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Awake, pt. 4



It's 02:30 now and, of course, I'm awake. It's a given, although last night I slept clear through. So the sleeplessness, like the depression, comes and goes. (I wonder if there's a link; well, of course, there's a link. That's already been established by the shrink. Only, I'm not depressed right now.)


Why am I awake right now? Because I haven't gone to sleep yet. I'm wound up from nervousness because I have to be at the outpatient surgery clinic at 10:30 in the morning for the arthroscopy of my right knee and I'm always nervous before surgeries. I've certainly had my share so far.


The good news is I'm back to working on Chapter 18 of The Artists and it seems to be going fairly well. I'm not pushing myself to get back into the swing of things or relying on the other two writing projects as substitutes to a lack of creative energy focused on the The Artists. I just want to get the story moving so I can find out which character is going to die.


The bad news is I can't stay focused for any long length of time. Writing literally puts me to sleep, so I suppose I'd better get out of here and start working on Chapter 18 to tire myself out. I definitely don't want to be late for my chemically induced nap later today.




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