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My hotmail account is playing up at the moment. I've recieved messages from other email account providers saying I've emailed people with attachments containing viruses. :blink: ?????


So if any of you recieve an email from me with an attachment delete it immediately.


Also for those reading my stories I have uni exams over the next few weeks so I won't be writing at all, I'll post the next chapter of 'Tears of Blood' tonight and that will be it.


Thanks, -{BM}-

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Hi Guys, I don't know if this helps you. but my friends and I have a system. When we send an attachment we say so in the subject line. So for example I would send an email with the subject "Hey Jim ATCH" the virus writers haven't picked on that yet.


The other thing I have, is several different e-mail addresses and all my addresses are in each of my contact lists. That way, if I do get an e-mail worm, my own machine sends itself e-mails with attachments! (I notice things like that!! tee hee)


Hope thats of some use to y'all :2hands:

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Thanks for the warning BM. Also, for hotmail users. I you see an email in your box from someone you don't know that is really large, like over 100K, delete it. Chances are it has a virus in it. I found out the hard way once. :(


Tkae care, :)

Mike :sword:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jamieanderson

OK, with reference to the base note of this string, here is how it happened.


Viruses go into your address list and then send replications of themselves to everyone on the list. However the latest ones have a new twist, they also pick uo the subject fields from your Emails and they use all the addresses that they pick up as fake "from" addresses.


So once your Email address gets into a virus, not only do you get plagued with copies of the virus, you also get plagued with auto mailers claiming that you sent them a virus.


At no point did your PC ever need to have a virus on it for this to happen.



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