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Bunker Hill, KS



Let's get this out of the way first, my grandfather may have been born in Kansas and his parents may have been married in Kansas, but I still do not like Kansas, except for the service plaza on their turnpike. See, I can't hate them because hate is an all out, total rejection, but these guys have nice service plazas. Rest areas are another situation entirely as they range from "I not even peeing in there" to "this is rather nice for a public toilet."


According to Wiki, Bunker Hill has 1.4 square miles of land on which reside 101 people (2000 census), giving you a population density of 73.2 people per square mile. Interestingly, 100% of the population is white, but Hispanics or Latinos of any race make up 6.93% of the population. Don't you just love statistics, especially those government ones.


The clerk at the truck stop last night was a "god blesser." I did not offend him by saying "I doubt it." That would've only confused him. Besides, it was dark and I still had my sunglasses on.


I've had my sunglasses on since Ohio when the frame broke on my regular pair. Luckily, the sunglasses sort of work okay at night. I can see, but if Mr./Ms. State Trooper stops me, I'm up that proverbial creek not only without a paddle, I won't have a canoe either.


I have to get my blood tested today. There isn't a place in Bunker Hill to do it; with 101 people, everyone would have to be sick at least one or two times a week just to pay rent.


There is a place up the road in Hays, significantly larger than Bunker Hill and home to Fort Hays State University. Hopefully, the place I think can help will help. I thought the "state-of-the-art" place in Kentucky could help, but they were too wrapped up in procedures and policies to help a person in need of a simple blood test. It's not like I was asking for a blood transfusion because I hadn't been able to find a victim to satisfy my perverse need to drink the blood of another human. No, take a little blood. Use the machine if you want. They did that in Bountiful, UT. Works just like a diabetic blood monitor only it gives its results in INR. If my INR is too high, I have a greater risk of bleeding to death, probably internally. If it's too low, that clot in my leg will get bigger or another clot will form somewhere else. I hope they'll help.


Now, all I have to do is get the big truck into Hays and not run into any "NO! trucks" signs.


Oh, and I hate Microsoft. Last month the updates to my computer included the famous blue screen of death with every shutdown or restart. Vista was extremely helpful by saying it could solve the problem online, but never seemed to get around to it; or maybe it did and didn't tell me, Vista seems to be like that. This month Windows Media Player isn't working properly; properly as I see it. Since, I'm not a techie in any sense of the word (I have trouble not cross-threading screws), I can't say for certain was is proper and what isn't. All of a sudden when I click on an video sample on the internet, nothing happens; well, something happens, but it doesn't start the media player. I'm thinking they've changed my security settings, probably for my own good since what I click on is trashy gay porn, anyway.


I also hate my laptop. Suddenly it doesn't like my wireless mouse and I've been using the laptop's mouse pad with it's handy-dandy "I'm going to move the cursor over here because that's where the mouse is pointing;" or, even more dangerous, "I'm clicking this while you move the mouse over there because, while I know you don't what to look at what's there, I might be interested." That's why I bought the wireless mouse to begin with, so I wouldn't have to deal with a mouse with a mind of its own. I didn't want to buy a wireless mouse, by the way. I wanted to buy a wired mouse, but they don't make them anymore; or if they do make them, they don't sell them where I buy my stuff.


Well, let's see, Kansas, Microsoft, and laptop, that pretty much wraps up my hates for the day. Yes, I really do hate Kansas. They're not as bad as Nebraska or Iowa, but they're way down on my list.


Oh, have you noticed? There aren't as many birds this year. In fact, in a lot of place, it seems there aren't any birds at all. I get around a lot and it just seems to be a particularly bad year for West Nile Virus.


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I just love these travelogues. Oh

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