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Homosexuality, Bedwetting, and Mental Disorders


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Some days, it feels like we're taking one step forward, and two steps back.


Considering what they changed it from (mental disorder) I guess it is progress.


Of course, compared to some of the folks in my area, calling it a mental disorder is downright charitable.

To quote my former State Representative, said while in office a couple of years ago: "The perversion that follows homosexuality is bestiality and then human sacrifice and cannibalism."

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I am presuming he has personal knowledge of that. :rolleyes:


Seriously, guys, even though sometimes it may not feel like it, as the over 50 crowd here can tell you things have changed for the better since the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the "mental illness" category in 1973. Prior to that time, a gay person could be (and many were) involuntarily committed to mental institutions by family members and subjected to whatever "treatments" were currently in vogue, such as forced lobotomies.


Within ten years, and maybe sooner, I firmly believe that gay marriage will be legal in most if not all states (the reason I put it that way is that I'm not too sure about my former state of residence, Mississippi, or its neighbors ... it may take them a bit longer.) In the U.S., being gay will be a neutral event ... neither bad nor good, just something that is, like having brown hair or beng left-handed.



I can't wait til that day arrives.

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To quote my former State Representative, said while in office a couple of years ago: "The perversion that follows homosexuality is bestiality and then human sacrifice and cannibalism."

I am presuming he has personal knowledge of that. :rolleyes:

That wasn't even one of her more noteworthy pronouncements! Hmmmm, I think I know who my next blog post will be about. :wacko:


Seriously, guys, even though sometimes it may not feel like it, as the over 50 crowd here can tell you things have changed for the better since the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the "mental illness" category in 1973. Prior to that time, a gay person could be (and many were) involuntarily committed to mental institutions by family members and subjected to whatever "treatments" were currently in vogue, such as forced lobotomies.


Within ten years, and maybe sooner, I firmly believe that gay marriage will be legal in most if not all states (the reason I put it that way is that I'm not too sure about my former state of residence, Mississippi, or its neighbors ... it may take them a bit longer.) In the U.S., being gay will be a neutral event ... neither bad nor good, just something that is, like having brown hair or being left-handed.



It wasn't all that long ago that being left-handed was considered something that could and should be "cured". even in the 70's it was common to try and train children to "fix" it. Going back a little further, the word "sinister" is forever tied to the left-handed, becuase sinister, in Latin, means "left". In many cases this and other connections resulted in left-handedness being considered satanic. So, the left-handed faced religious stigma in many cases (sound familiar?)


Interestingly, the percentages of left-handed people roughly equate to the estimates of homosexuality in the general population, including a larger incidence in males than females.


So, in my opinion, the day isn't too far away when being gay will be as accepted as being left-handed. (and lets face it, for most aspects of life, it is about as irrelevant).

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Of course, compared to some of the folks in my area, calling it a mental disorder is downright charitable.

To quote my former State Representative, said while in office a couple of years ago: "The perversion that follows homosexuality is bestiality and then human sacrifice and cannibalism."


Well yeah, and hanging around other gay people makes you gay, just like being around tall people makes you tall.


I think they need to realize....the particualr method of sexual action referenced by the term "doggy" and the other type(s) of sexual action referenced by the term "eating" don't refer to either actual animals or cannibalism.



LOL- beast-iality. I might get laid. :)



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