While some of his friends have a plethora of interests, I see Brad trying things and being done with them. I doubt he'll be in the public eye for long. He strikes me as the type to concentrate on a couple of things and ignore the noise surrounding him.
I'm glad my little story's caught your attention. If nothing else, it should provide a distraction while we're all sitting around with lots of time on our hands. The banter between the characters is based on how my brothers and our friends interact. Expect lots of cussing. LOL
Althoug the story's about CJ, Brett and Cesar will play a prominent role. Hell, I like those two so much, there'll be a story starring them in the future.
They're not perfect, though. Expect a few screw ups along the way.
Sometimes dark clouds do have silver linings. CJ's abrupt and unexpected change may just light a spark in him, helping him flourish in his new surroundings.
Welcome to the CJ family! It's good to have another Kiwi around.
CJ's a scared kid at this point, but you'll see him grow as we follow him. I'm not big on teen angst, so there won't be a lot of it. I think my inexperience as an author fits the early chapters by making my ackward dialogue fit his age. Hope you enjoy the trip(s) coming your way.
Poor Brad and poor Cristina. It took him losing his legs and her divorcing an abusive husband to get where they are. They're in their early 20s, so they have plenty of time to figure out where they're going.
Thank you! I always enjoy your comments; whether on my stories on other authors' work.
Like most of my work, I draw inspiration from real life. Except for Alaska, Florida has more miles of coastline than any other state. Unlike Alaska's, most of ours is lined with sandy beaches and accesible. The litter problem is huge, and beach cleanups are common. I hope future generations can enjoy the Florida Keys the way I did while growing up. It's up to us to teach the Liebes of the world how to behave.
I think this is the first time anything I've written has been labeled heart wrenching. LOL
My goal was to show Brad battling and overcoming challenges. Sheer determination can often help us surmoung difficult times.
Thanks you!
Thanks, Jeff!
I try to personalize dialogue to each individual. Small nuances aren't always noticeable, but I hope sometimes a word or two will spark recognition of who the speaker is without having to name the character. Glad you enjoy it.
I plan to provide updates on Brad and Cristina in future stories. The one I'm currently working on has Chipper in it and we learn a bit more about what he's doing after Singer.
Thanks, Tony. You captured the essence of what I was trying to convey. Brad has support from friends and family, and a rich buddy who can help provide most of what he would need. But it comes down to determination. To seeing himself fail, picking himself up, and trying again. I always marveled when I watched Georgetown student athletes run up and down those damn stairs as part of their training. Couldn't imagine how tough they would bee for someone with artificial legs. Those suckers are steep!
I've been laughing all morning at the comments and memes my brothers and sisters-in-law have been sharing in the family chat.. Because there's a slight political tilt to the funnies, I can't share them on GA. But, if you google Clorox Chewables and Lysol Inhalers...
April 2022
Following the Good Morning America appearance, Brad carried his luggage to brunch with Cristina and Carolina. He had requested a train ride home to Washington when the television network flew him to New York, and he hailed a cab to Penn Station after the meal was over. Though Amtrak took a bit longer than flying, comfort and convenience trumped speed. Going through airport security was an ordeal with his prostheses.
Replying to emails, texts, and social media posts w
Thanks for reading!
Helping the environment doesn't always have to involve massive plans and tons of money. Sometimes, a family cleaning up the beach or park they frequent is just as important. Stay safe, my friend.
Trying to do my part. I figure if I can entertain people for a few minutes every week, I can help readers forget about our current madness for that little time. Thanks, bud.
I can't thank or credit you, your sister, and your kids enough for the encouragement and comments. If you compare the final product with what you read, I incorporated all the suggestions. I do know a couple of graphic artists who could tackle the illustrations. Steve Olken is one and of course @Mann Ramblings. Mann could be my editor, illustrator, and agent.