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Song and Dance - 10. Chapter 10 Home Is Where The Heart Is

Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours
Warning: Sexual Situations

Song and Dance



Chapter 10



Gray eyes were locked with green, and had been for many heartbeats. A satisfied smile began to grow on Arron’s face as he watched those green eyes start to get heavy again. He liked that he was the one who’d made this gorgeous man lying in his bed, so sleepy. Arron’s intriguing smile halted Chet’s progression to dreamland; he had a need to know the reason behind it.

“What are you thinking, wolfie?” he queried with a curious smile of his own. The muscle memory of his body could still feel Arron inside him, and it was an exquisite remembrance of pleasure, and the love-affirming ache it left behind.

“Mostly, that my beautiful guy is all tuckered out,” he chuckled.

“Yes, he is, and it’s all your fault. I don’t want to move, even though my stomach feels like it’s touching my backbone. You know you promised to feed me?”

“Yeah, but you have to move in order for me to fulfill my promise, meaning you have to get it in gear, and get your hot ass up so we can head over to your place.”

“Can’t you just feed me in bed? Then I wouldn’t have to get my hot ass up and move around,” Chet whined.

“The gas line to my stove is shut off, remember?” Arron hesitated for a second. “Are you sore? Did I hurt you?” The sudden worry in Arron’s voice was touching, and caused a surge of love to well up in Chet.

“Honestly, yes, I am… a little, but it feels good. I love feeling this way, baby, because you made me feel loved, and you took care of me the whole time. Trust me… I feel wonderful.”

Arron looked relieved and proud at the same time. “I love you, green eyes, and I will always take care of you,” he leaned in and kissed this guy who owned him, lock, stock, and barrel. “Now get that sexy ass up and get dressed. My man is hungry, and I need to fix that, like pronto.”

“You mean me, right?” he joked. “Are you developing a thing for my ass?” Chet’s playfulness was such a welcome experience for Arron after years of dealing with an aloof Dwayne.

“For the first part, it depends on how quick you get that pretty ass out of this bed. I’m sure I can find someone else to ply with my cooking skills,” he threatened with a twinkle in his eye. “And yeah, about your ass… that ship has sailed.” Arron’s smitten expression was adorable.

Chet blushed at that sincere look coming from Arron. “I’m up, I’m up. See? There will be no ‘plying’ anyone else.” He frowned as he swung his legs over the side of the bed, planting his feet on the floor.

Arron laughed as he got out of bed, too. “I see the way to control my man is through his stomach.”

“That’s only one of the ways you can make me putty in your hands, loverboy,” Chet teased.

“Loverboy? Really?”

“Yes, Officer, you’ve earned that moniker, for sure,” Chet insisted, stretching his well-fucked body while Arron stood transfixed, drinking in the vision of masculinity in front of him. He still found it hard to believe this smoking-hot man had chosen to be his. He watched Chet walking around the bed towards him, and was rooted to the spot until Chet wrapped those muscular arms around him in a naked full-body hug. He returned the hug fiercely, getting that Chet understood his need for physical reassurance. He was grateful his guy could read him so well already.

“This is like a dream, Chet,” he whispered into his lover’s ear.

“I know, but it’s no dream; it’s more real than anything I’ve ever felt. I’ve never had this sense of belonging to someone before. Thank you for loving me.” Neither one wanted to let go of the embrace or the feeling, until Chet’s stomach decided to make demanding noises.

“Way to spoil a special moment,” Arron joked. They pulled apart in order to get dressed, each constantly glancing at the other as provocative body parts were slowly covered up. Chet, upon finishing, walked around the room, taking in all the details of the well-planned and appealing space. The built-ins were superbly crafted, and the elegant, yet simple baseboards were a foot high. Arron stood and watched the man who inhabited his heart and his bedroom.

“I know I’ve already said it, but your house is as beautiful a home as I’ve ever seen, and I have seen a lot of homes. There are a lot of flashy-looking new ones out there, but some of them are just plain crap. This is a house built to last. Every single line is straight and true, and that’s a rarity nowadays. The floors don’t even creak.” When Chet glanced at Arron he saw he was practically bursting with pride, and it meant a lot to the architect in him that Arron so obviously loved his house. “I can’t wait to wake up here tomorrow morning... snuggled up against you, of course,” he chuckled.

Arron chuckled too. “I’m beginning to worry that you love my house more than me.”

“Not possible. I do love your house, but I could live anywhere with you.” Chet’s eyes widened as he realized what he just said. “I mean….”

Arron smirked. “I know what you meant. You’re coming around quick, aren’t you? You’re a little closer to accepting that you’ll be moving in here, so there’s no sense in pretending otherwise. I can’t wait for you to wake up here every morning, and something tells me I’m going to get my way.”

Chet was bowled over once again by the commitment Arron was determined to make to them, and while it maybe should have scared him… or at least make him nervous, it didn’t. Instead, it made him want to match the courage Arron showed. “You just might be impossible to say no to,” he gave ground to the smug newly-confident man in front of him as he pulled him in for a tender kiss. Less and less he felt the need for caution and restraint, and more and more he saw the rightness in not holding back. While he might take some time before he said the words, there was no denying his escalating excitement, and his desire to live with this man, and not delay the building of a shared life. If Arron was this hell-bent on their co-habitation, and had the guts to proclaim it, then why shouldn’t Chet do the same, and let his own heart rule him as well? There really wasn’t a dilemma here.

Arron could read it in his face… how receptive Chet was becoming to the idea, causing him to grin as he grabbed his hand, leading him out of the bedroom and down the stairway. Chet started to head toward the entry where their coats and boots resided, but Arron’s grip halted his progress.

“There’s one more thing I need to show you, handsome. Follow me,” he said as he tugged on the big, strong hand he held in his. Chet followed his eager captor through the charming kitchen into the bright and cheery dining room. Their little journey ended at the south facing, deep-silled window, lined with lush pots of what he recognized as geraniums. There were no flowers but the distinctly shaped leaves were unmistakable. Chet watched with interest as Arron examined the plants intently before plucking one of the newer growth leaves from the bottom of one of them. Turning to Chet, Arron held his palm out with the leaf lying on it. “This is why I called you leaf eyes last night. That leaf is the exact color of your eyes, Chet,” he looked triumphant, like a little kid does when he’s discovered something special and is sharing it.

Chet chuckled and said, “That’s sweet, Arron, but there’s no way my eyes are that shade of green. That is a really bright green.” He was fascinated by the brilliant leaf as he took it from Arron and examined it.

Arron smirked at Chet and took the leaf back from him. He shook his head in mock disgust. “Okay, follow me.” This time he led them to the brightly lit front entry, daylight streaming through the glass of the intricately designed front door. He physically moved Chet into place in front of the large sideways-oval mirror hanging above the vintage coat-hooks, and with a confident look, held the leaf up beside Chet’s vibrant eyes, not saying a word.

It took Chet no time at all to see how they compared. “Well, I’ll be damned—shoot, my eyes really are that color. I never knew my eyes were this bright. I always thought of them as boring old green.” Arron could see the genuine surprise appear on Chet’s face. “I used to wish they were any other color. There not as nice as yours, but they’re better than I thought.”

“Are you kidding me? Boring old green? You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. You, mister, should be happy you have eyes that color because they’re what hooked me from the first time I laid my eyes on them,” Arron’s own gray ones were twinkling in the bright daylight as he captured Chet’s adoring gaze. “Why do you think I call you 'green eyes'? They are fucking impossible to ignore, and I’m drawn to them like a bee to honey. When you turn those suckers on me it’s like you can freeze me on the spot, and my heart beats faster,” his voice had dwindled to where it was so soft Chet could barely hear him.

“God, you make me feel so good. I know I’m not bad looking, but to tell you the truth, alongside Ian, I felt a little intimidated sometimes, mostly by the attention he always got, wherever we went. Even if they didn’t recognize him, people were always taken with him. I mean I never really minded but… you make me feel special in a way he never did. The thing is, except during sex, he was never very complimentary to me. He never made me feel like his equal… but you do. The way you look at me and the way you touch me makes me feel like I’m the most important person in your world.” Chet didn’t know how to interpret the look on Arron’s face, and then it occurred to him that he may have made a mistake. “I’m sorry, Arron, I never should have mentioned Ian. He is so far in the past that….”

“Chet, Chet, stop. I don’t care about Ian. Not one damn bit. You can talk about him anytime you want… seriously… it’s just that I don’t know what to say. It means a lot to me when you say I make you feel special. It feels so… I don’t know… I guess it’s kind of empowering for me to be able to give you that. It’s a new feeling for me, knowing I make someone, you, feel better about yourself. I’m not used to having what I think or feel matter so much to someone I love,” he let out an emotion-laden sigh. “I guess it’s just more of the damage, huh?”

Chet’s heart went out to him then. “Arron, please don’t think of yourself as damaged. Yeah, Dwayne did some damage to you, and he really hurt you, but you’re way past those issues now. That idiot was the real damaged one. You are strong and honest and caring, and drop dead fucking gorgeous… and there’s no more fucking loser Ian, and there’s no more fucking loser Dwayne. There’s just us, wolf. You and me.” Chet’s words had the desired effect as Arron pulled Chet in and kissed him for all he was worth in the magical light of a glorious winter day. Chet loved when Arron took control like this, showing his resurrected confidence in himself and what he had to offer, which was considerable. Chet chuckled to himself when the thought crossed his mind that the deep soreness he felt could attest to that fact.


Arron was lost in thought as Chet drove his Jeep over to his place. “Do you have brown rice?”

“What? No, why?”

“Because we need some for supper, to go with the stir-fry. I forgot it yesterday.”

“Okay, I’ll stop up here and run in. It’ll just take a minute.”

“I’ll go with you, green eyes. You should not be left alone in a grocery store. Things will be flying everywhere,” he teased.

“Hey, I’m a grown man. I can be trusted to grab some rice.”

“Are you saying you don’t want my company?” Arron raised one of those dark sexy eyebrows at him, and Chet was powerless to object any further.

“Okay, but if we go in together, maybe you should hold my hand, seeing as how I can’t be trusted,” he challenged with a daring look in his eyes.

Several days ago, that might have thrown Arron for a loop, but he was a different Arron now, proud to be seen with a man like Chet… his man. He didn’t miss a beat. “That won’t be a hardship, handsome. I’ll hold your hand anytime, anyplace.” The resoluteness in those words were music to Chet’s ears. It gave him all he needed.

“Arron, I was just kidding. I don’t expect you to do that… I didn’t mean to push you.”

“Chet, shut that sexy mouth up. Stop trying to chicken out, you big baby,” he grinned. “You’re not pushing me at all. I want to be able to hold your hand whenever I feel like it. We have nothing to hide, and I know you were just teasing me. How about we make this interesting? We'll hold hands the whole time we’re in there, and the first one to let go owes the other one twenty bucks?”

“You’re on. There’s no way I’m losing this one,” he spoke with confidence. “The best you can hope for is a draw.”

“We’ll see.”

They came out of the grocery store with a child-like Arron alternating between giggling and laughing with glee, while a blushing Chet tried to look annoyed. “Hand over my twenty bucks, sweet-cheeks,” Arron demanded with a triumphant smile.

“You cheated! No fair goosing me when I was bent over,” he scowled as he rubbed his head.

“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t know you were going to bang your head like that. Are you okay?” Arron tried to suppress another giggle, and failed miserably.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I can’t believe I got goosed by my own hand, though,” he started to laugh as he thought about how it must have looked. He had to begrudgingly admit Arron had set him up brilliantly. Arron joined him in full-out laughter as he recalled the shocked look on Chet’s face when he realized he had pulled his hand away from Arron’s, and that victory had left his grasp, so to speak. “You’re a devious man, Officer Bailey, but just remember, payback’s a bitch,” he gave an evil grin that made Arron laugh even harder.

“Whatever,” he said, still laughing, “Hand it over.”

When Chet passed the twenty-dollar bill over to Arron, their eyes met. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”


The long awaited dinner was underway, and Chet was impressed with Arron’s competence and ease in the kitchen. He was so calm and organized as he went about preparing their meal. Chet tried to help, but after getting in the way a few times when he tried to flirt with the cook, he was told to ‘sit’ and ‘stay’. A chastised but happy Chet did as he was told. This was something he’d always wanted, to share this feeling of togetherness with someone, and have it feel like it was meant to be, the way this did. Arron wasn’t complicated. He was a straight-up guy, who was strong and loving in equal amounts. The damage of the past was fast disappearing, and the only reason it had been allowed to happen in the first place was because the incredible man in front of him was so trusting and loyal. The qualities that made him such a catch to Chet, had been the things Dwayne had taken advantage of, something Chet would never do. He would cherish all the attributes of this man he loved, and he would fight with everything he had to keep this rare gift they’d found together, from anything that might threaten it.

Dinner was served. Arron had crafted something relatively simple, but surprisingly elegant in its presentation. The colors alone—the greens, the yellows, and the reds—had Chet’s mouth salivating in anticipation, never mind the aromas coming from the dish in front of him. He looked across the table at the beautiful man who’d created this for him, a question in his appreciative eyes, and Arron responded by raising his glass of sparkling water in a toast. “To us, green eyes.” His eyes had the same moist glimmer as the condensation on the clear glass he was holding, proof that their first home-cooked meal together held great significance for him as well.

“To us, Wolf.”

From the first spoonful till the last, Chet’s taste buds were in ecstasy, as he recognized that Arron did indeed create magic in another room besides the bedroom. The subtle mix of flavors would have been at home in any fine restaurant. The approving sounds coming from Chet made Arron glow with pleasure. When Chet scooped the last mouthful in, he looked disappointedly at his plate.

Arron saw his reaction and laughed. “There’s more, handsome. Can I tempt you again?”

Chet looked at Arron like he had just offered him gold. “Hell, yeah, you can tempt me anytime. That was fantastic! A little more would be just the thing, but you’ve done enough… I’ll get it.” Chet went to get up.


Startled, Chet sat back down. “Yes, sir,” he grinned.

“That’s more like it; I have to admit, I’m really enjoying doing this for you. It feels good to cook for more than just myself.”

“If it makes you happy, you can cook for me, morning, noon, and night.”

Arron laughed, and leaned across the table for a kiss as he stood up. “I think we’d have to be living together for me to be able to do that, don’t you think?” Arron looked irrepressibly confident, and Chet melted.

“You make a good point. I guess that’s the only way it could work,” he conceded more ground with a small smile. They both were enjoying this little back-and-forth journey that was fast leading to a foregone conclusion.

When Arron returned with two more plates, Chet, who actually did know his way around a kitchen… sort of… was curious as to how Arron had managed to keep everything in the stir fry so fresh and colorful- looking. Once he’d shoveled in more of the delicious meal, he asked the question, and in return, he received a mysterious smile. “Maybe after we’ve been living together a while, I’ll tell you.” Arron’s teasing statement elicited a burst of laughter from Chet.

“I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, baby. You’re not going to give up, are you?” Chet looked immeasurably happy.

Arron just grinned and said, “Nope. I intend to win this one too, but only when you’re ready.”

“I don’t think I want to put up much of a fight.” He caught Arron’s eyes with his.

“Good, because it would be a waste of time. Every minute that goes by makes me more and more certain of what I want. I don’t want to waste anymore of my life when I’ve found something that feels this perfect, you know? But I also don’t want you to agree to something you’re not ready for, so take all the time you need, okay? I know I’m getting carried away, and I’m pushing too hard. You’re bringing out these urges in me that have been buried a long time,” he confessed. “I’m not normally an impulsive person, but where you’re concerned… you and me… I just know we belong together.” A worried look flashed in Arron's eyes, and it wasn't hard for Chet to figure out that Arron felt pushy.

Chet saw it differently.The honesty he saw on the face in front of him was inspiring to him. This guy kept proving he was everything he wanted and Chet saw no reason not to accept the dream laid out before him. “I really don’t need more time, Arron. I want to be with you every minute possible, and as long as you’re sure, I am too. I want us to live together too.” Chet found the commitment effortless. There was no purpose in overthinking it; he didn’t want to wait either.

Now it was Arron’s turn to look like Chet’s words had given him gold, and his face shone with a surprised joy. Tears filled those expressive gray eyes, and a couple of them trickled down his cheeks. “Shit, Chet,” he laughed through choked-out sobs, “That was too easy. I expected a little more fight before you came around. Are you…?” Arron had to hesitate as he fought to gain control of happy sobs and emotional tears. “Are you really sure you want this? It’s not because it’s what I want, is it? I know I’ve been god dam pushy, so I need to know you’re not agreeing to it for my sake. I need to know you’re not doing it for me.”

“Hell yeah, I’m doing it for you! I fucking love you, Arron, and I’m fast learning I’d do anything for you, okay? But I’m doing it for me too, because I want to live with you more than anything I’ve ever wanted before. I’m saying I want us to live together. I’m doing this for both of us because I want there to be an 'us'; a real us that shares a life. I want it for the same reason you do. I was convinced at your place, but I wanted to give you some time, in case you wanted to back off from the idea; obviously there was no fucking way that was happening,” he laughed through some stray tears of his own, and a rapt Arron joined him.

“I am so freaking happy right now. I’m excited and kind of peaceful at the same time. I trust you, green eyes, so you wanting the same thing tells me I’m right to want this and want it soon… now even.”


“Yeah, but I’ll take what I can get, handsome.”

“You’re doing it again.”

“What am I doing, Chet?”

“You’re making me feel special… the way no one else ever has.”

“That’s because you are.”

“So are you, wolfie, so are you.”

“Are you happy?”

“Couldn’t be any happier.” Chet reached across the table and grabbed hold of Arron’s hand. “Partners?”

“Partners,” Arron beamed.


For the second time today, they were headed back to Arron’s house, this time with one of Chet’s big suitcases in the back of the Jeep. The process of moving in together was already underway, and they were both experiencing the underlying excitement of such a big step. Any time he got nervous, Arron just had to look at Chet, to feel a wash of certainty and calmness come over him. This guy was a keeper. Arron smiled inwardly at the remembrance of Chet telling him to ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ while the big guy cleaned up after their dinner. He said it was the least he could do after such an amazing meal. It sure was different from the memories of Dwayne wolfing down meals with never any acknowledgment or thanks for Arron’s efforts. The difference between the two men was like night and day, and he really should send Dwayne a thank-you note for fucking David. He no longer felt the least bit of bitterness at that memory. It had been the start of his journey towards Chet.


Pulling into Arron’s driveway was different from this morning. Chet was coming home. It would take a while before the move was over but the transition had begun. He had clothes and personal items with him this time, and this is where they’d be staying. They would work out the logistics over the next couple of months, but he was sure wherever they spent the night, it would be together. He kept having the thought that they were moving awfully fast, but when he looked over at Arron, the slight apprehension disappeared, replaced by the peace he’d felt when he made the decision that Arron’s thinking was the best thing for them. Why fight the incredible need to be close to this man? He knew in his heart they would make this work. The details would fall into place. Sitting in the Jeep in front of the beautiful house he was moving into, his eyes met Arron’s, and he accepted completely that this wonderful man was his real home, the place he belonged, and the place where his heart resided. There was no turning back now, and Chet didn’t want to. The last time he’d committed to this, it’d been with the wrong person, and he knew that now. Ian had ended up doing him a favor when he walked away, and Chet found himself thankful fate had intervened so he could end up here. With the man he was supposed to be with. There wasn’t even the slightest chance Arron would walk away from him, and his knowing this without doubt, reinforced Chet’s conclusion he was traveling the only path that made sense for him.

“So who’s carrying who over the threshold?”

Arron looked at Chet in amusement. “I’ll give it my best shot, but I’ll probably have to sling you over my shoulder.”

“You would give it a try, wouldn’t you?” he acknowledged with a grin.

“Anything for you. Why are we sitting here?”

“I don’t know about you, but I’m savoring the moment.” His eyes were focused on Arron’s. “So we’re really doing this, huh?”

“Only if you want to?” Arron searched Chet’s eyes and found what he was looking for.

“Hell yeah, I want to. I’m not sure how we got here but I don’t question the why of it. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. How about we skip the threshold thing and walk in holding hands?”

“Okay, so does this mean you’re going to be the sensible one?”

“Not bloody likely,” Chet snorted. “Come on, let’s go… partner.”

“Partner? Sounds better the second time. Hell yeah, I like it!” Arron whooped, and Chet joined him in celebration.

When Arron unlocked the front door, he was surprised to hear his new partner tell him to “brace himself." Chet leaned over, grabbing Arron around the top of his legs, and smoothly slung the big man over his shoulder. He carried his new partner into the house and set him down like it was no big deal. The look on Arron’s face brought laughter bubbling up out of Chet. “Call me sensible, will ya? I don’t think so, wolfie.”

Arron’s surprise at the smooth and unexpected move turned to contentment as he got a glimpse of Chet’s romantic spontaneity, so he showed his appreciation by wrapping his arms around his amazing partner as he kicked the solid door shut with his foot. He followed up with a kiss that said everything you could say in one when you loved the recipient with total abandon. After Arron was done, Chet’s closed eyes took a while to open.

“I expect one of those every night,” he managed to whisper out.

“That’s something you can count on,” Arron responded, looking supremely proud of himself.

“Uh, Arron?”

“Yeah, green eyes?”

“My suitcase is still on the veranda.”


“I figured this room could be your office, Chet, if you wanted. It’s got a decent view and lots of light during the day, from the two windows. What do you think?”

Chet walked into the center of the spacious upstairs bedroom and turned in a circle. “It’s perfect, but where’s your office?”

“I don’t need much space, so I just keep my laptop and a file cabinet in the downstairs bedroom. I’ve never bothered setting up a proper office because I’ve been living here alone for so long, and I just sort of spread out all over the place, but you probably need a good one, seeing as how you’re an architect.”

Chet took notice of how cute Arron looked when he was nervous.

“The downstairs bedroom is kind of dark with the trees on that corner of the house, so I don’t think you’d like it to work in. The third bedroom on this floor is nice, but I think it’s too small.”

“Obviously you’ve put some thought into this,” Chet shot a direct and loving look at Arron, causing him to blush. “Any chance you’d share this office with me? I like the idea of us being in this bright, sunny room together, you know? I don’t want you down in that dark room while I’m all the way up here,” Chet winked, and Arron chuckled.

“I’d like that, but I figured you’d need the whole room to yourself?” Arron questioned.

“Uh uh. I don’t need all this space, and I like the idea of us having the same office, being able to talk, and just, you know, see each other while we’re working away on stuff,” he raised his eyebrows, in hopeful encouragement.

“Sounds good to me. We can each have a window, and ogle each other from time to time. I have to warn you though—sometimes I check my emails while I’m naked,” Arron teased, his nervousness gone now. It was his turn to wink at Chet.

Arron’s wink met a grin from the green-eyed man. “Well, that settles it then,” he leered, making Arron laugh. “Speaking of naked, are you up for consummating our new status as partners?” Chet’s eyebrow wiggle made an appearance, along with a puppy dog pout.

“Well, as my partner would say, hell yeah! And Chet… I would really like it if you made love to me this time. It’s all I can think about when I look at you.”

“It’s funny you should say that, baby. It’s been on my mind too, like all frigging day. Do you have any idea how spectacular your rear view is?” Chet’s heart rate shot up at the thought of having this living, breathing cop fantasy writhing beneath him.

“Oh yeah, I know,” he smirked. “I’m going to go get ready in the master bathroom.” The eagerness on Arron’s exotic face caused Chet’s cock to instantly lengthen, and his adjustment of it didn’t go unnoticed. “You can use the main bathroom if you need it. I’ll meet you in our room in about twenty minutes. Don’t be late,” he joked.

Arron’s mention of ‘our room’ had just as powerful an effect on Chet as him wanting Chet to make love to him. Once again, with Arron, the power of what they had was in the combination of the emotional and the physical, each feeding the other. Chet knew enough to not ever take this for granted—he was one very lucky man, and he sent a thank you to the heavens for the good fortune that was his.


Arron came out of the bathroom into a room lit by large candles he recognized as being from the dining room. The slight scent of lavender told him one of the seven candles was from the mantle in the living room. The ambiance Chet had created was beautiful, but the real beauty in the room was lying naked on the huge bed, with sparkling candle-lit eyes focused solely on the naked and aroused man emerging from the peripheral darkness into the circle of wavering light.

Chet’s guy was heading towards him, and their bed, and the feelings that stirred in him were humbling. He was owned completely and it was all he could’ve hoped for. When Arron slid into his arms without a word, the lovemaking began. Every touch, every breath, every sensation, every sound— everything was about the love they shared between them. The passion of their kisses was a continuation of the journey they started just days ago. The roughness of Arron’s cherished stubble had been replaced by freshly shaved smoothness that allowed Chet to swipe his tongue from the dip at the base of Arron’s neck, up and over his chin and jawline to his ear, and in, causing lights to flicker on the outskirts of his target’s vision as he squirmed from the intensity. Arron wasn’t sure if it was a quirk of the candlelight or something else.

Chet was in the process of ravaging the man beneath him, who was desperately running his hands over the muscles of his back and shoulders, digging his fingers in with a purring-cat-claw-like rhythm. The sensations climbed with every movement as Chet started a determined exploration of his lover’s body, coaxing Arron to twist and turn at Chet’s whim with a lick or a nibble or a nudge. Arron bucked beneath him when he attacked his nipples, and again when his underarms became the subject of adoration. The throbbing of Arron’s cock necessitated leaving it be after minimal attention—there would be no misfiring before the goal was met if Chet could help it. Arron groaned when Chet flipped him over like a rag doll, and went after the ass displayed before him. Chet sent out another prayer of thanks at the beauty of Arron’s body. He went to the lower back first, nuzzling the little bit of hair just above the addictive silkiness of mostly hairless globes of quivering muscle. Chet’s tongue journeyed down the crevice with a maddening slowness that drove Arron to lift his ass off the bed in wanton anticipation.

Chet took the opportunity to wrap an arm around Arron’s midsection and pull him all the way up onto his hands and knees, exposing him fully. Arron spread his arms and legs apart to brace himself for what he knew was coming next, and Chet didn’t disappoint him. It was an all-out attack he launched on the beckoning hole, his tongue an instrument of sublime and sustained torture. The flickering candle light enhanced the beauty of this object of his attention, the shadows adding a sexual mystique to the masculine center his tongue caressed again and again. The taste was clean and earthy, and triggered an urgent craving in Chet that he hadn’t felt in a long time… the need to fuck. His cock jerked and leaked from the onslaught of sensations he felt at entering his lover in such an intimate way. Sounds were escalating from a blissed-out Arron as Chet’s face pushed in harder and his tongue reached deeper, his actions taken over by his driven purpose to give Arron as much pleasure as he could. One whimpered word stopped the oral invasion.


Chet understood instantly what Arron was asking, so he drew back to coat his fingers in the same saliva that coated Arron’s drenched and loosened hole. Chet took the time to marvel at the muscles of Arron’s form standing out in relief, the tension evident and beautiful as he waited to be taken. Chet’s pleasure-giving fingers caressed their goal and went to work, teasing the opening before advancing inward, one at a time until the right spot was found, resulting in a moaning push-back by Arron. He was impatient for more but knew Chet wouldn’t hurry this preparation. Without Arron having to say it, Chet took into account it had been a long time, and he was aware of his own challenging dimensions. He was passionately dedicated to making this experience as enjoyable for Arron as his partner had done for him. Arron became more vocal, and his body began to fuck backwards on Chet’s fingers to show his readiness, demanding Chet replace his fingers with his cock. When Chet went to flip him back over, Arron resisted, showing his preference for staying on his hands and knees.

The raspiness of his voice was hard to understand, but when Chet leaned across his back, he heard him clearly, after he moaned at the feel of Chet’s steel-hard cock against him, the shaft sliding through his cleft. “Can we start out this way, baby? I think this will be easier for me.” Arron took a couple of deep breaths as Chet began a sliding rhythm of his body against Arron’s. “And fucking hurry, please. I’m ready now, and no need to suit up, Chet.”

Chet chuckled a deep throaty sound that reverberated in Arron’s ear. “Almost there, wolf.”

A few squirts of lube for both of them, and he was. Taking in the strength and beauty of Arron’s back and ass from this doggy-style position, he could feel his hand trembling as he placed the head of his cock at Arron’s opening. The feel of it there elicited a groan from the two fired-up men, and Chet started a slow push that Arron welcomed with a loud intake of breath. Chet held his own breath, and his advancement, at the resistance, but Arron was having none of it. Pushing against Chet’s cock, he succeeded in his goal, opening up and allowing the big cockhead passage through his sphincter. The initial breach brought a sharp searing burn that almost equaled the pleasure that came with it. When Arron froze, so did Chet, his concern for his partner foremost in his mind despite the strong instinct to forge ahead into the welcoming heat. Chet watched the bunched muscles in Arron’s shoulders and back slowly relax, to be followed by his head and chest falling closer to the mattress with a contented sigh. With that came a slight releasing of the grip on Chet’s cock, signalling Arron was ready. As Chet edged forward, Arron pushed that glorious ass towards him, sinking Chet all the way in, in one smooth glide, a deep moan of satisfaction escaping Arron’s lips. Chet leaned over his man, planting his hands on either side of him, allowing him to adjust again as he rained kisses everywhere he could reach.

Chet may have been on top, but Arron took control, gyrating beneath Chet, and squeezing his inside muscles in a way that surprised his lover, egging him on. It didn’t take much to see Arron was fully engaged in this act of lovemaking, encouraging Chet to become more aggressive with his strokes in and out. The sounds coming from Arron let him know he was doing the right thing as he matched Arron’s intensity with equal power, and Arron turned all the control over to his partner, telling him over and over how good it felt. Long, powerful strokes were having the desired effect on both of them, as Arron’s prostate was getting brushed continuously. Chet’s quickening build to orgasm caused him to pull out, needing to see Arron’s face when he came. There was no need to flip Arron over this time as he was on his back in a split second, a look of absolute need on his handsome face.

“Please”, was all he said and Chet was back inside him, his eyes locked on Arron’s. Arron’s hand gripped his own cock as Chet went back to work, pushing Arron’s legs towards his chest as he slammed his way to climax. Chet felt the clamping on his dick just before he saw the first spray of cum shoot out of Arron’s cock, and that was enough to trigger his own ejaculation deep inside his lover. He timed his waning thrusts with each let-up of the grip Arron’s spasming ass muscles had on his own pulsating hardness, and after a seeming-eternity of exquisite pleasure, their bodies had been emptied; they collapsed, Chet rolling off to his lover’s side. Arron had just enough energy to grab the towel Chet had placed on the bed, and put it underneath him to catch the flood of cum that would be seeping out of him. For now he was holding it inside, reluctant to let that part of Chet leave him.

It was minutes before they were capable of speech. “Wolf, that was beyond my wildest dreams. It just keeps getting better and better.”

“If it gets any better, we won’t last a year, green eyes,” Arron chuckled, still slightly out of breath.

“Death by pleasure. Helluva way to go, don’t you think?”

“Don’t ask me to think. I’m pretty sure I fried some brain cells when I came.” He turned on his side to face his partner, and Chet did the same. “I love you, Chet. You make me happier than I’ve ever been. That was fucking magnificent. You said I was the best lover you ever had—well I say the same about you. That other guy wasn’t even close—now kiss me, would you please?”

“I love you too, Arron, and your wish will always be my command.” The kiss was gentle and filled with caring. It was an affirmation that what they had was genuine, and the decisions they were making together made perfect sense for them. There were no doubts to linger and sabotage this beginning. Their love was cemented in passion, maturity, and complete adoration. They’d found their own promised land.

“Does this feel like home to you?”

You feel like home to me, Arron.”

“Fuck, you’re amazing.”

“Not as amazing as you.”

“Promise me, Chet, it’ll be like this forever?”

“I promise, Arron. Trust me… we deserve this, baby.”

Their foreheads were touching as they drifted off to dreamland, full of love and hope, and complete faith in each other.

Thank you to my Editor, Timothy M, and to all those who have supported this little story about love at first sight. While this completes the initial story, I will be revisiting these two upon occasion, so please click the 'follow this story' if you wish to be notified of any updates. Please join us in the COTT forum for fun discussions:
I hope you have enjoyed the story of Chet and Arron... they can also be seen in the story 'Cards on the Table' from time to time.
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Chapter Comments

14 hours ago, Mancunian said:

This is a great ending to this part of Arron and Chet's story. I'm hoping there is a continuation in another story, these guys deserve to have more. Thank you for an excellent feel-good story, I love it.

Thanks, Craig! They do show up in Cards on the Table, and play an important role throughout. :)  Thanks for taking this journey through a much earlier work. I enjoyed rereading each chapter. It had been quite a while since I visited these guys. This made my week, my good friend. :hug: 

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