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    In a shoe, London
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    Houses no. 14, 15 and 17. Making faces in lectures.
    Daydreams.Lazy days.Satire. True Blood Nights. Home Friends. Uni Friends.

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  1. demic

    Snow Days

    the snow's completely gone, apart from random, massive piles of dirty snow here and there. It starts to snow every now and again but doesn't settle or gets washed away by rain; it's quite upsetting lol.
  2. I don't think colour really comes into it with me, it's got more to do with them as person and my attraction to that rather skin colour. None of my friends have any problem dating different races, although alot of the kids at my secondary school found it taboo going for someone not of their own race. My dad's fine with whatever person I bring home as long they treat me right, my mum's a different story. She's not outwardly racist but was brought up in an environment where you married or had relationships with people of your own race, and even though my dad was brought in the same area in the same generation he's updated his view to current times. I never tell my mum about a guy until it's really serious and girls, well there's no point even breaching it with my mum.
  3. demic

    Snow Days

    jessiflash - That is a ridiculous amount of snow, if that was over here we would pretty much cease to exist!
  4. demic

    Snow Days

    Cool, just wanted know because for some reason the places you took pictures of look quite familiar. Or it could be the snow making it look familiar.
  5. demic

    Snow Days

    Those are actually amazing photos, I love the one with the bird feet in the snow it's well cute. What part of th UK are from?
  6. Happy Birthday!!
  7. demic

    Snow Days

  8. I'm not amazing but here... https://www.gayauthors.org/forums/index.php...si&img=1098
  9. demic

    Snow Days

    Lucky you, although I only two hours of lessons out of four as I missed the first one and the last was cancelled. I thought I would've used the snow days more constructively but it didn't really work that way. And I'd love to see some pictures, the ice that's left around outside is a little bit depressing. But it's meant to snow tomorrow, sunday and monday! . So the snow may return.
  10. demic

    Snow Days

    Yeah it would...if it snowed heavily even once a year. London and it's surrounding areas haven't had snow like this in 18 years, and I think it was a lot longer ago that it was regular to have it each year. Best thing I have heard all day, sounds like a pretty fun party
  11. demic

    Snow Days

    I know, it doesn't seem like much most of the snow has melted. That's just what hasn't completely gone in my garden. I'm back to school tomorrow , buses are running fine now the roads are gritted all there is now is just slightly dangerous bits of ice around. It's ranining tomorrow or Firday, but there may be a chance of more snow! And yes it is a Sainsbury's trolley, I completely forgot it was there until I uploaded them lol.
  12. demic

    Snow Days

    Hey I took some pictures in my back garden for now, I'll take some more when I make my way to my friend's house And yes that is a shopping trolley in one of the pictures, something my little brother brought from his travels on Monday.
  13. demic

    Snow Days

    Huh? :wacko: And Jack Frost, I live in Greater London, technically Kent which has one the worst hit areas. And the news is saying that it used to snow like this all the time in the 60's when they were able to be prepared for it, but hasn't been like this in 18 years. So that pretty much means that they haven't had to worry about heavy snow fall like this for my entire short life span, I'm not surprised we weren't prepared. For the mean time the snow is slowing up but they reckon there'll be more by thursday/friday And fyi - my schools out today, so there will be pictures later.
  14. demic

    Snow Days

    Didn't really work when we were knee deep in snow pretty much wherever we walked and that was before the snow started to get really heavy. Really wasn't expecting that much snow, out of pure sinicism that the weatherman may have been tallking out his a**e. Where I live it's really not really centimeters, I mean me and my best friend took his niece out in his back garden and over half of her got consumed by the snow and she's about 3 maybe 4 feet tall. Snow here, like I said before, is more like an hour of light dusting that melts away by the end of that day. My parents have not seen snow like this in London since they were kids and they're now 46. We Londoners are built for the weather we get the most, which is mainly rain; that we're fully prepared for. But snow... not so much.
  15. Wow just listened to the rant! How can someone go on like that about something so pathetic, his excuse is pretty poor:
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