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Daja Vu science

The Reaper

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Hey, i just got back from watching Daja Vu staring Denzel Washington and some thoughts came to mind. In the movie they had some really advanced (fakeish) technology, but after contemplating it for a while some of it started to seem a tad plausible! I remembered some topic on here while ago about some space/time physics and you all seemed very, VERY educated on the subject. So i got to thinking, where would i go to find out if any of this stuff from the movie was even possible/plausible; and then it hit me like a brick.....GA!


(if any of you haven't seen the movie and dont want it to be spoiled then DO NOT read any farther lol)













For those who haven't seen the movie ill try to explain what some of the technology was (im no rocket scientist so forgive my crude explanation). A bomb went off in the movie and the police were looking at the footage and it was some new technology called WHITE GHOST, i think. This technology was a fluke test trial with some telescope stuff, and it enabled them to look at the past. They talked about bending the fold of time so the light and all that good stuff was to be seen sooner and at a higher quality (in the movie they used folding a piece of paper as the easy analogy).


But using some Einstein (and other) theories, they were able to project small amounts of dead mass through the fold of time and appear in the past. They were looking at the screen that displayed what they were seeing and Denzel used a laser pointer on the screen and the girl on the screen saw the beam and flipped out. They then said that some electrical pulses (the same used by organs and the brain) were able to be sent back by use of some alien looking transmitter. When the guys in the movie sent back a piece of paper, they had to speed up the particles (idk if it was the particles but they sped up something) to be able to send it back. Then later in the movie towards the end they sent Denzel back in time by some grace of god stuff but im not to worried that that is possible so dont even bother with it unless u really want to lol.


If anyone has seen the movie you probably know what im talking about better than i do (i had a few drinks before hand but i wasn't doma or anything). So i was just wondering if anyone knows what im talking about and could maybe clarify if ANY of this is plausible/possible. I would greatly appreciate if anyone would post because the add/ocd in me is going crazy trying to figure this out. And if you dont understand my explanation (idk if anyone will lol) just pm me or something and ill try to explain it better...........or go watch the movie ( i recommend this movie to anyone, it was fantastic/creepy).





Always thinking and asking,


Ian ^_^

Edited by The Reaper
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According to Einstien's theory of special relativity, time flows at different rates within gravitational fields.


For example an observer watching something enter the event horizon of a black hole, a few seconds would elapse. From the point of view of the object going down the drain, time would appear to move very slowly.


I can't think of anything else that effects the flow of time and nothing that would allows you to look backwards.


However- telescopes looking into very deep space see astronomical events and objects that existed billions of years ago. This is a consequence of the speed of light and the distances involved.


In theory, a telescope a "light week" away could see things as they happened a week ago. Problem is that no telescope has resolution enough to get useful images at that distance and those images would take a week to come back.


A light week is defined:


186,000 miles/second X 60 sec/min X 60 min/hr X 24 hr/day X 7 days = 1.249 X 10^11 miles or 124,900,000,000 billion miles


An astronomical unit (A.U.) is defined as the distance from the earth to the sun or 92,956,000 miles. It takes light from the sun ~8 minutes 20 seconds to get to earth.


A "light week" is about 1343.6465 AUs whereas the distance to Pluto is ~ 40 AUs.

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