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Luc's Dementia

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just making an entry here because ican't use my right hand.have spent the day at my old dr in cobleskill who then sent me to the er inschenectady. majorinfection in thumb area--had to openit and irrigate it. good news is they let me go homeas long as i go back rto erfor followup tomorrow am. am on augmenin and hydrocodome so that should help.


iam about 2/3 through my anthogy story--hopefully will be abletotype to get it in by thedeadline.


so. anyonewhowoneers whyim not onlime,this is why.



thefunny thing iswatxhing sam shift the car for me.


*whines* i miss you


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*grins* were you typing with your tongue? if so you really should take a pic of that :P



I TOLD you that it shouldn't be hurting so much but you never listen :P but i'm glad you got it looked at sounds nasty as hell


but yay for the happy drugs right


*smiles and hugs you * yes you need to finish the anthology even if you have to get your mic out and tell someone what to write :D cause so far i love it and need an ending


:hug: get better soon



Was the thumb thing caused by a cat bite?


Whatever, 'twas highly entertaining to read. More like a message in code, really. :)


Get better soonest!


Camy B)



Sorry you're not well, Luc :(


I hope it gets better soon :hug:


On a side note: it's REALLY hard to shift gears from anywhere but the driver's seat in my experience. I've often tried to teach other people how to drive, and quite often they need help shifting. I can almost never do it for them from the passenger's side. True enough it may be in part because they seldom "cooperate" properly with the clutch, but still the whole angle is really hard. And releasing the park break from the passenger's side! :wacko:


Take care and get well,


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