Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Another Fairy story - 2. Chapter 2
Another Fairy Story Chapter 2
Waking up, Apple felt a little dizzy. He blinked several times and then looked around. Gizmo was sitting beside him, teasing a small spider.
Gizmo looked at Apple and sneered, “Welcome back, I thought you were going to sleep forever!”
“I was asleep?” Apple shook his head, trying to free his mind from the fog. “What happened? Where am I?” He tugged on his feet and wrists that were still tightly secured.
“Oh, quit whining, nothing much happened. I prefer my lovers to stay awake,” Gizmo stood and looked down at him.
“Lovers… What do you mean lovers...? I’m not your lover,” Apple panted, his head spinning, still trying to figure out what happened.
“Teasel will kill you, Gizmo, now let me go!” Apple struggled and then winced; the bindweed had become so tight that it ripped into his flesh.
“Stop squirming and the twines will loosen a bit. You don’t want to cut off your circulation do you?” Gizmo drawled. He didn’t really care if Apple got hurt or not. Apple was cute, yeah, but that wasn’t the reason he’d kidnapped him.
“Did you do anything to me?” Apple asked softly, hoping the answer was a no, a very definite no.
“Let’s put it this way,” Gizmo winked, “I learned that you’re very much a bottom, but you’re virtue is quite safe. I only had a good feel.”
“You had a good feel? Of me... Of what?” Apple panicked.
“I could show you again, if you like, Apple?” Gizmo was enjoying this.
“Forget it Gizmo, just let me go and we will say no more about it.” Apple just wanted to get away, just wanted his Teasel to make it all better.
“But I need you, Apple,” Gizmo said softly as he circled around Apple, held captive in his secret hiding place. “I need you as bait. I need you to blackmail your other half.”
Apple gasped loudly, “Blackmail Teasel? Why?” He couldn’t believe his ears, was this fay serious?
Gizmo folded his arms defiantly, “Oh, you will all know, soon enough.” With that he flew upwards, out through the dock leaves and was gone.
Apple sighed, he couldn’t struggle, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t do anything, but wait.
Teasel returned from the human’s home and searched for Apple. He called his lover’s name as he flew across the farm. Soon, he was beginning to get worried. None of the other fay had seen Apple for some time. Teasel gave up searching the sky and then flew down to the larger pond. The island in its centre was where most of the fairies gathered at this time of day.
The afternoon was drawing to a close, most of the fairies were gathering for tea. It was always a colourful, lively affair. The food was set out like a buffet, and you could eat as much as you wanted. The tables were small tree stumps the human had left behind. The island was too small to sustain any large tree growth. The plates were leaves from a variety of plants, and there were flowers there of every colour imaginable. The food consisted of berries, fungi, and fallen fruit. Honey coated most of the fruits on the colourful plates. The drink was nectar from a dozen different flowers. Its taste was sweet and delicious.
There were also musicians on the small island. Their instruments were a strange mixture of what nature provided. Acorn husks, knocked together were the drums of a sort. The twine of bindweed stretched across the dried seed head of a poppy, played like a guitar, and holes made in the hollow tube of a milk parsley stalk mimicked the beautiful sound of a flute.
Teasel didn’t even notice the music as he searched through the throngs of fairies for his beloved Apple. He asked many of them if they had seen him, but everyone was too distracted by the merry making.
This was a useless waste of time, Teasel thought, as he left the island and decided to search elsewhere. He flew towards the woods. Apple always went there if he was troubled. That thought started Teasel worrying even more, what could be troubling Apple? Totally distracted, Teasel yelped when he was suddenly thumped mid-air.
He turned sharply to see Gizmo by his side. Teasel grabbed Gizmo by the front of his shirt and glared at him. “What the fuck was that for? Don’t mess with me, Gizmo.” Teasel growled.
Gizmo blinked as Teasel pressed his nose onto the annoying little fairy’s nose. “I wouldn’t hurt me, if I was you, because I have something you’re looking for,” Gizmo tried to sound hard.
“What do you mean, ‘you have something I’m looking for?’” Teasel wasn’t going to let this troublemaker go until the guy had told him everything.
Gizmo let out a small grunt, his chest being flattened against Teasel’s massive one.
“If you hurt me, you’ll never find out where your precious boyfriend is!”
Teasel growled a deep guttural roar. His face contorted in a snarl. He lowered them both down into the meadow and only on landing, released his hold on Gizmo.
“You better talk, and talk fast, before I plant you under the daisies,” Teasel scowled.
“Alright, alright! Keep your chest hair on,” Gizmo said, smoothing out his shirt.
“I’m holding Apple hostage……” Gizmo gulped as Teasels face went red with anger. Teasel suddenly grabbed him again, this time much harder. “… Until you tell me where I can find Queen Arwen, so it’s up to you,” Gizmo finally coughed out.
“I’m warning you Gizmo, I will tear you limb from limb if you harm him,” Teasel swore.
Gizmo stretched himself to his full height, coming nowhere near Teasel’s height, before he poked Teasel in the chest.
“You better watch what you’re saying to me then, hadn’t you? Because only I know where you’re precious Apple is hidden. If you don’t tell me what I want to know, I will hurt him…..a lot!” Gizmo leered.
Teasel sighed heavily and sat down in the lush meadow,
“Very well, tell me what you want,” Teasel sounded defeated.
Gizmo landed in front of Teasel, taunting him.
“I want to meet Queen Arwen, to discuss a personal matter,” Gizmo said arrogantly.
Teasel raised an eyebrow, hardly believing what was being asked of him.
“Okay, what is the personal matter? I am one of her guardians, you know?”
“The thing about personal matters, Teasel my friend, is that they are personal,” Gizmo knew he was being big-headed even egotistical, but he wasn’t going to let this big galloot frighten him.
“I swear, Gizmo, don’t push me,” Teasel stood again, this meddling sprite was getting on his nerves.
“You want to see Queen Arwen? Well then, let’s go,” Teasel grabbed hold of Gizmo’s arm and flew upwards. Gizmo whimpered as Teasel’s, thick fingers dug into his flesh. It was no good struggling against this giant fay.
Teasel sped to the iron bird’s nest, where Queen Arwen lived, chuckling to himself, hopefully Celebrian, the queen’s personal bodyguard, would eat Gizmo for dinner.
They squeezed through the small hole under the eaves and almost immediately Celebrian was there. Gizmo screamed and tried to escape Teasel’s grip, but he wasn’t going to be letting go of the smaller fairy any time soon.
Teasel laughed as he held up a squirming Gizmo, dangling him in the air.
“Greetings! Celebrian, this little beastie requests a chat with Her Majesty. Do you think that would be at all possible?” Teasel asked softly.
“What is that thing? Let me go!!!” Gizmo tried to back away from the hairy leg that stroked down his face. “Don’t drop me, no please, don’t drop me,” Gizmo pleaded.
“This is Celebrian, Gizmo. She is a mouse spider, which means she can eat prey the size of a mouse.” Teasel grinned, still holding Gizmo aloft.
“You would be nothing more than a snack. A small one at that,” Teasel snickered. He was taunting Gizmo, but enjoying it so much.
Celebrian bowed her head, “Greetings to you, Teasel, Queen Arwen is never too busy to see you. Please enter,” Celebrian backed away, revealing the Fairy Queen sitting on a throne made of highly polished wood and the finest laurel leaf cushions. The dark green of the leaves were so deep against her peridot gown. The Queen was impressive and she seemed to hover in the air above them.
Queen Arwen was beautiful. She was of a great age, but it didn’t show. Her sparkling blue eyes were a sharp contrast to her wings. Her wings had aged a little, from fiery red and orange, fading to a more subtle crimson and amber colour. Her long black hair was thick and shiny as it pooled around her tiny feet.
Teasel dropped to his knees, he didn’t have to, but it was the way he had always greeted his Queen. He was her guardian and protector.
“The warmest of greetings, Your Majesty,” Teasel kept his head lowered, as he pulled Gizmo down onto his knees beside him.
“This is Gizmo Nightshade. He is a dark fairy from further north. He is currently holding Apple as ransom. He blackmailed me to bring him here to have words with you.”
Arwen nodded a reply, “Thank you, Teasel, for bringing this to my attention,” The Queen said regally.
“You! Gizmo Nightshade! Stand before me!” The queen sounded cross and Gizmo quickly stood up to face her. “How dare you, come into my kingdom and act this way?”
“I challenge your rights to this kingdom, Arwen, which is why I requested a visit with you.” Gizmo said puffing out his chest and standing as tall as he could.
Arwen’s first reaction was to laugh at Gizmo, with Celebrian, by the Queen’s side laughing with her.
“Oh, you challenge me, do you? And what form will this challenge take? A duel? A fisty-cuff fight?” She giggled again, toying with him as Teasel did.
Something snapped inside Gizmo, they would take him seriously or live to regret it.
“I will fight your strongest challenger. If I lose, I will leave this land and give up my captive, but if I win, you will step down, and the captive and your kingdom become mine.” Gizmo cocked his head arrogantly.
Teasel growled and stood. “I will fight you Gizmo, and believe me, I will win.”
“Now, now, boys play nice. It is for me to choose a challenger. Return tomorrow, Gizmo and I will give you the name of rour challenger. I grow tired, please leave.” Arwen waved her hand and Celebrian moved forward.
Teasel took Gizmo’s arm again and pulled him back through the opening. The meeting was over.
On the flight back to the farm, Teasel let Gizmo know just how much he would regret the day that he came to Pond Farm.
Gizmo was still filled with a sense of self-importance. He was scared of Teasel, but no way would he ever let Teasel know that.
When they returned to the pond, it was dark. The sky was cloudy. The moon almost full, giving an eerie glow across the land.
Teasel stopped mid-flight to pull Gizmo round to face him.
“What about Apple? Are you going to free him?” Teasel asked.
“He will be quite safe until morning. I’m not going to where he is just in case you decide to follow me, goodnight Teasel.” Gizmo teased with a wide yawn, giving a stretch to show he really was tired.
A growl was all Teasel gave as a reply, before he sped off towards the woods. He desperately wanted to find Apple, but it would have to wait until morning.
Gizmo sat by the pond and waited. He sat until the moon was at its highest point and then Gizmo made his way back to Apple.
Under the dock leaves the ground was pitch black. Apple dozed off a little while he waited for something to happen. He blinked his eyes as Gizmo touched the head of some blue moor-grass growing overhead. The small plant formed room, glowed with a dark purple tinge. Gizmo straddled Apple’s waist.
“The best revenge I can get, it to take you, Apple, I need to hurt Teasel. So, hurting you will hurt him the most.”
Apples eyes grew large as he watched Gizmo undo the lace at the front of his jeans.
“No, please no,” Apple whimpered, but it fell on deaf ears. Gizmo was already free from his jeans. They were quickly thrown aside.
Gizmo straddled Apple’s thighs and then gave his nipples a sharp pinch. Apple arched upwards, unable to stop the rush of arousal.
“Please Gizmo, no, let me go, please…….” The rest of what Apple was about to say was cut off by Gizmo’s mouth as Apple was kissed forcefully once again.
Apple wanted to bite the tongue that searched his mouth, but the hands pushing into his trousers distracted him too much. Apple groaned loudly as his trousers were torn from his body. His cock was already throbbing and hard while his mind was screaming in two different directions. One was crying for Teasel and the other was screaming for more. The hand that gripped Apple’s cock was unrelenting. Apple began to buck upwards into Gizmo’s tight fist, gripping him harder.
Gizmo took off his shirt made from the softest purple maple leaves, and twisted it into a gag before lowering it towards Apple’s face. Then, Gizmo stretched the shirt out and tied it around Apple’s mouth at the moment Apple opened his mouth, attempting to cry out, Gizmo suddenly filled his mouth with the shirt. It tasted bitter, but Apple knew the maple leaves weren’t poisonous.
“If you don’t want to see what I’m going to do to you, I would keep those pretty brown eyes shut tight.” Gizmo drawled lazily.
Apple closed his eyes tight. The tiny seed buttons were slowly undone, down the front of Apple’s shirt. He began to pant in panic. Gizmo took this as a sign of arousal and pressed a kiss to Apple’s neck. Shaking his head, Apple tried to knock Gizmo out of the way, but all it did was turn Gizmo’s attention to another part of Apple’s body. Apple’s exposed nipples were hard little pebbles. Was it the chill of the night air or was it Gizmo’s tiny bites, on the hard buds? Apple didn’t know which one brought his reaction, but he growled as he arched high even higher. This was delicious, but it wasn’t Teasel. ‘No!’ Apple screamed into the gag. He must not react this way.
Apple wanted to look where Gizmo was going next, yet he was too afraid this would just encourage the wicked fay even more.
Gizmo slowly stroked his fingertips over Apple’s swollen buds and then nipped them between his teeth, giving them a sharp tug.
Apple cried out, so confused, so aroused, but so very angry. His muffled protests were completely misunderstood by Gizmo. This was sweet torture. Apple tried to picture Teasel in his mind as if the mere image of Teasel would scare Gizmo away. All it did was heighten his arousal. He was now picturing Teasel working over his body.
The lips, the tongue, the teeth, in no particular order, aroused Apple so much that his body writhed and squirmed. His mind pleading for it to stop, but his body needed it to continue. Apple was hard, painfully hard and useless to stop it. Did he want too? Apple couldn’t decide that either. The tiny bites started at his tightly held wrists, and then Gizmo slowly worked down his arms, over Apple’s shoulders and chest. Without stopping the delicious torture, Gizmo continued across his nipples again, then up and down each side. If the lips and tongue weren’t bad enough, the tiny bites were taking Apple almost over the edge. And then Gizmo was peeling off Apple’s trousers.
Apple’s eyes flashed open wide, NO! NO! This couldn’t be happening. Apple’s cock was swollen. The tip wet with pre-cum. Apple could no longer hide his arousal.
All that Apple could do was whimper as Gizmo stroked a wet fingertip gently over Apple’s cock-head. Apple’s groans grew louder as the same fingertip drew a circle around his tip.
Without warning Apple was suddenly flipped over. The shock of the cool soft grass instantly, softened him.
Hands were on his buttocks stroking them, a moment before the stinging slaps. Apple was amazed to not feel hurt, but more arousal. The spanks rained down on his buttocks. Soon, Apple was softly bucking into the grass. Apple cried out biting hard into the shirt that formed a gag, as spit was drizzled into the crack between his buttocks and then a lapping tongue. The sting still on his buttock, the soothing tongue between his cheeks, Apple felt so close to climax
Gizmo continued spanking, but this time he hit the backs of Apple’s thighs. It continued for what seemed like an eternity before Gizmo’s hands began massaging up his back, then gripping Apple’s shoulders, Gizmo pushed him down into the grass and Apple felt the mushroom shaped head of Gizmo’s cock pressing against him. It snapped into him! Gizmo’s fingertips dug into his shoulders as he rocked himself deeper.
Apple lifted up his head, his eyes bulging. Gizmo grabbed a hunk of Apple’s long hair and sank in deeper. Gizmo growled against the side of Apple’s head,
“Where’s your precious Teasel, now, Apple? Will you tell him? Will you?”
Apple struggled as Gizmo began to rock fully into him. His head hurt from his hair being pulled so hard. Gizmo sank his teeth deep into Apple’s neck as he bucked hard on top of him. Apple shook his head again and again. He was not going to give in to this arousal, to this sweet torture. The shirt gag soaked from Apple’s spit as he panted harder. Gizmo bit his ear and snarled, “cum for your precious Teasel, cum for big, hunky, sexy Teasel.”
Apple could no longer hold back. His forehead hit into the soft grass, as his backside went upwards and he came hard, still bucking under Gizmo as he too climaxed. Then Apple began to cry, a deep, shame filled sob. Teasel would never forgive him. As soon as he was set free, Apple would flee. He had lost everything he cherished.
Drained and shattered, Apple eventually fell asleep, and when he awoke. It was morning and Gizmo was sitting beside him with a handful of sweet berries and a bluebell cup filled with water.
Gizmo tenderly fed Apple the berries and then held the cup to his lips to drink.
“I will be leaving you soon, Apple,” Gizmo smiled. “I have to go and see the queen; she is to decide who my challenger will be.”
Apple gave Gizmo an angry look, free of the gag, he could now speak. “I hope its Teasel, because he will tear you limb from limb.”
Gizmo just laughed, “Oh, he might have the strength and the size over me, Apple, but I have magic, dark fay magic and I intend to use it.” Gizmo chuckled.
“I will turn Teasel’s muscles to jelly. He will be useless against me.”
“That’s cheating; Gizmo and it will never be allowed.” Apple sneered.
Gizmo flew upwards to the dock leaf ceiling, and opening it just a crack.
“Well, who’s going to stop me, Apple? See you soon.” With a wink and his doom filled words, Gizmo was gone.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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