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    P. E. Knapp
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Written for all. Minor situations of hopelessness and being lost. As with all stories, if you're not comfortable. Then please don't read.

Dances with Whales - 2. Chapter 2

Hello everyone! Here is the 2nd Chapter of 4. Enjoy.


Trimaran DSCVR’R

Pacific Ocean

The binoculars were heavy, but they operated flawlessly for checking the horizon. It has been 8 days since Eric rescued me. How he planned to sail this 56 foot trimaran to Hawaii alone? I don’t know. It takes the two of us to keep it sailing smoothly and he sleeps more now instead of taking hour long naps. He listens to the radio at set times for the weather, explaining why he turned us west earlier than he originally planned, because of the storm coming up through. Despite reducing the sails, that night was rough. However, this trimaran rides like a powerboat, not a sailboat. Eric was grinning the entire time as we pushed through, doing 12 knots. I think this boat would almost fly if given smooth seas and a decent wind. Eric told me DSCVR’R sails her best and fastest on a beam or broad reach, even on a light wind. He also showed me the log entries from last year when he was doing 31 knots on 24 knots of wind in the lee of an island with smooth seas. At night, he reduces sail to keep us comfortable and safer. Usually cruising at a sedate 5 to 6 knots, slower than our usual 12 to 15 knots when the sun is up. It took me a while to get over the fact that he rescued me. I asked why he did it; the dolphins told me to, was his response with that damned smile that speaks of so much mischief as those eyes twinkled.

“The dolphins told you to. What else did they tell you, Eric, of DSCVR’R?” I wondered out loud as I thought about that last part. I do not know of his residence or occupation. The few pictures down below show him and friends. A male couple and a female couple. I looked down into the companionway and saw him moving around as I checked the time.

“Two hours and you’re up already?” I said to the cockpit as I noticed he was putting some food into an instant pot before setting it before lying back down. He must be making dinner for us. A sail change was called for as the winds shifted and I adjusted both the headsail and mainsail. Satisfied, I checked the instruments again before I sat back down. Only to notice, through the companionway opening, that he was sitting at the navigation station. Eric must have heard the winches and woke up. By not coming on deck showed me he trusted my judgment as he went to the plot the next leg of our journey.

Moments later, he came up and handed me a pair of ear protectors. “I need to run the generator. It’s going to get loud for a few hours.” I looked at the sun and then over to the solar panels before he spoke again as he pulled out the little 2200 watt generator and a cable that he plugged into the side of it and tossed down the companionway. “We are using too much electric and I haven’t added the extra two solar panels I need yet.” He frowned and shrugged before he reached down and started it before he dropped down into the cabin and plugged the cable into another slot. The generator roared to full power as it took the load. He waved me down. I made a fast scan of the ocean and sails before I joined him.

“This is the slot you plug into for the generator to charge the batteries and that is the charge controller panel.” He said as he pointed to an instrument on the wall.



Our power usage, with the two of us, is excessive. I sighed. Which is my fault as I knew it and have the solar panels. I just didn’t add them yet. Burning gas is better than diesel since I might need the engine to enter the port. Just one 5-gallon can of fuel, even running the generator at full power, will give me 11 days at 2 hours a day. Maybe longer if the solar panels pick up more sunlight, but I need to move them for that. Another project I put off while seething over Robert. I sighed as I watched Logan through the companionway hatch. Smiling at how his disheveled hair looked under the mouse ears he was wearing for hearing protection. The ones that used to be Robert’s. I’ll toss them in Hawaii and buy a new pair. He waved, pointing to the navigation table, looking at the time I nodded. Making checks of the ocean and sails before I dropped down and joined him. Cranking up the volume on the daily weather report as I marked on the chart the locations of weather events around us. Logan nodded as he turned to me.

“Looks like everything is behind us.”

“Yes, it does.” I said as I worked out the times again. It was a combination of feelings as I realized we would be in Hawaii in two days. I circled it, pushing the notebook to him.

He nodded slowly as he worked out what that meant. It would be a flurry of cell phone calls as we got close to land. Coast Guard, which necessitates our physical presence to check in, and I am sure we will have to write up reports on the incident. I’ll need to call Amanda at the very least, while Logan has a long list of calls, he has to make. Regarding his family and work, as I mentioned. He’ll need to notify the police of his safety, as he thinks his employer may have reported him missing. What was left unsaid, I sensed the pain. He didn’t think Alex filed a report? But we shall see. Which brings up other issues he will need to deal with. And with my signal booster onboard, assuming the two blows I sailed through didn’t destroy it, should give us cell phone capability tomorrow evening. Maybe. I probably should have stowed it after I left the cell phone’s range. I’ll replace my satellite phone and his cell phone. We have the chip from the phone, which I cleaned with an alcohol pad. Hopefully it will be just drop it in and turn on the new phone.

Two days later a smile formed on my face as I glanced at the phone. With the signal booster, I had a solid 2 bars out of five. I looked over at Logan who was looking out towards the Big Island. I was going to stay out overnight and head into Oahu tomorrow, but depending on these phone calls, I may bring us into Hilo tonight under power. I grabbed the iPad and connected to the phone’s Wi-Fi for a quick search. Logan must have heard my sound of disgust, as he gave me a quizzical look.

“According to this news article, you were reported missing 3 days ago.” I said, handing the iPad over for him to read. I watched as the tears formed before he handed it back and went below. Dialing the phone, I waited.

“Where the hell are you? Why haven’t I been able to contact you?”

“I’m off the coast of the Big Island near Hilo. It’s a long story but the satellite phone went overboard after we last talked. Are you still coming out?”

“I’m already here. I flew out the 23rd in hopes you would get in early as you thought you might. What happened Eric? You have all of us worried.”

“I’ll send you some measurements for a shopping trip I need you to make.”

“What?” But I cut her off. “Please Amanda. Don’t ask questions now. You have the credit card I gave you to use?”

“Yeah. But.” I cut her off again.

“Please. Don’t ask. I’ll explain everything when we get on land, but right now I need to talk to many people. From the Coast Guard on down to Sheriff's department in San Deigo.” I paused as I grabbed the iPad again and accessed my email. “I just sent you an email. Let me know if you got it.”

“Hang on.” Her voice was full of concern. “I have…” she trailed off as I knew she was reading it.

“Call my law team, Amanda. Talk to Jeff. Read him that paragraph of instructions and tell him I will call in a few days to speak with him. Can you do that for me?”

“Erik is the guy OK.”

“Yeah. Physically, anyway. We’ll talk about it once I am on land. I think I am motoring into Hilo tonight. He needs to make a lot of calls.”

“OK. I’ll get the clothing. Want me to check flights and pop over to Hilo? Or stay here in Oahu.” I had to think for a minute.

“I don’t know. For now, grab that gear for Logan, and I’ll see what happens here tonight. Maybe I’ll fly you out tomorrow.”

“I’ll call your lawyer first, then I’ll run out shopping.”

“Thanks Amanda. I’ll call again in the morning if I can’t tonight.” I said before I disconnected and looked down the companionway where Logan disappeared. Standing, I went to find him, right where I thought he was. Sitting on the edge of his bunk, I rubbed his back as he sobbed into his pillow.

“Can you hear me?” He stopped trembling and turned his head out of the pillow. His world just dropped out from under his feet and it showed. From the pained expression to the red, puffy eyes. He was beyond upset. “This whole situation sucks for you. I know.” I sighed and shook my head. “I’m going to make a speed run on the engine into Hilo and get us a hotel for the night. I called Amanda. She is going to contact my lawyers, but first we need to go to the Coast Guard in Hilo and check in.” I paused, waiting for a response. “They will want a report.” He nodded as I grabbed my notebook off the table behind us. Handing it to him. “I understand you are upset. So am I, but I can’t change what has happened. What I can do is help you now. I need you to look over our notes. Both sets. What you wrote and what you told me, I transcribed. Make sure you have every detail.” I paused. He nodded.

“I’ll be in the cockpit. Yell, if you need me. OK?”

“OK.” He croaked out. Rubbing his back one more time and squeezed his shoulder before I left.

Changing the portable radio to the channel for the Port Master, I radioed in, as I brought the boat on course, motor sailing towards the Harbor. Over an hour later that I was coming up to the harbor entrance. In another 20 minutes I called Logan to help me set the anchor and tie off to a Buoy as we moored stern-to the cement wall. I checked my phone and had a text from Amanda. I read it and passed it to Logan to read.

“She made us a reservation and got me the local taxi numbers. After we get done here with the Coast Guard. We can head to the hotel.” I said as I headed below to grab clean shirts for both of us.

What happened next was purely accidental as I turned, not realizing Logan was so close, and ended up wrapping him tight in my arms to keep the two of us from falling. He looked into my eyes as I looked into his. I cleared my throat as I felt my face heat.

“Sorry.” I stuttered. “I didn’t mean to fall into you.” Speaking as I pulled away, handing him one shirt.

“It’s OK. Thanks Eric.” He mumbled as he stripped off his sailing gear to change the shirt. I moved up to the main cabin and changed into my shirt too, before we headed off to the Coast Guard office.

We spent almost two hours talking with various people and writing out reports on what happened. We had the notebook, plus my logbook, with all the correct locations of where I found Logan. Even the people we talked to, who likely heard similar stories before, were just as shocked as us that no one reported him missing for nearly two weeks. After all the copies were made and everything returned to us, one of the senior people offered us a ride over to the hotel.

“Thanks Chief. We’ll need a few minutes over at the boat before we run over to the hotel.”

“Not a problem, Mr. Cox.” He replied. Looking at his watch. “I’ll have Jenson here call in a pizza order for you and we can pick it up on the way. I’m going off duty so it won’t be a problem. Besides, you both look like you could use a break after everything that has happened.” That caused me to look at my watch. It was just after 9 pm. He was right. We could use a break. Thankfully, Amanda said the hotel had a coin-operated laundry for guests.

“OK Chief. We’ll meet you over at the boat. It’s just around the corner on the quay wall.” I said as I motioned for Logan to go ahead out. The Chief nodded as he was telling Jenson what to order and we took off.

“Eric. I don’t know if I have any money in my accounts.”

“It doesn’t matter right now. Just relax while we get settled into the hotel and eat. Then we can plan out tomorrow.” We turned the corner of the building before I continued. “Let’s just grab our dirty clothes and toss them in a duffle bag. We’ll grab clean clothes for the carry bag and I’ll do laundry early tomorrow morning while you use my phone to call your family.”

“I could call now.”

“It’s after 10 or 11 there now. You’re stressed out. Let’s just eat, shower, and get to bed. Then we can tackle this crap in the morning.” I said as I reached down to grab one line to pull the boat back against the fenders. Motioning for Logan to jump on as I followed him.

Thirty minutes later, the Chief was arguing with me about me paying for the office’s food order as he drove us over to the hotel. “Thank you for your service.” As we exited at the hotel, that was all I said.

Upon entering the room, I felt relieved to finally sit down and eat without having to monitor sails or the ocean. Logan had two slices before he went to take a shower. I tossed him a pair of clean underwear out of the bag.

He sighed before he spoke. “Thanks Eric. For everything.”

“You’re welcome, Logan, but there is still work left to be done.” He turned his back to me as he undressed.

“You’re taking me to Oahu?” He asked.

“Yes. That is where my mooring is. I can only stay here for two more days. Enough time to refuel, re-provision, make a crap load of phone calls, before we sail back out of here. And yes. I gave Amanda your sizes, and she is buying you clothing. We’ll need to run over to the mall tomorrow to see if we can get you a new phone, maybe some clothes for a few days. Not that I mind you wearing mine.” Which made him smile as he slipped off my underwear and wrapped the towel around his waist before heading into the shower. I tossed the dirty clothes into the pile for tomorrow. And dialed Amanda.

“Are you at the hotel?”

“Yeah. We lucked out, and the Coast Guard gave us a ride. Thanks for picking a place with laundry.”

The laugh carried across the line. “I figured if he was wearing your clothes too, then you would need it.”

“Are you saying we stink?”

“I believe I am. Anyway. I have more information for you and I emailed it.”

“OK. I’ll get my laptop set up and see if I can get online. I’ll call sometime tomorrow. We are going shopping here after laundry and some calls, so I can get him a new phone.”

“Works for me. I’ll keep working it from this end, and I’ll text you an email notification.”

“Thanks Amanda. I appreciate everything.” She laughed. “Get real Eric. Who forces me to travel the world just to avoid being alone? Please. I can help when I can.” And I laughed. Because she was right. I have been dragging her around since I got rid of Robert. She is the best friend I have.


* * *


The next morning, we were both up early. I ordered breakfast from room service, as Logan called his parents. That was a long call that included holding him as he sobbed, before I took the laundry down to start it. He had the phone number the police had given his parents and started his calls with that. By the time he was finished he was what Amanda would call, A hot mess. I pushed him back into the bathroom for another hot shower before we both changed into fresh clothing and hired a taxi to take us to the mall. Besides shopping, we had lunch and walked back to the taxi stand with his purchases. Including a new phone that worked when we put the sim chip into it because it was the same make and model. Amazing us and the store’s staff.

“Now what do I do?” He asked sadly.

“Now you relax and let the police investigate state side. In the meantime. Welcome to Hawaii. When we get to Oahu, we’ll head over to the FBI and check in with them, too.”

Four hours later, we had washed all the new clothes and packed them into his new travel bag. It wasn’t much because Amanda already had some for him, but he looked better in something that fit his lanky body better. My broader shoulders and more muscle tone plus the fact my waist is a 32 compared to his 30, well… it was nice to look at those ass cheeks in the snug shorts. I sighed. He’s not available. I told myself. As we entered the restaurant for dinner.




It had been a long day yesterday. Eric had listened and offered suggestions. He stayed by my side as I talked to the Coast Guard the day we arrived and the police state side the next morning. Held me when I needed it. Left me alone when I was talking to parents, work and one of my friends. Alex would never have supported me like that or showed me that much consideration. The next morning we were up, showered, packed and in the restaurant for breakfast at 7am. By 7:45 am we were loading into a taxi and by 8:40 am we had refueled before setting off for Oahu. Eric wasn’t playing now. We had a nice wind, but he motor sailed us. At one point, we hit 20 knots. The look on Eric’s face as he held the wheel and made little corrections to have us nudging 22 knots was pure pleasure. He was one with his boat. I had shifted out onto the starboard side ama as he had it out of the water almost the entire trip. We cleared the harbor at a little after 9 am and we were reducing sail as we approached Oahu by 4 pm and at 5 pm he was leading me into a condo that overlooks the harbor where the boat was and the Pacific. A girl jumped off the couch and came running towards us, grabbing Eric in a bear hug that had him laughing before he introduce me to Amanda. She was a 5 foot 4 spitfire with brown wavy hair and carried herself with an air of authority.



Eric texted me this morning they would be sailing over and should be here at 7 pm at the latest. I was surprised as I heard the key open the lock and the door popped open to reveal two people loaded with duffel and travel bags. Jumping off the couch as I set the laptop down and ran over to hug him. I noticed the guy behind him as he laughed. What I also noticed was how Eric’s tone had changed when he introduced Logan to me. With raised eyebrows at Eric, I stepped forward to shake Logan’s hand.

“Nice to meet you, Logan.”

“Hello Amanda. Nice to meet you too.”

“Eric, I am sure, told you he had me get your clothing. I washed it all this morning and laid it out on the bed for you. Come on. I’ll show you which room is yours.” I said, as I took one of Eric’s bags and led Logan off to the bedrooms. Eric followed behind, going into his to unload. Dropping Eric’s off while passing and stopping at the next to motion Logan in. Upon entering, he surveyed the room before freezing, his gaze fixed on the clothes on the bed.

“Eric sent me the sizes, and I picked a selection. Two pants and dress shirt combos, shorts, polos and button up shirts. T-shirts, track pants, underwear, ankle socks, dress socks. Eric said you liked briefs. I went with standard tighty whities. And a light jacket with a ball cap and sunglasses. As well as a suitcase to carry it in. A pair each of dress shoes and sneakers.” Eric walked in as I finished.

“Nice selection Amanda. Thank you.” He said as he pulled me to his side as he continued. “We’ll get anything else you might need tomorrow, Logan. For tonight, I think we’ll dress for dinner downtown on the waterfront.” He said as he watched Logan. Suddenly, he stepped away from me and moved close to Logan. Whispering in his ear as Logan turned on him. He reached out and wrapped his arms around him. Holding him tight.

“That’s…Interesting.” I said quietly. Eric heard me, but Logan didn’t. Eric shook his head, and I stepped out of the room to give them privacy.




Eric held me tight against him. His hand gently rubbed my back. “It’s fine. I can afford it.” He whispered. I looked at the clothes again. Prada, Gucci, Macy’s, Saint Laurent. On top of the clothing and phone, he bought me in Hilo.

“But I can’t.” I said.

“That’s fine. I’m not worried about the cost. I am worried about you. If you feel you need to pay me back, you can do it at a later time.” He told me softly. I just nodded my head.

“Thank you, Eric.”

“You are welcome, Logan. Let’s shower and change for dinner. We’ll call it an early night tonight.”

And we did. We strolled three blocks, peering into store windows and observing people on the streets. The restaurant itself was very nice. A small place, probably 20 tables inside. Upscale Hawaiian design and art throughout the room. Huge glass windows that overlooked the deck, that was two steps down so the main dining room could have an unobstructed view of the marina and ocean. What surprise me is when we entered, the hostess took one look at Eric and greeted him as a long-lost family member. Although calling him Mr. Eric, she seated us immediately. The staff was at the table to pour our water and take drink orders before we were even seated.

“I guess you come here a lot?” I asked.

“When I am in town. It’s the best restaurant close to the condo for full table service and breadth of menu. Plus, it is one of the places that serves the wine I like.” Eric, no sooner finished, another staffer arrived and uncorked a bottle, pouring a sample for him to taste. He smiled saying, perfect. Thank you. Then ours were poured too. I watched as the rest of the patrons were tended to, but nobody got the service we did.

“Eric can be picky sometimes. This place is one of his favorites and he lets them know it,” said Amanda as she leaned into me, speaking conspiratorially.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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As always it has been fun to write this and would really enjoy hearing from the readers in the comments below.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

5 hours ago, Cane23 said:

Alex doesn't look like a guy with some mastermind plan to gain some financial benefit out of Logan's missing. He was probably drunk for a very long time to even notice Logan is not on a board and then, as coward as he is, he was probably afraid to make a report, having to explain everything, maybe even being suspect. He is obviously self-centered, narcissist...which brings us to Logan again. What is he doing with such guy, is it his low self-respect or habit...? Anyway, I'd like to know more about Logan's background - we know he is not rich; he has parents (I suppose concerned about him), so, it would be nice to know who Logan is.

Logan could have done better, has a thing the ones that need to be fixed. Alex is just plain stupid and you can’t fix that.

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Great beginning, characters and plot set up. Slightly bummed it will only be 4 chapters. 

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2 hours ago, NOLARE said:

Great beginning, characters and plot set up. Slightly bummed it will only be 4 chapters. 

Thanks for the comment! I wrote it for the fall anthology, but decided to post it now. 

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Some boyfriend! I can't for the life of me figure out why Alex took 2 weeks to report Logan missing. A 2 week runner?

On to chapter 3!!!

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14 minutes ago, Al Norris said:

Some boyfriend! I can't for the life of me figure out why Alex took 2 weeks to report Logan missing. A 2 week runner?

On to chapter 3!!!

Wait for it... it wasn't Alex that reported him missing. It was his place of work.

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