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  1. nighthawke

    Chapter 57

    So glad that Justin went to speak with Doc and not just hide away, got a feeling that Justin will need Docs help again sometime so it’s best that they’ve made up. He he he poor old Giro having to do a bit of broom pushing. Great chapter Comsie
  2. nighthawke

    Chapter 54

    I’m so glad Justin made it back to his friends at the lot
  3. nighthawke

    Chapter 52

    I think Justin needs to go check on his friend as the last time he saw him he was transforming over. Yep he’s done the right thing this time
  4. nighthawke

    Chapter 51

    Go boys straight for that door and don’t look back, I think Justin needs to sort out his problems with out the help of that slimy bunch of creeps........crikey if I new that someone was going to put my partner to death just because of an ancient script I would be gone so fast all you would see is the dust trail LOL. Good chapter Comsi.....again ❤️
  5. nighthawke

    Chapter 1

    I don’t think they would be my first choice of friends to share the darks hours with. Creepy bunch!!!! 🤩
  6. nighthawke

    Chapter 34

    Comsi another great treat. Somehow feel that Isaac could be the next Take away meal
  7. LOL I luv it, this made me really laugh as I could imagine the embarrassment of Robbie as he was in mid stroke only to be caught in the act. well done Dodger that was classic
  8. nighthawke

    Chapter 50

    I think it would do them both good to go back to the lot to see old friends again. Let’s hope that they are all still at the lot as sometime has now passed since Justin and Taryn left there. Justin must be carefull too as there will be hunters out looking for him still and away from the tower he will proberly be more visible to the hunters.
  9. nighthawke

    Chapter 33

    Still my favourite story too, I’m afraid poor Wesley has let his guard down too much and now he’s got a big big problem. Still he needed the sleep so his body could repair....a classic Catch 22 situation.
  10. It’s always the cute ones that get you into trouble.
  11. Like the way the team work, start of a new story that seems a good’n Com
  12. nighthawke

    Chapter 49

    Wouldn’t it be funny if Bobby turned up at the party holding hands with Jimmy, oh I am naughty lol. Another good read Comsie.
  13. nighthawke

    Chapter 32

    Nice chapter Comsie, hope he doesn’t sleep too long knowing the danger that’s behind them.
  14. nighthawke

    Chapter 48

    Justin needs to get himself and Taryn back to the car lot as this Jeweler is a crackpot pulling a stunt like that. Just wouldn’t trust the guy at all.cant Waite till the following chapter to find out what Justin does next. Well done Comsie.....still my favourite story.
  15. Robbie needs to do something about this, Rape is a hideous crime no matter who it’s done too. Yes he has led Alex on over the months but now he needs to report it to the police as Don and Sue are a total waste of time. Maybe he could speak to Nicola as he seems to get on ok with his sister. That Alex needs locking up as he seems to be so unstable. Pity he didn’t get on better at the mall with Nathan, but seems Alex has been feeding him a bunch of lies too. Was a thought provoking chapter Dodger well done mate.
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