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obsessive analysis

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Howdy from Iowa, I'm Chris, and I like everything.   Well, almost everything.   We can be friends, maybe.  You have any pizza?

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I know a little about a lot, and then there are some things that I know a lot about, so I have a tendency to lecture when people ask me about them. I can go on for ten minutes about linguistics or political ideologies, or musical theory. I know to stop talking when people start leaving. :P

My thinking is tangential, my obsessive analysis led me to this conclusion. I say this because I do not let people walk away until I release them. So when "people start leaving" I need to try harder.

I like to play "conversational entrapment" (I make up terms, it's my quotability factor), I find it interesting how long you can keep someone in conversation after they say their goodbyes. It is to the point now, that the other person says "OK I am leaving" and I am like "cool, I have to leave too, I am going to..." Hah!! and I have trapped you again.

The real trick is to bait them with their conversational trigger, then sit back, listen, and smirk. Once they notice the trap (people i talk to notice, but i still get them every time, lol),

"aargh, STOP it"

"stop what?"

"u know, u r doing that on purpose"

"am I?"

"I am leaving for real this time"

"where r u going?"

"I told you, you know I have to ..."


It's a skill, the ability to talk about basically nothing for long periods of time. Most conversations are about nothing, the purpose more so communion rather than communication.

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Yup, tangential.  Desultory.  Trifling even.  I suppose everyone has their quirks.  One of mine is getting people to see a side of an issue they would rather ignore.  Sometimes they appreciate it and sometimes they don't.  Either way, the idea is to get them to think outside their normal boundaries.  When I want to talk just for the sake of talking, I like it to be mutual.  If someone has other priorities then I respect that and find someone else to talk to.  I suppose that's got something to do with not being 99 years old.  It may also have something to do with not being 12 as well.  Either way, I like the differences I see among people.  It's one of the things that truly makes the world an interesting place.  :)

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I have been around long enough to recognize I can only be accountable for so much. If peoples priorities are not prioritized, perhaps they have a false view of what they value. I respect them too much to allow them to continue delude themselves.

"Normal" ha! Peoples bind their thoughts with the premise that normalcy exists. Normal is a myth, a statistical anomaly, an average of extremes where no "in between" exist.

Quirky, I suppose that is me, but of course if normal is a myth can I really be odd...

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Why hallo thar! 

I'm Freddy or fredz(s) depending on how much you can be bothered not to type.
I'm long winded, illogical, crazy, easily distracted... 

i enjoy games, writing stories, even if i spell horrifically and never publish any. And my goal in life is to become a director!

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Hi, I'm aditus.


Theoretically I've been around here for a while, but didn't do much until lately. I'm a scientist, which according to my friends, is the reason for my strange behaviour sometimes, whatever that means.

I write, but don't like uploading the same stories on different sites, so I wait till inspiration strikes me (or my muse loves me again, he's a fickle thing) to post my first story here on GA.

I like dogs, Italian food, cities close by the water and listening to strange conversations.

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