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Joe Paterno Resigns


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Typical of the NCAA to go well over the top- unless you are an elite SEC school.


The pervert is in jail and the coaches and administrators have all been fired.


The NCAA is re-flogging a horse that isn't getting any deader.

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I'm inclined to think that at some point, one of the punishment bodies involved here will just flat out try to have Penn State shut down completely.


I think you're not entirely far off. In any event, Penn State is lucky they have a billion dollar endowment, because most of that is probably going to go towards all the litigation.


As the largest school in Pennsylvania, it has a such an impact on the regional economy that it'll be interesting to see what happens.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I think that the fear of negative press or NCAA reprisals has led many schools to bury evidence about violations and/or player behavior. I am speculating here, but I think Paterno convinced them that it was in the best interest of Penn State to keep things quiet. I've heard a lot of people talk about JoePa's integrity and state that he ran a clean program. This makes me question if his program was ever that clean, or did they know how to keep people quiet in Happy Valley.



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PSU'S Appeal


I agree with the 60 million fine and the 4-year Bowl ban, but it's really unfair to all of the student-athletes who worked so hard at Penn State during the 1998 to 2011 period to have all those wins taken away from them.

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It's pretty simple. Sandusky did his job well. He was a respected part of PSU. Paterno didn't want to believe that someone he knew so well could do something like that. Paterno in the end, wanted to protect the university's rep. He had a lot of power and he used it to do just that, protect PSU. Bad decision.

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