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    P. E. Knapp
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Stop! Read First!  This story is marked Mature! There are Graphic Scenes, Sensitive Content, Sexual Situations, Foul Language, and descriptions of Traumatic Events including Death. 
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Tragedia Et Amor - 5. Chapter 5

Next installment for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

The next morning, I was up early again. It had been a rough night, even after I took Quinn home. His dad met us at the door when he arrived. Quinn gave him a big hug as he nodded to me. He was still holding Quinn when I got back into the Jeep. I could tell they were talking as I pulled away. Mom was getting up too as I opened my connecting door again. She looked at me curiously before she spoke.

“Since I didn’t get my song last night, I assume it had something to do with you carrying Quinn to your Jeep and leaving?” She asked. I gave her a half smile as I tilted my head slightly.

“Yeah. Something like that. We had a long talk last night. I think we are dating now and he’s going to be moving down here permanently once he turns eighteen.” She gave me her small smile back that tells me she knows more than what I told her.

“So I have heard. His Dad and Aiden talked to me last night after you left. Aiden suggested everyone just let the two of you work it out. I guess he was right.” She said bluntly. I thought about it and nodded.

“Yeah. We have more to talk about, but we are starting fresh. I need to get running. We’ll talk more tonight.”

“Sounds good. See you in an hour.” She said as she poured herself a bowl of cereal while I took off. I was working the early shift and Quinn was coming in for the mid shift. Which was 9 to 3. We had enough people to cover today as all three boats were going out this morning and only one this afternoon. The weekend was a different story. I would probably work 12 hours both days. Quinn was coming in early too on Saturday and Sunday. The thought of working with him all day made me smile. Watching that cute butt as he bent over. See that little smile he makes when he catches me looking at him. Yeah. We screwed up years ago and I am sorry I hit him. It significantly ruined his life, but now. Now. We will try again, and this time it will work. Getting him here permanently is the first order of business.




Three weeks ago, I watched Orion carry Quinn off the beach. Aiden filled me in on the actual story from his viewpoint. Not having seen Orion since, due to my own adventures in chasing Aiden, I haven’t been able to talk to him about his situation. The elevator door opened, revealing a smiling Orion.

“Caleb. Just who I was coming down to see. Do you have a few minutes?” He asked, hurriedly.

“I do. Come on, you can walk out with me.” I said as I stepped on the elevator and waited until we were outside to talk. “What’s on your mind?”

“I’m sure you heard from Aiden about Quinn and me. I have a problem, and I need someone I can toss ideas off of,” he said after he looked around to make sure we were alone.

“Shoot. Let’s hear it.”

“Quinn is being forced back to his mother’s but wants to stay here. I need to talk to him without his mother’s knowledge or anyone else’s.” He said. Which made me stop and think. Covert communications? I know Aiden said his mother was a real piece of work, but... I wish I had someone like Orion as my friend when I was that age and under my mother’s twisted thumb.

“Something is going on, or you think she might refuse to let him talk to anyone?”

Orion nodded fast as his eyes darted around. “Yes. Quinn and I are planning on him disappearing a few days before his birthday. Once he’s eighteen she can’t say anything. We think she will try something to keep him there. But. You don’t know that.” He said, as his eyes pleaded with me to keep it quiet. I chuckled softly.

“OK. Get some of those reloadable bank gift cards. Put 100 dollars on three of them and 400 on the fourth. Mark them as 1, 2, 3, and 4. Buy them over in Walmart in Aransas Pass and use cash. I’m off the day after tomorrow and I am going up to Corpus Christie for the day. I’ll pick up three of those cheap cell phones you pay by the month for service, under different names and addresses.” I said as he hugged me and took off.

“I’ll have them tonight. Thanks Caleb.” He said as he jumped into his own vehicle and took off.

“What have you gotten yourself into, Orion?” I said to myself as I drove off to work.




The past two days have been nuts with running around and cleaning one of my units that’s under my corporate ownership. My private corporation that is incorporated in Nevada. It would take court orders to find out who owns it, thanks to Nevada Incorporation laws. Caleb offering to get me the phones was an idea I didn’t think of. Not in the way he was doing it. But then, that was why I asked him for help. It was the type of thing he did when he was younger. I smiled as I looked at the calendar. Five more days before school starts and Quinn goes to his mothers in two days. He’ll be back here before the 10th of September, his eighteenth birthday and my 18th is on the 14th. That will be the celebration of the century for me. Both of us are together and eighteen. Finally, we can live our lives without outside interference. I’m ready for more than just kissing and holding Quinn. I think he is too, but that is five weeks away. I sighed, finished, and called Caleb to check if he had returned.

15 minutes later, I was looking at three new phones registered on one of those pay by the month plans. We added each phone’s number to the contacts with fake names. Mouth for Quinn with 0910 for the code. Fish for me with 0914 as my code and Bonehead for Aiden with his 0222. Luckily it was only four digits because I don’t know the year for Aiden. Caleb was shaking his head as he programmed them. Once we tested them all, I set one aside with the charging cord for Quinn tonight. All three were fully charged. I thanked Caleb, refusing to take back the left-over cash I had given him. He did all the leg work for these phones and drove all the way up there to do it.

By dinner time I had picked up Quinn from work and brought him back to the apartment. His brother was bringing their dad in about an hour to join my Mother and us for dinner. I had lasagna in the oven and a salad in the fridge. Mom was bringing a bottle of wine and Quinn’s family the dessert. Sort of going away party for Quinn. I stopped off on the fifth floor and took him through the apartment before I gave him his phone. He had tears in his eyes as he took it. Turning it over in his hands before he spoke.

“You are the most important person in the world to me, Orion. I don’t know how to thank you for everything you are doing.” He said as I pulled him into my arms.

“This is something we don’t tell anyone. Only you and I know about this apartment. I’ll have it fully stocked with frozen, dry and canned foods in a week. I’ll add the dairy, fruits and vegetables the day before you come down. Once you are here, we can tell Aiden first, then your dad. I have another phone for Aiden.” I said as I took his phone and turned it on. Show him the contacts list. Which made him snort a laugh.

“The codes are the birthdays. 0910 for yours.” His head popped up to look at mine.

“That won’t work. She knows that.” He said as he took the phone and entered the settings, changing the code to my birthday 0914. “That won’t be easy for her to figure out.” He said as he leaned up and placed his lips on mine. The kiss was slow and full of the love we felt for each other. I pulled away and shifted to lift him off his feet.

“That’s enough for now. We need to get upstairs. I’ll carry you across the threshold up there and you get one more kiss before everyone arrives.” His one arm was around the back of my neck, but his other hand came around and gently stroked my cheek.

“Thank you for forcing me to talk to you that night. If you had let me go, I would have run.”

“I would have chased you. At that point, I knew we were both to blame. I wanted you too. Us, these past weeks have been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, just like you love me.” I finished by pinning him against the wall and kissing him again. Not the gentle kiss we had before. This was rawer. Animalistic as I drove my tongue into his mouth. Forcing him to take my kiss. His hands held my head tight against him as I felt his hardness pressed into me and mine into him. I realized we were in the hallway, and I pulled back.

“I love you and when you get back. I am going to spend large amounts of time showing that to you.” I said as I dropped my forehead onto his, then set him down, taking his hand as I led him up to my home. Hopefully, our home in the future.

Dinner was nice as we all talked about the future and how Quinn would be taking some classes at the local college as well as at the shop when he gets back. He has already been working his way up to Dive Master, while working with Mike and Jeff in their Instructor positions. He operates the boats just as good as I do now. That might be because of our private lessons when I would take him over to Matagorda Island for our private picnics, talks and make out sessions. He left with his family after we had a few private moments to hug and kiss on my balcony. Aiden gave me his usual smirk as they left. Once Quinn is back here, I’ll give him the other phone to use.




It’s the first week of September and Mom found my phone last week. My deal with Orion was I would call him at a certain time on certain days. Anything outside of that was to be suspect. By now, since mom tried both numbers in my phone multiple times, even leaving messages. I am sure he knows we have a problem. Not sure how she figured out the code. One option we planned on was I had heavy duty contractors’ garbage bags. I could toss all my clothes in two of those and be gone in minutes. The only problem is she got my bank card. Luckily, I put Orion’s name on my account, too. We also opened another account with both our names on it and transferred most of my money to it. If I needed money, Orion would transfer it back in, or he could see when my money disappeared. That. I am sure he is looking at now. No calls from me, messages and calls from my mom at the wrong times, and then my money disappeared. He’ll know something had happened. Now, if I can just figure out what he is going to do about it. Just in case, I dropped more of my keepsakes into an old backpack I kept for the beach. If I was leaving soon, and I bet I am, then I wanted to be ready to run.




First it was the phone call’s nonstop on Quinn’s phone, and then I ran to the bank and checked the account. Someone pulled the 200 dollars out of it. I spoke with the manager and had the card canceled. Then went to the police to report it lost or stolen. I also pointed out the time and location of the withdrawal from the account. I was at work here in town, which they all know. They turned it over to the Sheriff’s department to investigate. I then called my friends in the Sheriff’s Dept. Explaining what happened and that I would like to see any evidence they get as usually there are cameras. Then I had to remember what Quinn told me about his school, bus, and apartment building. More importantly, what he did at lunch. I smiled as I put the plan together and picked up the phone.

“Are you joking with me?” Asked Mike as I spoke fast.

“No. Not at all. I need you to take my ID card. I’ll leave it in the desk drawer in an envelope addressed to you. Just come in at 7, punch both of us in and cover my morning dive. I’ll be back by 2 pm, the latest to go out on the afternoon dive.”

“OK. But that will put me over hours.”

“Which I will allow for special training. Anybody has questions, send them to me.” I said as I heard him sigh.

“OK Orion. This better be important.”

“It is. I may even tell you about it someday, but not today.” Which made him chuckle before we disconnected. I went down to fill my Jeep with gas and unload all the stuff I had in it to my storage locker. I grabbed my maps, too. Then ran down and dropped my ID card in an envelope for Mike.


* * *

The next morning, I was on the road early up to Victoria. I know Quinn gets on the bus at 7:05 am and left at 4:45 am as I need to be there before then. The only problem was, I didn’t know which corner his bus stopped at. At 6:45 I picked a spot I could see the street and waited. I already had the third phone and reprogrammed the code for his birthday after I recorded all his mother’s calls.

My heart beat faster as I watched the street and saw the kids gathering on the far corner from me. That meant I was on the wrong end of the street, and he wouldn’t pass me. It didn’t take me long to spin the Jeep around and race past the corner to the other side of the intersection where I saw him. Leaning across, I opened the window and yelled his name. He was walking, head down and he whipped it up. Running to my window. I handed him the phone.

“When is your lunch time?”

“10:30, but I can’t. I have no money.” My eyes rolled.

“Quinn, we won’t go to lunch. We’re leaving. Drop your books into your locker and bring all your notebooks. We’ll grab your clothes and be gone.”

“And I’ll be home before the school realizes I never came back for lunch.” He said, smiling.

“Go. Here comes the bus.” I said, and he threw me a kiss and took off as I pulled away.

I went over to Lowe’s and bought a carton of contractor bags and thin gloves. No sense leaving fingerprints. Swung through the gas station and put 10 dollars cash into the gas tank. Like Caleb told me. Don’t use a credit card. It could be traced. Then I popped over to a fast-food joint for breakfast and a few snacks. I had my large binder and although I got some looks, no one said anything to me. By 10:00 I was passing the school, looking for parking spots and found one that would be perfect and pulled in to wait. I was surprised when Quinn’s number rang my phone at 10:05.


“I’m dropping off my books now. Where are you?”

“Come out the front doors and turn to the right. Down about 300 feet. It’s the yellow Jeep. In case you forgot.” I said with a smile.

“Asshole. Why again do I love you?”

“Because I lift you up to kiss me. Then I want to flip you over, so you can suck my dick while I eat your ass.” I heard the sputtering before the phone hit the floor and I laughed. We haven’t gone beyond kissing yet and I just told him I was ready.

In five minutes, a red-faced Quinn came running out of the school and jumped into the Jeep. Leaning across to kiss me. I kissed him back before I said later and started the vehicle and drove off. He was giving me directions. In 15 minutes, we were at his apartment complex.

“Mrs. Nosie pants doesn’t get home until 12:20, so we should be OK.” Meaning his nosy neighbor that squeals on him all the time. It was like a hurricane as he tossed me a bag and I just unloaded the entire closet in two grabs. Stuffing it all in the bag. He was dumping one drawer at a time into his bag, and I grabbed another for the shoes and things under the bed. It didn’t even take us ten minutes before we were headed out the door again. I carried two full bags, and he had another, plus his suitcase and backpacks. Some creative storage techniques and we managed to get it all in. He had stopped to leave a note saying he was going to a friend’s house and would be back later. I laughed when I asked him about it in the Jeep as we left Victoria. I headed back towards Aransas Pass and the ferry back to Port-A, hoping to avoid traffic and the police. True to my word, we pulled into the condo complex and into the garage just before 1 pm. Where I parked near the service elevator. Using my key, we tossed all of his stuff in and rode it up to the fifth floor and to the apartment I had ready for him.

“Stay inside. I think you can use the balcony, but don’t hang over the rail waving at people. All the food is here. Don’t answer the door for anyone. I have my own key. If not, I will call you to open the door. Any number but mine, don’t answer the phone. Don’t call Aiden or your Dad. I’ll get word to them that you are safe.” His arms wrapped around my neck as his lips crushed into mine. He was demanding my love with his display of a kiss, and I wanted the same from him.

“OK. I have to get to work. I’ll be back later.” I said, as I turned to leave.

“Orion.” He waited for me to look at him. “Thanks for figuring it out and coming to get me. Even if we are a week early.” I stepped back in and grabbed him in my arms. My lips on his again.

“I love you too, Quinn. I didn’t know what happened, but I saw the signs and brought you home. I need to go. Your homework is piled on the second bed.” He started laughing.

“You’re as bad as she is.” Which made me laugh as we already talked about this. I collected all the work and books from my school. It will all be due by the end of September.




I was watching the news three days later when I caught a short blurb about me being missing. I called Orion to tell him, and he hissed out a curse. “We thought this might happen. Just don’t stick your head outside. I’ll crush the story.” The funny part was my mother was arrested for stealing money. My money, but it was in Orion’s name, too. He was pushing for the criminal charges, if just to keep my mother off balance as we had five days to go to my birthday. Aiden came to see Orion yesterday, and he told him to tell my Dad I was just fine. Aiden wasn’t happy, but Orion explained it was for plausible deniability. Then he dialed his phone and let him talk to me on speakerphone so he couldn’t see the number.

“Aiden. I’m fine. A little lonely, but if you would leave my boyfriend alone, he might come see me, maybe even spend the night.” Which had Orion laughing as Aiden grumbled.

“Mom has officially run off the rails, blaming everyone. She is also pissed about being arrested for something she believes is hers. Did Orion have a hand in that, too?” Aiden asked.

“As a matter of fact. We had some plans and baited her. Orion will keep her hopping for a few more days, at least.” I said as I stood and opened the balcony door.

“Are you outside?” asked Orion.

“Yes.” I heard the groan and then Orion covered the phone when he said something to Aiden. It sounded like Aiden agreed, and I heard his balcony door open.

“Move to the far edge for us, baby.” Orion said as I snickered and did what he said.

“You just want to show off your captured prize.” I joked as I looked up and saw Aiden leaning over the railing next to Orion. I waved, then backed up.

“So that is where my bathrobe went. Are you trying to be Hugh Hefner now?”

“I don’t do girl cooties, but if you come down. I’ll take it off.”

“Too much information.” Said Aiden, as we both laughed.

“I’ll be down after he leaves and I’ll stay the night, but I need to get up early.”

“Good. That should satisfy me for today. I’ll let you both go. Tell dad I said I’m fine and we’ll talk in a few days.”

“OK. ‘Q’, I’ll tell him. See, I told you. No regrets letting him in now, is there?”

“No Aiden. My regret is I didn’t talk to him all those years ago. How both of our lives would have been very different if I had.”

“I’m glad you’re good and you found who you needed all along. You are both good for each other. I’m going to give Orion a hug and kiss from dad and me for you. Have a good night and we’ll talk in a few days. Love you, Quinn.”

“Thanks. Love you and dad too.” And with that said, I disconnected the phone and went back inside to finish folding laundry.

30 minutes later, I heard the key in the lock as Orion arrived with his travel bag. I smiled as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his body and waited as he engulfed me in his strong arms. He leaned down and planted two kisses on my head, which made me smile.

“Thanks for doing that, Orion.” I whispered.

“The kisses and hugs or letting your brother talk to you and see you?”


“And do I get any kisses from you tonight?”

“I think you get to hold me all night and a kiss or three.” That was when the air in the room changed, and I felt him shifting before I was lifted off the floor and cradled in his arms.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

If Quinn is still officially in the custody of the mother, Orion could be charged with kidnapping, if there are security cameras to catch them together -- and the school probably has them.  I think there are still wrinkles to go.

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28 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

If Quinn is still officially in the custody of the mother, Orion could be charged with kidnapping, if there are security cameras to catch them together -- and the school probably has them.  I think there are still wrinkles to go.

I was thinking that when I wrote the chapter. Back in 2004, small town, probably not. Just in case I had him park down the street away from the school. Not on the property. And it was planned that he was leaving before his birthday. Once that happens, it's moot point. Besides. I'm not going to tell anyone who picked him up, are you? 🙈 In those immortal words of Sgt Shultz. I know nothingk... nothingggk


Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul!

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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16 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

Ah, I forgot the time was 2004.  Many fewer cameras then, anyway.

Oh yeah. Lots of items I had to look up. Worst part of writing in the past. Sit back read my first draft and spot something. Check it out online and sure enough I'm rewriting because it doesn't exist for another 5 years.

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Great chapter, and yes, even few schools had cameras outside in 2004; had a few in the hallways coming in and out of the school and maybe around the gym or offices or AV rooms but not outside, at least not in Texas.  And a seventeen-year-old in Texas running away or disappearing a few days before their eighteenth birthday would not have raised flags unless there were obvious signs of foul play.  

Orion is a planner and Quinn stayed calmer than I would have expected him to.

Glad the mother got arrested, served her right.

Can't wait to see how this all plays out.

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Wow, what intelligence action!!! 

I don't have much knowledge in North American law, still, I wonder, how could this mother have so much power over somebody who is almost 18?!🤔

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1 minute ago, Cane23 said:

   Wow, what intelligence action!!! 
   I don't have much knowledge in North American law, still, I wonder, how could this mother have so much power over somebody who is almost 18?!🤔

Unfortunately, in the US, the large majority of states give preference to the mother in child custody cases, in spite of the laws of some states stating that fathers are to be given "equal" consideration.  Unless the father is very wealthy, and can afford to hire very expensive lawyers, or has a lot of legal and other influence, mothers are presumed to be better caretakers of those below the legal age of adulthood.  It is often not logical, but it is very true.  

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1 minute ago, ReaderPaul said:

Unfortunately, in the US, the large majority of states give preference to the mother in child custody cases, in spite of the laws of some states stating that fathers are to be given "equal" consideration.  Unless the father is very wealthy, and can afford to hire very expensive lawyers, or has a lot of legal and other influence, mothers are presumed to be better caretakers of those below the legal age of adulthood.  It is often not logical, but it is very true.  

I understand that as the same is almost everywhere in Europe, but Quinn is not baby or little child. Does he have a right to say something or make a statement with whom he wants to live?

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1 minute ago, Cane23 said:

I understand that as the same is almost everywhere in Europe, but Quinn is not baby or little child. Does he have a right to say something or make a statement with whom he wants to live?

Much of that depends on the state laws of the 50 states and Washington, D.C.  It varies a lot from state to state.  In most states, a child 14 or older can express a preference of which parent the child wishes to live with, but the judge presiding over the divorce does not have to allow the child their choice.  Other factors include the mental conditions perceived by the court of the child or children, and the mental/emotional condition of each parent or guardian, whether either or both parents have previous convictions or accusations of drug use, child abuse, moral turpitude, etc.  Sometimes it can also come down to the mood of the judge at the time of his ruling. provided he keeps the ruling within legal guidelines.  Appealing the ruling of a judge in a divorce case is usually very time-consuming and expensive, and one must have the right lawyer or lawyers except in the most outrageous cases.

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2 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

Much of that depends on the state laws of the 50 states and Washington, D.C.  It varies a lot from state to state.  In most states, a child 14 or older can express a preference of which parent the child wishes to live with, but the judge presiding over the divorce does not have to allow the child their choice.  Other factors include the mental conditions perceived by the court of the child or children, and the mental/emotional condition of each parent or guardian, whether either or both parents have previous convictions or accusations of drug use, child abuse, moral turpitude, etc.  Sometimes it can also come down to the mood of the judge at the time of his ruling. provided he keeps the ruling within legal guidelines.  Appealing the ruling of a judge in a divorce case is usually very time-consuming and expensive, and one must have the right lawyer or lawyers except in the most outrageous cases.

@ReaderPaul and @Cane23 I'll add to this conversation. The biggest issue is usually the father doesn't understand that young children are resilient. So he tries to be nice and ends up getting screwed by the courts for trying to protect the children and keep them out of the middle of the battle between him and the wife. Which, unfortunately I find causes more harm than good and ends up with multiple years of never-ending court cases that wouldn't have happened if he was just an asshole in the beginning. The children would have been better off for it, unfortunately. And that's what has happened in the 4 cases I am familiar with. The ones who went in for the win on the first court battle, the kids were better off.

As far as listening to the children. They have their own court appointed lawyer and the magic number in my state is 14. That's when they are finally heard by the court. By 16. The court orders are less useful than toilet paper as the kids can pretty much do whatever they want as far as visitation goes.

At the end of the day, one lawyer said it best. You can either spend 100k now and be finished or you can spend 20k and be back every other year until the kids reach 18. 

In the end it all sucks for everyone involved. But the lawyers get job security.

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