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The Winter Olympics

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I really enjoyed the opening ceremonies. There was something so, well, Canadian, about the way things went off perfectly until the very end, when that one arm refused to extend. Gives our Northern friends something to apologize for.biggrin.gif (If it was in the US, there would already be a Congressional Investigation into the contractors/workers, who would undoubtedly be discovered to have ties to Al Qaeda, in which case we could sent them off to some Polish camp for interrogation.tongue.gif)


I thought the standing ovation the Georgians got was nice. Did you see that luge accident that killed their athlete? That was pretty scary.

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I really enjoyed the opening ceremonies. There was something so, well, Canadian, about the way things went off perfectly until the very end, when that one arm refused to extend. Gives our Northern friends something to apologize for.biggrin.gif (If it was in the US, there would already be a Congressional Investigation into the contractors/workers, who would undoubtedly be discovered to have ties to Al Qaeda, in which case we could sent them off to some Polish camp for interrogation.tongue.gif)


I thought the standing ovation the Georgians got was nice. Did you see that luge accident that killed their athlete? That was pretty scary.



I missed the opening ceremonies! sad.gif But I did hear about the luge athlete. And NBC actually ran the video which in my opinion was very thoughtless and without tact. They also showed the paramedics doing CPR on the guy when everyone knew the guy didn't make it. I mean really? I hate it when coporate heads make a decision to up ratings than think about the people they are exploting. They were thinking about themselves and not of others. Which reminds me of the Congressional interview of I believe Google (on Google's censorship in China... if I remember the right documentary)... I want to ask the person in charge who okayed the video what the congressmen asked the Google executives... if you were housing Ann Frank and the Nazis came knocking at your door demanding for her would you hand her over?


Eh and sorry I'm not trying to make this post political... Yes I want to see the opening ceremonies!!! To revert the subject back!

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