What ever this quest maybe, our four seem destined to right any wrongs that they encounter. This charred boy though was really an amazing save, I hope it all works out for him. Great chapter, thank you.
Are these last attacks just luck (destiny yes, but not directed by the dark creature). All have now been tested and not found wanting. Does Arthur some how sense his impending death, I hope not. Great chapter, thank you.
And so the quest continues, their ranks now swollen to four. Will they have time to train him before the next encounter with darkness. Great chapter, thank you.
A simply great chapter. The creation of a weapon for George yes, but the more so for the forces of the Light. The power and willingness to help and to heal a friend. Thank you.
George has been blooded. Now they know if need be he can kill. It is a milestone, but a little sad. What is our gnomish creature planning on doing next, where and how will he strike? Great chapter, thank you.
The old man toasted, the dark elf roasted. Two down, who or what will this gnomish creature send next? How does he trail them. Who is he? Great chapter, thank you.
To never be able to settle down, forced to move and worse, never to know where destiny will force you to go. Our heroes have a hard life ahead of them. Will there ever be an end to their wanderings? Great chapter, thank you.
How did the old elf find them, if the dark elf is still looking for them. If I go by the Poltergeist chapter "THEY" (who ever they are) want both of our heroes. Why, Who, need more answers! Great chapter, thank you.
Finally, some back ground. I'm still having a hard time figuring out exactly why are they after him. What threat was he to the princes' well being? Who are 'they'? Great chapter, thank you.
Now he has arrows that can kill, is this a sign of things to come. That dark elf is persistent and still on the trail. Where will destiny them lead now? Great chapter, thank you.
Is this dark elf the mirror who ate the boys' liver or one of his followers. If he is after George, that would mean , George is mage of the light, like his knight. Great chapter, thank you.
You posted this story years ago. As those before me, now at this time, I salute you on giving me a great read. I so look forward to the rest of this tale.
So now its a three way and Caroline of course. One of their allies screwed them for food. Now they save another from capture. Amazing how war mimics life so closely. Great chapter, thank you.
Things can't always be rosy. Food, one of those sad necessities in life. Granger might be able to live on lust, but the rest (most) would starve to death. Good chapter, thank you.
Success in battle and a prize allows him to get rid Carmody along with any bad apples in the crew, good timing and lucky. Now they are set, his crew and ship confirmed and tested, on to India. Great chapter, thank you.
George has set his style of commanding down. Hope fully all will fall into step with it. Fitzwilliam became the first to test this and probably would not be the last. Of more concern is Carmody, what to with this major threat with maybe a year at sea yet to travel, but solve it he must and quickly. Great chapter, thank you.