Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Aaron's Dilemma - 6. Lazy Sunday
I watch Slade staring blankly out the window. We’ve been sitting in my truck in complete silence for a couple of minutes, and it concerns me to see him so distracted and unaware.
I wish I knew what was going on in his head. Is he thinking about his parents? Is he thinking about his outburst? His assertion that I should hate him still upsets me. He’s not to blame for last night, I am. I didn’t try hard enough to talk him out of telling his parents. He’s hurting because of me.
Reaching for his hand causes him to jump. Confusion spreads across his face as he looks around. “We’re still here?”
Clearing my throat to loosen my nerves, I say, “Yeah, ‘cause I wanted to talk to you first.”
Shaking his head, he says, “Aar, I don’t want to talk about last night.”
“I want to talk about us, Jones,” I tell him.
Slade grips my hand tight. “Baby, we’re fine. Just drop it.”
“I can’t do that. Last night, you blew up at me for saying, ‘I’m sorry’. What if I say or do something else to upset you?”
He closes his eyes. “That was one time. It won’t happen again. We’re good, okay?”
“The way you reacted last night was scary. Jones, I need to know you’re okay.”
With nervous laughter, Slade rolls his eyes. I reach out, grasp his thigh, and give it a firm squeeze. His laughter subsides replaced by a melancholy smile, and he asks, “Why’re you pushing this so hard?”
“I won’t stand by and watch you twist in the wind. I love you too much to let that happen. If it means hounding you until you talk to me. I’m gonna do it,” I say worriedly. “Please?”
Slade clears his throat, exhaling a heavy sigh; he chews on his bottom lip as it quivers. He holds my hand tighter. I entwine our fingers. A look of resolve sets across his face, and shifts to face me. “Let’s talk, but after this, no more, ‘kay?”
Nodding, I reply, “You have my word.”
“I’ve been thinking about how my parents will never accept me or us, and they’re gonna kick me out,” Slade says quietly.
My brows knit together. “He said they weren’t kicking you out.”
Skepticism sets in his eyes. “Mama may not want me gone but Pa does. I don’t know what I’m gonna do if he talks her into it.”
His sad eyes pierce deep into my soul. Sliding closer to him, I run my free hand across Slade’s cheek to his neck. His head falls to my shoulder. I press several light kiss to his ear. “Don’t think that way.”
“I can’t help it. Everything’s broken ‘cause of me,” he whispers.
“It’s my fault, not yours,” I state somberly.
His head snaps up. “No, it’s not.”
I reply, “Yeah, it is.”
Slade cups my cheeks, and says emphatically, “Aar, it’s not your fault.”
I brush my shaggy, blond locks from my eyes, and focus on him. “If we’d just stayed friends, if we hadn’t fallen in love, and if we hadn’t gone to the cabin, you wouldn’t have decided to tell your parents. So, yeah, all of this is my fault.”
His nose sweeps across mine, and he kisses me gently. “Aaron, you’re so smart, but that has to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say. Baby, I’m glad we didn’t stay friends. I don’t regret falling in love. And for as long as I live, I will never, ever regret going to the cabin with you… never.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t try hard enough to convince you to lie. If we did, things would be different.” Slade shrugs bobbing his head from side to side. Confused by the gesture, I ask, “Care to elaborate?”
“I didn’t listen to you when you tried to be the voice of reason. I never thought about the consequences. I was thinking with my heart instead of my head. I was too far gone for you to talk sense into me,” he continues; his face masked in seriousness. “I wronged you by forcing you into coming out.”
“No, you didn’t…,” I begin, but Slade cuts me off.
“Aar, you said last night I didn’t, but we both know I did. I threatened to breakup with you. It was emotional blackmail. I knew it was wrong, but I said it anyway. Having to deal with all of my crazy while you were thinking about your dad was unfair. You should’ve told him when you were ready. I can’t apologize enough to you for that.” Slade leans in looking me deep in the eyes; he cups my face in his hands. His voice cracks when he says, “Baby, can you ever forgive me?”
I cover his hands, holding on tight. “There’s nothing to forgive. Jones, I’d made the decision to tell him right before you said you’d breakup with me.”
Dejection flashes in his eyes, he wipes his tears away. “You still wouldn’t have come out last night if I hadn’t suggested it.” He shakes his head slightly. “When I think back to the way Pa looked at you it sends a chill down my spine. I would’ve killed him with my bare hands if he’d hurt you.”
Chuckling quietly, I lean my forehead against his. “I would’ve done the same thing.”
We hold each other, whispering back and forth, when Slade makes a surprising announcement. “I’m jealous of you,” he says gently.
“You’re jealous of me?” I ask dumbfounded.
“Your family told you they still love you, mine refuse to talk to me. I’ve tried calling everyone but no one answers,” he says pained. “I need Mama more than I’ve ever had, and she couldn’t care less.”
“Slade…,” I start but I have no idea what to say.
“I’m done talkin’,” he says definitively.
“Jones, I’m sorry.”
“I know you are, Aar. I’m sorry, too.” We sit in silence while Slade plays with our hands. Calmly, he says, “Let’s go. We’ve killed enough time. Besides, you have some serious ass-kissing to do for making me talk about my feelings.”
I laugh hard. He looks confused, which only makes me laugh harder. Through gasping breaths, I tell him, “Jones, the ass-kissing is a given. Anything else you want me to do?”
Slade joins in, when he realizes what he’d said. He slides closer to me and asks, “Anything?”
I gulp feeling his hand stroke my inner thigh and whisper, “Yup, just name it.”
He kisses my neck, nibbles my earlobe, and states breathlessly, “I want you, baby.”
I choke out a gasp, and sputter, “What?”
He moans softly, grasps my cock, and licks my ear. “You heard me. I want you to take me… right now… to Charlie’s.” He slides back to his side as his laughter reverberates through the truck.
I sneer openly at him while adjusting myself. “That’s not funny, Jones.”
“Yeah, it is. You should’ve seen your face. It was priceless.”
Sarcastically, I say, “You think you’re so freaking hilarious, don’t you?”
“Oh, I know I am,” Slade oozes. When he sees my not too pleased face, he pinches my cheek. “Oh, don’t be such a Gloomy Gus. It was a joke.”
“I’m gonna get you back. Just you wait,” I growl.
“Oh, I’m so scared,” he says shaking his hands in mock terror.
I smile and wink overtly at him, scanning him lustfully from head to toe. “And you should be.”
His hands move down his chest and stomach. “You’ve gotta work hard to get with this.”
With my arrogance proudly on display, I scoff, “Nah, you’ll give it to me.”
“What makes you think I’ll just give it to you?” Slade counters.
“Because you want me just as much as I want you,” I state boldly.
“Eh, maybe, but your odds are better, if we go to Charlie’s,” he says, licking and kissing my neck.
“You’re such a tease. If I knew all it took to get you into bed was to feed you, I would’ve done it a long time ago,” I say, grinning obnoxiously, and he rolls his eyes. “So, Charlie’s, really?”
Slade nods. “Yeah, they’re not busy on Sundays. We can be in and out in no time.”
I clutch my stomach. “Remember what happened the last time we ate there? I think I went through a whole bottle of the pink stuff.”
“That only happened once. C’mon. I’m in the mood for the slaw bomb burger,” Slade whines jokingly.
His giddiness is catchy, and I cave. “Fine, lunch is on me. I’ll even spring for extra fries and onion rings.”
His eyes widen in mock surprise. “Wait, extra fries and onion rings? Does this mean I have to put out now?”
“I think it does,” I say laughing.
“Okay,” Slade sighs before smiling mischievously.
While parked in front of Charlie’s, I manage to secure a room from a motel that allows 18 year olds to reserve rooms. “We’re all set but check-in’s not for a couple hours.”
“Good. Let’s get in there and get our grub on,” he says hopping out the truck.
Walking inside, the place is virtually empty. We grab a booth in the back sitting across from each other. Our server introduces herself as “Debbie”. She takes our drink order and disappears.
He grins and he says, “I should get extra garlic on my burger.”
I lean forward and whisper, “If you want my lips anywhere near yours, nix the extra garlic, but then again that’s entirely up to you.”
He laughs. “You’re such a buzzkill.”
Debbie returns with our drinks. “Okay, boys, what’re you having?”
I point to Slade. He recites his order. “I’ll have the slaw bomb burger with fries: medium, 86 the cheese, with everything, jalapenos, and extra tomatoes, mayo on the side, onion rings, and another order of fries.”
Debbie turns to me. “And what about you, honey?”
Giving her a half-smile, I shake my head. “Nothing for me thanks.” After she leaves, I turn to him, “It’s still weird to me how you’ll eat cheese on everything else but your burger.”
He shrugs. “I can’t help it. It’s been that way since I was a kid. Cheese ruins it.”
“It’s the best part of the burger, you weirdo,” I tease.
He responds with a relaxed tone, “I like what like. And, baby, you should happy you’re on the list of things I like.”
Pouting, I ask, “Just like?”
Slade moves his head side to side. “It could be more than like, but you’re starting to bug me.”
With a wide smile, I reply, “I like you, too.”
A couple arrives sitting at the booth across from us. Out of the whole restaurant, why sit there? We shake our heads and change the conversation to the upcoming NFL season. We get into our usual debate over the teams who will make the playoffs, and who deserves to win the Superbowl.
Debbie appears with his food. He smiles when she places the plates in front of him. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, honey. Let me know if y’all need something else,” Debbie says and walks away.
“That was super quick. Are you sure you wanna chance eating that?” I ask, looking at the greasy mess.
“Um, yeah,” he answers, stacking onion rings on top of his burger. He opens the ketchup, places a large pool on the side of the plate, and dips multiple fries before cramming them in his mouth. I sneak a few for myself. We have idle chitchat as he eats. It’s not long before he takes his last bite, downs his drink, and follows it up with a deep, loud belch. I can’t help laughing. The couple beside us looks over in disgust.
He rubs his belly and smacks his lips. “Damn! That was freaking good.”
“You have absolutely no manners, Jones,” I tell him, shaking my head in disbelief.
“Whatever. I’m going to the john,” Slade says. He quietly calls out over my shoulder. “Debbie, we’ll take the check.”
“Sure thing,” Debbie says. She jots something down and places the check on the table. “Pay up front with the cashier. Thank you for coming to Charlie’s; we hope to see you again.”
“Thanks,” he says standing and heads to the bathroom.
After paying the check, I walk in the bathroom where Slade’s washing his hands. “Are you ready?” He asks looking at me in the mirror.
I nod walking to the urinal. “Just gotta hit the head first.”
He groans loudly, stands behind me, and wraps his arms around me. “I’m about to go into a food coma. Thanks for lunch, baby. I hardly touched breakfast.”
Looking awkwardly towards the door, I say, “I noticed. You should step back before someone walks in.”
I grunt when he tweaks my nipples. “Then hurry up so we can get the hell outta here.”
Peeing quickly, I wash my hands and announce, “Done. I’m right behind ya.”
“Not yet, but you will be,” Slade throws over his shoulder walking out the bathroom.
We sing along badly to Thomas Rhett blaring through the speakers. Out of nowhere, Slade exclaims, “Shit! I left my backpack.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I can’t believe this,” he says with a loud, exasperated groan.
Reaching out, I run my hand through his hair. “Jones, it’s not that big a deal. We can buy what we need.”
“It’s a waste of money buying stuff we already have.”
“At least, we know we’ll use it,” I say encouragingly, and he just shakes his head.
Ten minutes later, I pull into a packed parking lot of the store closest to the motel. We walk in, and make a beeline to the health aisle. He places everything in our basket.
“We should grab other things while we’re here,” I say, looking towards the food section.
“Okay,” he answers.
As we’re walking, Slade’s sexual teasing is overt and unexpected. Normally, he wouldn’t act this way, but it’s as though he doesn’t care. I push him into an empty aisle. “What’s up with you?”
He looks innocently up at me. “Why?”
“Jones, we still need to be careful. So can you dial it back just a little?”
He sighs and whispers, “I’ll stop.”
“Don’t stop. Just don’t be so obvious about it,” I say, heaving a hefty swat to his ass and walking away.
In the refrigerator section, I grab a can of whipped cream, and he arches an eyebrow. “I like the direction you’re going.”
I graze my hand over his when I know no one is looking. “Strawberries or peaches.”
“Peaches. We did strawberries last time,” he replies huskily. I reflect back on that night fondly and smile.
We select some snacks and drinks. As we’re walking to the front, he grabs my hand; pulls me into an isolated corner hidden by a clothes rack, and kisses me. The basket slips from my hand with a thud. My arms wrap tight around his waist with his around my neck.
I manage to say with a strangled whisper, “Do you’ve any idea how bad I want you?”
He grabs hold of my crotch and tugs gently. “Oh, yeah, I think I do.” With a couple quick kisses, he pulls away. “You go first, but leave the basket; I’ll pay for everything.”
I fix my appearance. “How do I look?”
He smiles and says, “Like you’re gonna get laid. Meet me up front.”
I make sure the coast is clear; I kiss him, and scurry away with an awkward gait. Each step has me wishing I could walk through the store naked. I think of anything to relieve the pressure in my shorts to no avail. Standing in the front covering my now semi-bulge with a large cup of soda is no easy feat.
Slade’s in line awaiting his turn. Our eyes lock. I bite my bottom lip seductively. He licks his and scans me over lustfully. Sadly, he breaks the gaze when he steps up to the cashier. Minutes later, we’re walking hastily out the store and to the truck. He pounces the second we’re inside pulling me down on top of him.
I loosen his grip and say, “Someone can walk by and see us.”
“I don’t care,” he replies, kissing my chin, jaw, and then up to my ear.
“The motel is ten minutes away.”
“Yeah, but thirty minutes before we can check-in, let me give you some incentive for later,” he says, kissing me hard and deep.
Fighting off Slade’s amorous advances is not easy to do especially with his tongue in my ear. He moves his focus to my neck. I can’t curb my moans. The motel’s exit is next, I breathe a sigh of relief and mutter, “Oh, thank God.”
He chuckles in my ear and asks, “What’s wrong, baby?”
“You’re nothing but trouble, Jones!” I whine playfully, “Nothing but trouble.”
I pull into the spot closest to the lobby door, and jump out before he can accost me further. I’m here before our official 2pm check-in time, maybe they’ll allow me to since I’m already here.
Much to my chagrin, a system malfunction makes my check-in an aggravating one. I know it’s not the fault of the front desk, so I keep my irritations to myself. Slade and I text throughout the ordeal with us both feeling cheated. Nearly an hour after arriving, my check-in is finally complete.
The clerk smiles warmly and says, “Again, I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Brooks. Sometimes situations like this are unforeseen, so as a courtesy, I’m charging you for a double bed instead of the king. In addition, here is a voucher for a complimentary two-night stay for two, which never expires.”
Touched by her generosity, I smile appreciatively. “Thank you, ma’am, that’s very kind of you. But it’s not necessary.”
“It’s not a problem, Mr. Brooks,” she says smiling brightly, looking past me out the door at Slade. “I remember what it’s like to be young and in love. We’ve delayed you long enough. Okay. Your room is on the top floor. Go up and turn left, you’ll be five doors down in room 19. The ice machine is a little further down on the right. If you’ve any further questions, call using the phone on the nightstand by pressing the front desk button. I hope you enjoy your stay.”
“Thank you.” I depart with a respectful nod. Slade’s standing by the truck, drinking a bottle of water, which he hands to me. “We have room 19,” I say, taking a sip.
“I can’t wait to get the hell outta this heat,” Slade proclaims, his irritation evident as he grabs the bags, and leads the way. Reaching the room, he steps aside. I fumble with the keycard but manage to get the door open on the second try.
A blast of cool air greets us when I throw the door open.
“Oh, yeah, that’s what I’m talking about!” Slade whoops, dropping the bags on the table. He takes off his shirt, and stands in front of the AC. “That feels so much better.”
I survey the room. The king-size bed looks comfortable; there’s an HDTV mounted on the wall in front of it. There’s a medium-sized table along the wall with the couch lined in front of the window. The smell of disinfectant hangs in the air though it’s not nauseating.
Slade moves away from the AC with a satisfied sigh. I wrap my arms around his waist, and place several kisses to the back of his neck. He leans his head back against my shoulder, kisses my cheek and chin. We rock gently side to side.
A weird feeling fills my head, and even with my eyes closed, it’s intense. I falter but cover by abruptly stepping away from him, and blurt out, “I’m gonna get some ice. I’ll be right back.”
“Hey!” Slade exclaims. “What’s more important, getting ice or me?”
I kiss his forehead, and say, “You, always you, but we need to put the whipped cream on ice. It’s probably on its last leg.”
“Way to ruin the mood, babe,” he says pouting pitifully.
I counter with an annoying whine, “But I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”
Slade laughs softly. “Ok. Let me borrow your jack knife. I gotta cut these,” he says, holding up the peaches. He places a soft peck to my cheek when I hand it to him, and he walks into the bathroom.
I grab our ice bucket, and step outside. After closing the door behind me, I lean against it. That feeling has to be stress related from last night. There’s no other explanation for it. I push away from the door and head to the ice chest.
As I fill the bucket, I notice another sitting on the side, and I fill that one, too. I walk back to the room and hear Slade’s rich laughter wafting through the air from four doors down. Stepping in the room, I hang the “Do Not Disturb” sign, and shut the door behind me. I see him lying across the bed watching TV.
Placing the buckets on the table, I say, “I can hear you outside. What’re you watching?”
He turns to me. “Some show about stupid criminals. This guy got caught on the fence after he robbed the place, and called 911 to help get him free.” He cackles, and goes back to watching the program.
Rolling my eyes, I grab the cut peaches and whipped cream, and stuff them in one bucket. I move the drinks to the bathroom. Plugging the sink, I place the bottles inside, and dump the ice on top. Voila, we have an instant cooler.
Closing the curtains and turning down the AC, I remove my shirt and shoes, and lay on top of Slade. When I nip his ear, he lets out a throaty laugh and tries knocking me off him. I sit back and rub his shoulders and back. I can feel the knots, and work diligently, but firmly to knead them out.
Smiling, he moans, “Oh, baby, that feels so good.”
“How’s your lower back?” I ask grazing my fingertips over it.
“A little tight but not too bad,” he groans when I apply pressure. “Fuck, yeah, that’s it.”
When I’m finished, I hover over him, and playfully lick his neck. He grabs my arms and tries to get me off balance. I twist out of his hold but he gets me on my back before I know it with my wrists pinned above my head. I struggle not really wanting to get free.
“C’mon, Aaron, you can do better than that can’t you?” Slade asks with a smug grin as he sits atop me.
I mimic his grin. “What makes you think I want to? I like this position. It reminds me of the other night.”
He blushes heavily. I smile in triumph, but he jerks my arms out to the side, knocking the smile from my face. His mouth hovers above mine, our breaths intermingle in a shared case of desire, but we have plenty of time for this later. I evade Slade’s oncoming kiss. He tries again and I avoid that one too.
“Stop playing around and kiss me, jackass,” he says smiling.
I shake my head. “Jones, you can’t call me names then expect me to kiss you, it don’t work that way. I won’t let you bully me.”
“Don’t make me hurt you, Aar. On second thought...,” Slade says, gripping my wrists tight with one hand while using the other to twist my nipple.
“Fuck,” I yelp. Bucking hard, I throw him off balance enough that he releases my wrists. I grab his waist, and playfully push him away, but he’s quick; his legs are around me like lightning. We’re laughing as I try to get free from his legs death grip.
We continue our session of boyfriend wrestling until I can no longer take the sexual teasing. With Slade on his back, I leisurely kiss my way across his neck, as his hands rake through my hair. Our hips undulate in unison. He pushes to a sitting position, which allows me to sit astride him; he kisses my chest, while gripping my ass.
I tilt his head back; travel his neck with passionate, slow nibbles and licks. He moans and claims my lips. It’s a deep, sensuous kiss. It continues as I sit back further to undo the button of his shorts. He smiles at me as I slide them off, and I instantly salivate at the sight.
He’s wearing the yellow Andrew Christian jock I bought for him. When I saw it online, I knew his olive complexion would work nicely with the yellow, but to see him actually in them is breathtaking.
“What’s wrong, baby? Cat got your tongue?” Slade asks with a smirk.
I stammer but no words form. He slides from under me and stands by the side of the bed.
“What do you think?” he asks, turning slowly in front of me. I get a full view of how unbelievably sexy he looks. Hell, he’s sexy period, but this is on a whole other level. His bubble butt more pronounced when he stands to the side. The muscles in his ass and thighs flex as he turns to face me. His hefty bulge barely contained within the mesh fabric.
I appreciate the sight of him and find the words to say, “Jones, you look… wow.”
Reaching for him, Slade playfully swats my hand away. He steps in closer with a sensuous snap of the jocks band, and says, “I’d planned to wear this tonight for our first time, but you derailed those plans when you sang in my ear. In that moment, I knew I couldn’t wait another second to be with you.”
“If I’d known you were wearing this, I would’ve worn the red one you got me for Christmas,” I tell him, reaching out for him again, and he swats my hand away.
“Then I guess I’ll just have to settle for you being naked instead,” he says, his voice rich with desire.
The wanton look in his eyes as he slides off my shorts and underwear in one swift motion makes my heart beat faster. I sit on the edge of the bed, stroking my turgid thickness and watch him with amorous admiration.
He leans in, kisses me softly, and whispers, “Lay back.”
I scoot back until my legs no longer hang off the bed. He climbs atop me and proceeds to lick and nip his way from ear to ear and down to my chest. The erotic devotion he spends on each nipple has me gasping and moaning. Moving further down, his tongue plunges in my navel, every slow, deep pass make my hips jerk uncontrollably. Goosebumps rise on my skin in eager anticipation when he slides down.
No longer able to wait to feel his mouth on me, I look into his eyes and see the gleam in them when I beg, “Don’t stop!”
Slade’s tongue moves in a teasingly, languid motion around the pink, fleshy tip. His cheeks hollow as he draws me in. My shallow thrusts are in time with the bobbing of his head. It’s taxing, feeling his in-depth attention to bring me close, but not close enough. I groan my disapproval when he pulls his mouth away. Before I can voice my objections, his hands rub back and forth, up and down my cock as if he’s trying to warm his hands. The sensation is extremely overwhelming.
I cover his hands with mine. “Fuck, slow down.” He laughs, and the bed sinks lower, when he lays beside me. His kisses mixed with his deliberate strokes have me mewling happily.
Using a little momentum, I flip us with him now under me. “Get ready to blow your load.”
He teases. “Think you got what it takes to make me, baby?”
“I guess we’re about to find out, huh?” Grabbing his hips, I pull him close to me, and rock slowly against him. His heels press firmly behind my thighs. I hover above him and our eyes lock in a lust-filled gaze.
A dueling battle of tongues ensues; the back and forth with the biting and sucking of the other’s lips sends a shiver through me. His lips feather down my neck torturously. He arches off the bed when I roam the length of his neck. Spending time on my favorite spot makes him squirm more.
Deliberately, I trace down his muscular chest and belly lightly with the tips of my fingers to his already hard cock. It springs from behind the yellow mesh fabric with a simple tug. Flicking my tongue along the underside of his girth, he moans huskily. The further I move down, the stronger my arousal for him becomes. A light rub against his reddish, puckered hole with my thumb makes him whimper. Continuing, I lick my way up his enflamed thickness.
Slade plays with his nipples. “Oh, yeah, I love it when you do that, baby.” Several firm, quick puffs has him mumbling encouragement. Minutes go by and my mouth aches from his size, so I stroke him feverishly, smothering his loud moans with kisses. “You’re ‘bout to make me come,” he whimpers. Replacing my hand with my mouth pushes him over the edge. He collapses back on the bed with a cry, pumps erratically, filling my mouth with his seed. I kiss my way up his chest to nuzzle his ear, peck his neck, and stroke his chest lazily.
He wastes no time moving down and letting the warmth of his mouth surround me. The careful attention he spends on driving me to the brink is exhilarating. I moan, “Jones, not gonna last much longer if you keep doing that.”
“That’s the whole point,” he whispers with a slight chuckle.
My body trembles when he hums and presses hard against my taint. Seconds later, I come cursing like a trucker. Toes curl. Eyes roll back. Professions of love flow freely. I lay here, unable to get the strength to move, as I wait for my orgasm to subside.
“I swear I love watching you come,” he says, leaning in and kissing me.
“Well, you do this hip roll thing, and it’s so fucking hot.”
Slade laughs, rests his head on my shoulder, and he massages my neck. I go to turn towards him, he shakes his head, and he continues his soothing touches down my chest. “Don’t move. I like it like this.”
It’s not long before I fall sleep.
I awaken to the sounds of soft laughter, and Slade’s head on my lap. I tug his ear. He looks up and smiles. “Hey, sleepyhead, did you enjoy your nap?”
Stretching with a yawn, I answer, “Yup. How long was I out?”
“Not long, about an hour,” he answers. “Hey, I checked the guide; the director’s cut of Tropic Thunder comes on at 5:30.”
Through my sleepy haze, a bolt of energy hits me at the mention of my all-time favorite movie. My empty stomach grumbles unexpectedly.
Slade laughs. “You should’ve eaten when we were at Charlie’s. Go grab something. You have about fifty minutes before the movie starts.” I turn to see the peaches sitting in the ice bucket with the whipped cream. “Don’t worry. We’ll get to those,” he says with assurance.
Hastily, I throw on my clothes, and sigh in relief when I miss snagging myself in the zipper. Heading for the door, I turn and ask, “Do you want me to bring you back anything?”
He walks over and asks, “Where you goin’?”
“Mickey D’s.”
“Uh, two, 20 pieces with extra BBQ and extra sweet n sour sauce, two apple pies, and a large fry.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back.” I lean down and kiss him. “I love you.”
“Love you, too. I’ll be thinking about you ‘til you get back,” Slade says, grabbing hold of himself.
I groan walking out the room to his laughter taunting me from the other side.
I hit McDonald’s and the drive-thru line is long. I check inside and those lines are long too, so I decide to stick it out in the drive-thru. About thirty minutes later, I have our food and heading back to the motel. Starving, I scarf down one of my large fries and two cheeseburgers. I close the bag before I can attack the other fry and burgers. I pull back into the parking lot. With food in hand, I knock for Slade to let me in. He answers in a towel, and snatches the food out of my hands. He’s on the bed in a flash, leaving the fresh scent of soap lingering behind him.
“You showered?”
Nonchalantly, he shrugs and says, “Yeah, I was feeling a little gritty. Movie starts in five minutes.”
I head to the bathroom to grab our drinks, undress quickly, and climb on the bed. “My food please, sir. Here’s your root beer.”
“Thanks, Aar,” he says, as we swap, and places a sweet kiss to my lips.
I kiss him again. “You’re welcome.”
“Okay, before it starts, no reciting the movie. You drive me crazy when you do that,” he teases.
“You really shouldn’t talk. I wanna strangle you every time we watch Spaceballs.” He laughs.
The beginning of the movie breaks into our banter. I put my head on his shoulder, and by the time the movie is over, it’s on his stomach. The next movie starts, but I’m bored with it. I flip onto my back, and he kisses my forehead. He leans over, grabs a peach slice, and feeds it to me.
Chewing it slowly, I say, “Whoa, that’s sweet.”
Slade says, “I should try some then.” He takes another slice, rubs it against my lips, and slides it into my mouth. I bite into it as he leans down and kisses me. The mix of the peach and his kiss has my mind in a tizzy. My arms slowly snake around him. When he breaks the kiss, he whispers, “You’re definitely sweeter, baby.”
I smile, placing a hand to his cheek, while he traces his thumb over my lips. Staring into each other’s eyes, he moves atop me. Another peach appears which he plays keep away with before eating himself. He leans in capturing my bottom lip with his teeth and bites playfully.
“I think it’s ‘bout time we empty this,” he says, reaching for the whipped cream. “You had your fun with it last time. Payback’s a bitch, baby.”
After a few shakes, Slade places small dollops over my upper body, each one done with careful precision, and then he licks it off. My breath becomes ragged the lower he goes. My cock twitches from the powerful, erotic laps of his tongue over my navel. My pleading whimpers and groans only egg him on.
“Damn!” I exclaim. He looks up with a cocky smirk, winks, and continues with his seduction.
The whipped cream coats me from balls to tip. He licks and sucks hungrily, reapplying several times. With a loud thwack, my cock smacks against my stomach. His tongue sweeps slowly along the underside. My head falls to the bed. In an instant, he’s kissing me soundly, and our bodies gradually entwine like a pretzel. Our subtle touches making the other moan with each intentional graze. The hot, tight grip of his hand around my swollen member has my itching to be inside him.
Moments later, I roll from under him and have him lay on his stomach. I place lingering kisses over his neck, shoulders, and lick down his back. His tight, round ass clenches repeatedly. I nip against each voluptuous cheek and feel the warmth radiate on my lips.
The soap cannot mask his natural, intoxicating scent and I roll my eyes getting lost in him. He stills briefly and gasps when I glide my tongue against him. He pants heavily under my eager and relentless attention. Penetrating deeper makes his staggered whimpers increase, and wriggle his ass.
He moves onto his knees and rubs his cock slowly. Each thrust of my tongue in contrast to his slow strokes has him reaching back to hold my head in place. “Oh, damn,” he moans.
I add lube to my finger. There’s some resistance at first, but it’s not long until I have three fingers inside conquering him with vigor. He rolls his hips in time to my thrusting fingers, and his moans come out breathlessly. The harder I go the more responsive he is. I slide my fingers from his tight grasp and lay on top of him; he rocks back with a throaty groan when my cock settles between his pillowy cheeks.
“Take me. Don’t make me wait any more, baby,” he says, looking over his shoulder.
The nerves I feel now are not as overwhelming as they were Friday night. I know I can do this. Pushing up to my knees, I grab his hips, and pull him to me. I sheath the condom on myself without struggle. With his back against my chest, I patiently and carefully slide inside him and relish how good it feels to be there again. He sighs, letting his head fall to the bed, and embeds himself further on my cock. I let him adjust, and resist the urge to move with every intense pulse of his ass.
I caress his back lovingly. “Jones, you okay?”
He nods and sighs quietly, “Mm-hmm.”
I draw him back against my chest by his shoulders. He closes his eyes and chews on his bottom lip. We work an unhurried buildup, as our bodies become one. We grunt and moan in almost perfect sync. The pleasure coursing through me brings my primal instinct forth, and I drill into him harder and faster. A sheen of perspiration covers his face, back, and arms. My head falls between his shoulders, and I wrap my arms tight around him while I slow my pace. He feels so good that I can’t help smiling.
“C’mon, give it to me. I want it, baby,” he pleads. I grip his waist hard enough to leave an impression and drive harder; he whimpers loudly, “Yes. Oh, fuck, that’s it.”
Lost in how good he feels, I fall forward, putting my full weight on his back, which he supports with ease. I feel the muscles in his back flex as he keeps himself upright, and kiss his shoulders and neck. Moving off his back, I smack his ass lightly several times, which makes him buck his hips. He mewls, when I adjust my position, and releases a heavy sigh.
A hard, steady, even pounding has him moaning louder. I’m in awe watching his as ripple with each rolling snap of my hips. He looks back, wraps an arm around my shoulder, and kisses me. I whisper, “On your back.” Licking the shell of his ear makes him tremble and tighten his hold on my hard shaft. I can barely contain the grunt from the tight feeling.
Slade turns over. We kiss several times before he reaches down guiding me back inside him. His mouth opens with a silent gasp as I slide in effortlessly. He wraps his legs and arms loosely around me as we rock slowly together. With his continuous writhing, I can feel his engorged thickness rub between our sweaty bodies.
I stare into his gorgeous, hazy sapphire eyes, and say the corniest thing possible, “Hi.”
He chuckles softly and says, “Hi.”
I prop his knees to his chest. A sharp snap of my hips causes him to cry out. His body trembles and I know I’m hitting that delicious spot inside him. The deeper I go the higher his whimpers become. Once I let his legs go, he grasps the sides of my body tight with them. His hands run along my torso seductively. He pulls me down and bites the shoulder. The stroke of his tongue over the sting makes me moan.
“I could stay this way with you forever,” I mutter against his lips. He closes the gap and kisses me.
The heady smell of sex fills the room. The only sounds are our moans, the slapping of skin on skin, and the rhythmic sounds of the bed squeaking under us. I reach for the whipped cream, placing some on his neck, Slade hands grip my hair, and he arches up. His hands travel down my back and grip my ass tight.
Nuzzling his neck, I barely hear him whisper, “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.”
Our lovemaking becomes desperate with the inherent need to please the other. We stare into each other’s eyes never breaking contact. I brace my hand against his chest and he rubs his hand continually over it. Slade rolls his hips to meet my frenzied thrusts, as he strokes his hefty erection. He throws his head back and lets out several loud whines.
“I’m gonna come, baby,” he mewls, his body shudders, and he shoots cum all over his chest. He falls back on the bed, rolling his hips hard against me.
Beads of sweat drip from my face onto his chest, and he moans when I thrust deeper inside him. My orgasm surges forth with a gratifying final thrust of relief. I collapse atop him with harsh, deep moans. He wraps his arms and legs around me. By the time the spasms stop, he’s lazily kissing my ear and neck. I roll off him and gaze up at the ceiling. Reaching down, I grab his hand and interlace our fingers. My head feels I little wonky, but I’m not sure if it’s from the orgasm, or the warm air in the room.
“Aaron, you zoned out there for a sec, you okay?” Slade asks, rolling onto his side.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I turn to face him, run my fingers through his hair, and smile.
He places a kiss to my shoulder and I wince. “Sorry. Got a little carried away huh?”
Slade goes into the bathroom. I remove the condom and toss it in the trash. He returns with a wet hand towel, and proceeds to wipe us both down. He rubs an ice cube over my shoulder. Normally, the feel of the ice would’ve made me to jump, but I’m so warm that I welcome it. He settles himself atop me, grabs a peach, and feeds it to me.
“The peaches were definitely a good choice,” Slade says, taking another, placing it partially in his mouth and leans forward. When I bite into it, the juice dribbles down my chin, and he licks the trail. I wrap my arms around him, and roll him until he’s on his back. We peck lightly a few times before I put my head on his shoulder, while our bodies gradually entwine.
I want him again, and I let him know it by sliding a finger against him. Slade rolls onto his back and hangs his left leg over my hip. We make out as I slide my finger inside him. My phone buzzes on the nightstand. I ignore it, but five seconds later, it goes off again. I ignore it again, and it goes off again.
Grumpily, Slade exclaims, “Fuck! Answer it.”
With a groan, I grab the phone, and see that it’s Ma. I answer, “Yes, ma’am?”
“What time are you gonna be home, Aaron?” Ma asks.
“Dad said to be back by midnight. What’s up?” I ask. Checking the time, I see that it’s nearly 9pm, two hours before our planned checkout.
“Okay, we need to talk. It’s important,” she says solemnly.
“We’re not close. Can you say it over the phone?” I ask. Slade turns to me. I mouth, ‘we gotta go.’ Rolling his eyes, he clambers off the bed, and heads to the bathroom.
“Wherever you are, we need you to come back. This is important,” Ma says with a mild desperation.
“Ok, we’ll be back ASAP,” I tell her.
After the call ends, my mind goes a hundred miles an hour. What’s happened? I throw my clothes on, and realize Slade’s still in the bathroom. I knock, but he doesn’t answer, so I call out to him, “Jones, you okay?” I panic when he doesn’t answer. “Slade?”
“I’m fine, Aaron,” he calls out. “You can come in.”
I walk in to find him sitting on the edge of the tub. I kneel in front of him and he smiles sadly. “Jeez, you scared me.”
He quickly kisses me. “Baby, I’m sorry didn’t mean to. I was just sitting here thinking,” he says softly. “We both know why she called. They’re kicking me out.”
I shake my head. “You don’t know that for sure. They could want you to come home.”
Slade’s breathing quickens. “Mama would’ve called me if that was true. It’s time that I face the fact that my family doesn’t want me.”
I wipe away the lone tear from his cheek. “Jones, you’re gonna be fine. No matter what happens, I got your back. I swear.” With a kiss to his forehead, I haul him off the tub, and we embrace. Leading him back into the room, he dresses while I double-check that we have everything.
Our checkout is easy. I drop off the keycard and leave. Slade looks sad when I get in the truck. I hook up my iPod and go directly to his favorite singer, Luke Bryan. His face lights up instantly. He grabs my hand kisses the back of it, and laces our fingers together.
We pull up to the house a little after 10pm; Dad calls out when he hears us enter, “Can you come to the kitchen, please?”
Entering the kitchen, Slade takes my hand and asks, “Miss Dani, what’s going on?”
Ma clears her throat. “We spoke to your mother. She informed us that you’re not welcomed back at the house. Arrangements have been made for you to stay with your Auntie Bernie back in Norfolk.”
“I told you they didn’t want me anymore,” Slade says, as I wrap my arm around his shoulder as he cries.
She continues her eyes watering, “I don’t even know how to tell you this next part.”
My voice cracks, “Ma, tell us.”
She looks to Dad for help. “Chris, I can’t.”
Dad takes her hand and nods. “She also said, that uh… that uh, you’re not allowed to have contact with your brothers or sister,” he whispers.
“What?” Slade asks dumbfounded. “Why not?”
Ma takes his hands in hers. “I don’t know, but I don’t want you to worry, honey. You’re gonna be fine.”
I watch the love of my life break down in my mother’s arms.
Looking over at Dad and seeing the empathy emanating from him makes me angry that his own parents don’t feel the same way. Why can’t they love and treat him the way he deserves? I run for the front door.
Slade calls out. “Aaron? Baby, stop!” He catches up to me, grabs my hand, and yanks me back, but I twist out of his hold. I run out, bound down the stairs, and over to my truck.
Ma yells, “Sweetie, come back. They’re not worth it.”
Dad runs towards the truck. “Aaron!”
I peel away kicking up the gravel in the driveway before he or Slade can reach me.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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