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It's one of the most simple questions, but at the same time, one of the hardest questions to ever yourself. It's four simple words, very plain english, and yet, it can send someone reeling trying to answer it. This question is also one that is constantly asked by people both young and old, and one that will forever haunt us and follow us when we do answer it. What is this question you may ask?


What are your dreams?


Easy to say right? No big vocabulary words in it, no hidden meanings, just a plain question that is the hardest one to answer.


So I ask you. What is your dream? What do you want from life, something that will bring you untold joy to your future?


To start, mine is simple and complex. I want to help LGBTQ teens by giving them the advice and help that they need. I want to give them a place, or work in a place where they can be free to be themselves, and not face the judgment of others. I want to give them someone to talk to that can help them, and not try to take advantage of them or their situation in anyway. I want to show them what it's like to make good choices and what it can bring about. Ultimatly, my biggest dream is to help at least one teen avoid suicide because they feel that there is nothing else left for them and no one to help them.


That's my dream. What's yours?

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That's a beautiful dream, Eric, and I personally think that to some extent you've already actualized it :)


My own dream? Hmm. At least part of it is similar to yours, but it's probably something I need to think on more.

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