How can I find stories I want to read?
There are many different ways to search through and filter the many stories on GA.
Recent Story Updates
You can see the most recently updated stories:
- In the right sidebar on the main forum page under the 'Stories' bar
- In the right sidebar of the Stories page below the Browse options
- In the main page center of Stories under the Genre list
Browse Options
You can search stories in a variety of ways:
- Newest Stories: Lists stories by when they were last updated, with the newest on top.
- Longest Stories: Lists the longest stories, sorted by length.
- Story Title: Lists stories sorted alphabetically by title. *Search field on screen left above stories allows searches by specific title.
- Category: Lists all categories and their sub-categories. Stories are sorted by date posted, most recent to oldest.
- Genres: Lists all story genres on GA. Stories are sorted by date posted, most recent to oldest.
- Prolific Authors: Lists Authors on site based on total word count, most prolific to least.
- Authors: Lists Authors on site based alphabetically by author name. *Search field above Authors allows searches by specific author name.
- Advanced Search: Allows readers to fully customize search for stories fitting specific parameters. Fill in any/all fields specific to reader needs. To choose categories, genres, ratings, etc... uncheck the 'any' box and then select preferred options. More than one option can be chosen in each search option. Click Search. Stories are listed by most recent update.
- Advanced Options: Additional browse options-peer reviewed, editors, beta readers, series, shortest stories, longest stories, top read, top reviewed, prolific reviewers.
- Premium Stories: Lists Premium content available by subscription only. Stories listed by most recent to oldest.
Top Stories
Stories sorted by number of likes received. Results available by week, month, year, all time.
Top Authors:
Authors sorted by number of chapters posted. Results available by week, month, year, all time.
Searching by specific title:
Use the Title option in the Browse menu. The search field on the left side of the screen will auto-generate titles as you type it in. Select it as soon as you see the one you want.
Searching by specific author name:
Use the Authors option in the Browse menu. The search field on the left side of the screen will auto-generate author names as you type it in. Select it as soon as you see the one you want.