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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. I started writing again today. If I can sustain a regular schedule again, I'll try to work on another Phil & Riley adventure.
  2. It started as an idea to write something light-hearted, but I liked them too much to stop where that story did. I was working on the final chapters of Ranger while writing NYD and decided they would fit into this story.
  3. Thank you! When I created Brad, I tried to not make him as mature as some of the other 'kids' around him. Although still marching to his own drum beat, he's matured to the point his personality is at times more somber than others. I think I like the new Brad better that the drinking and skirt chasing one.
  4. I don't know. Maybe readers who dislike sports? Or don't find muscular, twenty-something professional athletes interesting?
  5. Public speaking does not come easily to most people, and Brad's one of them. He's humble enough to admit it and acknowledge he has help when writing speeches. Hopefully, this shows he's matured enought to ask for help and accept it when offered.
  6. For the longest time I had no idea of how Brad would turn out. When writing Hail to the Chief, I had to make some decisions, and I think I did well. Brad was dealt a lousy hand when his legs were blown away, but I wanted to show resilience and determination. Some of it has been inspired by USMC Corporal Alex Minsky, and some by a couple of amputees I interviewed. In my usual approach, I wanted to show him overcoming his challenges with the help of family and friends. As long as he remains focused on his new goals, I believe he can succeed. Quite a change from the teen who had no ambition while in high school.
  7. You did read the story that introduced those two right? My memory gets worst by the day. LOL If Brad at 23 is anything like I was, he probably thinks he has all the time in the world to deal with serious issues. I wish I'd spent more time with my own grandmother back then before Alzheimer's ravaged her mind. BTW, I forgot to bring it up last chapter, did you enjoy the new NYC locations I used with Brad, Cristina, and Patrick?
  8. Boss, I hope you keep these coming. I've missed the feature.
  9. Thanks, Chris. I think Brad's doing better dealing with his lack of legs than with his grandparents. I hope he doesn't regret declining Patrick's invitation to reach out.
  10. Thanks, bud. I'm enjoying writing the guys as young adults instead of teens. Although there have been public figures before, I thought it was time to introduce recurring characters constantly in the public eye. Who better that two gay NFL players? LOL Once I conceptualized Phil and Riley, I knew I would fold them into the CJverse. I hope to use them again soon. as long as readers like them.
  11. I thought of you when I decide to spin-in (if that's not a word yet I'm lobbying for it) Riley and Phil. I've been toying with an idea for another story starring those two. You think they could pull off another shot at stardom? LOL Yeah, Brad's still holding a grudge, and it probably does him no good. But I'm with Mac; I'm proud of the loyalty Brad shows his father.
  12. Thanks, bud. Next one's up. Hope you enjoy it.
  13. Carlos Hazday

    The Screenings

    May 2021 “Mom! You look gorgeous.” Brad air-kissed his mother, ensuring he did not smear her makeup. He had been warned to be careful. “And your hair looks awesome.” She had been to the salon earlier in the day and not a single strand of gray was visible. Hilary smoothed the front of her lavender dress, flattening imaginary wrinkles. “Thanks. I decided to splurge on a new spring outfit since I’m going to rub elbows with the rich and famous.” “I keep telling your mother she
  14. Carlos Hazday


    Don't make me spank you...
  15. A dog's letter to his humans... Dear Hoomans I've noticed over the past couple of weeks you have been staying in my home for extended periods of time. It's lovely having you here, but I feel I should set a few ground rules. I'd appreciate it if you would follow them while you're staying with me. 1. When you do go out you need to take me with you. 2. You seem to be eating lots of nice goodies while lazing about the house. I am entitled to a share of those! I won’t make a fuss. I'll just sit in front of you and quietly stare until I get my share! 3. Don’t call me for another bath, I'm clean now. Just because you're bored, doesn’t mean I need a wash or haircut. I suggest you go clean the metal box on wheels outside instead. Daddy human has done that a few times now even though it hasn’t moved in weeks. 4. As you're here constantly at the moment, it's your duty to let me out as often as I require. That means that even if I have just come in and want to go out again, you should let me. Sometimes I miss a spot whilst sniffing about and I need to recheck. 5. When I'm asleep, leave me sleeping. This isn’t a cue for the little humans to play with me. I can also sleep where I like, I don’t expect to be woken so you can move me. 6. Do not shush me when I am barking. As you are here more, my job of protecting you has increased. I have to listen out for every little noise and inform you of it in case it’s a threat. 7. You can't leave a room without me, I know how sneaky you guys can be. Just the other day I'm sure I heard a potato chip packet being opened upstairs and no one called me to share. So from now on I'll be following you around. 8. This is a very important rule. . . . If it lands on the floor it’s MINE and if it’s in my mouth it’s MINE. 9. You will never pee alone again, you watch me do it, so I do not understand why you shut me out and close the bathroom door when you go. 10. If you do not follow these rules I will use SAD PUPPY DOG EYES TO GET WHAT I WANT !! 🐶🐶
  16. I think the closest I've come to a warning is in my most recent story. There's a chapter called "The Suicide." I figured anyone having trouble reading about such an event could skip it. Blame Tipper Gore for starting this crap by pushing for content warning on music albums. If I find something I dislike in a story, I stop reading. Particularly when I'm reading it for free online. I neither need nor want mommy or government censors telling me what's good or bad for me. Just like I don't need anyone telling me what to write or what type of characters to include in my work.
  17. Carlos Hazday


    Can't confirm or deny since I know what comes next. Either way, I would ruin the next chapters.
  18. Carlos Hazday


    I was just paying attention to what Wolf gave us. We don't have a death certificate yet.
  19. Carlos Hazday


    Now the question's who takes over if Dorian's dead.
  20. Carlos Hazday


    Nah, I posted the first four on Nifty and then I started steering reader who wrote me to GA. I'm glad you fill lowed me and hope it was worth it.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    I remember the torches and pitchforks when a Helicopter carrying a certain Marine crashed at the end of a book.
  22. Carlos Hazday


    Don't blame me. I've tried to tell him cliffhangers are not good. It's why I never use them.
  23. I tried cross stitching a long time ago. A Monopoly board. Never finished it and the fabric had blood stains on it. My reward sometimes is permission to write something not on the schedule. I did it with both New Year's Day and Malibu.
  24. LMAO I may or may not have done something similar a couple of times.
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