Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Golden Heart - 5. Chapter 5 - Movie night at Alice's
Max paced impatiently behind his front door. Aaron was coming to pick him up and he was late. Aaron was never late, why was he late? For the millionth time, Max looked at his watch, 2 minutes past 3, Aaron was late by 32 minutes! This was unlike him, and he knew that Max hated being late himself!
He finally heard a car pulling up, and he tore the door open. Before he could talk Aaron put his hand up, still half in his car.
“Before you get mad at me,” he said before turning towards Max. “Alice was short on a few things for tonight, so I had to go and get them.”
“Why didn’t you call me?” Max asked puzzled.
“Because I forgot my phone at home, but only realized this at the store. I should have been on time but two cars crashed in front of me and I had to stay until the police got there…”
Aaron’s voice was bitter. Max could understand that one could get impatient in that situation, but angry? He had never seen Aaron angry like this, actually it was the first time he saw Aaron angry.
“Babe are you alright?”
Aaron took a deep breath and seemed to calm down a bit.
“I’m… fine… It’s just that the accident was between an old woman and a man, and the man was clearly the one that crashed in her and all. In front of the officers he made it seem like her fault! Bastard! If I hadn’t testified the poor old woman would have been framed. You should have seen her, she was so fragile and shy. Thankfully one of the officers was a woman that was very gentle, but still that man really got on my nerves!”
“I can see that love, but it’s alright now. You did the right thing.”
“Yeah, but…”
“No buts, were going to be really late you know,” Max interrupted him.
“Oh right, I’m sorry, I know how much you hate being late.”
“S’ok just let’s get going.”
Alice was waiting for them. Max cursed under his breath. Being late was something he hated above everything. He was going to apologize but she beat him to it.
“Before you start imploring my pardon, know that Mara and Chris aren’t here yet so you’re not technically late, and seriously you don’t need to apologize for anything I know it wasn’t your fault.”
Max looked at her stunned.
“Why is everyone not letting me talk today,” he wailed though, after getting over his surprise.
“Yeah I didn’t let him talk when I got to his place, not until I had a chance to explain myself a bit.”
“Knew it!” Alice exulted.
“Yeah, yeah was my fault so what? I witnessed an accident and had to stay there until the police got there…”
“Oh, all right then I won’t have to flail you or something.”
“Don’t you even think about it!” Max gasped.
Alice couldn’t help but laugh, though she did come and give Max a hug.
“Knowing you, you were probably all worried about Aaron?”
“H-How did you know?”
“You’re like glass to me Max, I can see right through you!”
Mara and Chris weren’t far behind, and soon the five friends were in Alice’s living room. Max was in Aaron’s arms on the couch, and they had a soft wool cover over them. Max was all warm and snug between his boyfriend’s arms and the blanket. His head rested gently on Aaron’s chest, and he could hear the strong heart beat underneath. Mara and Chris sat on the floor in a blanket just like Max and Aaron. They sat side by side and their heads resting against the other. Alice sat on the other end of the couch all alone, though she didn’t seem bothered by it. Max had his eyes closed, enjoying the cozy atmosphere around him. Seeing this Alice tickled his feet at Aaron’s silent demand. Max jerked, but Aaron held him tightly against him as Alice continued mercilessly. Max pleaded for them to stop, but the only he got free of Aaron’s arms was by giving him a kiss, which Alice didn’t make any easier. Once he was free he jumped up and ran around the room, Alice in hot pursuit. They would have continued longer if it hadn’t been for Chris who had grabbed Alice as she passed in front of him. Mara smiled deviously before tickling Alice in revenge for Max. Max saw Aaron looking at him with a huge grin on his face. Max jumped in his boyfriend’s arms and snuggled back to how he had been.
“Why you grinning like that?” he asked innocently.
“I’m smiling because I’m so happy that you are happy. I’m proud of you Max! You’ve come so far from being Maximilian, from being Ghost.”
“Give yourself some credit, you were the one that didn’t give up on me,” Max told him before kissing him deeply on the lips.
Alice, who had escaped Chris, was looking at them expectantly.
“Well? Are you finished yet? We’d like to start the movie!” she teased them.
Max stuck out his tongue before kissing Aaron again.
When Alice and Max had started talking on a regular basis, she quickly found it he had never seen The Lord of the Rings, or the Harry Potter, or Star Wars, or Matrix, or Terminator, or any of what she called were ‘classics.’ And so it was quickly decided that from time to time they would gather and do a marathon, tonight was The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. Max had heard a great deal about the books and movies, and he was curious to see what all the fuss was about.
Alice had the special long version of the movie with extra scenes not shown in theaters. They had popcorn during the first movie: The Fellowship of the Ring. Max really enjoyed it, he found the characters and the story really interesting, and Gandalf made him laugh a lot. He was hooked, and he begged Alice to hurry to change the DVD so he could know the rest of the story.
He had started the evening in Aaron’s arms, but soon he was on the edge of the couch, oblivious to his boyfriend. He didn’t even react when Aaron got up to go to the bathroom, normally he would have asked for a kiss or something… He even shushed the others when they decided to order pizza, giving a mumbled answer to Aaron’s question, whatever it was. He was captivated by the story!
He quickly ate a slice of pizza when it got there, and when Aaron pulled him back in his arms, he gave him a distracted kiss on the cheek.
“Max? the house is on fire!” Alice joked at one point.
“Hm? Yeah awesome…”
The other cracked up, but Max just shushed them again.
At the end of The Two Towers, the others wanted a break, stretch a little and all. Max complained a bit, but he was swept of his feet by Aaron. He was then carried to the kitchen where Aaron fed him another slice of pizza.
“You need to eat more love,” he explained.
Max gave him a pouty face, but the only thing it earned him was a kiss (better than nothing). After yet another slice of pizza, and a swig of soda, Aaron kissed him again, and took him back to the couch. Alice had the last episode ready.
“Did baby have a good meal?” she teased Max, who blushed.
“I wish he would eat a bit more, but oh well…” Aaron added before pushing Max forward.
Max was sad to see the credits roll by at the end. He had been hooked by Tolkien’s story, and he promised himself that he would read all of the author’s work.
Alice took Max and Aaron to a spare bedroom she had, as Mara and Chris had proposed to sleep in the couch. Once they were alone they got rid of their clothes except their boxers-briefs, and dove under the warm covers. Max got in Aaron’s arms and mad himself a little nest of sorts with the covers.
“I had never seen you like this Max, I didn’t know you could like a movie this much!”
“They were really good!”
“Yeah, but you should have seen yourself,” Aaron added with a chuckle.
“Why?” Max pouted.
“Alice told you the house was on fire and you answered, I quote: ‘Yeah, awesome’.”
“Really?” Max was blushing and he put his head under the blanket.
“Yes, it was funny actually.”
“Oh God,” Max whispered, embarrassed.
“It’s ok babe, everyone makes a fool of themselves once in a while!”
With that Aaron kissed the smaller boy on the top of the head. Max turned his face upward and asked for more. Soon they were passionately making out. Max on top of Aaron, gently covering with kisses his lover’s face. Passion overtook them, and they lost control over their bodies. They gave into their lust, into their need to become one. Aaron flipped Max on his back and pinned his arms down, he knew that the smaller boy liked when he got a little rough with him. Aaron would never hurt his boyfriend, but Max had asked for it once. Since then Aaron would always go as far as Max wanted, but never farther. Tonight however, Max was excited, as he had just seen an awesome movie with his friends, and Aaron had really put in a lot of effort to excite him. He shook his hands free and grabbed Aaron’s face, pulling his surprised boyfriend in for a flaming kiss. He then got up and pushed a very surprised Aaron on his back, just at the edge of the bed. He got to work on Aaron’s sensitive spots, and soon he had him whimpering and moaning. He tore Aaron’s boxer-briefs off and teased him for a long time before finally engulfing the hot rod in his mouth. Aaron squirmed under him, reacting to Max’s tongue. He was about to cum, but since it was a little early for that he got Max off just in time. Then he sat up, they kissed in the middle of the bed with Max on all four. Aaron understood that tonight it was Max’s night, and he gladly let his boyfriend stay in control, all the way to the very end when they had both cum and were trying to come back down to Earth.
In the morning they shared a shower before heading down to meet up with their friends for breakfast. Max and Mara were chosen to cook, naturally, and the two cousins did the dishes. Alice just gave orders to them all like a princess.
The five of them sat at down once everything was ready.
“I probably have told you guys last night, but I was caught up in the movie.”
“We saw that,” joked Chris.
“Anyways,” Max said blushing slightly. “Yesterday a woman came to my house, and well it turned out she was my mom’s twin sister, though they had been separated at birth.”
Everyone stopped eating, and turned their eyes towards him. Aaron chocked a bit and had to clear his throat before he could talk.
“For real Max?”
“Yeah,” Max answered shyly.
“And she is really your… your aunt?”
“Yeah, when Elizabeth saw her for the first time, she thought she was seeing my mother’s ghost or something.”
“They look that much alike?” Chris asked curiously.
“Yeah.. and it’s more than that… she had Mom’s voice,” Max chocked on his tears.
Aaron heard it and immediately put his arms around him, comforting him.
No one knew what to say, but they all stood up and went to hug Max. There were no words to describe their shared feeling. They were so happy that Max had found some family, but they understood that it was difficult for Max since it brought back memories of his childhood.
Max started crying, and Mara joined him because of the emotion. The tears were not of sadness though, Max was happy: he had the best of friends and now a new family. Could it get any better?
Just a warning: it's going to get worse with finals getting closer and closer, and final projects needing my full attention... Anyways I hope I will find the time to continue with Max's story, if not then well... I hope to be able to do so this summer.
Hope you are all having a wonderful day and I hope to see you all tomorrow!
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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