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Everything posted by sandrewn

  1. sandrewn

    Chapter 22

    Humphreys, Lennox and Jackson (who of course was merely medicinal). I suppose there is time for everything else that has to be done. Once again, caution and a keen eye saved them from probable destruction. Now who could it be on this boat that George has recognized. Great chapter, thank you.
  2. sandrewn

    Chapter 21

    The shoe dropped (both actually) Calvert and Fitzwilliam gone. Cavendish I guess is new meat and he can play (an instrument). How will George amuse himself now? Is there more bad stuff to come? great chapter, thank you.
  3. sandrewn

    Chapter 20

    Another quiet chapter, with a shiny medal added. Another 10,000 for the kitty. Some thing must be about to happen, what, what? Good chapter, thank you.
  4. sandrewn

    Chapter 19

    A happy home coming. Then given orders the next day to depart shortly for The West Indies. Arthur and Francis in his house, this bound to cause a problem. What will, could Caroline do, she didn't look to pleased with Francis. So much has gone right, we are due for a problem or two. Great chapter, thank you.
  5. sandrewn

    Chapter 18

    His officers insanely happy over their prize money. The high for George of meeting Travers, the low of learning of Michels death. Then up again with Caroline being due. Incentive to get home, frustrated by bad weather. Last but not least saving the Head of Holland, Not your typical average trip home, but then again George is proving to be an extraordinary Captain. Great chapter, thank you.
  6. sandrewn

    Chapter 17

    Stuck here, then striking a bargain with Bertie, to getting him home. Brilliant, plus his money back, saving Berglands' career and a promise from Bertie to stop his dealings with the French. Then disaster, loosing Calvert. Then Jacksons' (devious Doctor) ingenious plan of the fever flag. A happy ending and beginning to a trip home. Great chapter, thank you.
  7. sandrewn

    Chapter 16

    Bertie, the cause of his wilcox problems. Now responsible or rather having a large part in this clandestine scheme with the French against our Dutch allies. What to do about it and with Bertie. Georges' life is full of complications. Great chapter, thank you.
  8. sandrewn

    Chapter 15

    Barney definitely saved the day. Now warned, the problem was taken care of. How to get the Rattlesnake back and complete his mission? Great chapter, thank you.
  9. sandrewn

    Chapter 14

    They (those Wilcoxs) are like fleas (or is that lice) hard to get rid of. Bertie living it up, Hobart oiling (it) up George (literally). Wilcox sending him out to find Rattlesnake. Off on his own again, what will he find, will he find Rattlesnake? He will need all of his luck this time in order to succeed. Great chapter, thank you.
  10. sandrewn

    Chapter 13

    A quiet chapter, some deaths, some promotions. These kind of chapters are needed, even if not as appreciated. A good chapter, thank you.
  11. sandrewn

    Chapter 12

    All the pieces came together and George has another feather for his cap. Calvert getting wounded put a damper on his celebrations, but I'm sure will to be able to help make up for it when he recovers. Is there a breather now, with George, I doubt it. Great chapter, thank you.
  12. sandrewn

    Chapter 11

    His plan a stunning success and now a chance to lure this frigate back to the convoy and to take her out to, with the Rattlesnakes' guns. Bold as brass, but will his luck hold out. Great chapter, thank you.
  13. sandrewn

    Chapter 10

    A young Captain and a daring plan. A mix for a smashing success or total disaster. So far all is going as expected. Murphys' Law now comes into play, what can go wrong, will go wrong. Great chapter, thank you.
  14. sandrewn

    Chapter 9

    Kiss and makeup, good for George. Now they are cut loose and on their way. Just exactly how to do it, is what he has to figure out. Getting help from men like Hercules, is what a smart Captain should do and makes them a success. Great chapter, thank you.
  15. sandrewn

    Chapter 8

    A relatively quiet chapter, except for the little bit (hah)of tension between George and his 1st Lt. Back out to sea for more adventures, come what may. Great chapter, thank you.
  16. sandrewn

    Chapter 7

    George has a happy crew of shellbacks. He made it to the convoy (and made it with the convoy Cmdr). Now he has a mission (his first) and has to figure out how to accomplish it. Great chapter, thank you.
  17. sandrewn

    Chapter 6

    Quick thinking and a clever ruse, saves the Spanish frigate, without a shot being fired. What a difference from their last experience in provisioning. Then the icing on the cake, a reward of gold for their help. Just the beginning of the voyage and already profits galore. Great chapter, thank you.
  18. sandrewn

    0300 Book 2

    You were right, most of my questions were answered. This was a fantastic continuation of Book 1. Now having having completely taken control of my expectations, I fervently hope you carry on with this masterful tale. I and others I am sure have become dependent. Thank you ever so much.
  19. The second shortest chapter and like the first just as meaning full. The forces of Light from three universes are come together as one to do battle with and vanquish the Dark. Their shield is the cause which is just. Their sword is the belief in the right. Let the battle begin. Thank you for this most exciting and interesting story.
  20. Pauls' dream is coming true, being able to finally control the veil he so often cursed for his loneliness. Now they are able to hope for the acceptance they had all wished for. Will there be time enough before events escalate once more? Great chapter, thank you.
  21. The enemy from within has been taken care of. A truly combined op by tri-universe elements. Now they can concentrate with going forward without that distraction. What does the future hold for them, will dreams become a reality? Great chapter, thank you.
  22. This tribute to the fallen, has more than anything else so far, forged a bond between all the parties that will never be broken, a true brotherhood. This chapter was shorter than all of the rest but more meaning full than most before it. Great chapter, thank you.
  23. Everyone is now on the same page. The game plan has been laid out and end goals for each and all identified. With direction in place the big unknown remains how long will all of this take and will all be able to go or be able to find home. Great chapter, thank you.
  24. 20 years old and responsible for the whole ball of wax, what could possibly go wrong? I just have to sit back and continue reading, I don't know what to comment on. Great chapter, thank you.
  25. Well at least now there is a chance to open a rift (the right one) to get them home. What is Davis about to lay on them? Questions? Great chapter, thank you.
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