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About Meeko

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    I seem to end up everyone's bitch... I like pie... After a good two hour workout I go straight to Yogurt Land. I like to skip in crowded public places. I love Mochi balls. I'm a nerd.

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  1. Was going through my computer and came across my story folder, got back into reading some of my old stuff and even writing some new chapters. Then it hit me, it's been about 12 years since I signed up for GA, and although i haven't really been active since 2013ish I still think of you all and miss you guys! Made some really great friends here some of whom I still talk to and hoping to maybe meet some more.
  2. I have done this, and his response was that he was just scared, but I'm not quite sure what he's scared about nor has he told me yet.
  3. Hey Drought, He knows I'm bi, and I know he's straight and he was more afraid that I did have a crush on him, and thats why I was doing everything I did for him.
  4. Thanks for the responses guys. Let me just clarify that he knows I'm bi and leaning towards female. And he is also currently 17 years old. I'm mostly just upset that he even considered I could have a crush on him I think.
  5. Closed thanks for the help!
  6. I haven't ever told my mom or dad, but I'm sure they expect it. However I am a super private person and considering i am Bi, I feel like its really no ones business but my own. =)
  7. There was a time I would live on this site, read every story published, know every author here. Boy oh boy has time passed. Well now that school is over, and I only work fulltime now, I foresee much free time. I hope to once again brush off the rust and continue my writing! THE RETURN OF THE RACOON!
  8. Hey everyone! Super great to see all you familiar faces! W_L It's okay I changed from a racooon to a "SQQUUIIRRRREEELLLL" I hope to be around more! I misss this place, and I miss writing.
  9. Hey Mark! Wow great to see people I still remember. How's it going?
  10. LOL YB! As my friend said, YOSO (You Only Shop Once!) muwahahaha
  11. Hey Graeme, We'll then thank god I was gone during your three year break because I would have been devastated! The writing has actually been stopped since I departed from GA, but with the Christmas break and lots of free time, who knows I may attempt to get some new chapters out.
  12. Haven't been around in years, mostly just to check on story updates (Damn you DOMLUKA) and so haven't really been keeping up with the friends I've made here. So who's still around? and how are you guys doing? Take Care Mike
  13. Just a little something I wrote for school, and thought I would share, oh and please disregard all the grammar errors, I wrote this for a presentation and figured since only i was reading it I didn't need to fix them, and now I'm just lazy. I live, I lie, I make you cry, It makes me stronger when you no longer, Have any power, to fight back To attack, to react, To stand up through my attack, Cuz if you did then you would see, That what I do, is not because of me, it’s because of you. Much like you, I was beaten too, With words of hate that discriminate, The way you look, the way you talk, Sometimes even the way you walk, It’s different, it’s unique, it would make me weak, When everyone would realize, How much cooler you are, Through their eyes, I won’t let you take away, All the friends that I have made, Through your suffering, through your pain, Because you’re the bully who stood close by and made me feel like I want to die, And this is why I hurt you, Because the pain I felt inside, Is what you used to make me cry, When I was smaller, when I was shy, When I was weak because I’m meek When all I wanted was someone to say hi, To play with, to guide, But you helped me realize, That I’m not that guy, who was kind, And just stood by, so now how does it feel, To be on the other side, To feel the pain, that you used, to make others cry, Now that I act more like a guy, Who could deny, My masculinity, my identity, There’s no need to hide, Your true side.
  14. Ever since "Squirrel!" came out. I love it. =)
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