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$900,000 mistake


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Read this article... it is interesting. It is here.


"I've spoken to the bear's owner and he is not very pleased at all," Medley said.


Well, of course he is 'not very pleased at all' a dog ate his $75,000 stuffed bear, that he isntrusted to them.


This whole thing seems bizzare. Who has a dog guard stuffed bears. Dogs chew things, they loved stuffed animals. This is really odd.



Kurt :D

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Holy crap, I needed that! Who the hell buys a $75,000 teddy bear that is almost 100 years old, when you can buy for $19.99 at the mall brand new??



Oh right, they're British... that explains everything *hides from the Brits on this forum*


Lol, I kid! I kid!

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Hey, you wanna know what I don't get? Why the hell do they have a guard dog at a children's museum? :blink: I understand about valueables, but what if that dog went psycho on a kid?? :blink::(

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Well, the dog is probably only there after hours, but why would have a dog guarding stuffed animals anyways? Dogs are known to chew on them...




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Or asked me to watch your Mocha Moolatte or Java Chip Frappacino. 0:)


"What are you talking about it was full when you left? It was empty! I was wondering why you asked me to hold an empty glass." 0:)

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