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I apparently lost 6 pounds within the past week, which may or may not be because of the fact that I've been working 12 + hours this entire week for this big event I'm in charge of on Saturday, and school is at the point where I have papers literaily coming out of my ass therefore food has been the last thing on my mind. To all my fans, hate to say it but I have yet to write anymore of Last Goodbye, and sadly I honestly don't know when I'll have the time anymore. I'm losing too much hours from the job I love because of the stupid economy therefore forcing me to look for another job which just means less time for writing. But like always i'll do what I can and keep you all posted.



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Hey, we'll be patient...well, at least I will. The writing is good enough to wait for. I know what you mean about the economy and jobs over there...we've had a heck of a time renting out our condo for the last year. And ever since the Kona Ranch House closed (the first time), going over there just hasn't been the same...

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