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My Words, My Life, My Story

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Becoming A Bully

Just a little something I wrote for school, and thought I would share, oh and please disregard all the grammar errors, I wrote this for a presentation and figured since only i was reading it I didn't need to fix them, and now I'm just lazy.   I live, I lie, I make you cry, It makes me stronger when you no longer, Have any power, to fight back To attack, to react, To stand up through my attack, Cuz if you did then you would see, That what I do, is not because of me, it’s because of y



I Feel New...

Shesh, wonder If I even know anyone on this site anymore. =) Needless to say it's been a long time G.A.   I've learned recently that my muse only comes out around the hours of anytime past 12 pm. See now this would make a lot of sense seeing as how i haven't really written a thing since I started working full time two years ago and need to be in bed before 12. But this hasn't been working for me. Writing isn't just a hobby, it's a way to express myself, I way to be the person I always wanted t




No matter what you say, no matter what you do, you're never going to stop me. You know why? Because I'm going to stop myself. You know why? Because I'm lazy... The End.



And There I Was.

Soooo..... Isn't it incredible how fast time flies the older you get? I never believed it ever time i heard it, but here i am approaching my 24th birthday and thinking, "Holy Cow already?" It also has been just a bit over a year since I've been on GA. I'm happy to see a lot of new faces and the same old faces as well, it's a sort of warm feeling to come back to place you've been a part of for so long and reunite. Sooo what's been happening with me? Ehhh sadly too much. Still working too m




To those of you who find my or Krista's blog offensive and demeaning, boo f**king hooo tough f**king shit. instead of going around and giving each and every single one of our entry's the lowest possible rank... How about instead you put on your grown up pants and just stay the f**k away from our blogs? Because you see these are OUR private blogs, where though GA we are allowed to express ourselves pretty much freely. So go cry a f**ken river and bitch and moan all you want. In other words, if yo



The Penis That Kills

THE PENIS THAT KILLS   By Krista & Meeko What a way to die, to moan, sigh and cry, they are happy tears, I've wanted a cock this big for years, I like it hard, I like it rough, it makes me tough. Fill me up, with your hot stuff. My oh my what a way to die, no pain, that's lame, cum is my name, deep throating, my game. I've been looking for a big dick, finally found it too, But I never thought it




I've gone though each and every one of my stories I have not touched for years and came to a conclusion. I'm a perfectionist, and i won't ever be happy with anything I write or do period. No matter how much I try it always just comes out the same and I get frustrated and stop writing. I need inspiration, I need tips, tricks, i need... a whole lot of help.   bleh




I saw one of my Ex boyfriends on the news yesterday getting arrested for trespassing at the governors office (They were protesting) . The first thing that came to mind was, "Hey i had sex with a criminal!"   Also   Ask me anything http://formspring.me/meekord   Goodnight!



My Guardian Angel

it's pretty bad when you can't sleep because your too busy worrying about a fictional character from your own story, and the way you left him in his current situation. When you get so caught up in the story that you can't write anymore because it hits way to close from home, and you don't want to ever relive the pain even if just though a story.   that being said, no I have no forgotten about Last Goodbye, I just honestly haven't had the time. I know yet I have time to write a new story right



Dear DomLuka

I've read lots of stories, enjoyed some, didn't care much for others, and really feel in love with a few. But this takes the cake. never EVER have a had a story impact me so much that it's constantly in my head, morning till night, through work, school, and even in my dreams. It's taking over my body, my mind, everything about me. It's to the point where I go to sleep thinking about it, wake up thinking about it. It's driving me completely insane. I've maybe spent the most time on GA over the pa




I apparently lost 6 pounds within the past week, which may or may not be because of the fact that I've been working 12 + hours this entire week for this big event I'm in charge of on Saturday, and school is at the point where I have papers literaily coming out of my ass therefore food has been the last thing on my mind. To all my fans, hate to say it but I have yet to write anymore of Last Goodbye, and sadly I honestly don't know when I'll have the time anymore. I'm losing too much hours from th




So I'm sitting here after a long day of work followed by drinks with the co workers. So I'm listening to this new song that I'm very much enjoying and singing/dancing too. So about an hour into my writing which was just about five minutes ago, I start to smell something burning. So at first i just figured my Aunty was making sweet potatoes again. But then I started to smell that stink ass some of plastic burning and panicked a little. I went inside my grandmas room on my way to the kitchen to se



Girl screaming, talking book goes BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEP!

So apparently I'm a very very not nice person to be around when I'm stressing out. APPARENTLY I'm making everyone around me Cccrrrraaaaazzzzzyyyyyy. Well that's what my mom said anyways, when I smashed my nose against hers, forehead touching and everything, and demanded to know why she didn't buy me my favorite jelly candy like she promised. So of course I sat next to my grandma and pretended that my mom pushed me off of the chair we were both on (Which she really did!) and watched as my grandma



Neglecting Birthday Rant

So I'm sitting in my room, the music's blasting, the TV's on but on mute. Do you do that too? Have your television on just for the background lighting? Sometimes just for the sound, to keep you company, the sounds of the TV to relax you.   In one hour I'll be another year older. Boy did this year go by quick. I find myself doing this a lot every year just hours before I was officially born. (I was born on exactly midnight of the 24th hence my b-day is on the 25th.) I sit in my room, the music



f**k My Life

So i randomly told my hot co worker who I had a crush on for the past couple years that I think I'm in love with him....   He replied with a "lol".......



A Long Awaited Update LG

Not sure if anyone still cares, which is totally my fault for putting it off for this long. But for those who do, Last Goodbye Chapter 7 has just been finished and will be headed to my editor very soon. Also i just wanted to say sorry to those who were waiting for this chapter for soo long. Real life took over me during the summer like it does every summer and things just got a little out of hand. But I have a lot more time now, even with school approaching fast I'll have a lot more time for LG



Gigantic Penis

Today was very eventful: Got my school id. Went jogging. Bought a planner. Ate free pizza. Helped fix the elevator at work. Went to the beach. Assisted in making a gigantic penis. Then watched the wave take out one of it's balls. Today was a good day. Picture Below!  



Dogs are Evil

I was at work on Friday, brought my laptop in to write and everything. Halfway though the night it was time for me to get out of my nice cozy little office and walk around the park, make sure everything's still intact, no one got stabbed in the parking lot again, that all our buildings were still locked and unharmed. So I got to the playground, when I noticed a dog, just sitting there. So long story short, it seemed like it was a lost/stray dog, and every time I walked towards it it walked away



Changes. Good or Bad?

Are you the type of person who shows people you care about them by being mean to them? But wait, you're not trying to be mean, but you just end up doing it, but in a joking manner. Yet everyone takes you seriously, and it gets you wondering why you even do it in the first place, because seriously, who wants to be friends with someone who's always teasing you/ being mean to you right?   Well I am this type of person, and I'm trying to change it. It just seems like I'm pushing the people I car



Nightmares Of The Mind

I was lying on my bed with him, staring at the ceiling thinking how great thinks were going, and how this was going to be the best 4th Of July I've ever had, and then the clock strikes 12:00 making it officially 4th Of July, and everything slowly starts to go black, I can feel my body shaking but I can no longer feel him next to me. I keep blinking my eyes and I start to see green gas floating around me, I feel my body shutting down, I hear him screaming besides me and I try screaming out for hi




I got put on timeout today   I just wanted to pet the elephant, that's it I SWEAR!



Got To Draw The Line Somewhere...

She told me I couldn't take a shower this morning because I was just going to go out in the sun get all sweaty, come home and shower again... And then proceed to tell me that I'm wasting all of her mom's money, when she's the one sleeping with the a/c on all night long...   Way to make me feel like shit...   So Fine I say I'll go shower at my own house, but no that won't work for you either...   I don't mind spending all my time with you because I know you're only here for a week. I don'



And so it goes...

So there's this boy that's been hanging around the park this past month. (May) After about the first week of seeing him come in and out of our building to drink water etc, I made it a point to say Hi and etc, just because I make a habit of knowing all of the teens who hang around the park. Believe it or not their good kids, and very helpful. So we always make it a point to get to know them if they start hanging around a lot.   Anyways so he would come in, say Hi to me and we'd talk for a lit



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