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The Saga Continues..

The Idiot Zone!

By Nevin Jefferson


There are things posted on the Internet and published in the gay and mainstream media that reads too "DUMB" to be true. I'm beginning to believe that Researchers for the Center for Disease Control Public Health experts in San Francisco are desperate and starving for funding and attention. They're making stuff up as they go along to feed their greedy needs and to stroke their egos with Federal Funds. While at the same time becoming media whores of the moment. While at the same time, bamboozling people who don't know any better and believe everything that they read and what's told to them. Instead of thinking for themselves. Especially when it comes to be totally irresponsible for their behavior. The CDC of San Francisco conducted a study and enacted a new sexual practice for POZ men. So what's this dim idea that's dull beyond comparison?




And what is sero-sorting you ask? Sero-sorting is when two POZ guys seek out other POZ guys who have the same strain of virus they have or in their range for the purpose of having unsafe sex. What? Isn't the CDC supposed to be all about PREVENTION? Thanks to the latest in trash-no logy POZ men can network on websites where one can post their sero-status for the sole purpose of hookups,screw buddies,and a possible LTR. So am I wrong in thinking that hooking up with someone for safe sex and being responsible for your actions by using a condom to protect yourself and your partner the right thing to do? Especially when you're POZ? The 21st Century Common logic is be to monogamous and not promiscuous which is why the HIV/AIDS statistics for Black and Gay men are highest ever reported. To add insult to stupidity the CDC created a new category MSM (Men Screwing Men)for men who have sex with other men but aren't gay or bi-sexual. These guys practice Bare backing a.k.a Skin-2-Skin or in laymen terms no condom! Bare backing is for horses! Let's get real here gang, you're either gay or bi-sexual! If you like to have your tonsils tickled with a male body part then take it up the butt with the same male body part member you're a gay bottom. If a gay bottom likes to flip to the top he's a versatile bottom. If you like to give it up the butt you're a top. If the top wants it up the butt he's a versatile top. Real men take it up the butt! If a man likes women and men he's a bi-sexual. Not ifs,ands, or butts about it. These are the same guys who are out on the low down and are taking the virus home with them and infecting their wives or girlfriends then deny that is was them when their loved one or piece tests positive for the HIV virus. Some of the members of the Black community are claiming that the White man is starting a genocide. Listen closely my Brothers, Black men like yourselves are the cause of this genocide not the white man. This man made genocide is why Black women account for the largest share of new HIV infections among women (61% in 2006) and the incidence rate among Black women is nearly 15 times the rate among white women. Black women account for the majority of new AIDS cases among women (66% in 2007); white and Latina women account for 17% and 15% of new AIDS cases, respectively 1,13. Black women represent more than a third (36%) of AIDS cases. Let's not forget those who are infected with the HIV virus and don't know it. Not to mention POZ guys who keep quiet about it especially the ones on the low down dirty dog trail. Folks can find themselves buried in the spring instead of being married in the spring if there's unsafe sex involved. If one want to be promiscuous that person should use a condom for all safe purposes for prevention!


Sero-Sorting is green lighting risky and dangerous behavior with disastrous results. The couple interviewed in the study were both sicker than dogs with one dying shortly afterwards with the other now sicker and near death. "Sero-sorting is happening, it's working. It's one of the explanations we have for the flattening of the (HIV) sero-incidence curve. As an HIV prevention strategy, sero-sorting is quite effective for positive and negative couples. It enables men to have the sex they want without worrying about contracting HIV," said Dr. Mitch Katz, San Francisco's Public Health Director.


And get this, Dr. Katz also quoted: "Another probable cause for the leveling off of infections is that more HIV-positive people have access to medications, which when adhered to make them less infectious to sexual partners by reducing their viral loads. For positive men, they don't have to worry about HIV transmission to somebody who is negative. You do still have to worry about sexually transmitted diseases. But for many HIV-positive men, sero-sorting brings with it a tremendous psychological relief."


Sure, buddy! Let's throw in psychotic tendencies along with self-serving and self-seeking being at the top of the list. It sounds idiotic enough: If you're negative and you screw only other negative guys, you won't get HIV with or without a condom. Yeah Right! How many guys discuss their HIV status? If it isn't bought up during the heat of the moment, they ain't telling and they ain't putting on a condom. The CDC and Health experts in San Francisco are calling this a significant trend, which is really a stupidity of all stupidities. These so-called experts are claiming that HIV positive couple's peers are helping reduce HIV infections when they choose to limit sexual tricks to partners of the same HIV status. In scientific terms, it's being called sero-sorting.


In reality terms its called HOMO-CIDES! Death caused by screwing without condoms with their HIV/AIDS status being the lethal weapon. Not to mention being totally irresponsible by practicing risky behavior with no regard to their partner's health or well being. If you can't take responsibility for yourself, take responsibility for your sexual partners. It's the humane thing to do in a whacked out world where being Gay is being sexual with nothing else in-between. Being Gay is a part of you that's linked to your personality, characteristics, traits, likes, dislikes, that makes you the individual who you are. The Gay lifestyle is being compared to two dogs that meet then they start humping in alley's, bathrooms, bath houses, and hallways; with a fast retreat from the sexual partners apartment after the deed is done. And my Doctor wonders why my blood pressure is HIGH? It's stuff like this that rockets it through the ceiling. Did I lose my mind with the rest of the world remaining sane?


When 2 POZ men have sex without a condom they're exposing each other to opportunistic infections which causes a flare up of the virus with the 2 men getting sicker than sick and closer to Death's door. I have CR5 strain of the HIV/AIDS virus its the one that becomes resistance to drugs while the virus mutates. If I were to follow the advise and believe that CDC's finding are gospel. Then get off by having unsafe sex with someone they'd go from between the sheets to under a sheet in the morgue. Without a condom and lube a person can easily become a "Serial Screwer" and dubbed this by by all of the media. The number of victims would go higher than the numbers on McDonald's signs. With condoms and lube, one would be be playing it perfectly safe with nothing to worry about.


I'm in a drug study for POZ people who have the CR5 strain at the Aids Clinical Trails Unit at Haborview Medical Center (Seattle,WA)sponsored by UW (University of Washington). Dr. Shelia Dunaway my Doctor can testify about the damages that can be done when a person with CR5 or other strains has unprotected sex. She's seen it all especially when std's of the past become active and becoming the gift that keeps on giving. Up to this point CR5 strains were doom and gloom up to now. Now, there's new medications that treat CR5 strain of virus which I'm on. I can testify that my viral load is undetectable with a CD4 count of 578. And what is a "undetectable viral load?" You ask of Mr. Saga? Well gang,it's when there's not a trace of the virus in your body. And what is a CD4 count you ask of Mr. Saga? Well gang, it's the number of t-cells that you have in your body when your count is under 500 you're put on medications.CD4 counts of 300 to 500 is excellent and 200 and under isn't' good because this when opportunistic infections begin to wreck hell and havoc. Now that I'm undetectable, do I free reign on having unprotected sex with negative and undetectable men? Get real! I've been single and celibate for the past 13 years which is the safest of safe. Moses can't part these legs! Playing safely should be the message and findings from the CDC of San Francisco. Hopefully, for the most of us, common sense will prevail.


The idiot ism of the CDC and Health experts in San Francisco is a sick, rotting, and decaying of minds suffered by the Researchers and those of the Medical professions employed at the CDC. They should ask for funding to for their revolving account in therapy. Personal note to Dr. Katz, of the CDC of San Francisco's;NO CONDOMS= DEATH!







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You Go, Nevin! but your comment on CD4 counts would be more appropriate if it said, "CD4 counts upward of 500 is excellent..." since mine have consistently run in the 1300-1800 range...my doctor said that, as I was a sick child for the most part, my system is running on constant overdrive.

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