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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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The Ocean Walk - 1. The Ocean Walk. - Part 1

The Ocean Walk.

Part 1.

Yes! That's everything, thought Joel as he finished checking his maps. He put them in their plastic envelope and stored them in the top of his pack.

He looked around for a suitable place to hide his keys, decided on the base of a small tree and buried them wrapped in a plastic bag. No one would find them and he figured they'd be safer than if he carried them anyhow.

As he shouldered his pack he had another look at the other car parked nearby. He'd already walked around, peeking in the windows for clues about who it might be, because it had been quite a surprise to find it at the end of this rough track. It looked like someone about his own age, because there were probationary licence plates. There were some surfing stickers on the back window and another sticker that looked like the foot of some animal. Oh well. Maybe he'd see them. They couldn't have left too long ago, because Joel had heard the ticking noise of the motor cooling down.

Joel climbed the locked gate and headed off along the forestry track that was the only access to this section of the coastline. For a while he was conscious of his pack and how heavy it was, and kept making small adjustments of various straps to get it seated in the most comfortable position on his back, but gradually his awareness spread to the track and the bush around him.

Tall eucalypts towered above, keeping the track in shade and making walking pleasant. With fourteen kilometres to cover before he reached the ocean the shade was very welcome, as the weather forecast said today was going to be hot.

Joel's muscles settled into an easy, relaxed style of walking and for two hours he kept going steadily, only stopping once, where the track wound down into a gully, to take his camera out for a set of shots of some tree ferns clustered there. The map showed a small river about half way to the beach and Joel was looking forward to stopping there to cook some lunch and make a billy of tea. When the track headed down steeply he knew it was close and started thinking about what he'd eat.

Hmm. Some three minutes noodles would be a good idea. They had lots of water and would be great for an energy boost.

The vegetation changed to a slightly darker green and when Joel rounded the corner he suddenly realised that he was being watched. He'd been looking for signs of who might be ahead of him but the ground was too hard and he'd seen nothing all the way. He'd been half annoyed that there was anyone at all, because after all this was a real wilderness, and half curious about who else would be interested enough to come to this area. As he approached he saw a dark featured guy looking at him with a friendly smile.

"Hi. It's a bit of a surprise to see anyone else out here."

Joel smiled back.

"Hi. That's for sure. Except I knew there was someone because of the car."

As Joel took his pack off his eyes took in the surfboard propped against a tree. He'd carried that? Joel was impressed. As Joel started getting his food out the other guy watched.

"You're cooking noodles? That's a great idea. I haven't seen anyone doing that on hikes before. The water in the creek is beautiful."

While Joel collected the water they chatted a bit and then the other guy started to fiddle with his shoelace.

"Stupid thing. It's falling to pieces. I hope it lasts."

He flashed a big grin at Joel.

"It's me who's stupid really. I didn't replace it after the last hike."

Joel could see that the lace was almost useless and remembered a piece of strong climber's cord that he'd put in one of the side pockets of his pack. He searched it out and handed it over.

"Here. Use this. It'll never wear out and I don't need it."

"Hey thanks. Are you sure? You're a real lifesaver."

The guy measured it out and used a red Swiss Army pocket-knife to cut about half of it off. Joel started a little fire and set his billy boiling while the guy threaded his bush running shoes.

"Are you stopping here for long?"

"It's time I had a break so probably about half an hour."

"Right. Well I'll keep going because I want to get to do some surfing today, but I might see you later on. I'm Jarrad by the way."

"I'm Joel."

They shook hands and Joel felt a rush of energy at the warm strong grip. He watched quietly as Jarrad shouldered his pack, picked up his surfboard and set off with a smile and a cheery, "See you."

As soon as Jarrad left a hundred questions went through Joel's mind. Why hadn't he talked more? Well, if they met again he decided he would make sure of that. The noodles tasted delicious and they were followed by half a billy of tea, then a relaxing lie down with his runners off for about a quarter of an hour.

With his pack on his back again Joel set off. The first section felt like hard work because the track climbed to the ridge before levelling out, but then his muscles were back into work mode and he walked steadily for several hours till he neared the ocean. His spirits lifted as a feeling of pleasure and excitement ran through him at the sight of the deep blue water, and then after a ten minute scramble through the bush to the sand, he reached his first major goal of the day.

Ocean. Waves. Solitude.

Wonderful. Off came his pack, off came his runners, and after a look in each direction, so did everything else. A quick dash across the burning sand, water spraying in all directions from his burst of speed in the shallows, and then an exuberant yell of protest at the shock of diving through the cold crest of a small wave, finished as Joel jumped in the air before submerging and then coming up to float. For five minutes he swam and dived through the waves before heading back to his gear.

As Joel hiked along the hard sand near the water, he hoped there'd be plenty of time for a longer swim at the spot he'd picked on the map for his first camp. An hour later he was nearing the end of the beach, and looking for a suitable spot to climb back up to the forestry track, when he noticed Jarrad's dark red backpack lying on the sand.

Yes. There he was, on his board, waiting for a wave. Joel dropped his pack and sat for a while watching to see how Jarrad handled his surfboard. He expected him to be good for some reason, but when a decent wave came along, Joel realised that he was watching an expert. As the wave died, Jarrad dropped to a sitting position and Joel saw him lift his arm in greeting, then start paddling towards the shore. When he reached the shallows he picked up the surfboard and trotted towards Joel.

"Hi. I just saw you. Were you waiting for me to come out?"

Joel realised that they'd got their wires crossed.

"No. Sorry. I just got here and I was watching you surf. I wasn't expecting you to stop."

"Well. I've been in here about an hour. It's time to move anyway. How far are you going?"

"Leake's Bay. There's meant to be a good camping spot with a freshwater creek."

"Yes it's great. That's where I'm heading too."

They chatted about the waves and somehow a silent agreement sprang up between them that they'd hike to the campsite together. Jarrad worked his way out of his wetsuit and then without any hesitation, stripped off the blue jocks he was wearing, wrung the water out of them, then put on his walking shorts. Joel thought to himself how strong and fit Jarrad was, and couldn't help noticing how much the jocks had been holding. When he had his runners and shirt on, Jarrad unzipped a side pocket of his pack and gave a groan.

" Oh no. What's happened?"

Joel watched him take out a plastic water container with a couple of mouthfuls of water in it. As he held it up a few drops fell to the sand.

"It's got a crack in it. It must have happened when I was scrambling through the bush."

He tipped the container up and swallowed the small amount of water still left in it. Joel got his own litre bottle and held it out. There was about two thirds left, but Jarrad looked at him.

"Have you got some more in your pack?"

"No. But if we share, you'll be right till you get to the bay."

Joel watched Jarrad's eyes widen and a look of gratitude fill his features.

"Wow. Thanks. Are you sure you don't need it? I'll be all right really, because it should only take about an hour to reach the creek."

Joel laughed and insisted, then talked about the water

"It will only be a problem if there's no water flowing in the creek. It doesn't look like a very long one on the map."

"Oh. There'll be water in it. There were heavy rains five days ago, and water won't be a problem for a couple of weeks now. My problem is that I won't be able to carry any unless I can fix this container somehow."

Joel hadn't known about the rain and this was great news.

Joel's generosity kicked in again and he told Jarrad to keep the metal drink bottle.

"I've got one of those collapsible ones in my pack which holds nearly two litres if I fill it, so there's no problem at all."

Joel saw a look of surprise on Jarrad's face but then they put their packs on and headed off. They didn't talk much while they made their way up through the coastal scrub, but when they reached the forestry track the going was easy and they were able to walk side-by-side. Joel was astonished to hear that Jarrad was covering the same trail that he was.

"I don't believe it. Are you really going to carry your surfboard for the next two weeks?"

"It's the only way to get to these beaches. I want to check every section of this coastline and try out every break I can find."

Joel wanted to get to all the beaches as well and he explained how he was taking photos of all these wild, inaccessible places for his studies.

"This is my third year of photography and I have to do a major project. I'm doing it about the ocean because I like it so much."

Joel found himself talking about his course and his photography. Jarrad was such a good listener and sounded so interested.

"I wish I was into photography Joel. It would be great for me when I'm in the bush. I've done a couple of years of environmental studies and I'm starting a three-month contract as a ranger for the National Parks after I get back from this holiday."

The time passed quickly and soon they'd crossed the neck of the headland and found the diverging track which headed down to Leake's Bay.

"Wow. Look at that."

Joel's heart leapt at the sight of the bay stretching out below them. Bounded by two rocky headlands, the creamy sand curved gently round for about a kilometre. Good size swells marched across the blue-green water till they crested and broke with a muted roar. The track wound down to a small creek and Jarrad showed Joel the best camping spot.

"It's about 50 metres up the creek in a grassy area behind the tea-tree, so there's some shelter if the wind get strong."

It was a great spot with the shelter and freshwater so close, and they both dumped their packs and had a drink. Joel got his camera gear out and transferred it to his day pack. It had only taken one look for him to decide that he would explore the cliffs and rocks at the eastern headland, because he could see white plumes of spray where the waves were breaking.

Two hours later Joel arrived back at the campsite. There was time for a swim so he put his speedos on and headed down the beach. Jarrad was lying on the sand in the sun and now Joel knew why he was so tanned. What to do? Joel decided just to yell out.

"Hey. Jarrad. Sprung bad."

Jarrad sat up in surprise and then grinned as he stood up. In a moment he pulled on a pair of speedos, and now they both smiled at each other because they were wearing almost identical red speedo bathers.

"Hi twin. I'm just catching some sun. Did you take many photos?"

"Nearly a whole roll, but I've come to have a swim and the waves look better down this end."

"They sure are. Do you want to use the surfboard?"

"Thanks. But I'm better at body surfing. They look a bit big for a board to me."

"You body-surf more than you board? That's unusual."

"Well I don't own a board so that's the way I've gone."

Joel felt pleased when Jarrad said he'd come in with him, and they had nearly an hour of excitement and fun before coming out again. Jarrad yelled whenever he caught a good ride and Joel couldn't help laughing because he was doing exactly the same. Each time they caught a wave they'd race each other back out to be ready for the next, and Joel could tell he'd surprised Jarrad with his swimming speed. Two shivering bodies in red speedos made their way to the sand and relaxed for half an hour till the sun was so low in the sky there was no warmth left in its rays. Jarrad grabbed his surfboard and wetsuit and they made their way back to the campsite.

Joel pulled some food out, ready to make his tea then looked carefully to find a spot for his tent. Level was good but if the head end of the tent was slightly raised that was even better. He pulled the body of the tent into position then went to get the pegs. They weren't there.

"Oh no. I don't believe it."

"What's wrong?"

"It's a brand-new tent. I picked it up this morning but there aren't any pegs in it."

He unrolled the fly hoping they would be in that, but he could tell by the feel that they weren't.

"What a disaster. I'll have to try and make some."

Joel started looking for sticks he could use when he heard Jarrad.

"Why don't we share Joel? It will save you a lot of mucking around."

"Really? No. I'll work something out. I'll have to, or my trip's wrecked."

"I mean it Joel. We'll have to use your tent though, because it's bigger. Mine is only a one-man and I could only spare two pegs."

Joel felt like hugging Jarrad. His tent was a good one but he knew it relied on the pegs to give it shape. Using Jarrad's pegs, it didn't take long to get set up and they put their thermal pads inside to see how much room there was.

"Look at that. It could have been designed for these. They fit almost perfectly."

He was being generous. Joel could see that they would be quite crowded.

"Well I hope I don't talk in my sleep or snore then."

"I'll soon stop that. I'll shove my finger down your throat or pour water in your mouth."

Joel laughed but he wasn't quite sure whether Jarrad meant it or not. They started a fire and made their tea, then headed for the tent quickly because there were mosquitoes around. Joel stripped to his jocks and climbed into his sleeping bag but only lasted about five minutes before he had to climb out again. Jarrad did the same.

"I was roasting in there. What time do you get up Joel?"

"Probably as soon as it starts to get light. I want to go back to that headland and get the early morning light on the rocks if I can."

"God. Really? Well leave me alone. I like to sleep in."

Jarrad rearranged himself and his arm rested against Joel's. Joel suddenly became very conscious of how warm it felt and wondered if he should move but then he faded out and went to sleep. He sneaked out as quietly as he could in the morning and was able to get the shots he wanted of the morning sun before returning to the tent. When he put his day pack down he heard a sleepy voice.

"What's the time?"

"About 8:30."

"I guess I should start moving then."

Joel boiled his billy, made enough coffee for a couple of mugs each, and took one into the tent for Jarrad.

"Hey. Thanks. Bedroom service in the middle of nowhere. You're hired permanently."

Joel laughed.

"You haven't got the bill yet."

"Well I know just how I'm going to pay it."

"What do you mean."

"What are you going to do about your tent?"

"I'll just have to camp where I can tie it to shrubs, or use sticks or rocks I guess."

"Why don't we organise it so that we camp at the same place each night? We've both got a couple of weeks and we're both going the same way. We can do our own thing during the day and meet in the evenings, and that way you've got no worries about your tent."

It took no persuading for Joel to agree. He wasn't too concerned about the tent really, though he knew if it got windy he could be in trouble, but he did find Jarrad very friendly and he knew he wanted to keep him company. With a sudden feeling of excitement Joel thought that his hike had now become more interesting. While they had their drink, Jarrad started talking about what he was doing for the day and wondered what the surf was like.

"It looks great. The waves were really crashing in at the headland."

"Is it? Let me have a look."

Jarrad gulped the coffee down and scrambled quickly out of the tent in his blue jocks. He was back in a moment, all enthusiastic, and started getting some breakfast.

"How would you feel about staying here one more night Joel? Those waves look so good, and the next camp spot is a good day's walk. I'll get up early tomorrow and we can hike before it gets too hot."

Joel laughed and nodded. He would enjoy the waves too and understood about making the best of good surf. He got some muesli for his own breakfast and watched Jarrad rub some wax on his surfboard, strip his jocks and put on his red speedos, grab a bottle of sunscreen for his face, collect his wetsuit and head off with his surfboard.

"I'll see you in a couple of hours Joel."

Joel mucked around for a while, went for a swim, and fell asleep on his mat in the shade near the camp. He woke with a cool, wet sensation spreading across his stomach and in his speedos, to see Jarrad pouring the last of a billy of water onto him.

"Nice and cool? Now I know why you get up so early. You sleep half the day."

It was a bit of a shock but it did feel nice. They made some lunch then spent several hours exploring the headland at the western end of the bay and the rocky outcrops beyond it. Joel took stacks of photos and said he was coming back when the sun was low in the sky. They surfed, then warmed up in the sun each time the cold ate its way into their bodies.

The next morning Joel woke Jarrad at seven o'clock with a billy of coffee which they shared, and within half an hour they were on their way. Back up to the forestry track, along the clifftops for eleven kilometres, then down to a long sandy beach stretching nearly another five kilometres. They reached an inlet where the map showed a creek that should have freshwater, and set up camp at about three o'clock. Jarrad went for a surf while Joel relaxed and watched, but after twenty minutes he came out again.

"Useless waves Joel. Let's explore."

This was exactly what Joel was going to do anyhow and they set off for the rocky platforms on the west side of the inlet. For three quarters of an hour they scrambled over the reefs and rocky beaches till they came to a deep cleft where the oceans swirled right in against the cliff face.

"There's no way through there Joel."

Joel could see a way by backtracking and climbing to the top of the cliffs, but they decided to head back.

"Look at this. There can't be many people come down here. You haven't got a knife have you?"

Joel always carried his good Swiss Army pocket-knife in his daypack and he watched Jarrad slip it under a large shellfish and prize it quickly off the rock.

"Abalone. They're delicious. We'll have a treat for tea tonight. Wow! They're everywhere. We'll take four each. That should be plenty."

When they got back to the camp site, Jarrad said he was going to have a relax on the beach.

"We haven't stopped all day and I love the afternoon sun."

They grabbed their towels and went to the beach. Joel stretched out then looked in surprise when Jarrad stepped out of his speedos.

"You don't mind do you Joel? I like to get an all over tan."

"No of course not."

It only took five minutes and the warmth of the sun sent Joel into a blissful state of relaxation. His eyes closed and sleep took over till he snapped awake at the feel of something cool and slippery touching his body.

"Hey sleepy. Coming for a swim?"

Grabbing the wet clump of seaweed from his stomach, Joel chased Jarrad into the water where they mucked around in the waves. Hunger pains sent them to the spot where they were camping and they quickly had a nice cooking fire going. Joel watched with great interest as Jarrad prepared and cooked the abalone.

"It tastes great but it fills you up quickly."

Jarrad stabbed a small piece with his fork, handed it over and watched as Joel blew on it to cool down and tentatively started chewing it.

"So. What's the verdict?"

"Hmm. It's great. Is the rest of it ready?"

When they finished this delicious meal Joel set the tent up while Jarrad cleaned the food gear.

"How did you find out about abalone?"

"I've known about it for years from some guys I used to surf with."

It wasn't long before they moved into the tent because once again the mosquitoes started attacking, and spent some time poring over their maps for the next day's travel.

"Well. We either follow the track, which heads inland, and walk about twenty easy kilometres, or we try and follow the cliff-tops for half that distance. It could be hard work at times. What do you think Joel?"

"I'd like to stay close to the ocean if I could but what about your surfboard?"

In the end they decided to walk the long way round then spend the next day exploring the cliff section they'd missed, with their day packs. It was a long slog but they left early and arrived at three o'clock. They relaxed for half an hour then Jarrad headed for the surf and Joel went to explore the start of the cliff section they'd bypassed. It looked exciting and very rugged so he didn't go very far. He could see it was going to be a major expedition. When Joel got back to the beach he watched Jarrad riding the waves then went for a surf himself before relaxing in the late afternoon sun.

"You're not too hot are you Joel?"

Joel opened his eyes and copped it. Jarrad had filled the legs of his wetsuit with seawater and as soon as he released his hand it deluged all over Joel's front. My God. Three times now. He was going to have to do something about this. Joel yelled and jumped up. Jarrad was ready and dodged away but Joel headed straight for him.

"You'll never catch me Joel."

Joel did though, about 200 metres down the beach, when gasping for breath and laughing at the same time, Jarrad collapsed on the sand and Joel dived on top of him.

"You win. I'm wrecked. Don't murder me please."

" Now there's an idea. How am I going to do it?"

" Murder me? You don't expect me to answer that do you?"

"Ha. Well it was your idea not mine."

"You're out of luck because you haven't got any weapons."

"Oh yes I have, but I bet you're not game enough to let me show you."

"Are you daring me?"

"Of course I am."

"All right. Show me."

"Start digging."


"Yes. Digging. If I'm going to murder you, you'll need a grave."

Joel watched Jarrad's mouth open and close again before he laughed.

"So now I'm going to dig my own grave? I'm trapped on the beach with a madman."

Ten minutes later they had a deep trench dug and Joel told Jarrad to check it.

"What? Now I climb into my own grave?"

"I knew you'd wimp out."

In another five minutes Jarrad was buried with just his head sticking out and Joel was grinning at him.

"So. What do you think of my murder weapon?"

"What murder weapon?"


"Sand? How are you going to murder me with sand?"

"I bet you'll work it out by the time I get back with your wetsuit."

"Hey. I can't get out."

"I know. That's the whole idea."

Joel was quick in case Jarrad got worried, but he didn't.

"You're pretty sneaky Joel. So what happens now?"

"You can stop worrying about the crabs in the night, or the seagulls picking your eyes out, or the tide coming in. I've decided not to murder you. I think torture will be more fun."

Joel dug the sand away from Jarrad's stomach and speedos, while Jarrad watched helplessly.

"Now. I wonder if you're ticklish? That could be interesting."

"No. Don't. Please."

"Begging for mercy? I like it. Okay. We'll just have the payback then."

Joel took the wetsuit to the sea, filled the legs as much as he could, then emptied them on to Jarrad stomach. Next he found a big piece of seaweed, wriggled it across Jarrad's stomach and stuffed as much as he could into the front of his speedos.

"Wow. Gross. Looks like a hairy merman. Hey Jarrad. Will I let you out now or keep going?"

"What? Do I have the choice?"

Joel acted all shocked.

"Don't you like it? Oh my God. Let's get you out then."

He dug down to one of Jarrad's feet, tickled it a few times and did the same for the other. Jarrad was screeching and yelling but Joel could tell that he was enjoying himself. Some more sand moved from his upper body was enough for him to start working his way free.

"Hey. It's King Neptune or a Mud Man from New Guinea. I should have my camera."

Covered in sand from head to toe with a big clump of seaweed dangling from his speedos, he certainly was quite a sight. The seaweed went first then Jarrad headed for the water, where the speedos quickly came off to wash out all the sand. After tea in the tent they talked about it.

"I was surprised you let me do all that."

"Well I was surprised at the ideas you came up with Joel, but I wasn't worried. Anybody who knew you for ten minutes would know they could trust you."

A particularly nice feeling went through Joel when he heard this, even if he didn't agree with it.

"Not really. I'm fairly quiet and most people don't take much notice of me."

"Well that's their bad luck then isn't it?"

Joel didn't know what to say to that but Jarrad just went on.

"Do we need to get up early in the morning?"

"No. It should be an easy day I think."

"Good. I've walked 20 kilometres, surfed for a couple of hours and been buried by a quiet maniac. I think I deserve a sleep-in."

"Fair enough. I'll have coffee ready for you at half-past seven then."

"Don't you dare. 8:30 will do."

They set off at 9:30 the next morning and it didn't turn out to be an easy day after all. Total understatement. For three hours they made their way back east along the cliffs and Joel's camera worked overtime. The coastline was rugged with large waves crashing against cliff walls and rocky outcrops, and as they pushed their way through the scrub they realised how hard it would have been in this section with their packs and the surfboard.

"Boy. I wish I'd worn my runners instead of these reef sandals. This is harder than I expected. It would have been a nightmare carrying my surfboard through it all."

They tried a couple of times to get down to the ocean but weren't able to and when they saw an unbroken cliff face stretching for at least a kilometre ahead of them they decided to eat their munchies and turn back.

"This is awesome Joel. I'm glad we've seen it. Do you think you could give me some of your photos?"

Sitting on a clifftop and watching the wild panorama of ocean, rock and waves was making a huge impression on Joel and he was suddenly glad to be sharing his feelings. Heading back gave them a different viewpoint and the camera worked overtime once again.

"Hey Joel. Look at that headland. It goes down fairly close to the water level. I reckon we could reach it."

They did reach it and sat watching the giant swells which intermittently crashed against the rocks, sending masses of spray into the air and causing laughs of excitement when it blew over them. They started to scramble round to the western side. It was quite tricky and Joel led the way across a rocky face of sandstone to a ledge which should give another good look out. Just as he reached the ledge he heard a sound behind him and turned just in time to see Jarrad hitting the water.

Hell! What was he going to do?

His mind was made up for him when Jarrad didn't appear at the surface. In a flash Joel dumped his pack, and making a quick mental calculation, jumped out as far as he could. As he plummeted through the air he hoped he wouldn't land on Jarrad or any rocks. The water looked deep and clear or he wouldn't have jumped in the first place. The impact jarred him, but he'd jumped from a high tower on many occasions in swimming pools and this was just a bit higher.

As soon as he opened his eyes he saw Jarrad floating, suspended in the water a couple of metres away, and in seconds he reached him and pulled him to the surface.


To Be Continued.

Copyright © 2011 Palantir; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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  • Site Administrator

Now I remember why I like your stories so much! So many things I love in them. The ocean and swimming, though I've never surfed, hiking, camping and last but not least, photography! The characters are so well rounded and 'real'. You give just the right amount of detail that I can 'see' the setting and characters but it's all so naturally delivered that a reader aborbs details without realizing it. You have been one of my favorite authors for quite some time and I'm really glad you decided to start posting here as well! Can't wait for part 2!!

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Enjoyed this very much. Loved the descriptions of the coastal wilderness. The interplay between Joel and Jarrad. The humor and horseplay. The danger at the end. Thanks.

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On 01/30/2011 09:06 AM, Foster said:
Enjoyed this very much. Loved the descriptions of the coastal wilderness. The interplay between Joel and Jarrad. The humor and horseplay. The danger at the end. Thanks.
Hi there Bugeye -thanks for the kind comments and I'm glad you enjoyed the story. (2nd and 3rd parts are now posted. Iarwain.
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Really enjoyed Part 1 of this story! I love your characters, though I think my favorite part is the no stakes for the tent! I learned a long time ago to always set up a new tent before taking it anywhere to use, because I had that exact same thing happen to me at one point! Good job and now on to Part 2!!!

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On 02/01/2011 03:14 PM, Renee Stevens said:
Really enjoyed Part 1 of this story! I love your characters, though I think my favorite part is the no stakes for the tent! I learned a long time ago to always set up a new tent before taking it anywhere to use, because I had that exact same thing happen to me at one point! Good job and now on to Part 2!!!
lol. It happened to me too Renee It's rather memorable when you're out in the middle of nowhere with a deflated tent.:)
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