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Manchester, PA



Seriously folks, I thought I had this thing beat. I thought everything was going to be peachy again, you know, like it was when I was simply delusional or before that when I was too scared to open my closet door. It been down hill since then.


I was feeling pretty good last weekend and earlier this week. I was doing pretty good, too. Everything was coming up roses.


Well, somebody has to fertilize the roses if they're going to look good so we're in for some heavy shit.


I'm down; there isn't a better way to say it.


I asked my boss and he approved my time off (just two days) starting next Friday, the 29th. So where do they send me? Yeah, Manchester, PA. It's close to York in case you don't know your PA from your MA.


Next they're (my boss is off this weekend) going to say there aren't any loads going west at this time. That what they said last time; no loads going to the West Coast. I suppose all those trucks out there on the highway heading west were empty.


I have Chapter 15 ready to post, but haven't had the time to do it, nor the motivation.


I haven't worked on Chapter 16 at all. I pretty much know what I'm going to say, but I haven't typed a single word.


There's this new story running around in my head right now. It's a Sci-Fi about a young man, late teens or early twenties, who is captured by the secret police planning to blow up or do some kind of serious damage to the embassy building of the Sylene's who whupped the Humans in a battle for Darit. The young man's father just happens to be the President of the Planetary Guild of Selectmen and he is given a choice life in prison on Darit or become a hostage on the Sylene's home planet of Mmemn. This has been mostly just a distraction to keep my mind thinking about something other than being totally depressed.



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