Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Diego & Germán - 5. Chapter V: Breakfast for two
I really did sleep well. It took the help of a five-fingered massage to get there, but it was deep and with some nice erotic dreams, where my visitor was the main character. I woke up feeling on the top of my game.
So I got up, got out and began my morning tai chi with weights. Lisa adjusted the wrist and ankle bands to optimize the workout, according to her. According to me, it was just one of the thousand ways she had to torture me.
Shit! The pyjamas are going to fall off.
* Lisa, you’ll have to make the new pants a little tighter, these are going to fall off at any moment. *
# You want to show off your bulge in tight pants? This crush is going to be the end of your self respect. #
* Come on Lisa, I’m trying to behave here. *
I had long ago decided to do my workout outdoors, whenever possible. If you do it indoors, everything ends up smelling like a gym. So I was sweating under the first rays of the sun when I noticed Germán observing me.
Why do I never notice when he is looking? How long has he been at it? This guy's modification must be really first class.
* How long has he been looking, Lisa? *
# The last 15 minutes. #
* And why didn’t you say anything? *
# Well, it did not look like he was dangerous, lying in the tent with his head out. #
“Good morning. Did you sleep well? You hungry? I’ll be done in a moment, and I’ll make you some breakfast.”
Smiling through an enormous yawn, he answered, “Good morning. I am hungry, but don’t worry, I’ll survive the wait.”
* Lisa, it’s waffles, and strawberries, and cream, and chocolate mousse… and lemon mousse… and pancakes with maple syrup and cranberry jelly… and fresh diced fruit… and bacon, lots of bacon… and juice… don’t forget the coffee… *
# ... and how many people are going to come to this breakfast extravaganza? #
* Oh, well, you know what I mean. *
“OK. I’m done. Please come into my tent. We’ll have breakfast inside. You can take the things out of the Matrox while I’m showering. Make yourself at home… Oh, and the toothbrusher was printed over night. I put it outside, on the shelves to the right.”
“Wow, you have a Matrox for yourself? I’ve never seen one. Is it true you can print in 3D any molecular structure if you have enough raw material?”
“Well yeah.” I said with some pride. “You’ll notice the whole breakfast was printed at the right temperature, in all the right containers. The Matrox is really sweet.”
“Is this one of the machines your family makes?”
“Oh, no. The material processors are built in our colony, but my family has nothing to do with the hardware. We do the programming. You know, the ‘blueprints’ so that the Matrox can print whatever you need. Well, I should say they. As you can see, I’m the black sheep, I don’t know how to program a iot.” Changing topics, I continued, “I’ll go into the shower and be back in 10 minutes.”
I showered in a hurry, and as I got out I noticed I was out of undies. So I had to go to the kitchen, wrapped in a towel around my hips, to get the ones I had printed overnight, which I had taken out of the Matrox earlier this morning, along with the toothbrusher, to make room for the breakfast.
As I entered the kitchen, Germán apparently swallowed the wrong way and began to cough. I asked him if he was OK, and he just nodded and extended his hand flat, as if to keep me away, while he looked for a paper napkin to cover his mouth.
These fanatics are really fucked up. It looks like seeing some skin really bothers him. -- Well he didn’t seem to mind it this morning, while I was exercising. -- I guess I’ll have to dress up for breakfast with long sleeves and a turtleneck. -- Fuck that, I’ll put on my “Archeologists do it in the dirt” t-shirt. Ha! That’ll show him.
I went back to the bedroom, put on some clothes, including my slutty t-shirt, and when I walked back to the kitchen, breakfast was already on the table, with Germán sitting on one side, smiling at me.
I could get used to this.
I sat down, and we began eating breakfast.
The conversation was great. We had many similar opinions, but different enough to allow some spirited discussion about music and holos. Even his political opinions, as far as we got into them, seemed to be quite reasonable. I told him a little bit about me, my family, and the colony, mostly superficial stuff, but he didn’t seem to reciprocate. Every time the conversation became too hot for him, he changed topics. He did say a couple of things about his childhood, commenting that he was an orphan and grew up in an orphanage in Shboa, but that was about it. He didn’t seem comfortable talking about it, so I let it go. It’s not like it made a difference to me. People are very often overwhelmed with my family, so I try to be gentle.
The t-shirt was a hit. He seemed to read it every now and then, trying not to be too obvious. I felt really smug about it, but I’ll admit to nothing and you have no evidence.
After having breakfast, we cleaned up, put all the leftovers and the trash in the backside of the material processor, to be recycled, and washed the dishes.
“I guess you’ll want to take a shower now.”
Diego, you really are a great host: you take a shower and have breakfast before asking your guest if he wants to take a shower. Where are my manners? Mums, I’m sorry. I’m embarrassing the family. -- I’ve been alone for too long.
A suddenly shy Germán answered, “Well, yeah, if you don’t mind. I don’t want to be a nuisance, but I’ve been washing in rivers and streams for some time, and a shower would be kind of awesome.“
“Don’t worry. The bathroom’s here, to the right.” I said showing him the entrance. “If you need anything…” Like a massage. “... just shout. Use anything you need in there.”
And I got out of the tent as fast as I could. Being inside, with Germán naked, just meters away, was more than I could endure. So I lay down outside on the deckchair, to think and work a little bit.
First, I told Lisa to improve the security perimeter. We’d need to use the material processor on the ship to create more bugs and critters, but I could not allow a surprise like Germán to happen again, in spite of this specific surprise being easy on the eyes. Next time I might wake up with my throat cut. Or not wake up. Well, you know what I mean.
Today we would have to get some raw material for the Matrox. At the rate Germán was eating, we’d have to bring a big load of organic stuff.
And the sudas, that pile of horseshit hypocrites. Talking about the inviolability of the body as a temple, the intrinsic perversity of modifications, of changing Uda’s design, and they are modifying people like Germán themselves. Who knows why, but a stealth modification is not something you do to better celebrate mass. This looks pretty fucked up. It could have far reaching implications if the sudas are creating an army of modified soldiers. I’ll have to talk to a couple of people back home, but not through the Net. I’m pretty sure they are watching every byte of information going in and out of the planet. -- Maybe I should have downloaded the porn? Something really nasty. It would be worth it, just to see the face of the guy spying on the communications. -- I’ll have to go back home as soon as possible. It is no longer safe here, and they have to know about this back home.
The excavation seemed to be doing fine. In a couple of days I’d be breaching the chamber I had detected, and afterwards I could go back.
After that, my thoughts began to drift off, and rocked by the sun and the breeze, I was almost asleep when a scream woke me. I got up confused.
* Lisa, what’s happening? Where did this come from? *
I got no answer, but there was no one around except for Germán, and the scream came from the tent, so I ran inside and opened the door to the bath, to find Germán naked, jumping in the middle, with his head full of foam. As he heard me open the door, he stopped jumping, took the foam off his eyes, and looked at me with a pained face.
“There’s no more hot water!”
HE’S NAKED! Don’t lower your eyes! Don’t do it! Resist!
I could not resist. I am a weak, weak man. My eyes slid downwards along his glorious body on their own. He was beautiful beyond my wildest fantasies. Everything was just right: his muscled chest, the soft looking hair on it, the flat eight pack on his stomach, the furry fuzz that covered it, the marked Apollo’s belt pointing to the sexiest blond pubic hair, coming down from the belly button. His sex was just perfect. Not too big, and tacky, but definitely a shower.
For fucks sake, couldn’t he at least be ugly! -- He’s NAKED!
As soon as I found my tongue again, I stammered. “I-I-I … I’m sorry! I’m going to connect the rover to the system, and you’ll have hot water again… so you can… finish…”
I just escaped out of the bath, breathing as if I’d been running a marathon. I went to the rover, connected the vehicle to the tent’s system, and shouted, “It’s on again, you can get back into the shower.”
* Lisa, I hate you! *
I just heard a mischievous laugh in my head.
And was there something growing down there while I was looking? -- Not a chance. You must have dreamt it. You’re so horny, your hormones are producing hallucinations. Guys like that don’t fall for guys like you, and not even in the remotest case could he be interested in guys at all. -- I’ll have to get him out of here as soon as possible, or he’ll be the end of me. This is just unbearable. It’s bad enough to be alone in Bumfuck, but having a naked hunk around, you can’t even look at without risking a black eye, is just too much. Why does everything have to happen to me? Why, huh? Why couldn’t he have passed five hundred kilometers north of here? Why couldn’t he be a woman? That would have been sooo much easier. And, of course, he had to look like a god. He couldn’t have been all warty, and ugly, and dumb, and unpleasant… ohhhh, but then, he’s a religious fundamentalist. -- OK, I’ll keep the gay thing to myself, but I won’t let him cower me into denying my atheism! Not! Ever!
While I was working myself up into a frenzy, I began to walk around moving my arms as if I was discussing the latest ball game in Longorian. And, as it’s always the case with me, as German came out with a big smile, relaxed and cool, he found me with my arms up, looking like they'd just kicked me out of the asylum for being too crazy.
“Are you praying?” He asked cautiously.
Oh, no. I am not letting him scare me into denying my atheism. This is my fucking camp, and my fucking excavation. I am the fucking boss here. Let’s see how he likes a little bomb.
“No!” The answer was a little bit too forceful, and he was taken aback, somewhat. “I don’t pray to any god, because I don’t believe they exist!” I said defiant, raising my chin slightly.
“Oh. OK.” Was all I got from him on that account. Smiling expectantly, he asked, “Do you think we could make some clothes for me? Maybe you could make me something a little bit better looking. These old rags are useful, but we’re in a civilized country here,” he added with a wink.
I let the air out.
Fuck that smile. I can’t say no to him. I‘m his bitch. -- Does he need undies? Ouch! Maybe I can measure him up? Ouch! -- OK, pinches are no longer working. -- Sigh. -- What will it be next? Puberty? Acne? -- This is exhausting.
* Lisa, is there something I can take to control my hormones? *
# Yes, I could make something, but you know the consequences. Well, as horny as you are, maybe you will end up normal. Who knows. #
* Yeah, well, forget I asked. *
Outwards I said, “Yes, of course, no problem. But we need some raw material, so we’ll have to go to the forest to gather up some wood, and leaves, and scrub. Do you have working gloves?” He nodded. “Then get them, and we’ll leave in a minute.”
Shortly after, we were in the rover, driving to a patch Lisa had told me would be good.
I was not an expert in material processors, but even I knew they break down raw materials into atoms, and then used the atoms to “print” in 3D whatever object was necessary, organic, inorganic, electronic, photonic, whatever. Very often there was a possibility to use different atoms and materials for the same purpose. For example, instead of a metallic case, you could create a stone one or a glass one, using silicium, or some organic compound, using carbon. So you could use the materials available in your surroundings, without having to open a mine for something specific, but for food, the Matrox needed a lot of organic compounds to make breakfast. Yes, I could get carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen from the atmosphere, but the rest, phosphor, and iron, and other, not. Well, I confess I also used whatever came out of the excavation that was not interesting to me. Lots of calcium, and iron there.
Bigger material processors, like the one on my ship, could also convert one material into a different one, converting, for example, silicium -- literally as abundant as dirt -- into rare earth elements. Lots of energy needed though. There were quite a few of those at home. Our colony was proud of the technological prowess that was needed to create such a technical marvel. Of course, we knew that if you sell a machine that can make other machines, just as good as the one you sold, soon enough you will have no business. But not really, it was not so easy as that. You needed a lot of knowhow to get something like the Matrox to work properly. The blueprints were not easy to get either, and reverse engineering had not really worked out. We were also diversifying, like my family, selling software, instead of hardware. There is always a market for new, and fashionable gadgets, or foods, and we were on the crest of the wave.
So the morning was spent in the woods with Germán. The company was great, and I enjoyed myself immensely outdoors. We laughed, and horsed around, and laughed again. I don’t think I had enjoyed myself so much in years. We came back to the camp exhausted, and euphoric.
Later that night, thinking about the day, I noticed Germán had a perverse sense of humor, displaying an extremely intelligent wit, he usually put into play with a few well placed words.
How can such an intelligent, and nice person have been born among those fanatics? I guess this shows there is no telling what you’ll become, in spite of all ods.
Carlos et Jaro, vous êtes les meilleurs! Merci pour votre aide.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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