yes, I know, it's not a direct steal...BUT... :pickaxe:


God's the only bloke I know who did the 6-day trick and created something unique. Have you noticed the religious pics that show Adam and Eve with belly buttons? Oops! I really can't see God doing the umbilical cord thing. I'm also amused by religious paintings of saints with halos gazing at the heavens. It was all very well when the earth was flat, but when you're sticking out from a ball in space you might be gazing in the wrong direction! 'HEY, YOU IDIOT, I'M OVER HERE!"


Don't get me wrong, dear Breth, I'm not a cynic...well, not entirely. As a writer and observer, I will be forever grateful for the existence of humanity. It not only provides me with an audience but also with an inexhaustible supply of scenarios.


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A direct link to said story would be kinda neat, unless finding it is all part of the 'Horace Fink' experience. ;)


Horace Fink is a wonderful name btw. :2thumbs:



A direct link to said story would be kinda neat, unless finding it is all part of the 'Horace Fink' experience. ;)


Horace Fink is a wonderful name btw. :2thumbs:


No, the lack of a direct link has nothing to do with the 'Horace Fink' experience but everything to do with the dumb dumb experience. I just tried to link it both on my signature and blog and no workies. It got the dreaded Oops! thingy.


NEWS FLASH! I figured it out! :-P

  • Site Administrator


I replied to your email on how to correct the blue background. I corrected chapter 1 for you.


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