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Echoes of the Heart - 9. Chapter 9: Jeremy reveals to his brother about his feelings and Dexter goes in rage mode.

Hey there, amazing La Familia! 💖
Just a warning! Buckle up, because what lies ahead is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions, twists, and unexpected turns that will leave you breathless. 🎠🌪️Hold on tight, because things are about to get intense! 🚀💥 Feel the passion, embrace the chaos, and let’s make this journey unforgettable together!

Jeremy yawned as he entered the kitchen, stretching his arms overhead, but stopped mid-step when a sweet aroma filled the air. His gaze shifted toward the stove, and he froze in the doorway. Carter was standing there, busy cooking, his movements slow and deliberate, his face calm and focused. The way Carter moved—careful and graceful—somehow mesmerized Jeremy. He leaned against the doorframe, unable to take his eyes off the scene, his heart beating slowly but steadily in his chest.

Carter, still unaware, continued to work, the soft sizzle of breakfast cooking on the stove blending with the soft sounds of the house waking up. Jeremy’s smile deepened as he watched, something tender pulling at his chest. This boy, who had endured so much, now standing in his kitchen, preparing what looked to be a delicious meal, was just… sweet.

Suddenly, Carter turned around, catching Jeremy standing there in the doorway, staring at him with a smile on his face.

“Looks like someone’s awake,” Carter teased, a playful grin lighting up his face.

Jeremy chuckled as he pushed off the doorframe and moved closer.

“I didn’t hear you wake up.”

Carter, turning back to stir the pan, replied, “That’s because you were fast asleep. Probably tired from hearing my story last night.”

Jeremy laughed, shaking his head.

“Tired, yes—but not from your story. From the weight of yesterday.” He sniffed the air, letting the aroma fill his senses. “Something smells nice.”

Carter glanced at him over his shoulder and smiled shyly.

“I’m making breakfast for you. To apologize… for yesterday. For dragging you away from your family and depriving the twins of their father’s love.” His voice grew quieter as he sighed. “Your mother must hate me so much.”

Jeremy’s laugh filled the kitchen, light and reassuring. He moved closer to Carter.

“On the contrary,” he said, his voice warm, “I called Jeff on our way to the beach house to explain things. I also talked to my kids before we got here and again before they went to sleep. You’ve got nothing to worry about. As for my mother, I’ll handle her when we get back.”

Carter raised an eyebrow, skepticism clear on his face.

“Are you sure?”

Jeremy nodded, coming closer to peek at what Carter was cooking. His eyes lit up as he saw the meal Carter had prepared: fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, perfectly golden toast, and a pan of sautéed vegetables on the side. The smells blended together in the most enticing way. Jeremy’s stomach growled in anticipation, and he smiled.

“This looks amazing, Carter.”

Carter smiled modestly.

“I’m just trying my best. I’m almost done, but…” He trailed off as he scooped some food onto a spoon, blowing on it gently to cool it before holding it up to Jeremy’s mouth. “Taste this and tell me if it’s okay.”

Jeremy hesitated for a second, his heart fluttering unexpectedly at the gesture, but then opened his mouth as Carter fed him. The moment the food hit his tongue, a satisfied moan escaped his lips. It was delicious, better than he expected. Raising his thumb in approval, he nodded enthusiastically.

“It’s so good,” he said, smiling at Carter. “I can’t wait to have more.”

Carter’s face brightened with pride.

“Glad you like it. I’ll serve you in a bit, but you need to take a shower first. That way, we can eat and head back afterward.”

Jeremy nodded and turned to leave, but paused, something tugging at his mind.

“Oh, before I forget,” he said, glancing back at Carter, “do you have a picture of your mother and your brother? You said you’d send it to me days ago.”

Carter pulled out his phone and swiped through it, handing it to Jeremy. On the screen was a photo of Carter’s family: his father, a beautiful woman with warm eyes, and the two twin boys, their faces lit with happiness. Jeremy studied it closely, drawn to the warmth in the image.

“You were such a beautiful family,” Jeremy said softly, his eyes lingering on the woman. “But you really didn’t look alike with your twin brother.”

Carter smiled. “We are fraternal and I guess that’s why it’s been so hard looking because I don’t even know how he looks like now.”

He remained quiet, his focus on the picture and Jeremy sensed it.

“And your mother… she’s beautiful.” He nudged Carter playfully. “Now I know where you got your looks from.”

Carter smiled slightly, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

“She was… really beautiful. But now… I don’t even know how to feel about her. I have so many questions. Why did she leave? We seemed so happy. She broke our family.” His voice cracked a little, and he sighed. “All I want is to find her, to look her in the eyes and ask her all the questions I have.”

Jeremy placed a hand on Carter’s shoulder, gently massaging it as he spoke.

“We’ll find her,” he promised. “I know a great investigator. I’ll send him the picture, and we’ll get answers. I promise you that.”

Carter looked at Jeremy, a grateful smile breaking through the sadness.

“I knew I could count on you.” He took a deep breath and playfully nudged Jeremy. “Now, go take your shower. Come back quickly before the food gets cold.”

Jeremy raised his hands in mock surrender, laughing. "Alright, alright, I’m going." As he walked toward the door, he took one last glance back at Carter, watching the boy as he returned to cooking, his focus back on the meal. Jeremy smiled brightly, feeling something warm blossom inside him, and then he left for his shower, the aroma of breakfast still lingering in the air.


Jeremy stood under the warm cascade of water in the shower, his muscles relaxing as the gentle spray slid down his body. The steam swirled around him, and with every drop that ran over his skin, he felt a coolness that contrasted with the warmth of the water, soothing the tension he hadn’t realized he carried. The water streamed down his chest, his back, trickling over his toned arms, down to his legs. For a moment, he stood still, closing his eyes, letting the sensation wash over him as if it could rinse away not just the grime of the day, but the complicated emotions building up inside him.

He sighed deeply, reaching to switch off the shower. The water stilled, leaving him standing in the quiet, surrounded by steam. Slowly, he slid open the translucent shower door, letting half of his body out as the cool air of the bathroom greeted him. He moved his hand to grab the towel that should have been hanging nearby. But as he groped for it, his hand came up empty.

“Looking for this?”

Jeremy’s head snapped up at the sound of the familiar voice, his heart leaping into his throat. Standing right in front of him was Carter, a soft smile on his face, almost shy, holding out the towel toward him.

Jeremy’s heart pounded harshly in his chest, his gaze dropping down to his naked self. His entire body went tense with surprise and a sudden wave of self-consciousness. Quickly, he brought one hand down to cover his lower half, his face heating up with a shy smile as he tried to cover himself.

Carter’s smile widened, and he raised an eyebrow playfully, a blush coloring his own cheeks. For a moment, their eyes met, and there was something teasing, almost intimate, in the way Carter looked at him.

Without saying a word, Jeremy stretched out his free hand and took the towel from Carter, wrapping it around his waist as quickly as possible, securing it around his hips. His movements were a little clumsy, and he could feel his heart racing, not just from the surprise, but from how close Carter was, how close this felt.

Carter, meanwhile, tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear, his face still a bit flushed. He turned to leave but paused just before reaching the door, casting one more glance back at Jeremy. Their eyes met again, Carter’s lingering for a second longer than necessary, and then he was gone.

Or was he?

Jeremy blinked, staring at the door. There was no Carter. He hadn’t been there at all. It had been his imagination, his mind playing tricks on him. A flush of heat crept up Jeremy’s neck as he stood there, towel secured around his waist, still reeling from what felt so real. His heart was still racing, pounding harder than it should have.

What was going on with him?

He stood in the bathroom, his eyes shining with emotion as he realized just how much he’d been thinking about Carter. The closeness they shared, the way his mind drifted to him so easily, was becoming undeniable. His heart swelled with something he hadn’t let himself feel fully until now.


The thought settled in his chest as he stared at his reflection in the mirror, the steam still clinging to the glass, framing him in a haze. Carter wasn’t just in his thoughts. He was starting to become something more, someone who made him feel things he hadn’t expected to feel.


Sheila rushed to the door as soon as the doorbell rang, her heart already racing with worry. She yanked the door open and froze, her breath catching in her throat. Carter stood there, his eyes red and glassy, tears threatening to spill over.

Her own eyes began to water as she took him in.

“Carter,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “I... I’m so sorry. For telling you what I did, I know it hurt you so much, but—" she swallowed hard, her words tangled with guilt, "I knew you would have wanted the whole truth. And your father... he would have wanted that too.”

Sheila took a deep breath, her chest tight.

“I was worried sick the entire night,” she continued, her voice breaking slightly. “I couldn’t even close my eyes. I felt trapped here, not knowing anyone, just waiting and hoping you’d come back.” Her hands wrung together nervously, as if she could somehow undo the pain she'd caused him. “I’m so sorry, Carter. I didn’t mean to…”

Before she could finish, Carter moved forward, wrapping his arms tightly around her. His sobs broke through the silence, raw and heavy. Sheila stood there frozen for a moment, his sudden embrace catching her off guard. Slowly, she raised her hands, pulling him closer, holding him tightly, her own tears threatening to fall.

She was so focused on Carter that she didn’t even notice Jeremy standing beside him, watching them both with quiet concern. All that mattered was the boy in her arms, broken and hurting.

Carter's sobs filled the space between them, his voice shaking as he said, “I’m so hurt, Aunt Sheila... knowing that the man I treated so badly wasn’t even my real father. He sacrificed everything for me... and I feel so guilty.”

Sheila pulled back slightly, cupping his tear-streaked cheeks as she looked into his eyes.

“Carter, no... this isn’t your fault,” she said softly, her own voice choked with emotion. “It’s mine. All this time... because of my pain, my hatred, I caused you so much more. I let things get out of hand, but you can’t blame yourself.” She paused, wiping the tears from his face. “No matter what the truth is, Simon was your father. He raised you, loved you, and nothing can ever change that. He was proud of the man you’ve become.”

Carter’s tears fell more softly now as he looked at her, his voice barely above a whisper.

“I’ve waited so long for this, for you to talk to me like this... with so much love,” he said, his voice trembling. He pulled her back into his arms, hugging her even tighter. “Please, Sheila, don’t leave me. You’re the only family I have left. You’re my mother... I need you. I have so many things I want to ask you... I miss how you used to take care of me.”

Sheila nodded, her hand gently rubbing his back as she held him close.

“I’m here, Carter,” she promised, her voice soft and soothing. “I’ll make up for the lost time, I swear. I’m not going anywhere. We’ll get through this together.”

She stroked his back as his sobs slowly quieted, offering him the comfort he'd longed for all this time. They hugged tightly, the bond between them growing stronger with every passing moment.

Meanwhile, Jeremy stood at a distance, leaning against the doorframe with a soft smile on his face. He watched the two of them, his heart swelling at the sight of Carter finally finding the love and comfort he deserved. He felt like an intruder in this deeply personal moment, yet he couldn’t help but smile like an idiot, knowing that Carter had finally found some peace.

With a contented sigh, Jeremy turned and quietly walked away, giving them the privacy they needed. As he reached the elevator, he glanced back one last time, his heart light. Seeing Carter smile, even after all the pain he’d been through, filled Jeremy with a sense of fulfillment he hadn’t expected.

He stepped into the elevator, his mind replaying the scene he had just witnessed. For the first time in a long while, Jeremy felt at peace too.


Jeremy knelt on the floor, his hands busy fastening the small straps of the twins' backpacks. A wide smile spread across his face as his boys turned toward him, their eyes sparkling with excitement. In a burst of energy, they rushed into his arms, giggling as Jeremy wrapped them tightly in a hug, planting quick kisses all over their little faces.

“Daddy loves you so much,” Jeremy whispered, his heart full as the twins responded in unison, "We love you, Daddy!"

He laughed softly, overwhelmed by their sweetness, and hugged them even tighter.

“You know what?” Jeremy said, his voice teasing, “Daddy has a big surprise waiting for you when you come back from school today.”

The twins exchanged wide-eyed glances, their excitement bubbling over. Without missing a beat, they dashed out of the room, their little feet pattering down the hallway, shouting, "Bye, Daddy!" as they waved over their shoulders.

Jeremy waved back, chuckling to himself, watching their small figures disappear out the door. Once the excitement faded into the distance, he took a deep breath, rising from the floor and sitting on the edge of the bed. He ran his fingers through his hair, feeling the weight of the morning ease off. It had been a whirlwind day already, but he was content.

At that moment, Jeff entered the room, a grin playing on his lips as he strolled in.

“Rough night?” he asked, sitting down next to Jeremy.

Jeremy exhaled heavily and smiled slightly, glancing at his brother.

“Kind of,” he said, rubbing his temples, “Carter had a lot going on. He needed someone to be there for him, and he’s going through so much.”

Jeff’s smile grew wider at the mention of Carter.

“Carter, huh?” Jeff said with a knowing grin. “He’s becoming pretty special to you, isn't he?”

Jeremy frowned slightly, turning to Jeff.

“What are you talking about?”

With a shrug, Jeff’s grin didn’t fade.

“You tell me, Jer. He’s clearly important to you. You’ve changed a lot since Carter came into your life.”

Jeremy chuckled, dismissing the thought.

“We're friends, Jeff. Of course, I care about him. He’s been through hell.”

Jeff’s expression softened, but there was still a playful glint in his eyes.

“Sometimes, it’s easy to mistake love for friendship.”

Those words made Jeremy pause. His smile faltered as he stared at his brother, feeling a sudden tension in his chest. His heart picked up speed, thudding hard against his ribcage. A cold shiver ran down his spine, and for a moment, he couldn’t move.

Images of Carter flashed through Jeremy’s mind, his radiant smile, the way he hugged him, how he spoke with such warmth and vulnerability. Jeremy’s heart raced even faster, and he shot up from the bed, walking toward the window as if trying to escape the thoughts flooding his mind.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jeremy said, his voice shaky.

Jeff stood up and followed him, standing right behind him. His tone grew more serious.

“The way you’ve treated Carter has been different from the start. When he was in danger in the jungle, you didn’t think twice—you went after him. When he’s in trouble, you’re always there, no hesitation. Even at your own welcome party, when Mom had planned everything, you chose to be with him. And now… you took him to the beach house. You know that’s the place you used to go with Ethan. Can’t you see what’s happening?”

Silence hung between them, Jeremy’s pulse pounding in his ears. Jeff took a step closer, lowering his voice.

“It’s like what you did for Ethan years ago. You’re falling in love.”

Jeremy's gaze drifted to the framed picture of Ethan on the wall. His late husband’s smile was as bright as ever, almost as if he was looking back at him with joy, as if he were happy for him. The memory of their conversation on the rooftop flooded his mind, making him feel even more scared. His hands trembled as he glanced at Jeff.

“I’m scared, Jeff,” Jeremy confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t understand it either. I don’t know what to do with these feelings. Carter… He’s someone I care about deeply, and when I’m near him, I just want to hold him. When he’s hurting, I want to kiss the pain away.”

Jeff's eyes lit up with excitement, a huge smile crossing his face.

“That’s love, Jeremy. And it’s beautiful because it means you’re healing.”

Jeremy’s confusion only deepened.

“I… I don’t know what to do with it,” he admitted, turning to face his brother fully. “Being around him makes me feel alive, but what if I’m wrong? What if Carter doesn’t feel the same way? What if I ruin our friendship?”

Jeff smiled knowingly, placing a hand on Jeremy’s shoulder.

“You won’t know unless you tell him. You have to be honest about how you feel.”

Jeremy’s anxiety spiked, beads of sweat forming on his brow. His chest tightened as he thought about confessing his feelings.

“But what if I screw it all up?” he asked, his voice thick with uncertainty. “I don’t even know how to approach this. With Ethan, it felt easy, natural. But with Carter... it’s different.”

Jeff squeezed his brother's shoulder reassuringly.

“You and Carter have both been through so much pain. But you also both deserve to be happy. And I know you… You’ve always been a brave man, Jeremy. You’ve faced tougher things than this. Carter is special, and others see that too. You can’t let fear stop you. What if someone else comes along?.”

Jeremy swallowed hard, sweat forming on his brow. His thoughts raced as he took a nervous breath, his heart pounding in his chest. Jeff smiled, reading his brother’s apprehension, but full of belief in him.

“I’ll help you,” he promised.

Jeremy nodded, his eyes wide with uncertainty. Yet deep down, he knew Jeff was right. He needed to do something.

Meanwhile, outside the door, Dexter stood trembling, fists clenched and jaw tight. His body shook uncontrollably, his eyes red with anger, burning with a fury that threatened to explode.


Dexter’s frustration erupted in a guttural groan that echoed through the small, dark room. He grabbed anything within reach from the small table, hurling items against the wall with a crash. Glass shattered, the sound piercing the silence and making Elena, who was tied to a chair, shiver in fear. She looked up at him, her heart racing as he paced like a caged animal, anger radiating off him in waves.

His heart pounded in his chest, each beat threatening to rip free as he shouted Carter’s name.

“That sly bitch!” he roared, his voice filled with venom. “All this time, I thought I was one step ahead… I thought I had everything under control… I thought I was getting closer to my goal but that little lying bitch was ahead of me!”

Gripping his hair tightly, Dexter tugged at the strands as if trying to pull the madness out of his mind. His breathing became erratic, eyes wide and unblinking, reflecting the chaos swirling within. “I had a perfect plan!” he spat, the words laced with fury.

“With Ethan out of the way, it was the perfect time for me to get my Jeremy… but now…” He paused, his breath hitching as he leaned closer to Elena, his hands clenched into tight fists. “Now Jeremy is falling in love with him?”

The scream escaped his throat, raw and furious, as he gripped Elena’s arm painfully, twisting it until she winced, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Why? How did this happen?” he hissed, beginning to pace again. “How did I let Carter get so close?”

His mind raced with the implications, the thought of Carter edging into his life like a dark shadow, threatening to steal everything he wanted.

“No!” Dexter growled, clenching his jaw as he fought against the panic rising within him. “I can’t allow that to happen. I can’t! I am gonna have to do something to get that little bitch out of the way, no! I can’t lose my Jeremy once more… no…. I have worked too hard for this.”

Suddenly, Elena spoke up, her voice shaky but resolute.

“You shouldn’t hurt Carter. It’s not his fault Jeremy is falling for him. He has no idea what’s happening.”

Dexter turned abruptly, his eyes narrowing as he glared at her. The rage within him bubbled over, transforming his gaze into something primal.

“Why do you care so much about that good-for-nothing boy? Why do always feel like everyone else deserves Jeremy except for me?” he demanded, stepping closer, his presence looming over her like a storm cloud. “But it’s fine…” He chuckled bitterly, an evil grin appearing on his face. “If you care so much, I’ll bring him here to keep you company!”

Elena shook her head, her voice trembling as she implored him.

“You need to leave Carter alone. Haven’t you already caused enough by hurting so many people? My son Ethan died because of your madness? What else do you want to…”

Before she could finish, Dexter’s patience snapped.

“Shut up!” he shouted, pushing her forcefully.

The chair wobbled, losing its balance, and with a sudden thud, Elena fell to the hard floor. The impact sent a jolt of pain through her, and she hit her head badly, a gasp escaping her lips before her body went limp.

Dexter stood there, chest rising and falling rapidly with anger, staring at Elena sprawled on the ground, unconscious and bleeding heavily from the side of her head. A moment of clarity washed over him, but it was quickly eclipsed by the tide of fury that consumed him.

“You’re next, Carter, I won’t allow you steal my Jeremy.” he growled, a chilling promise hanging in the air as he plotted his next move.

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Dexter is one sick and poor excuse for a human being!  I do hope he gets caught before any more harm can come to others, but then, that wouldn't make the story interesting, would it?!!

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“Why do you care so much about that good-for-nothing boy? Why do always feel like everyone else deserves Jeremy except for me?”

I thought Dexter knows Carter is Ethan's twin brother and that is the reason he locked Elena - to prevent truth coming out. Obviously, only Elena knows the truth and the reason for capturing her is something else (or nothing at all - Dexter is simply sick bastard). 

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5 hours ago, Cane23 said:

I thought Dexter knows Carter is Ethan's twin brother and that is the reason he locked Elena - to prevent truth coming out. Obviously, only Elena knows the truth and the reason for capturing her is something else (or nothing at all - Dexter is simply sick bastard). 

Elena is now at risk due to head injuries, as well as trying to survive captivity by a raving lunatic. Elena/Grace is key to Carter getting an understanding of what really happened with Grace’s pregnancy, the engagement with Simon, the twin separation, and the marriage that ultimately resulted in her and Ethan becoming neighbors with Jeremy’s family. But what really happened? Why all the name changes? Why no contact what so ever? Why did the twins never know of their brothers? What are the real age differences of Dexter with Jeremy and with the twins? What has happened to Dexter’s dad/family, where is he now?

Ultimately Simon was Carter’s dad. Aunt Sheila will hopefully continue to be the mother of Carter’s childhood, but in reality, which twin lived with the real bio dad?

For two young men that have already experienced love and loss, they seem clueless of just how much they have bonded already. 🤦‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️ 

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