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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 4,190 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Stop! Read First!  This story is marked Mature! There are Graphic Scenes, Sensitive Content, Sexual Situations, Foul Language, and descriptions of Traumatic Events including Death. 
This story is not for everyone! If you don't feel comfortable with ANY of the above. Please don't read!

Tragedia Et Amor - 9. Chapter 9

Here is the next installment for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

Christmas day was busy for both of us. Since we were up early on Christmas morning, we made a fast snack and exchanged gifts under our tree. Then made love before we showered and dressed. First stop was Mom’s, as grandma was here for a few days. We had a nice breakfast with them before going over to the Newton home for lunch and another Christmas. Quinn’s father and brother, as well as Caleb, greeted us as we arrived. We had a late lunch before we took off again. Back to my mom’s, as we had guests tonight for dinner. A few of the family friends that had no place else to go are invited every year. Quinn and I made a bunch of dishes yesterday that would only need to be heated today. Mom loved the fact that we had connecting units so grandma could use my stove and oven too. Dinner was at 6 and we returned at 4 to help finish up the last of the items needed to feed the 14 of us. It also gave me time to discuss the Marshall Hansen Memorial Ocean Foundation with mom and grandma.

Quinn was snuggled into my side with his arms wrapped around me as we stood out on the balcony after everyone had left. We watched the tanker heading out the channel to parts unknown as before he spoke.

“Can I have some Orion cream tonight? Fresh from the tap?” I snorted as I pulled him tight against me.

“Yes, my top from the bottom, boyfriend. You may and much more if you want it.” I said as I reached down and lifted him up into my arms. He snuggled against my neck.

“Love you too, Orion.”

“Love you more, Quinn.” I said as I laid him down on the bed and undressed. He sat up on his knees and watched me. Piece by piece, my clothing came off as Quinn practically purred when he reached out. His hands slid my underwear off, seconds before his mouth was on my cock.




When I awoke the next morning, I made a mental note not to provide Orion with more incentive when he was horny. I’m going to be walking funny for a few days. No matter how much I wanted it and loved it when it happened. Thankfully, we don’t have to work today. I rolled in Orion’s arms and worked my head under his chin. My hardening cock against his. He exhaled deeply before he rolled over on top of me. Crushing me into the bed before he lifted slightly on his elbows. His lips covered mine. He was gentle, and I was safe.

“Do you really want to provoke me again? Wasn’t last night enough for you for a few days?” He mumbled as he started kissing down my chest. I stayed quiet and waited for his response. My nipples provided him with a momentary distraction. Long enough that I could work my arms out and around him again.

“I just want my boyfriend to lick me and hold me. Maybe drain me a few times and feed me his dick. I’m too sore for anything else, no matter how much I want it again.” He made a sound that came from deep within him before my cock disappeared into his mouth. His finger grazed my hole, and I flinched. He lifted off my dick with a wet slap as it hit my stomach.

“For future reference. Don’t add gasoline to a fire that is already burning.” Orion gave me a lopsided grin as he lowered himself onto me again. I didn’t take long before my hands locked in his hair, and he was swallowing everything I gave him.

Moments later he lifted, licking his lips before I felt his hands on my ankles. I didn’t have time to say anything before he had them up and pushed back so his tongue could massage my swollen hole. Slowly he works it into me as I moaned. Twisting and trying to grab his head as he had me panting for breath. I finally broke. Just as my top wanted me to.

“Do it Orion. Take me again.” And he did. Gently and slowly, he took me until we both orgasmed. My wonderful boyfriend went into aftercare mode and he took me to the bathroom. Sitting in the tub with me until he rinsed us off in the shower. Using cold water against my swollen hole before he dried me and took me back to bed. Holding me tight on his chest as we went back to sleep for a few more hours.




Slipping out from under Quinn, I headed to the kitchen to make us brunch. Tossing the cut potatoes into the frying pan to cook as I went into the laundry room to start a load. Returning to stir the potatoes around and added the onions. 20 minutes later, Quinn wrapped his arms around me. Kisses adorned my bare back before I stepped back. He kneeled in front of me and pulled my underwear down to reveal my hardness. Tongue licked his lips before he started on the tip of my cock. Teasing the slit and licking my precum off it before he licked my shaft like a lollipop. I stirred the pan around a few times before lowering the heat. Adding diced mushrooms and a little more butter before I mixed it all together again. Quinn had my dick halfway into his mouth when my hands gripped his hair and pushed me deeper into him. Seconds later, he was coming off me, choking again as he licked his lips. My hands went under his armpits and I udder one simple command.

“Up.” Quinn jumped up and wrapped his arms and legs around me as one hand moved under his ass.

“Good morning, my Orion.”

“Good morning to you too, my precious prince. Feeling better?”

“Still sore. Still in love. Still want more.”

“My top from the bottom boyfriend is so demanding today. How about after brunch? You can have some more cream and you can top me. Will that satisfy you for today?” Quinn hummed as he thought it over.

“Mayyybeee…” His tone was low and sensual. I’m getting the feeling that no matter how much he hurts, he is going to want it again today.

“Just remember, I have more work to do today on the Foundation and we have dinner tonight with your friends.” His eyes twinkled as his lips brushed mine.


* * *


Quinn hovered nearby as I had two 4 by 8 plastic tables out of Sam’s Club set in a ‘L’ formation. There were navigation charts and satellite photos that were overlaid on the map with data showing hypoxic areas, points, and locations of oil rigs and pipelines. Another stack of designs for varies different underwater structures. I ran my hand through my hair with an exaggerated exhale. That caused Quinn to move up behind me. Hands on top of my head as his fingers massaged my scalp as I went back to working out the numbers while writing the brief in layman’s terms for everyone to understand my intentions.

“It might be time for you to take a break. Maybe we could go down and walk to the beach and back along the channel?” Asked Quinn as his hands moved to massaging my shoulders. I sighed and grabbed one of his hands, pulling it to my mouth and kissing his palm.

“Maybe. Maybe I should just go hang out on the rooftop patio for 30 minutes or so.”

“OK. I could massage your legs?”

Smiling, I rolled the chair back and stood. “Possibly.” We moved out to the patio and snuggled down in a lounger together.

“When is Mr. Cox arriving?”

“Tomorrow I think. I don’t know exactly, but security will tell me when he lands at the airport.”

“One of them is driving down to get him?”

“That’s usually what happens.” I said as I shifted so my lips could reach his. It was just a brush. A light touch of thanks for making me take a break. He took it as the signal it was OK to start something as his hand slipped into my sweatpants under the hem of my underwear. His grip on my cock was warm and tight as he tugged me to hardness.

“I’m just going to have a snack and you can get back to work.” It was part statement, part question as he lowered himself down, pulling my dick out and starting his ministrations.




I woke before Orion this morning, mostly my fault he is sleeping in this morning. We were up late last night working on the Foundation and the possible plans for fundraising. He also needed to be coaxed into being the top last night. To ensure his exhaustion and promote sleep over anxiety. Slipping out of bed without disturbing him, I started some laundry we didn't get to yesterday before I started breakfast. I heard someone next-door and lightly knocked on the connecting door before I opened it. Lilian Hansen and her mother were both up. Getting ready to head out to the 7 am church service.

“Good morning Quinn. Orion still asleep?” Asked Mrs. Hansen.

“Yeah. We were working late last night.” She gave me a knowing smile as I quickly added, “Getting ready for Mr. Cox to arrive.” Her lopsided smile still made me blush.

“Of course. He’ll probably be here before lunch, depending on who he is bringing.” And that was what Orion said. He wasn’t sure if he was dating anyone or not right now. He was when they first met, but they split up.

“I was wondering if we should plan a meal or not for him.” I asked, and she just waved me off.

“No. He’ll take us out for dinner or lunch when he has time. And don’t make a fuss when he pays for everything. You won’t get any place with it. Not unless Amanda comes down with him. She keeps him in check.” She said. Which confused me when I compared it to what Orion told me. I thought the guy was gay. She noticed my confused look.

“Confusing. I know. You’ll understand better once you meet him. Being Orion’s boyfriend earns you a special place in his mind. Mr. Cox’s mind, that is.” She shook her head. “I think I am doing more harm than good, Quinn. He’s nice and he will like you. That you mean so much to Orion has gotten you a seat at the table that most people will never get. He likes his privacy.” She said as they both hugged me before leaving for church. I returned to our kitchen to continue making breakfast.




When I woke alone, listening before, I rolled over and went back to sleep. Quinn was doing laundry, and it sounded like he was in the kitchen. He’ll come get me when breakfast is ready. No sooner had that thought passed through my mind than I felt the bed move as he crawled across it and kissed the back of my neck.

“Time to get up, sleepyhead.” He whispered as he snuggled onto my back. With a groan and stretch before I lifted onto all fours. Quinn laughed softly as he spoke again.

“Gitty up horsie. Out to the kitchen for breakfast.” He said in his deep Texas twang he sometimes uses. Made him sound like a real cowboy out of the old westerns. I smirked as I whinnied like a horse and straightened up. Dumping his laughing form off my back before I spun and came down on top of him.

“Good morning, baby.” I mumbled before my lips met his.

“Your mom went to church. We have time.” Quinn said as I pulled away from him. Holding out a hand to help him up.

“Actually. I don’t think we do, as I have a feeling that he is already on his way.”

Quinn gave me the fake pout as we headed to the kitchen, and he dished out a true Texas sized breakfast. The works with hash browns, omelets, sausage links and bowls of cut, mixed fruit for each of us. I kissed him again as he sat, and we started. We had no sooner finished and cleaned up the kitchen when my phone rang.


“Good morning Mr. Hansen. This is Robert. Julio asked me to call and tell you he was on his way to the airport to pick up Mr. Cox.”

Smiling, I thanked him and turned to Quinn. “He’s here. We need to get dressed and head down to meet him in the lobby when he arrives.”


* * *


We watched as the big SUV pulled under the porte-cochere. One of the staff was there to open the door as the vehicle came to a stop. A female stepped out first as Eric stepped out the other side and walked around. Spotting us, he called out as the rear hatch opened to display the luggage.

“Orion. How are you doing?” He said as he approached and shook my hand.

“Eric. It’s good to see you again and Amanda.” I said as she hugged me before I stepped back to put my arm around Quinn. “Eric. Amanda. I would like you to meet Quinn Newton. My boyfriend.” Eric raised an eyebrow in question before it dropped, and he greeted Quinn. As did Amanda, before we grabbed their bags and headed up to his unit.

“How was the trip down?”

“He wanted to drive. I reminded him he has a car here and I only get a week off. Thinking since you two have business, I figured we should fly down and get that done today so we can go snorkeling and diving on Monday and Tuesday.” Said Amanda, as if she just corrected her little brother.

Which I guess she was. They’ve been friends since college. I explained that to Quinn when they were in their rooms unpacking. Just to help him relax.

“How about we had up to your unit and look over everything and then do lunch? We can get back to it after lunch and then go out to dinner tonight with everyone. Also, Wade will be down on Thursday with the family. Want’s to go out fishing…” Eric said as I was sure he figured we would have a fish fry or grill day.

Which I was good with. Normally, we invite the family and enjoy a good meal up on my patio. Out of sight of everyone else. Privacy is the watchword around Eric. Hence why Quinn had to sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement, and that was what Eric taught me. I use them for my tutors and instructors. Mainly because I don’t want any attention about my accident or the amount of money we received from it. Eric knows, as he arranged the lawyers for that and helped us invest it. People think we received a few hundred thousand. When in actuality we received properties and cash. Plus the insurance payouts of 450 thousand, not including our family’s insurance payouts of 300 thousand. In the end, the property values were close to 2 million at 1997 values and the cash was just over 800 thousand after the lawyers cut. Total cash received, 1.55 million, all invested in 1997.

I had all my information out as I went through it step by step. Quinn and Amanda were making suggestions to as I answered questions. The deeper we dived into the project, the more Eric seemed to pull Quinn into it. Eric noticed I noticed.

“He’s better at management than you are. You’re good at planning it out. I bet he works with Lilian in the shop half of the time.”

My head hung as I chuckled. “Yeah, he does.”

“Is he the one that you punch years ago?” My jaw dropped before it snapped shut.

“He is. We had a long talk. We were both idiots back then.” He nodded knowingly.

“Yeah. I’m guessing he had the idea, but you didn’t yet. Neither of you knew how to talk to the other, and it all spiraled down from there,” Eric said. He was right. I didn’t understand at that point I was gay and why I wanted to be close to Quinn. I did not know how to talk to him. His arm went across my shoulders and he hugged me to him. “You two look good together. I’m glad you figured it out.” Then he exhaled. “Enough work for now. Let’s go grab lunch at the restaurant.”

“OK. Should I call?” I asked.

“No. I had Amanda call an hour ago and let them know.”

In our quest for privacy, Eric has three restaurants in town with small back rooms we use. It means we can continue talking while we eat in privacy from the main patrons. The locals are used to seeing me and Eric having private meals together since he started coming down here after my accident. It turned out to be a boon for the places we eat in as he is here mostly during the off seasons and provides them with extra income as he always leaves a large tip to cover the inconvenience of us not being in the main dining room.

“Lunch time. Quinn, can you grab Lilian and grandma please?” asked Eric. Quinn’s head popped up from his discussion with Amanda.

“OK.” He said as he stood and knocked on the connecting door before he opened it and stepped in. We heard the voices as he came back. “They’ll meet us down stairs in 5 minutes.” He said as he drifted into my open arms for a hug. His eyes positively twinkled with happiness as I leaned down and kissed him.


* * *


Lunch turned out to be everyone catching up with each other, with Eric and Amanda learning more about Quinn. Eric also hired Quinn to work on the Foundation with me. Not that Quinn needed to be hired, but Eric wanted to give him extra spending money for whatever he needed it for. It clarified that he was part of the Foundation now, too. Quinn had a proud look on his face when I looked at him.

“I guess this means that now when I work on the Foundation with you, I can’t tempt you away with promises of sex,” Quinn said as part statement, part question. My lips touched the tip of his nose in the barest of kisses.

“Probably why he did it, so I could get some work done when you are around.” Quinn gave me a pouting look. I laughed as my hand stroked his thigh under the table.

“That wasn’t nice, Orion.” He grumped out.

“I’m sorry, baby. I’ll make it up to you later.” I whispered. Smiling suggestively, he wasn’t really upset with me and I knew it.

After lunch, Eric surprised me with a list of all the offshore oil rigs and their owners. The folder also included possible dates for when they would be taking them off line for deconstruction and capping of the well heads. The possible costs of that process and cost of removal of the upper structure to 40 feet down to insure they wouldn’t be a hazard to navigation in the future. The latter was where things became interesting, as Eric and I had discussed. Donation of the structure would be a write off on the books that wouldn’t cost them anything once the structure is environmentally sound. Meaning. They could save the cost of removing the upper structure and get credit for the cost of the structure on the books for tax purposes. That was the carrot I could dangle in front of the owners to donate the rigs to us. Quinn saw the smile on my face as Eric sat back with his arms across his chest.

“You’re pointing me in the direction of the owners that would understand my proposal for rig donation and would use it as publicity. With me being able to attach the Foundation to it for more publicity and public awareness.” Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Quinn’s lips lift in a smile as he leaned into me.

“Yes.” Quinn started, then his gaze shifted to Eric. Who nodded. “With the other investors, he suggested we reach out to and these companies. If we could find a rig owner fast enough, we could combine our publicity campaigns and approach investors. Pointing to the publicity to prove our authenticity and offering them a name in future publicity as sponsors of the Foundation.” Quinn stopped and looked at Eric again. He nodded and made a continuing motion. “In theory. If played right, we may be able to do this in the current year instead of next year. It will take a lot of work on our part and we’ll need to hire the right people for advertising and marketing as well as a publicist. But. You might be able to pull in enough funds in the short term to spring board the first rig, bay development, and catapult the funding for another several rigs of that group of three that you were eyeing up on the charts last night.” And with that, Eric broke out laughing.

“He’s your Foundation Manager, Orion.” He said as he pulled out another file and handed it to Quinn. Who took it and looked at the contents. Turning away from me slightly when I leaned in to look. Causing Amanda to laugh.

“You two make a good couple.” She said as Quinn gave me his most innocent look.

“I’m the manager. I need to see it first, before I let you see it.” I gave that the snort it deserved as I leaned in and hugged him. Then he held the file for me to see.

We spent 30 minutes working down the names and asking questions, which Eric answered to the best of his knowledge. His staff compiled the list of the best people for what we needed. These were independent contractors that work with many non for-profit organizations. A few even work outside that range in commercial, but like Eric said. Start small and targeted with a few good people and build slowly. Yes, we could finance everything in one year. Is it a good idea? Maybe not. Maybe it was better to work with a few high schoolers and document the 10 to 14 foot deep bay area as the offshore oil rig and surrounding area is documented by divers. We could use a Remotely Operated Vehicle for that too. With the addition of a generator on my boat we could explore large swaths of ocean floor. Eric tossed me another file which had different manufacturers, ones that were up and coming. My head came up as Quinn pointed and whispered. Donation of time and use. He pointed again. Donation of time and use. Then it clicked, and I kissed the side of his head. We could get use of the technician and equipment as a donation of time and use. Meaning. They donate their 500 dollars an hour use of the ROV and Technician to help us document the ocean floor. We could do it in a matter of days. I already have a place they could stay at reduced rates, paid by us.

Eric called for a halt to allow everyone to unwind before dinner, and I had to create a new prospectus for donations. Quinn was helping me by sitting on my lap as I typed. He was in an ideal position, reading a file, observing my actions, offering suggestions, and using the information in the file to direct me. It only took me 30 minutes, then Quinn decided we had enough. When he stood, he reached over and undid my pants. Reaching in, tugging on my dick as he gave me the look.

“I need some fresh cream before dinner.” He said as he led me to the bedroom by pulling my cock.

“Bossy little bottom?” Which made him smile.

“That’s why I’m the manager of the Foundation. I know how to get things done.”

It was thirty minutes later when I carried him into the bathroom to clean up. His lips were against my neck. I felt every word he spoke to me. Quinn didn’t fight when I carried him out of our unit and onto the elevator. He just hung on for the ride down… which included soft comments into my ear that only I could hear.

“I’m getting the feeling he’s a bossy little bottom?” Asked Amanda as I snorted.

“Hey. Careful how you answer that Orion.” Said Quinn.

“Yeah, he is, until someone doesn’t allow him.” Which made Quinn laugh as he hugged me tighter while whispering in my ear again. Tonight, you’re the top. Which had everyone laughing, me included.

Thanks for reading.
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Sounds like an outstanding plan, and you know that any good publicity that the oil companies can get would go a long way with selling it.  And then you have the tax breaks on top of it, sounds like a winner to me.

Orion and Quinn seem to be getting better and better.

Need more of the Eric and Amanda story, just seems very intriguing.

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7 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

Sounds like an outstanding plan, and you know that any good publicity that the oil companies can get would go a long way with selling it.  And then you have the tax breaks on top of it, sounds like a winner to me.

Orion and Quinn seem to be getting better and better.

Need more of the Eric and Amanda story, just seems very intriguing.

Thanks for the comment centexhairysub!

Best way to get the job done is let someone else do it for you. Offer publicity and receive donations. Works every time.

Eric and Amanda... small bites, here and there for now. Working something out on that line of writing. ☺️

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