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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Song and Dance - 5. Chapter 5 Good Vibrations

I'm a Believer.

Song and Dance



Chapter 5



After Arron got home from the best date of his life, he suffered a little letdown. If he were to be brutally honest with himself, he would admit to being afraid. What if the promise of the night was an illusion… another song and dance? Were both of them so lonely they built this too-good-to-be-true connection out of wishes and not reality? Arron was aware of his trust issues, but he usually didn’t overthink like this. His feelings were always pretty straight forward in his own mind. So why was this time different? Why did it seem like so much was at stake here? Why was he feeling this exhilarated and so scared?

The difference had to be the man. Chet was different. The feelings he got from him were like nothing he ever experienced before. That one question dominated his thoughts. Love at first sight… why had he asked that? Lightning strikes and cupid’s arrows told him this unique guy was thinking some incredible thoughts. Arron knew he had to take the leap and erase those invasive doubts, and trust this… trust Chet.

Talking about their pasts had been emotional, but cathartic too. He felt like something restrictive had released its hold on him during the revisiting of those memories, with Chet absorbing every word. His attention and concern had mattered like none other before it. Arron wondered if he felt a similar release when exposing his own pain to Arron. It certainly felt like a wall had come down after those tears... after that hug. Arron could still feel the power and the bonding of that soul-soothing embrace.

Chet’s charm was so natural and easy, Arron was sure it wasn’t the act of someone on the make. He definitely earned that first kiss, but Arron figured he came out the winner. As far as kisses go, it was a barn-burner, hungry yet restrained. The man didn’t try to shove his tongue down Arron’s throat. He'd experienced that approach enough to know he hated it. Instead, Chet coaxed and caressed, and when he oh-so-gently sucked on his tongue, Arron had felt the pre-cum leaking out of his not-so-hidden erection. That kiss spoke to him on every level, and that’s what he needed to trust.

The mint tea nightcap at the cozy, masculine loft should have been the wind-down for the evening, but when Chet opened up about what he was looking for, it became the opposite. His words, and the feeling behind them electrified Arron. To put himself out there like that took a lot of guts, and showed the depth of his character. Arron had asked the question expecting a reasonable, looking-for-something-more kind of answer. What he got instead was heart-wrenching honesty like he’d never heard before… and certainly not on a first date. Dwayne, in the three years they were together, never laid himself bare like that. Arron blushed at the memory of his voracious attack on the guy. Hearing those words had taken away his control. Nothing could have turned him on more than the honesty that pierced his heart and crumbled his defenses. Either the guy was a master of deceit, or he was the real deal. In his heart, Arron knew which one he was. Chet was someone genuine.

On impulse, Arron sent Chet a text, surprised when he called him ‘wolf’. His explanation and ‘xo’ attacked that last little bit of doubt and kicked its ass. Arron’s head now matched his heart, and he got ready for bed with a heart filled with hope.

Sleep didn’t come right away. His body and his mind were way too energized. Arron could still feel Chet’s powerful body beneath him, a match to his own, the warmth and scent of it still tangible to his senses. The way he’d reacted to Arron’s surprise attack was such a natural response. There was no awkwardness or aggressiveness. Instead, there was sweetness and passion... overwhelming, yes, but gentle and unhurried. They seemed to mold into one another. What was it Chet had said? ‘They fit’. He was right; they did fit. The sensual grind and thrust of their bodies was in a kind of give and take unison that promised so much more. Arron couldn’t stop himself from imagining what it would be like to slide inside that magnificent body, taking control of it, and making it sing with pleasure. The mental stimulation was joined by a physical one as Arron gripped his achingly insistent cock and for the second time that day, and gave in to the overpowering need for release. It took very little time, considering the fuel he had for his fantasy. He visualized those eyes locked with his… Chet’s body writhing in ecstasy beneath him, meeting his thrusts with welcoming abandon, giving himself to Arron, repeating over and over that he loved him. That mental image drove Arron over the physical edge. What had played out in his mind was as much about love as it was about sex, and his body trembled with the power of the combination, riding out the aftershocks and sensations still connecting him to his green-eyed man. He barely had the strength to clean up, but he did, and mere seconds after his body slid back under the sheets, blissful slumber arrived.

Arron didn’t wake up. He slowly floated up out of a deliciously warm and special place where he and Chet had spent the night, at times coiled around each other. The promise of a new day with Chet in it coaxed him from his dream world. He felt glorious. The presence of loneliness he did his best to ignore every morning wasn’t there when he became fully awake. He didn’t crawl out of bed this morning. A welcome new energy had him springing out of it and stretching with pleasure, eager to get his day, his life going. His morning ritual wasn’t a chore to be gotten over; he smiled through the routine of taking care of whiskers and teeth, and savored his shower, doing his best to ignore what thoughts of the brown-haired man did to his body.


Arron was just getting into his patrol car when his phone beeped. It was a text from Chet, one Arron had hoped for but not expected… or tried not to.

Missed you after you left - can I call you?

Missed you too… just getting in car… yes!

The ringing of Arron’s phone was instantaneous. He found that funny as he waited for the second ring, and answered.

“Did you already have the number dialed, green eyes?”

“You’re on speed dial, wolf. I missed you.”

“You already told me that,” he said with a laugh.

“I know, but I wanted to say it. I wanted you to hear me say it.

“Romance in the morning… I love it.”

“With me, you’ll get romance all day long, if you want it?”

Chet was needing something from Arron, and he could tell easily. “I do. I want it. Do you still feel the same way… about us… what you said last night?”

“Arron, yes. I never say anything I don’t mean… I was worried I said too much and freaked you out. Did I? Do you think I’m crazy for saying that stuff?”

“I think you’re amazing for saying what you did. I mean, that took a lot of guts… um, Chet?”


“Just don’t play with me, okay?”

Chet was quiet for half a minute. “I promise you... I swear I would never do that to you. I really like you, wolf.”

Arron sighed. He was beginning to love being called ‘wolf’. “I really like you too, green eyes. I have to get out on the road now, but do you want to get together tonight?”

“Hell yeah!”

Arron laughed at the enthusiastic response he got. “I like your style; so what do you feel like doing?”

“How about working out together so I can perv on you? We could meet at the Spectrum, or your gym? Then maybe we could grab dinner afterwards, or do takeout? What do you think?”

That enthusiasm was so endearing. “I think we have a plan. How about we meet at the Spectrum at 4:15… is that do-able for you?”

You're do-able Arron… very do-able, and yeah that works. I have my gym bag in the car, so yeah, 4:15 is perfect. I’ll get you in on my guest pass, too. It’s a date!”

Chet was very good at making Arron laugh. That was something he’d been missing in his day-to-day life. “A date it is, and I’m going to be the one perving on you.

“Perv away, man. I’ve got nothing to hide."

“I know, I felt it last night.” Arron could feel himself blushing after he said that.

Chet laughed. “I felt you too, wolfman. Woof!”

That gave Arron his biggest laugh of the morning so far. The guy was so easy to connect with; he blew him away all over again with this short phone call. “Okay, I’ll see you at the Spectrum. I got my gym stuff too. Have an awesome day.”

“You too.”

There wasn’t much in this world that could wipe the huge smile off of Arron’s face after they hung up. Their rapport, even over the phone, was just like last night. They really did fit, like two halves, just like Chet said they did. Arron was well on his way to becoming more secure about a guy than he’d been in a long time. Even with Dwayne, there was always something beneath the surface that kept him on edge. This was the real fucking deal; he could feel the rightness and the truth of it, and he was one happy cop. Some lucky people would be getting warnings instead of tickets today.

At 4:15 exactly, they both pulled into the Spectrum, parking side by side. The gym looked pretty quiet. Chet was all smiles getting out of his Jeep. He grabbed his bag and headed straight for Arron, eagerness written all over him. As he leaned in to kiss him, Arron quickly leaned back. Chet's confusion at the action showed. “Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?”

“Oh fuck no, I’m sorry. It was an automatic reaction. I’m not out to very many people, and we’re in a parking lot, in daylight. I’m sorry, I just… I’m not used to being this way in public.”

Chet leaned back against his Jeep, no real expression on his face. “This way?”

There was no judgement that Arron could see in the question, yet he felt ashamed. “I meant being myself. I’m not used to being myself in public. I’m sorry, I wasn’t rejecting you or anything… I was just out of my comfort zone. You caught me by surprise, is all.”

“Tell me something? You were with Dwayne for three years, so how did that work?” Still no judgement, just curiosity.

“I was new to the force and Dwayne wasn’t out so we let everyone think we were roommates. After I was with the police force for a couple of years, I wanted to come out but Dwayne didn’t. He said he thought it would hurt my career, but I don’t think that was it. It’s easier to fuck around when people think you’re single.” Arron looked at the ground after that. More shame.

“Arron? Why not since?”

“I was alone. I felt like I had no reason to come out.”

Chet looked thoughtful at that response. “Do you have a reason now, wolf?” Chet’s face was completely open, waiting.

That look and the way he called him ‘wolf’ opened something up in Arron. He leaned forward and claimed Chet’s remembered lips with his own. The kiss was soft and unhurried, and it was a statement about more than one thing. When he pulled back, Chet’s eyes were closed. He waited for him to open them before he answered Chet’s question. “Yes I do, green eyes, a very good reason.” A smile slowly grew to epic proportions on Chet’s face.

“Well, all right then, let’s go work out. You need to be perving on me.” All the tension had left the two of them. and Arron felt on top of the world. As they walked toward the entrance, it felt great to have his arm around the shoulder of the man who gave him the best reason to be himself. He had decided hiding, like Dwayne, was a thing of the past.

Working out with Chet was quite an experience for Arron. The place was almost deserted, with just a handful of people throughout the gym. Arron barely survived the changing room, where he was treated to what could only be described as a striptease by Chet. It was subtle but it was as provocative as the man could make it. Arron fought hard to stay under control, alternating between laughter at Chet’s antics, and arousal at his deliberately sensual act of disrobing. At the final unveiling, Arron had to hurriedly pack his dick in his jock and practically bolt from the room, followed by the sound of booming laughter. It was one of the hottest, and funniest things he had ever seen. No doubt about it: Chet was not shy. Arron was busy doing stretches when Chet joined him, an impish smile on his face. “Where did you go in such a hurry? I was lonely in there by myself.” He tried to pull off an innocent look but he failed miserably. He was having way too much fun.

“You’re a bastard, green eyes. I’ll get you back for that. I still can’t stand up,” he said with a rueful smile. “Could you be any fucking hotter? Damn you.”

“I was just trying to be nice and let you perv on me… trying to give my guy what he wanted.” Chet grinned. Arron didn’t say anything for a while, and Chet started to worry he had gone too far. “Are you okay?”

“Did you just call me ‘your guy’?”

Chet clued in to the slip of his tongue. “Yeah, I did… is that okay with you? I mean we’re dating right… we’re working on something here, right?”

“Yeah we are, and yes it’s okay. I want to be your guy and I want you to be my guy. You’re amazing, you know that?”

“I do know that, and that’s what I was trying to show you in the change room, before you took off.” Irrepressible Chet was exactly what Arron needed, and he laughed in appreciation.

“Oh trust me, I was very impressed.”

“So was I, wolfman, so was I.”

The fun wasn’t over but they settled into their individual routines, spotting for each other when needed. They were constantly exchanging little glances, touches, and there was lots of joking around. Arron loved how relaxed being around this guy made him. It was feeling more and more like they did belong to one another. The intense physical attraction was obvious, but they both knew it was way more than that. They could see the genuine goodness in each other. The desire to please each other, and be there for each other in the gym, was something that would translate well in life. Theirs was a different kind of dance, and they were very aware it was a special one.

Payback’s a bitch. After a very satisfying workout, they decided to pack it in for the day, and retired to the locker room in great spirits, kibitzing the whole time. There was no striptease this time, but Arron watched and waited till Chet was sitting down, resting while re-hydrating. Moving directly in front of him, he peeled of his sweaty workout gear as nonchalantly as he could. He was naked in seconds, his package on prominent display inches from Chet’s caught-off-guard face. Arron waited while Chet stopped swallowing his water and started swallowing saliva. Looking from his spectacular view of Arron’s beautiful cock and balls, up his sculpted torso to his face, Chet was greeted with an evil grin, as Arron took his time slowly turning around and stretching like a cat after a nap. Knowing the impact the rear view would have on the man, Arron slowly walked to the showers, grinning to himself the whole way. Two could play that game. He wasn’t surprised it took a while before Chet entered the showers. Arron, all soaped up, smiled at Chet as he entered, noticing the sway of a cock that had recently been full of blood. Chet meekly returned the smile as he picked the shower head beside Arron.

“I figure I deserved that.” Chet was avoiding looking at him, concentrating on getting clean. “You are one hot motherfucker,” he said without turning his eyes Arron’s way.

“I guess I’ve still got it.” Arron smirked as he rinsed the suds off his body. Chet wouldn’t meet his look, as Arron started walking out, chuckling to himself.

As he reached the doorway, he could hear Chet mutter, “Hell yeah, you do,” and he laughed all the way back to the bench.


They stood at their cars, debating choices for dinner. Impulsively, Arron leaned his body against Chet’s and gave him an unexpected kiss, enjoying the body and lip contact.

“Arron, you don’t have to prove anything to me; you know that right? You come out at your own speed, and it doesn't have to be now. I’m sorry if I put you on the spot earlier. I feel like I pushed you. As long as you’re willing to acknowledge us at some point, I’m good with that, okay?”

Arron watched and listened to the man in front of him being understanding and unselfish. “Nope, it’s not okay. I know I don’t have to prove anything to you, but as you said, we’re working on something here, and this is part of it. I don’t want to hide who I am anymore, and yes it is because I found something that makes me want to live my life differently. I don’t want to do this half-assed, okay? I’m not making a sacrifice here; I’m finally taking a stand in my life as a gay man. You understand that, right? I’m doing it for me, but I want to give us the best chance of making something of whatever this is, and I can’t do that by putting any limits on us.” Their eyes had not lost a second of contact.

“And you think I'm amazing? All I did was call you ‘my guy’… you’re coming out because you want us to make it. Do you have any idea how over-the-moon that makes me feel?”

“Did I earn a kiss?”

“Hell yeah, you did!” The kiss that followed in broad daylight on a busy street was affirmation to the commitment they were each making to ensure Cupid’s arrows weren’t wasted. Maybe love at first sight really did exist.



Thank you Tim.
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Copyright © 2015 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

On 03/20/2015 04:48 AM, Caz Pedroso said:
Great chapter but I do think that not saying anything to Arron about Ian is going to come back to bite Chet in the ass.

I'll look forward to the next chapter, :)

Thanks Caz...this chapter was about Arron recognizing his issues and his feelings... they ARE building something here, and it's something worth fighting for...there are times in life where we have to trust and keep the faith...have faith in me :) ...cheers
  • Like 3
On 03/20/2015 04:54 AM, Irritable1 said:
Sappy beyond belief! I love it!

Maybe the guys should go to Arron's to eat their takeout... I have an awful feeling...

Yay! Thanks Irri!! It WAS sappy and beautiful...I loved Arron's coming out moment... and the playfulness in the gym...these things go a long way towards giving you strength when you need it... as I said to Caz... you have to have faith...Cheers...happy for your review!
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On 03/20/2015 05:09 AM, EagleIsaac said:
As with the Irritable1 and Cazpedroso, I worry that Chet didn't mention Ian's visit to Arron. I will, however, take your advice and trust you. These two are very sweet together. It's good that Arron realizes that he has trust issues and is trying to work on them. Chet is a good guy so I am pleased that Arron sees and appreciates it.
Thanks for the review, Eagle! This chapter had it's own focus, and it was about the two of them figuring out how important they had become to each other... this is important to them and the story. Adversity is easy to run away from if you don't have that...thank you for trusting me... I won't play with the readers...I just tell stories :) cheers
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Gary, if was anyone other than you, I would be really worried right now, but because it is you I will try to remain positive and not worry about the potential damage Ian could cause. I love Chet and Arron together. New love is so sweet to watch. :heart:. Their teasing in the gym made me laugh. I was also glad that Arron not really being "out" was discussed and quickly dealt with. I can't see Chet wanting to be in the closet. Trying not to be anxious awaiting chapter 6 :P

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On 03/20/2015 05:22 AM, LitLover said:
Gary, if was anyone other than you, I would be really worried right now, but because it is you I will try to remain positive and not worry about the potential damage Ian could cause. I love Chet and Arron together. New love is so sweet to watch. :heart:. Their teasing in the gym made me laugh. I was also glad that Arron not really being "out" was discussed and quickly dealt with. I can't see Chet wanting to be in the closet. Trying not to be anxious awaiting chapter 6 :P
Thanks, Lit...I know I can count on you, and you can count on me... life is messy and tricky sometimes...humans make mistakes... but the human spirit is a beautiful thing. These guys reinforced today, that they have something special going on...Thanks for the review and the faith...Cheers
  • Like 2

I love this chapter, the playful side of Chet is delightful to behold, and it's no wonder Arron cannot help falling like a ton of bricks for his green-eyed guy. Chet deserves a hunky cop of his own, now that Kendall has his Michael.

I'm wondering if both guys are tops, but hopefully they are versatile or at least ready to give it a try. Love conquers all. :)

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On 03/20/2015 05:45 AM, Timothy M. said:
I love this chapter, the playful side of Chet is delightful to behold, and it's no wonder Arron cannot help falling like a ton of bricks for his green-eyed guy. Chet deserves a hunky cop of his own, now that Kendall has his Michael.

I'm wondering if both guys are tops, but hopefully they are versatile or at least ready to give it a try. Love conquers all. :)

Thanks for reviewing this chapter, Tim. Chet is playful, but after the gym shower scene, I think we can see that Arron can be playful too. I agree that Chet deserves his own hunky cop, and it looks like he has found him. In this chapter they continue what they started on their first date... building a strong connection between them... We know that Arron would like to top, but we don't know what Chet wants... well, I do lol. True love, though, does conquer all! Cheers...
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“Do you have a reason now, Wolf?”


“I don’t want to hide who I am anymore, and yes it is because I found something that makes me want to live my life differently. I’m doing it for me, but I want to give us the best chance of making something of whatever this is, and I can’t do that by putting any limits on us.”

And that really says it all.

Like everyone else [excepting Tim and he's got an inside track] I'm still a bit concerned about Ian but I'm going to trust you on this, Green eyes seems to.

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On 03/20/2015 07:28 AM, dughlas said:
“Do you have a reason now, Wolf?”


“I don’t want to hide who I am anymore, and yes it is because I found something that makes me want to live my life differently. I’m doing it for me, but I want to give us the best chance of making something of whatever this is, and I can’t do that by putting any limits on us.”

And that really says it all.

Like everyone else [excepting Tim and he's got an inside track] I'm still a bit concerned about Ian but I'm going to trust you on this, Green eyes seems to.

Thank you, dugh, for quoting a very special scene to me...it was my favorite part...coming to terms that what they had, however quick it developed, was worth whatever effort it took...they needed that... thanks for the trust and your support...a wonderful review...Cheers
  • Like 1

"The mating dance at the gym". Damn hot chapter at so many levels! The emotions are intense...as is the fun they're having; that's a sexy combo!

You did well on this, buddy ... The characters are so real, I'm ready to take 'em out and buy the first couple of rounds!

Fine job! Just next time, please don't use a song from The Monkey's...I'll be humming "I'm a believer" the rest of the day! <grin>

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On 03/20/2015 08:21 AM, Robert Rex said:
"The mating dance at the gym". Damn hot chapter at so many levels! The emotions are intense...as is the fun they're having; that's a sexy combo!

You did well on this, buddy ... The characters are so real, I'm ready to take 'em out and buy the first couple of rounds!

Fine job! Just next time, please don't use a song from The Monkey's...I'll be humming "I'm a believer" the rest of the day! <grin>

LOL. It's stuck in my head too. Thanks for a great review, buddy! I like "the mating dance at the gym"...I've gotten to know these two pretty well now, and I like them a lot. Glad you do too. Your support means a lot...Cheers
  • Like 1

Ah the joys of contemporary fiction! Chet and Arron have the freedom to express themselves as they really are, without reservation; the only constraints are whether both parties are feeling comfortable with it, and can count on the other's support. Far different from the times my story is set in....


I was worried about Arron's reticence about kissing in public, particularly when Chet drew back and seemed to close up a bit--but being who he is, he heard Arron out, and gave him the space to make up his own mind, without pressuring him. He led Arron through the right sequence of questions to make him aware of his own concerns so he could deal with them rather than stew about what he should do. Always the best approach to difficult questions rather than forcing a confrontation where defenses are raised against the other's 'attack'. The final proof that Chet is thoroughly awesome was when he told Arron to do it on his own terms, in his own time, and Chet would be there when he was ready. Dang.


Just one thing: Good Vibrations was a Beach Boys single when it came out, not the Monkees. :)I'm a Believer would make an awesome chapter title--and it is a Monkees song--I have it on the original lp, along with some Beach Boys, Herman's Hermits and other vinyl I inherited from my older sisters when I got to be a teen in '71. Now I have that song in my head--and the images of Peter Tork the drummer and Davey Jones the lead singer...damn they were hot! On a par with David Cassidy, aka Keith Partridge.


More please, we know it's already done.

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On 03/20/2015 09:34 AM, ColumbusGuy said:
Ah the joys of contemporary fiction! Chet and Arron have the freedom to express themselves as they really are, without reservation; the only constraints are whether both parties are feeling comfortable with it, and can count on the other's support. Far different from the times my story is set in....


I was worried about Arron's reticence about kissing in public, particularly when Chet drew back and seemed to close up a bit--but being who he is, he heard Arron out, and gave him the space to make up his own mind, without pressuring him. He led Arron through the right sequence of questions to make him aware of his own concerns so he could deal with them rather than stew about what he should do. Always the best approach to difficult questions rather than forcing a confrontation where defenses are raised against the other's 'attack'. The final proof that Chet is thoroughly awesome was when he told Arron to do it on his own terms, in his own time, and Chet would be there when he was ready. Dang.


Just one thing: Good Vibrations was a Beach Boys single when it came out, not the Monkees. :)I'm a Believer would make an awesome chapter title--and it is a Monkees song--I have it on the original lp, along with some Beach Boys, Herman's Hermits and other vinyl I inherited from my older sisters when I got to be a teen in '71. Now I have that song in my head--and the images of Peter Tork the drummer and Davey Jones the lead singer...damn they were hot! On a par with David Cassidy, aka Keith Partridge.


More please, we know it's already done.

Thanks for another great review CG...I'm confused why you think I thought Good Vibrations was a Monkees song...Robert was referring to the chapter note...which was I'm a Believer...I was a huge Beach Boys fan...Anyway, I enjoyed writing the coming out scene... Arron came through with flying colors... and so did Chet...I love how they interact..sigh..I'll post the next one soon lol...Cheers, my friend, and thanks for another great review... cheers
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OK. Caught up here too now and waiting somewhat impatiently for another chapter on each. Yes! Chet and Arron are really going places fast unless that dick Ian spoils it all. Just hope that Arron trusts his gut instincts here to stay the course with Chet and to see tbrough any crap Ian might sling. Can wait for a hot scene between these two great guys. Bring it on!

  • Like 4
On 03/21/2015 07:20 PM, Jaro_423 said:
OK. Caught up here too now and waiting somewhat impatiently for another chapter on each. Yes! Chet and Arron are really going places fast unless that dick Ian spoils it all. Just hope that Arron trusts his gut instincts here to stay the course with Chet and to see tbrough any crap Ian might sling. Can wait for a hot scene between these two great guys. Bring it on!
Damn... now the pressure is on lol. I would say lightning has definitely struck. Arron has some baggage to deal with...and Chet just dealt with his...more is coming... cheers
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On 03/24/2015 03:30 AM, aditus said:
Awww...Only Ian probably still being at Chet's let's me not fully enjoying this chapter. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Arron's trust is still a bit fragile I think...God's I'm nervous. Lol I'm an idiot, hahaha. Great chapter, Gary.
Thanks Adi, for the review(and your PM). I'm sorry I made you nervous lol. There is always another shoe dropping in real life... just keep the faith...Cheers
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To be electrified by another's sharing; the breaking down of that wall of loneliness – the realization that isolation is as much a choice as a circumstance – these are the things that matter. How interesting to be shown the process of Arron 'coming out' to himself concerning how he feels about Chet, but like that act, recognizing your personal hurt in the face another before you is an act of releasing past hurt too. It is the supreme act of trust of a Gay person.

That was one of the most meaningful kisses I ever read on GA. Bravo for showing it, and for showing it so well.

Edited by AC Benus
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On 03/25/2015 10:32 AM, AC Benus said:
To be electrified by another's sharing; the breaking down of that wall of loneliness – the realization that isolation is as much a choice as a circumstance – these are the things that matter. How interesting to be shown the process of Arron 'coming out' to himself concerning how he feels about Chet, but like that act, recognizing your personal hurt in the face another before you is an act of releasing past hurt too. It is the supreme act of trust of a Gay person.


That was one of the most meaningful kisses I ever read on GA. Bravo for showing it, and for showing it so well.

Thank you AC for a terrific review.The dynamics of a relationship are interesting but the dynamics that get us there are what intrigues me. I like that you 'got' this chapter and appreciate how you felt about the kiss. It still reverberates with me so thank you...Cheers
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On 03/25/2015 10:32 AM, AC Benus said:
To be electrified by another's sharing; the breaking down of that wall of loneliness – the realization that isolation is as much a choice as a circumstance – these are the things that matter. How interesting to be shown the process of Arron 'coming out' to himself concerning how he feels about Chet, but like that act, recognizing your personal hurt in the face another before you is an act of releasing past hurt too. It is the supreme act of trust of a Gay person.


That was one of the most meaningful kisses I ever read on GA. Bravo for showing it, and for showing it so well.

Thank you AC for a terrific review.The dynamics of a relationship are interesting but the dynamics that get us there are what intrigues me. I like that you 'got' this chapter and appreciate how you felt about the kiss. It still reverberates with me so thank you...Cheers
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