Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Halo - 8. Chapter Eight
The fundraiser was everything I expected-from the formally dressed attendees to the ornate five-star hotel’s ornate environment. When we pulled into the hotel, a valet graciously drove Mike’s car to the parking lot after receiving a fifty-dollar bill. When we approached the front entrance of the hotel, doormen opened the tall glass doors for us, allowing Miranda to enter first with Mike and I following behind.
We entered one of the ballrooms filled with wealthy people who were eating and socializing. The ballroom had large, round tables covered with a white tablecloths where the attendees ate their food. There was also a large bar where other individuals could partake in a drink or two. At the far side of the ballroom there was a large stage with ornate curtains that billowed above like rippled clouds. The white ceiling was impressive, displaying angels and the heavens carved with immaculate detail.
Miranda decided to talk to a few friends while Mike and I went to the huge buffet in the center of the ballroom. I picked up some sushi and placed them onto my plate. I then noticed Mike had a disgruntled look on his face.
“Are you okay, Mike?” I asked.
“I’m okay. It’s just…I find it ironic that there are no Filipino dishes here, considering this whole event is to raise awareness of the wealth divide in the Philippines that negatively impacts the youth there. Wouldn’t exposing the attendees here to a bit of Filipino culture through their food help them relate better to the fundraiser’s cause thus increasing funding?”
I thought about it and then nodded, agreeing with Mike’s observation and said, “I guess, maybe, this whole fundraiser is just a ploy for people to ignore your father’s true motives in the Philippines after all.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking too.” Placing his empty plate back into the stack, Mike continued by saying, “I’m not trying to be picky because there’s no Filipino food here, it’s just the entire situation is making lose my appetite.”
Understanding where Mike was coming from, I looked at my own plate and thought about putting it away as well. However, Mike took a thick slice of turkey smothered with gravy with a fork and placed it on my plate.
“Don’t feel obligated to feel as bad as I feel. Just enjoy yourself, Duncan. Okay?” Mike asked, lifting my chin with the gentle touch of his hand.
“All right,” I said with a small smile.
“Now go ahead and fill the rest of your plate with food and find a table where we can sit. I need to make a private call to someone. I’ll be back soon.”
I nodded and Mike placed a hand on my shoulder before taking his phone out and leaving the area. With Mike gone, I filled the rest of my plate with food from the buffet and took a table that was close to the stage.
As I ate, my mind couldn’t stop itself from drifting to the research that I did for the past few days. I used different search engines and various combinations of key words to find any relevant information about Japan’s involvement during World War II and if it could’ve been influenced by a woman known as Amaterasu. She was revered as the goddess of the Sun in Shinto religion and I quickly made the connection to Maria in terms of their affinity and association with light. The whole reason why I was doing this research was because I wanted to solve the mystery behind Yamashita’s discovery of Maria and fulfill my own curiosity.
The information that I compiled was scattered throughout the various pages I found; however, I was still able to come up with some reasonable conclusions since the information overlapped. I discovered that the Japanese were heavily influenced, or indoctrinated as one article stated, by their native religion called Shintoism to the degree that it became their state religion and any other religious practices such as Buddhism and Confucianism were abandoned. This allowed the emperor to claim that he was a literal descendent of the gods, specifically the sun goddess, Amaterasu. The religion not only influenced the beliefs of the Japanese people but also the war itself. That being said, Amaterasu was not directly involved with the war, but if the emperor, Hirohito, was a direct descendent of the sun goddess, then was it possible that he possessed her abilities to manipulate light. If so, Amaterasu had an indirect impact on the war and would loosely connect back to Maria.
Further research revealed how Hirohito ordered for the three sacred treasures of Japan, known as the Imperial Regalia, to be protected “at all costs.” These objects were very engrained within the mythology of Amaterasu and the other Shinto deities and I wondered if these treasures, if taken, could’ve caused the fall of the Imperial Japanese Army and Japan’s inevitable surrender. I also discovered that Maria had three suitors who all fawned over her, one was a soldier, another was a scholar and the last one was a simple, kind farmer. The three Imperial Regalia consisted of a sword that represented valor, a mirror that represented wisdom and a jewel that represented benevolence.
I concluded that the three suitors of Maria were personifications of the three sacred treasures of Japan. I understood that the connection was very farfetched, but I did additional research on the names of all three suitors. It showed that the name of the soldier, Lara, meant protection-that could relate to valor. The meaning of the name Joselito, the scholar, was increase-which could mean the gaining of knowledge. Lastly, the meaning of Juan, the name of the farmer, was gracious-that related back to benevolence. So, the conclusion that the treasures of Japan were related to Maria, though still flawed, was becoming more plausible as I continued to connect the dots to form an overall picture.
And what was the picture people may ask? Well, I didn’t have a definitive answer, but what I could assume was that Maria possessed all three sacred treasures of Japan that ultimately determined the next ruler. The timing of when Maria acquired the three treasures to the events of World War II were very obscure. I couldn’t ignore the possibility that one of the reasons Maria was discovered by General Yamashita was because of her possession of the treasures. Hirohito would have ordered their return since he needed the treasures to prove his divinity.
There were still questions though, like how the Imperial Regalia of Japan came into Maria’s possession? Why was Maria, a native from the Philippines, the supposed next ruler or empress of the Japanese people? I needed to ask Mike for clarification on the research that I’ve conducted since he knew plenty about Maria, but this wasn’t the time. Mike needed to focus on the conversation with his father. Bombarding him with questions wouldn’t help the situation.
Because of that, I had to hold back my eagerness and focused on eating my food instead. This proved more difficult than anticipated. I knew I needed to eat. Between the research and school assignments I had little time to eat the past few days.
I steadily cleared my plate; as I put the last bit of turkey in my mouth, I saw Mike reappear. He gave me a cherished smile as he sat down.
“Enjoying yourself?” Mike asked as he leaned casually against his chair.
I nodded. “The food’s great, but it would’ve been better if they had chicken adobo at least.”
Chuckling, Mike said, “Definitely. My father is going to give a presentation that will explain the purpose of the fundraiser. After that, I’m going to make my move and have an official talk with him. I’ll keep in mind what you said to me back at the garden.”
I smiled. “Great. When will the presentation start?”
“Right about now actually,” Mike answered.
Right on cue, a man appeared on the stage with a microphone. People gathered to their respective tables just as the lights dimmed and a huge projector screen was displayed. A picture of a young Filipino child in less than favorable conditions then appeared on the screen.
The people’s chatter began to decline as a tall man walked onto the stage. It was obvious who the man was since he had the same reddish-brown hair and facial features as his son. The way he walked with confidence and calculation left little doubt that this person held enough power and influence that he could change the stability of a country with a snap of his finger.
“Hello, hello, hello!” Mr. Shepard greeted the men and women in the ballroom with such a boom in his voice it made the microphone unnecessary. “I hope I have all of your undivided attention because I really want to convey my sincere thanks to all of you who have decided to attend this fundraiser. As you all may already know, my name is Matthew Shepard and I am the president of one of the largest mining companies in the country.”
As Mr. Shepard spoke, different images of children were displayed on the screen and I noticed that some of the images had a watermark on them, showing that they were just stock photos. So, these images must’ve been copied and pasted onto the slideshow and were not the actual images of impoverished Filipino children who were going to be aided by the fundraiser. One minute in and it was already going terribly.
“Now I understand there has always been controversy about any claim that has been made on a piece of land. These range from concerns for the natural environment to the stability of an entire country’s government and the people themselves… However, these factors did not go unnoticed. So, that is why the most recent claim I have received for the land in the Laguna province of the Philippines has led to this fundraiser. The ultimate goal tonight is to aid the impoverished children, specifically in Laguna. This will include providing every child with nutritious meals every day and newly constructed buildings that will provide children and their families with shelter and places for education and medical assistance. Your participation in this fundraiser will help thousands of children to have better lives in not only the present, but in the future as well.
“One particular woman would especially appreciate your contribution to this fundraiser…and her name is Maria Makiling. She is revered by an indigenous tribe in Laguna who believe she created all the gold in the province. I believe she would want this gold to be found and shared to the rest of the world so that all can benefit from it. So, please, ask yourselves this question…how will you contribute to the children of Laguna that will also impact the rest of the world for the better? Through your support tonight, maybe you can be like Maria… Thank you for allowing me to speak and I hope you enjoy the rest of your night!”
A roar of applause erupted through the ballroom as everyone stood up and clapped. Mr. Shepherd happily waved to the cheering crowd as he walked off stage. I however, stayed seated and turned my head to Mike who was looking down with a strained expression.
I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Mike…”
Sighing, Mike said, “Well…my father certainly can make a speech.” He then shook his head. “I can’t believe he used the legend of Maria and completely twisted it to suit his own greed. There’s a tale in my tribe of how Maria’s generosity became her undoing, so the gold must not be rediscovered for that very reason.”
“Care to explain?” I asked, ready to learn more about Maria.
Mike leaned back and said, “I’m sure you know about the Imperial Regalia of Japan and the mythology surrounding all three treasures, so I won’t bore you with the details. What isn’t known is that the treasures were gifts, created by Maria. These gifts were given to a woman who would later be known as Amaterasu, a revered sun goddess from Shinto religion. In all actuality, she was just a normal woman who possessed similar abilities to Maria, but was not as powerful. Maria gave her these gifts when Amaterasu escaped to a cave which is very known in Shinto mythology. What isn’t known is the cave she escaped to was in the Philippines. She took refuge there after the Japanese persecuted her for her supernatural abilities. Maria found her and gave Amaterasu the three gifts that allowed her to return to Japan and be revered as the goddess of the Sun who would rule the land through heroism as she defeated many demons who haunted the land.
“It sounds like a happy ending, right? However, as they say ‘no good deed goes unpunished.’ After many years of peaceful rule, Amaterasu passed away. Her gifts were to be passed down to her descendants as proof of their blood relation and allow them to rule as emperor or empress. Hirohito had an entirely different plan when he inherited the three treasures. That is what lead to Japan’s heavy involvement in World War II. Earlier I told you that the aswang could’ve been involved in Maria’s discovery... It turns out that speculation was false. I was contacted by someone from the tribe while we were in the garden, and he informed me that Maria was discovered because of her attempt to take back the treasures. She had the idea that it could end the war. Unfortunately, when she returned to the Philippines with the treasures, Hirohito sent General Yamashita and you know what happened after that… The consequences of her generosities must’ve been the real reason why Maria disappeared.”
I digested what Mike just told me. The information he gave me filled in the gaps from my research. I came to realize that a woman who was perceived as a fairy-like being from mythology had a huge impact on world history. Then I remembered something that was related to all of this.
“Is it true that due to a tax hike back in 2014, the Japanese are heavily investing in large amounts of gold in some kind of modern-day gold rush?” I asked.
Mike turned his head to face me and smiled, that looked both amused and haunted. “You’re so informed, Duncan. I like that… And you’re right about the current demand for gold in Japan. So, it would be in the Japanese government’s best interests to have the gold mining operation happen. Now whether they want the gold just to stimulate their economy or if there are more sinister motives I don’t know. What I do know is that the Imperial House has recently gained more influence in the Japanese government which doesn’t bode well at all.”
“Do…Do you think it’s possible that the Imperial House wants the gold that they know Maria created to regain the power they once had?”
“That’s what my tribe thinks according to the conversation I just had. They fear that history will soon repeat itself if nothing is done about the claim. It’s one of the reasons my return is so important. If I can’t convince my father to stop the operation, not only will the Philippines be affected, but it could lead to the reemergence of an Imperial Japan. That would undoubtedly cause another world war. However, I just want to clarify that I’m not against the Japanese people. I truly admire how much their culture has influenced the rest of the world in a positive way and how they have a strong sense of identity. Filipino culture, however, is very Westernized. The people have lost the culture their ancestors developed because of the Spanish colonization and later America before gaining their independence. What I’m trying to say is-the Japanese shouldn’t be viewed as the problem.
“The real problem, I think, is that the aswang have some involvement with the current situation. I know there’s a connection between the aswang and the tengu of Japanese mythology in terms of their appearance and abilities. The tengu have always been associated with war and they have influenced the royal family negatively in the past. So, the possibility that the tengu, or the aswang, may cause a war by influencing the royal family is too great to ignore. They’re the real enemy, not the Japanese people.”
“So, what you’re saying is…even if you stop your father’s operation, it still won’t solve the issue of the aswang or tengu, if they are involved.”
Mike nodded. “Correct. But I can only fight one battle at a time. And the only battle I have influence in right now is the one with my father. I should’ve planned this out better, since my father is now nowhere to be seen.” Mike stood up and began searching for his father with the turn of his body. “Where the hell is he?”
I tried to help by searching too, and then I said, “Maybe…Maybe he’s backstage.”
“Yeah, he’s most likely there. I’ll go ahead and talk to him now, since I don’t need an audience for the argument that is bound to happen.”
“Can I come?” I asked stupidly as if I could contribute to the conversation at all.
“No, Duncan. I don’t want you exposed to the fallout once my father and I start exploding at each other,” Mike insisted.
I reluctantly nodded and said, “Okay, I understand. I’ll just stay here and wait until you’re finished.”
Mike smiled and gave me a firm hug that melted away any disappointment I had. “Thank you, Duncan. You’ve definitely influenced what I’m going to say with your advice and the thought-provoking statements from earlier. And when things go down, at least I’ll have you to come back to.”
“You’re welcome,” I said with a smile.
Releasing his embrace, Mike pinched my cheek affectionately before turning around and walking to where his father hopefully was. I prayed to whoever could control what was going to happen to make it the best possible outcome. Whether it be Maria or Amaterasu, I begged to whoever was listening to make everything go right. And what else could I do other not stand there awkwardly. So, I grabbed another plate of food to distract myself until it was over.
As I ate, I watched an online video on my phone to distract myself. However, I soon ignored the action scene that was playing on the screen and began playing with my food. Time passed and Mike didn’t reappear, so I was beginning to assume that the conversation that was happening wasn’t going too well. And it only worsened after more than fifteen minutes passed and neither he nor his father appeared in the ballroom. I wanted to do something, but what?
A figure then caught my attention, so I quickly turned my head to see who it was. However, it was only Miranda walking towards me with a smile on her face. I told myself to stop sulking and plastered on a smile.
“Hey, Miranda,” I said.
“Hey back, Duncan!” Miranda said cheerfully. “Are you enjoying the event?”
“So far, yeah. What about you?”
“It’s all right. I actually searched the dessert section of the buffet, hoping to see if there was any halo-halo there. But no, there isn’t. And I wished there was because I’m kind of addicted to the stuff since Mike brought me some home a few weeks ago from that Filipino restaurant. I’ve been getting that dessert almost every day since then…but don’t tell Mike since I don’t want him thinking that he can push more Filipino desserts on me and make me get fat in the process.”
I had to chuckle at that. “I’m sure Mike’s true motives aren’t to ruin your figure.”
Giggling back, Miranda, “I know. He’s just wants to share what he loves with others and hopes they enjoy it as well. By the way. do you know where he is? I’ve been trying to find my dad too for my mom, but I can’t find him either.”
“Oh…actually they’re both having a private conversation right now somewhere backstage,” I revealed.
“Oh…I hope it’s not about the claim my dad made in the Philippines,” Miranda said as she looked at the stage.
I shrugged, and pretended to know nothing about it. “Sorry, I don’t—”
A loud noise suddenly erupted from the stage area of the ballroom. I stood up from my chair wondering what was happening backstage. My concern for Mike and his dad increased dramatically.
As I waited for some kind of answer to the noise, another boom was heard and something was launched through the curtains and crashed into one of the empty tables. To say I was shocked was an understatement as I looked at the table that was obliterated from the impact of whatever crashed into it. Then I saw legs sticking out of the tablecloth that enveloped the person when they crashed into the table itself.
I feared the worst, but when I saw the legs move, I had to run to the person’s aid. Other people were slowly approaching the person as I crouched down and pulled on the tablecloth just as the person sat up. To see Mike again from under the cloth was both delightful and despairing in the same time since it was great for him to reappear, but not through this fashion.
“Mike!” I exclaimed.
Mike groaned and said, “God, that hurt…but I think I’m all right.”
“Are you sure? What the hell happened?” I asked.
“Not now. I just need everyone to get of here now!” Mike ordered as he slowly stood back up.
Then right on cue, a fire alarm started blaring throughout the ballroom and if that wasn’t a motivator to get the hell out, sprinklers from the ceiling began pouring excessive amounts of water onto the people below. So, everyone began their evacuation from the area, but I remained where I was, not caring about the almost deafening alarm or the water that was soaking my suit. My own curiosity was winning over me and I needed answers right then and there.
“Get out of here, Duncan. I don’t want you hurt,” Mike said.
Before I could give an answer, the curtains separated again and someone walked onto the front stage, and that someone was lifting another person above the ground by the throat. More individuals then exited onto the stage and stopped just behind the first person who appeared to be wearing a blindfold.
“Let go of my father! Now!” Mike shouted.
The blindfolded man holding Mr. Shepard tilted his head to the side and said, “I need this man to ensure the gold in the Laguna province… So, it’s in your best interests not to interfere with your father’s ordeals. I will not let an imitation Maria dictate what is the inevitable. So…will you allow your father and us to leave or will you let him die over something you truly cannot fully comprehend?”
Looking at Mike, his head was bowed down as water dripped down his face and soaked his hair and clothing. “I…I can’t—”
“Answer now or I’ll choose for you,” the blindfolded man stated and strengthened his hold on Mr. Shepard’s neck.
Shouting in pain, Mr. Shepard then choked out, “Don’t let them take me, Michael! K-Kill them!”
The blindfolded man growled before taking his other hand and penetrating it through Mr. Shepard’s torso, exiting through his back.
Mike shouted before a bright light surrounded him that materialized into the five discs behind his back. Four of the smaller discs were then launched towards the blindfolded man who quickly tossed his father to the ground. I watched as the man took his hand, covered in blood, and with quick swipes deflected all four discs from injuring him.
The man then turned his back to Mike before being enveloped by a black shadow and submerging into the stage. This left five of his henchmen behind who all began sprinting towards Mike with large claws extending from their hands.
However, they were no match for Mike. The four discs returned to their original position; they then tilted at different angles and started vibrating. Each of them developed a ball of light at their center before emitting a beam that attacked four of the henchmen. Their heads literally disintegrated from the beams. Their lifeless bodies dropped to the ground like ragdolls.
There was only one henchman left and he didn’t last long either. Mike suddenly teleported to the man, and just as he tried to step back, Mike used his strength to crash his fist into the man’s torso and sent him flying to the stage. Mike then placed the larger disc right in front of him before it fired a powerful beam that obliterated the last man from existence.
And as quickly as it started, it was over. The fire alarm continued to blare and the pouring water didn’t dissipate as I just stood there, ears ringing and completely drenched. I watched Mike walk to his father. He was lying on the ground, lifeless, with a pool of blood surrounding his body. Mike then crouched to his knees and said something that I couldn’t hear due to the noise from the fire alarm and pouring water.
I was about to walk to Mike’s side when I sensed someone behind me. I turned to see Miranda again with her hair and dress completely wet and the look of devastation on her face only showed that she witnessed everything that happened… Then something appeared behind her and I began to panic when I saw it rise from the ground as a black mass that molded into a human figure.
Miranda didn’t notice the person manifesting behind her and I immediately acted. It was like an involuntary action as I ran to her and yelled for her to get away from the person who I knew was the blindfolded man. And before Miranda could even fully turn her head, I managed to grab her by the arms and pull her away just as the man motioned his hand in a way that would’ve caused it to puncture violently through her body as he did with Mr. Shepard.
We both fell to the ground in the process and I watched as the blindfolded man slowly turned his head to face me. Pure fear fueled my actions as I assisted Miranda to stand up before I managed to do so myself. I followed Miranda as she ran to Mike and called out his name for help…but that would’ve been too easy.
Some force grappled me by the feet and I fell forward. I turned to see the blindfolded man with his arms extended in front of him and the dark shadows from his arms extended as well to capture my feet. The shadows from his arms than receded, pulling me back in the process and regardless of how much I grabbed at the ground, it remained futile.
Soon I was below the man. He grabbed me by the hair and lifted me up. I shouted in pain and tried to pull away, but he was too strong. He managed to lock one of his arms around my neck. I could feel the air becoming harder to take in as my feet felt like they were glued to the ground. I clawed at his arms like a frightened cat, but nothing I did made the man even flinch.
The only hope I could see was when Mike appeared with Miranda right behind him. I called out to Mike, as the arm around my neck tightened in response and I stopped my failed attempt to escape, so I could focus on my strained breathing.
“Duncan!” Mike called out.
“I meant to kill your sister…but it looks like this boy means much to you too, doesn’t he?” the man said, his cold breath causing me to shiver.
“Don’t…” Mike pleaded as he fell to his knees. “You’ve already proven your point.”
“You killed five of my own people without hesitation. So, no. I clearly haven’t… I just want you to know how it feels to have someone you cherish become lost in the blink of an eye.”
The man then placed a hand on my stomach and proceeded to slowly slice his fingernails through my suit and into my skin. I cried out in agony. I could barely register Mike’s voice as the man’s hand continue to move and rip through my body.
“I want you to feel at least an ounce of what I felt when I witnessed the tens of thousands of Japanese lives that were lost in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki all because of Maria, your revered idol. It wasn’t atomic bombs that destroyed those two cities, it was Maria who destroyed two of the sacred treasures that resulted in the explosions that killed so many my people! Innocent people! And it was all because she wanted to end the war that she caused by any means possible!”
“Just stop!” Mike demanded. “We both know that it was more complex than that. Killing innocent people is not going to resolve what happened. You’re hurting and I completely understand, but—”
“No! You don’t understand…but I don’t need you to. I just don’t want you to continue interfering with destiny and I’ll do anything since, as Maria believed, the end justifies the means. So…here’s your last warning.”
After those words were spoken, I felt my neck being sliced open and a great warmth spilling below. I couldn’t feel any pain. All I felt was all the energy spill from my body and I collapsed to the ground. My vision was already starting to fade and I watched as the blindfolded man looked from above. I couldn’t make out any expression on his face before he disappeared from my view…and then Mike appeared with his face so close to mine. Yet I couldn’t identify any details on his face nor what he was saying.
My vision continued to darken and the last thing that I saw was a bright light. Then I closed my eyes and drifted away.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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