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    Lee Wilson
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between adult males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2024 Lee R Wilson.

Roadie In Love - 2. From Groupie To Roadie/Lover?

One homophobic slur occurs.
Eric Targon: Facebook

Jason and the other guy sat in the front of the limo that drove Kevin and Eric over to the hotel. Eric grabbed Kevin's hand and held it the whole way to the hotel. Kevin followed Eric to his room, wondering if he was dreaming.

"What's your poison: Bourbon? Vodka?"

"Um, I'd rather just have a soda, if that's okay. I'm only eighteen and really don't drink."

"Very cool. I'm not much of a drinker either. I'll have one once in a while, but too many rockers get bogged down by booze and drugs. That ain't for me. Coke, Sprite? I think… yeah, Mountain Dew too."

"Dew would be great."

Eric handed Kevin the can, "Come on and sit with me on the couch. I want to know why you think the song was written for you."

Kevin sat down, Eric sat next to him and put his arm around Kevin's shoulders. Kevin summarized the happenings of the past six months.

"Wow. What about the suicide piece?"

Kevin described the last day in the apartment, and his methods to get close to the stage. Well, all but tonight's.

"I think, it's fucking funny that you trashed the place. But really, you heard the song and it stopped you from using the blade?"

"Yeah. I knew you guys were about to start your tour. I really had nothing else, so I trashed the place, like you said, packed up and hit the road."

"Fuck, man. And you paid guys off to get you close to the stage?"

"Yeah, mostly."


"Yeah, you'll probably hate me and kick me out, but the guy tonight made me blow him to get close."

"Mother fucker. You get his name?"

"No. But he did say, I should meet him tomorrow outside, shit, what was it? Gate three at six."

"Great. I'm going to make sure his ass gets fired. You really must like me."

Kevin took a deep breath, "I think I love you, Eric."

"Yeah, you did yell that out once or twice. I'm gonna be honest with you, Kevin. I'm not one to hook up with somebody for a one-night stand. You're gorgeous and I'd really like to spend time with you, and not just in the sack. So, you really got nothing going on?"

"I'm gorgeous? No, that's you. But, no. It may sound ridiculous, but my whole plan was to follow you around , God, just hoping you’d notice me. No idea what I was going to do after the tour was over."

"We got a couple months to figure that out. You got a cell phone?"


"Give me your number. We're in Philly in two days. Once I get in there for the sound check, I'll let you know where to come. Chris is a major dick. I've been looking to unload him since day one in Boston. I'll talk to Jason, who you met before—he runs the show, responsible for the roadies. I'll get Chris moved, and you'll be my guy. You okay with that?"

"Wow. Yeah."

"All I can promise you is long days, hard work, shitty pay, and if you want it, my warm body in bed with you at night."

"Oh, God. That's all better than I got right now. I've slept in my car almost every night since I left home. The warm body part is fucking amazing."

"No offense, Kev, but you smell like you’ve been sleeping in your car. I'm taking a shower. Join me?"

Eric started the shower, adjusting the temperature until it felt right.

"That okay for you?"

Kevin put his hand in, "It's fine."

Eric started undressing. Kevin just stood there staring, once gain thinking he must be dreaming.

Naked, Eric noticed Kevin hadn't undressed, "You don't have to wash your clothes in the shower. Hopefully you've got some clean stuff in your car."

"Oh. Yeah."

"Hey, I know you're starstruck. Really, just pretend I'm some average college guy from your home town. I'm only three years older than you."

Eric was the baby of the band. The other three were all older. Kevin started undressing, unable to stop staring at Eric's body, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't stare."

"Stare all you want. I plan on staring at you too. That is if you get naked sometime before morning."

Kevin laughed and took off the rest of his clothes.

"You're beautiful, Kevin. And I'm not just saying that because it's obvious you're happy to see me. Look, I’m happy too."

Another laugh from Kevin. The ice broken, they stepped into the shower.

"Wash my back, Kev?"

"Yeah, sure."

Kevin soaped up a wash cloth and ran it over Eric's back. He hesitated just above Eric's butt.

"My ass isn't going to wash itself. Don't be afraid. Touching is all we're going to do tonight, anyway, so, touch away, anywhere you want."

Kevin dropped the wash cloth and rubbed his soapy hands over Eric's ass.

"That's more like it."

Kevin got brave and rubbed a finger down Eric's crack, eliciting a moaning "Yessss" from Eric. Eric turned around. Kevin's soapy hands reached out for Eric's cock. Eric asked for the body wash then reached for Kevin. The washing turned into heavy-duty fondling. Kevin started breathing heavily. Eric kept stroking him. Kevin tried to focus on stroking Eric. He was having difficulty, but kept his hand moving. Kevin felt he was approaching the point of no return.

"Ahhhh. Ohhhh Godddddd."

Kevin started shooting his seed. It was so forceful, the splat sound it made when it hit Eric's stomach was heard over the rush of the shower. Eric had to help hold Kevin up, as his legs weakened. He was a little shorter, so Eric looked up and leaned in to kiss Kevin. Their tongues met, Eric moaned, "Keep going."

Kevin sped up his stroking of Eric's cock. Within seconds, he felt Eric's semen hitting him on his hip. They collapsed into each other's arms, holding each other up, with help from the shower wall. After a minute, they resumed washing, themselves this time, rinsed off, and turned off the water.

They dried off, Eric led Kevin to the bed. Within a minute, there was a knock at the door.

“Christ. I told him to bring your keys back in the morning. Don’t move.”

Eric went to the door, not bothering to cover himself. He threw open the door to the surprised face of other guy who drove over with Jason.

“Oh, shit.”

“Oh shit is right Greg. I said bring the keys back in the morning. Are you that stupid you can’t remember a simple instruction for thirty minutes?”

“Sorry, Eric.”

“Yeah, well, either take a fucking picture or give me the keys and fuck off!”

Greg handed the keys to Eric and left. Eric closed the door gently, knowing it was late even though he wanted to slam it.

He turned to Kevin, who was trying to contain his giggle, “And he’s supposed to be one of the smart ones.”

Kevin’s giggle turned into a full-on guffaw. Eric returned to the bed, doused the light, and held Kevin.

“Thanks for the first of hopefully many wonderful nights, Kevin.”

“I should be thanking you.”

“We won’t argue. Give me a kiss goodnight, I’m beat.”

They kissed for a minute. Kevin noticed Eric stopped kissing back. He really was beat. He’d fallen asleep.

The next morning, Kevin felt disoriented, not realizing where he was right away.

“Oh my God. It wasn’t a dream.”

Eric had just come out of the bathroom.

“Nope. No dream. I had them send up a toothbrush for you. Hope you like green.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m really here with you? I’m not dreaming?”

“Well, if you were dreaming, dream Eric would tell you you’re not dreaming, so it doesn’t mean much, but no. You’re not dreaming.”

“I still can’t believe it.”

“You’ll believe it when you’re busting your ass later getting everything set up. But don’t worry, I’ll massage those glutes for you.”

Kevin snickered, “You’re funny.”

“Yeah, I know. But looks aren’t everything.”

“You’re far from funny looking.”

Eric made a face, “How about now?”

“Yeah, funny looking now. I gotta, you know, and you’re blocking the door.”

“Toilet toll is two kisses.”

“Cheap at twice the price.”

They kissed twice.

“Yuck, morning breath. Make use of that toothbrush, Kev.”

Kevin saluted, “Yes, sir.”

Eric smiled and shook his head, “Wise ass.”

When he finished in the bathroom, Kevin put yesterday's clothes back on and headed down to his car to get a fresh set. He was running out of clean clothes and would need to find a washing machine soon. Bringing the clothes upstairs and realizing he didn’t have a key, he knocked on the door. Eric opened it wearing a robe, and blocked the way.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm um, just going to change clothes."

"You think you can just knock on a star's door, walk in, and strip in front of him?"

"Um. I thought. Sorry." Kevin frowned, and turned around to leave, sad and confused.

"Stop! I'm busting your chops. Sorry. You looked like I just killed your dog. You'll learn that I joke around whenever I can. Life is too short to be serious all the time. Come on in."

"God. You scared the shit out of me. I didn't know what I did wrong."

"I have to remember you're still a little fragile. I'll try to be a little kinder with my jokes."

"Thanks. I know I shouldn't be so thin-skinned, but being here with you is just so unreal. I expect it to end with any little mistake I make."

"It's not ending that easily, Kevin. Here, let me help you change."

"Um. Sure. That might, you know, cause a reaction."

"Exactly what I was hoping for."

Eric undressed Kevin. As expected, a reaction south of Kevin's waist did occur. Eric removed his robe, proving he had an identical reaction. He pulled Kevin in close for a kiss, simultaneously reaching for his cock. Kevin took that as an invitation, and returned the favor. Eric backed up until they reached the bed, and laid down with Kevin. No more than two minutes later, they were painting each other with their semen.

Eric smiled, "Looks like we need another shower."

He led Kevin to the bathroom and started the shower. This time all they did was kiss, but that was still enough to excite Kevin.

"Sorry, Kev. We're going to have to let that one go down on its own. We need to get to the arena."

"That's okay."

They dried off, dressed and headed downstairs. Eric making a call on the way to have the limo brought around. The rest of the band arrived within the next few minutes. Kevin had another attack of being starstruck, riding in the limo with all four members of Deja Vu.

Cary Targon started the ribbing, "Have a good night last night kid? Eric didn't wear you out, did he?""

Kevin blushed, "Yes. I had a good night. No, it was nothing like that."

Pat Dillon, the drummer, joined in the fun, "He sent you to bed with blue balls? Eric, how could you?"

Eric tried to stop the teasing, "Come on guys. Take it easy on him. He's actually had a rough time of it lately."

Bassist Mike Taylor wasn't to be left out, "You really shouldn't have been rough with him the first night, Eric. You might break him in half with those fourteen inches."

Eric noticed that Kevin was starting to get upset, "Okay guys. Fucking cool it. Kevin's a good kid and he doesn't need your bullshit."

Sniffling, Kevin spoke up, "I-it's o-okay, Eric. I-I can take it."

"Apparently not very well. I'm not going to share his troubles, that's up to him if he wants to share. But really, give him a break, they've been pretty bad."

Cary spoke for the rest of them, "Sorry, we didn't know he's had it that bad. Sorry, Kevin. You know we were just goofing around, right?"

His voice breaking a little, "I do now."

Mike really felt bad, "Fuck. I'm sorry Kev. Is it okay to call you Kev?"

Finally calming down a little, "Yeah. Eric's been doing that once in a while. It's cool."

"Chris said you helped him with my drums last night. Are you going to be joining the team in any way?"

"Yeah. Eric said... Oh, should I mention that?"

"It's okay Kevin, they know Chris is an asshole. I plan on getting Chris moved to a less personal task. Kevin's going to be my man off-stage from now on."

"Awesome." "Cool." "Good for you."

"Thanks. I hope I can do a good enough job."

Cary gave him a hit of confidence, "If Eric trusts you, I know you'll do well. Welcome to the team."


After they got to the arena, Eric scared up Jason and told him to get Kevin up to speed on what he'd need to do as Eric's main roadie and told him to find something pointless for Chris to do, although firing him would be perfectly fine with him too.

As Kevin started to walk away, Eric called out, "I'll find you later so we can straighten out your usher friend from last night."

"Um. Okay."

Kevin walked away with Jason, who got him the paperwork necessary to officially join the team, set up his pay, etc. Then he spent some time with him, going over what Kevin's tasks would be. Those wouldn't be limited to doing things just for Eric. Like Eric had told him, it was going to be hard work.

Jason also tracked down Chris, and told him what his new duties would be until they got to Florida, where Chris was from. After that, he wouldn't be needed any longer. Chris already didn't like Kevin, knowing he was being let go only served to double his hatred. Chris had a crush on Eric too. He was pissed that Kevin stepped right into the spot he longed to be in. Chris had been afraid to say anything to Eric, now he was paying for it.

Kevin helped get everything set up for that night's performance. A little after five o'clock, Eric looked him up and asked him to go to dinner with him before they met with usher-ass.

"So how has the first day as a roadie gone, so far?"

"Like you said, it's been hard work. Especially for someone who never worked at all. But it's going well. A lot of learning today."

"Good. Hang in there, you'll do okay."

After they finished dinner, they headed out to gate three. Real arena security accepted who they were and had no problem with them going in and out. After a few minutes, Kevin pointed him out. He and Eric walked up to the jackass.

Eric took control, "What's your name, and who is your supervisor?"

"Who the fuck are you, and why do you care?" Then, recognizing Kevin, "Oh, it's you. Do you both want to get in and moved up for free? I'll happily fuck you both for it."

"You don't know who I am, do you?"

"Obviously someone stupid, don't even know what 'who the fuck are you' means."

"Okay, we'll play it your way. I'm sure I can easily find out who you work for."

Eric turned around to go back into the building.

"Hey, stupid, you can't go in yet."

Eric pulled out his 'Performer' credentials, "Hey, stupid. This says we can. Come on, Kevin. Let's see if we can figure out who this guy works for. All else fails, we'll just find a cop and press rape charges against him."

"Hey, the fag blew me willingly. I didn't rape nobody."

Eric hesitated, but then he and Kevin kept walking. Eric knew if he'd stopped, it would only mean trouble for him. He pictured the headline, 'Gay artist assaults usher at MSG over homosexual slur.'

But he look back and did toss an underhanded insult, "Yeah, you're right. You're smart enough to know you 'didn't rape nobody'."

Kevin tried not to laugh, but failed. Once they were out of sight, Kevin was a little worried.

"We're not really going to press charges, are we? I wasn't completely in the right, trying to move up."

"No, and I know that. But it will give him something to worry about all night. I'm not even going to waste my time trying to figure out who he works for. We'll never see him again."

Eric's last statement ended up not quite being true. The jerk ended up being stationed in the floor section closest to Eric. On one trip out to the stage to swap guitars, Kevin noticed him.

"Our friend is out front."

"Yeah, I saw him."

"I'm flipping him the bird if I can get him to look at me before I disappear completely."

Eric spit half a laugh. The opportunity did arise on that trip off the stage. Just as Kevin was entering the shadows, jerk-wad noticed him. Kevin give him the single digit salute. Jerk-wad didn't look at all happy.

After the show, tonight’s tasks were a little more strenuous. Last night they were able to move the band’s equipment into a storage area. Tonight it all needed to be put on the trucks. By the time they finished, Kevin was exhausted. On top of that, he couldn’t find Eric anywhere. He was able to locate Jason before he left, though.

“Hey Jason. I can’t find Eric anywhere.”

“I’m sure he went to his hotel. Meeting or something.”

“Damn. How am I going to get over there? I came in with him and the rest of the band this morning. My car’s still over there.”

“I can take you to our rooms. You didn’t get one last night, but I’m sure I can find someone you can share with.”

“Oh. I thought I’d be with Eric again.”

“Be happy you got one night. We don’t even stay at the same hotel. We’re second class citizens. We get second class accommodations.”

Disappointed, Kevin rode with Jason to their motel. It was five minutes away. Jason told him he’ll bring him to the hotel in the morning to get his car. Jason checked the room assignments and found that Danny Edmunds was solo in a double room. He texted Danny to give him a head’s up that he’d be bringing a roommate.

Jason knocked on Danny’s door, introduced Kevin, and headed to his own room.

“You were with Eric today, weren’t you?”


“That’s a great gig for your first day. How’d you luck into that? That’s been Chris’ job so far.”

“Eric basically told me I was taking over for Chris and he’d find Chris another job. I was figuring on spending another night with him.”

“Oh. That’s why he was pissed off all night. You’d better keep an eye out for him. He’s not happy about being replaced. Wait, you spent the night with Eric?”


“Holy shit. What did you do with him?”

“I don’t think I should say.”

“Then you did SOMETHING with him. Did you let him fuck you or something?”

“I’m not saying anything. Guess I’ll hit the sheets. Goodnight.”

Disappointed he wasn’t getting the gossip, Danny mumbled, “Night.”

Kevin thought, ‘Great, I really won’t be with Eric every night, Danny’s going to bug me about what we did, and I have Chris mad at me. Oh, boy. Is this still better than following the band and sleeping in my car? Not a fucking chance.’

Kevin stripped down to his boxers and climbed into the second bed. He was singing quietly to himself, wondering if things had really changed for him.

“Is that ‘Is this all there is?’ you’re singing?”

“Yeah. Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you.”

“No, it’s no bother. I love that song too. You sounded pretty good. Keep going, louder if you will.”

“Okay.” Kevin started over:

She left, spoke no words, she’s just gone
Just a letter, starting dear John
She took it all, I know not where
That’s all I know, she’s just not there

I ask you, is this all there is?
There’s nothing else? There’s nothing more?
I ask you, is this all there is?
If it is, what do I live for?
I ask you, is this all there is?
Soon I’ll be walking through death’s door.

I was depressed, I couldn’t work
Boss didn’t care, he was a jerk
He said just leave, you’re worthless here
What will I do? I’m filled with fear

I ask you, is this all there is?
There’s nothing else? There’s nothing more?
I ask you, is this all there is?
If it is, what do I live for?
I ask you, is this all there is?
Soon I’ll be walking through death’s door.

I can’t pay rent, that is no doubt
The landlord says, he wants me out
Nowhere to live, why should I care?
It’s so much more than I can bear

I ask you, is this all there is?
There’s nothing else? There’s nothing more?
I ask you, is this all there is?
If it is, what do I live for?
I ask you, is this all there is?
Soon I’ll be walking through death’s door.

Was giving up, I saw her there
It seemed we had so much to share
With just one look I fell in love
Was this a sign from up above?

I tell you, it’s not all there is.
There’s something else. There’s something more.
I tell you, it’s not all there is.
There’s more that I have to live for.
I tell you, it’s not all there is.
Please keep me away from death’s door.

Keep me away.
Keep me away.
Keep me away.

“Man, you were awesome. You almost sounded like Cary.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Not exactly, but a little. Damn. You’re a good singer and you’re hot. If Eric kicks you to the curb, do you maybe want to get together with me?”


“Come on, you don’t get to spend a night if you’re not gay. We can get to be good friends, maybe more.”

“Has Eric done that with others?”

“Spend the night? Sure. I’d guess eight or ten times last year. I was never lucky enough to be one of them.”

“Tell me you’re kidding?”

“Sorry dude.”

“Fuck! He told me he never does that.”

Kevin got up and got dressed.

“Where are you going?”

“To the hotel, get my car and get the fuck out of here.”

Kevin put the hotel’s name into his maps app and started walking. He figured five minutes by car, he’ll probably take a half-hour to get there walking. He didn’t care, a two hour walk wouldn’t be too far.

Thirty-three minutes later he got to the hotel, stopped in the parking lot, and looked for his car. When he found it, there was a note on the windshield.

Next up - "Is It Over Already?"

Lyrics are original for this story. Same copyright as story applies.
Copyright © 2024 Lee Wilson; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

1 hour ago, Gary L said:

Yep, all the signs are there that this is a classic @Lee Wilson tale. Seat belt fastened, check……

Classic. Love it Gary!

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