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Thank you Australia and New Zealand!


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Saturday marks the 4th anniversary of the hurricane Katrina disaster that so completely trashed Mississippi and Louisiana that new maps had to be made.


We had volunteers come to help from all over the United States. Thanks guys- Mississippians have a tradition of helping out during disasters in other states so- we've got your back if/when you need it.


I want to single out a bunch of very special volunteers that came and stayed for months. They were Australians and New Zealanders and they were magnificent!


They helped in every imaginable way: they helped the injured, they helped the homeless, they helped feed us, they helped calm us. They were here for us when we felt the most alone.


In talking to them I soon discovered that many, perhaps most of them, had spent months helping out after the Christmas Tsunami.


After Katrina, Mississippi and Louisiana were hot, smelly miserable places. The stench of death and decay was everywhere. In many places roads were washed out. Electricity was out for months. The smell of dead animals and decaying food from ruined freezers made everything smell horrible.


These people chose to come and endure the hardships to help us when we needed it the most.


We will never forget them.


-A Grateful Mississippian

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