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Salisbury 67



My daughter and I took a road trip this past week to check out the college she will be attending. She was able to meet with her academic adviser and work out which classes she will be taking, tour her dorm and the campus, and I got to sign my life away paying for her education.




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How sweet to show your love in such a motherly manner!



Well with a fear of bridges, I guess you won't be visiting Pittsburgh any time soon. :P There's only 446 of them according to Wikipedia :read:link






:o 446?? Just in Pittsburgh?? Oh hell no...not in this lifetime.
C James


I can sure identify with your fear of bridges. They usually don't bother me too much, but I have a fear of heights. There's one in particular that bothers me the most; the harbor bridge in Lisbon, Portugal. The deck is made of a metal mesh, lots of holes. Looking ahead out the windshield, it looks fine. But if you look down from the side window, you see all the way down the the water, and the big ships passing underneath (its quite a high bridge). That bridge gave me a massive case of white knuckles (and I was stuck on it for half an hour: traffic jam).





When I worked for UPS, we took a tour of the Hub, we went up a cat walk highest point in the building, it had that metal mesh flooring. That was the only time I was about scared for being that high.



I guess we'll never drive together: When I'm driving over a bridge I like to drive as close to the edge as possible so I can look out over the water. And when I'm driving with friends who are scared of bridges I've been known to scream "OH SHIT!" and jerk my hands as if I was suddenly turning the wheel and aiming us over the edge. ;-)



While I'm not generally bothered by bridges, I can see how you'd be freaked out by the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Not only is it high above the water, but because of federal rules requiring bridges to cross main shipping channels at right angles, it's got an ominious bend in it as you gain height while leaving the Annapolis shore. And although it's twin bridges, each is fairly narrow. It's much easier crossing a wide bridge like the Tappan Zee in New York, where the curves over the water are just part of this massive concrete 8-lane swath. Of course, if your daughter is going to school on the Eastern Shore, you'll get familiar enough with that bridge over the next four years that familiar will breed comfort,





I've been crossing the Bay Bridge with seasonal regularity my whole life. Once, four times in a three hour span. I get across the dang thing just fine, but I'm never going to be comfortable.



Hey Sharon! :)


As I think we've discussed, I too have a fear of bridges! It's really weird since I'm bothered neither by water or heights. Actually I'm pretty sure it's the railing that makes me uncomfortable.


When I lived in Baton Rouge I had to cross the Atchafalaya Basin every time I wanted to visit friends/family "back home". I ended up doing this at least two or three times a month in most cases. According to Wikipedia it's exactly 18.2 miles across! I remember clocking it at 19.5, but I guess they're more likely to be accurate.


Anyway it was definitely freaky! I actually did notice that I started to grow a bit more comfortable with it though as I did it over and over again.


Anyway I'm glad the trip went well and I hope everything works out great!!! :D



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