I drew heavily on my own experience visiting many of those places during a 2009 trip to Oz. I fell in love with the people and the country.
You draw the result I intended about Brett's change of heart. Interacting with Owen on familiar ground helped him realize the man was okay.
Thank you! I tried to use concepts I believe in and thought CJ would echo. Not sure if I mentioned this in a previous comment, but I borrowed the structure from a dance song. LOL
Owen will be around for a few more chapters.
That's okay, you can be the first man in history to give birth. No drinking, no smoking, and healthy eating for 9 months or more aren't on my bucket list. And let's not even talk about childbirth. I'm NOT into pain!
Thanks, Dan. Unlike many other young men in gay stories, I wanted CJ to have a strong support system so he wouldn't turn into one of those shy, introverted, anguished types. His outgoing personality is a result of his fathers' grooming.
Google Maps is our friend! LOL
To this day, even when I'm writing about places I've visited, that app serves me well. In some cases, I end up moving up and down the block using Street View to catch details. Readers seem to enjoy my travelogues.
You're correct. I did try to recap a few things and will do so again a few times. Even while binge reading, the cast grows, and I want to make sure readers remain familiar with characters who'll be around for a long time.
His childhood wasn't bad, but the love he gets from his fathers is deeper. I see Lourdes as shallow and overly concerned with appearances. And yeah, I wouldn't want to be on his bad side either.
He better pick the State Department. Otherwise, my outline for a story covering his first overseas post will be worthless!
NYC I could handle living in if I had CJ's money. LA not sure I'd want to. The Pacific's way colder than the Atlantic, and earthquakes don't give you days of warning like hurricanes do.
Don't you want the same lifestyle? I do!
Not sure I'll ever go back to LA, but NYC I'd love to go every year for a few days. After meeting Defiance in April, I have another reason to visit.
I try to pick spots people might like or I'm knowledgeable about. Lately, I've been slipping in a few with 'Owen-flavor' to them. Balance for CJ's usual fixation in architecture and history.
Told ya the old guys would be back. Short appearance for the dads, but they'll return.