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The Oscars


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Ok, I know "just about everyone" watches the Oscars. Yeah, so did I. But...I want to know who paid more attention to the Red Carpet show than the presentations. Did you sit there and comment on the dresses and suits? Or, worse, did you sit there AFTER the show and chat with someone online while looking at pics of those dresses and suits...and end up sounding like a bargain basement version of Joan Rivers? *hangs head in shame* I am actually doing that NOW, as I type this. If you want to confess your shame, feel free to post which ones you liked and which ones made you laugh your ass off--and which ones had you wondering WTF was she/he thinking?


[EDIT: Apparently they keep adding pics so the links don't link to the right pics--but if you get there, there is a place you can select the person you want to see]


I liked JLo's dress.

JLo's dress


I thought Faye Dunaway was wearing something that looked like someone ran out of fabric and pieced it together--from the lining of a coffin.

Faye Dunaway's dress


And poor Peter O'Toole (whom I admire) looked like he was dressed by someone who definitely did NOT like him.

Peter O'Toole's suit


Jennifer Hudson's dress definitely struck me as a 'WTF was she thinking' dress. The dress itself was nice and looked better on her than it did on the model (go here and scroll down--the model looks like a Bride of Dracula), but the silver jacket thing looked like wings, at best, and like it didn't fit, at worst.

Jennifer Hudson's dress

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What was it like a bow attach to her dress?




It wasnt attached separately, it was part of the dress. But yeah, it was on her right shoulder and her hair was all to the left and OMG she looked amazing.




She is on the left for those who dont know Hollywood hehe.





I think her dress was Versace but im not too sure on that one.

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I think her dress was Versace but im not too sure on that one.


It was Balenciaga.


Jennifer Hudson looked so stunning throughout the season. Too bad she did that hideous shiny thing on the big night.

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Well, I don't watch TV so obviously I saw neither the awards nor the red carpet event; however I do have a couple of quick comments:


1) I think suits and tuxedos are unflattering on just about all attractive/average guys. I suppose it's the jacket I most object to; it makes everyone look unflatteringly balky and succeeds in hiding some of the best features. In general though I think all aspects of the classic suit/tux ensamble detract from guys who actually look half decent to begin with.


Vests are cute though and if the shirt and pants are sleek and form-fitting one can still "dressed up" without becoming asexual (which is what essentially happens in traditional suits and tuxedos as far as I'm concerned)


Frankly I think the tux was created to make the man fade into the background so that all attention would shift to his bride/date. I think the only reason so many people seem to like the tux/suit look is because they've been conditioned to.


2) I thought Nicole Kidman, and the dress, both looked fantastic.



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1) I think suits and tuxedos are unflattering on just about all attractive/average guys. I suppose it's the jacket I most object to; it makes everyone look unflatteringly balky and succeeds in hiding some of the best features. In general though I think all aspects of the classic suit/tux ensamble detract from guys who actually look half decent to begin with.



What your thinking of, is a suit that a man who doesnt have the right size suit wears lol. Go pic up an issue of GQ or Mens Vouge (my two fav mags lol). 1. to get an idea of a good suit. and 2. to look at the cute guy IN the suit (my thing to do).



Also, if anyone has the latest version of Mens Vouge, check out the ETRO suit. IDK what page its on but i LOVE that suit...........or maybe it was in the newest GQ..........hmmmmmm.

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Nicole Kidman would look fabulous if she wore... well, anything. Cause she's just cool like that.


I happen to like guys in formal wear, I think it's cute... but Kevvers is right, the jacket does take something away, and I do prefer just the vest. :)

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I hate Hollywood. Stuff like the Oscars makes me want to puke.


When they get together and pat themselves on the back after yet another long, hard year of producing mediocre and trite crap, it's a real barf-fest.


It doesn't matter what they wear, they are cheap plastic soul-less automatons underneath.

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I hate Hollywood. Stuff like the Oscars makes me want to puke.


When they get together and pat themselves on the back after yet another long, hard year of producing mediocre and trite crap, it\'s a real barf-fest.


It doesn\'t matter what they wear, they are cheap plastic soul-less automatons underneath.




Yes yes yes, we all know that the media and movies are just filler to distract peoples attention away form the governments mishandlings but i cant get into that here lol. I dont care if he is soulless (like me, a ginger), Leo still looked DAMN good when he walked through that door.

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What your thinking of, is a suit that a man who doesnt have the right size suit wears lol. Go pic up an issue of GQ or Mens Vouge (my two fav mags lol). 1. to get an idea of a good suit. and 2. to look at the cute guy IN the suit (my thing to do).

Also, if anyone has the latest version of Mens Vouge, check out the ETRO suit. IDK what page its on but i LOVE that suit...........or maybe it was in the newest GQ..........hmmmmmm.

I've seen quite a few attractive men in "attractive" suits, and I still think they'd look better in something else. I don't care how well the suit fits, suits are by nature bulky and bulky just doesn't work for me. The high fashion, modern, tailor-made suits DO look MUCH better, but the guy would still look more attractive (IMO) if he lost the jacket and added a little flare to the rest of the ensemble. To me suits add at least 10 years and 10 pounds to almost anyone who puts them on (well anyone under 45 and not already "big" anyway).


Actually I also thought Leo - whom I do consider quite attractive normally - looked really cruddy on Oscar night. I do blame the suit and his hair style for that.


Hair styles are another point. Unfortunately I find that I often hate what both men and women do with their hair when they try to make it especially nice. Leo is a good example of the guys. An even better example is Kate Winslett. I think she's a pretty woman, but I saw a picture of how she had her hair fixed on the "big night", and I thought it made her look like an ugly guy. Some fancy hair styles do work, but regrettably I often find myself thinking "Wow this attractive person managed to find both the least flattering clothes and hair style for this special occasion!"


Of course I keep my mouth tightly shut about this, and accept and realize that I really am in the minority when it comes to this opinion. Most people do like formal wear and hair...I don't.


Okay fashion bitchiness off :P

-Kevin :boy:

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