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Echoes of the Heart - 12. Chapter 12: The truth is out. But which one?

Carter sat slumped on the hospital bench, staring blankly ahead, his mind consumed by the horrific scene that had just unfolded. The memory of Elena collapsing into his arms, the sound of the gunshots ringing in his ears, played on an endless loop. His heart pounded angrily, each beat pushing his fear and guilt further into his chest. Why hadn’t he moved faster? Why hadn’t he been able to protect her?

He felt hands rubbing his shoulders, trying to comfort him, but he was too disoriented, lost in the chaos of his thoughts.

“I love you...” Elena's final words echoed in his mind, confusing him even more.

What did she mean? His heart raced, struggling to make sense of her message. Did she know something? Was there more she wanted to tell him?

Suddenly, a voice pierced through his haze.


A shiver ran down his spine, snapping him back to the present. Slowly, he raised his head, his wide eyes meeting Jeremy’s worried gaze. Jeremy stood there, looking frantic, surrounded by Dexter, Jeff, and his mother, all of them wearing expressions of deep concern. Carter's body shook as he stood, the air around him feeling too heavy to breathe.

Jeremy rushed to him, his eyes scanning Carter’s face for answers.

“Carter, where is my mother-in-law? Where is Elena?” Jeremy’s voice was laced with panic.

Carter’s mouth opened, but the words refused to come out. His lips quivered, and a tight lump formed in his throat, nearly choking him. He felt his hands trembling as he raised his shaky finger, pointing towards the door at the far end of the hallway. His body was paralyzed with fear, unable to process anything beyond that simple gesture.

Jeremy didn’t need an explanation. The moment Carter pointed, he bolted towards the door without another word, his footsteps echoing through the sterile corridor. He reached the door and, without a second thought, barged in.

Jeremy stood frozen in the doorway, his breath catching in his throat. His eyes landed on the body lying on the metal table in the center of the room, covered completely by a white sheet. The sight stopped him cold, and a wave of disbelief washed over him. His heart pounded, harder and faster, as he fought to keep his composure. No. This can’t be happening.

The room was cold, sterile, the faint hum of machines the only sound besides the erratic beating of his own heart. Jeremy felt as if his legs were betraying him, barely able to move. Slowly, trembling, he took a step forward, then another, the distance between him and the covered body feeling like an eternity.

With each step, the air seemed to grow heavier, and the closer he got, the more it felt like a nightmare he couldn't wake up from. His vision blurred, his chest tightening with the overwhelming realization of what awaited him.

When he finally reached the table, his hands shook uncontrollably. He gripped the edge of the sheet, his knuckles white as his fingers dug into the fabric. His breathing was shallow, the silence in the room deafening. This can’t be real. He wanted to believe it was all a mistake.

With painstaking slowness, he pulled back the sheet.

As soon as the fabric revealed her face, Jeremy’s world came crashing down.

Her skin was pale, her features still, as if she had simply fallen into a deep sleep. But the bloodstains on her clothes, the unmistakable emptiness in her expression, told him the truth he couldn’t bear to face. Jeremy’s knees buckled beneath him, and he collapsed beside the table, his hand still clutching the edge of the sheet. Tears welled up in his eyes, spilling over as he stared down at the woman who had been like a mother to him.

His voice cracked, barely a whisper, as he choked out her name. “Elena... mother…”

The room spun around him, his mind struggling to accept the reality before him. The woman who had cared for him, loved him, was gone. She had been taken from him, ripped away in a moment of violence that he couldn't understand, couldn't stop.

Jeremy was lost in his grief, his whole world narrowing down to the body lying before him. He barely registered the deafening cry that suddenly echoed through the room, his mind too consumed by the horror of what lay before him. His lips quivered as he reached out, his trembling hands shaking Elena’s lifeless form as if that would wake her.

“Elena…” His voice cracked, barely a whisper. “Please... wake up.”

His desperation filled the room, every word a plea that would never be answered. As he called out her name once more, a voice broke through the fog of his agony.

“Mr. Rivers…” The sound of his formal name jolted him. He lifted his tear-streaked face and saw a doctor standing before him, flanked by two policemen. Their expressions were grim, their eyes filled with pity.

The doctor stepped closer, his voice soft but heavy with finality.

“We did everything we could, but her injuries were severe. She... succumbed to them.”

Jeremy felt the sting of another tear slipping down his cheek, his heart aching as he shifted his gaze from the doctor to the lifeless body in front of him. Elena, the woman who had meant so much to him, was gone. Her warmth, her love, everything about her was now a memory.

One of the policemen cleared his throat, his voice professional but empathetic.

“Mr. Rivers,” he began, his tone respectful. “There were signs that Elena had been in captivity for some time, a couple of months if we are being honest. We found bind marks on her wrists, indicating she had been restrained. She also had several bruises on her body and small scars, consistent with prolonged abuse, and a recent head injury. It appears she may have been tortured.”

Jeremy’s breath caught in his throat. Tortured? His mind spun with the weight of what he was hearing. His thoughts scattered, images of Elena’s gentle smile, her warmth, all flashing through his mind. Memories of her love, the times they had spent together, now haunted him. The woman he had cared for, who had been so full of life, had suffered in ways he couldn’t even begin to fathom.

He stared at her body, his eyes wide and unblinking, as if refusing to accept the reality. His mind locked, refusing to process what was being said. How could this have happened? How could someone as kind as Elena have endured such pain?

Suddenly, Jeff’s voice broke the silence, his words choked with sobs.

“How is this possible? We thought... we thought she was abroad…” His voice trailed off as the inspector turned toward him, his expression solemn.

“It’s very likely she was kidnapped,” the inspector replied gravely. “From the looks of it, she was held against her will and tortured. It seems she escaped, but whoever was after her... they tracked her down and... ended her life.”

Jeff broke down, his sobs filling the room as he looked at the bruises on Elena’s face, a face that had once been so happy, so full of life. Memories of their time together rushed over him, the warmth of her laughter, the way she had been a light in his life. Now, all he could see were the marks of the cruelty she had suffered.

Jeremy’s mother, who had been holding a distraught Dexter, finally spoke up, her voice shaky.

“Where... where did you find her?” she asked the inspector, her eyes red with tears.

The inspector’s gaze softened as he replied, “Carter Mayson called the police. He was with her when she was shot and he tried to help, but... by the time we arrived, it was too late.”

The moment those words left the inspector’s mouth, Jeremy moved. It was as if something inside him snapped. He rose from his place by the body with a sudden, furious energy, wiping away his tears roughly as he stormed toward the door. His movements were fast, almost frantic, as though he was trying to outrun the pain that threatened to consume him.

Without looking back, he rushed out of the room, his pace growing quicker with each step. The voices calling after him — Jeff, his mother, even the police — were ignored as he barreled through the hospital, driven by a fury that he couldn’t contain.

Outside, Carter was sitting with his aunt, her arms around him in a weak attempt to comfort him. His eyes were distant, his heart heavy with guilt and confusion, when suddenly he caught sight of Jeremy rushing past him, his face a mask of fury and pain.

Carter jolted upright, pulling away from his aunt.

“Jeremy!” he called out, but Jeremy didn’t stop. He was a man possessed, moving with a force that nothing could slow down. Carter took a step forward, about to follow him, when another voice snapped him out of his daze.

“Carter!” The voice was sharp, filled with anger.

Carter turned quickly and saw Jeremy’s mother storming toward him, her face twisted with grief and rage. Her eyes bore into him, full of questions and accusations he wasn’t ready for.

Carter stood frozen, the world around him blurring as Jeremy's mother rushed toward him, her eyes blazing with accusation. Her voice cut through the air, filled with venom.

“Didn't I tell you?” she yelled, her words lashing out like a whip. “Didn't I say you’d find a way to hurt my family again? And here we are! Elena's dead because of you!”

Carter gasped, his heart sinking, tears rolling uncontrollably down his face. The accusation pierced through him like a blade.

“What?” he stammered, disbelief and pain mingling in his voice.

“All these months,” she continued, her voice shaking with anger, “we thought Elena had moved on, started a new life somewhere. But no—little did we know you had other plans for her. You were behind it all!”

Carter’s eyes widened in shock, his mind struggling to process her words.

“Why would you say that?” he choked out, his voice trembling. “I would never—Elena was always kind to me! Why would I hurt her?”

She dismissed him with a furious wave of her hand.

“You expect me to believe that?” she spat, glaring at him as if he were the source of all her pain. “I know how manipulative you are. You’ve always been cunning, Carter!”

Carter shook his head, tears blurring his vision.

“I hadn't seen Elena in months, just like you!” he cried out, his voice cracking with desperation. “She showed up out of nowhere, and before I could even speak to her, she was shot!”

Jeremy's mother hissed, her face twisted with rage.

“You expect me to believe that? Why would Elena come to you, of all people? Why not one of us? Why didn’t she go straight to Jeremy?”

Carter's face crumpled as he yelled through his tears, “I don’t know!”

His heart ached with the weight of her accusations, each word sinking deeper, twisting like a knife in his chest.

Her voice rose again, sharp and cutting.

“I’ll tell you why,” she snarled. “Because you were the one who hurt her. You were holding her captive near your place, and she escaped. But before she could expose you, you made sure she couldn’t talk. You ended her life!”

Carter’s world spun.

“No… no,” he sobbed, shaking his head, disbelief and agony wracking his body. “I would never...”

Before the situation could escalate further, Sheila suddenly stepped in, her eyes blazing with protective fury. She placed herself between Carter and Jeremy’s mother, her voice firm.

“That’s enough,” Sheila snapped. “I’m not going to stand here and let you accuse my son of something so vile. Carter could never hurt a fly, let alone Elena.”

Jeremy’s mother turned her venomous gaze toward Sheila, raising an eyebrow in mock surprise.

“Isn’t this convenient?” she sneered. “An accomplice? A mother no one’s ever heard of until now. Perfect. You can both rot in jail together, and I’ll make sure of it!”

Carter’s heart raced in terror as Jeremy’s mother glanced toward the inspector, her voice ringing with authority as she barked, “Arrest them! Arrest Carter and his mother and make sure they rot in jail!”

The inspector, who had been watching the scene with a composed but empathetic expression, shook his head.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, ma’am,” he said, his tone calm but firm. “There’s no evidence linking Carter or his mother to any crime.”

Jeremy’s mother’s face contorted with frustration, her voice rising.

“No evidence?” she fumed. “What more do you need? This boy has been a curse to my family since he came into our lives! First, my son disappeared for months. Then he lied about the twins being kidnapped. And now, Elena’s dead because of him!”

The inspector’s voice remained steady, though his eyes softened.

“I understand what you’re going through,” he said gently. “I assure you, we will do everything in our power to find those responsible for this tragedy. But I can’t arrest Carter based solely on your suspicions.”

Jeremy’s mother let out a furious groan, her fists clenched tightly by her sides. She stared at Carter with pure hatred burning in her eyes.

“If it’s the last thing I do,” she hissed, her voice trembling with fury, “I will make sure you pay for this.”

She stormed closer to Carter, her finger jabbing toward him threateningly.

“Stay away from my son,” she growled, her voice low and deadly. “If I see you even an inch closer to him, I swear, I’ll kill you myself.”

With that final, venomous promise, she spun around and stormed back toward the hospital room. She scooped up a sobbing Dexter, her expression hard as stone, and without looking back, left the building.

Carter stood there, trembling, tears streaming down his face as the weight of the accusations crushed him. His chest heaved with sobs, his heart breaking under the strain of it all. His mind was spinning with confusion and guilt, though he knew deep down he had done nothing wrong.

Sheila quickly pulled him into her arms, holding him tightly.

“It’s going to be okay," she whispered, though her voice was shaky with emotion. “We need to get you home, Carter. You can’t be here right now.”

Carter sobbed into her shoulder, barely able to breathe. His world was collapsing around him, and he didn’t know how to stop it.


A few days Later…


Jeremy sat in the quiet garden, enveloped in the soft sway of the swing beneath him. The night air was cool, and he was dressed in all white—a mourning color that seemed to sink into his skin, reflecting the emptiness he felt inside. His face was etched with deep pain, his eyes hollow, staring blankly into the darkness as his mind drifted far away, back to Elena. It had only been a few days since her death, and though she had been buried, the weight of it all was unbearable. Her face lingered in his thoughts—every smile, every word. And now, she was gone.

He didn’t notice the soft footsteps approaching behind him until a gentle hand rested on his shoulder. Slowly, he raised his head, snapping out of his thoughts, and turned to find Dexter standing there, dressed in the same mourning white. His hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, and his face was filled with quiet sorrow as he looked at Jeremy.

Jeremy shrugged Dexter’s hand off with a bitter motion.

“Leave me alone,” he muttered, his voice hoarse, edged with exhaustion.

Dexter sighed, kneeling down next to the swing.

“I can’t leave you alone, Jeremy,” he said softly, his tone filled with concern. “You’re in so much pain. I can see it, feel it. I’ve lost her too, you know.”

Jeremy looked at him, his eyes narrowing slightly.

“You might have lost someone, Dexter, but you don’t feel what I feel,” he said coldly, his voice flat with a sharp undercurrent. “I thought she abandoned me. I thought she left, but all that time, she was being tortured—held captive by someone for months. And I didn’t even know. I didn’t save her.”

He paused, his chest tightening with guilt.

“I’m not a child, Dexter. I’ll take care of myself. So please... just leave me alone.”

Dexter’s eyes became glassy, hurt flashing across his face.

“Are you sure?” he asked, his voice small, almost pleading.

Jeremy’s expression hardened.

“Yes. Just leave me alone,” he repeated, more harshly this time.

Swallowing the pain welling in his throat, Dexter nodded, standing up. He turned to leave, but then stopped, glancing back at Jeremy with a tear slipping down his cheek.

“Just remember,” he said quietly, stepping closer, “if you ever feel low, or if you need me... I’m here. Always.”

With trembling fingers, Dexter reached out, intending to caress Jeremy’s cheek, but Jeremy turned his head away, the rejection hitting Dexter like a blow to the heart.

“Go,” Jeremy muttered, his voice breaking slightly.

Dexter held his mouth in grief, unable to bear the weight of rejection any longer. He hurried away, leaving Jeremy alone once more.

Sitting there, Jeremy’s mind drifted back to memories of Elena—how she had taken care of him and Ethan when they were young, how she had blessed him with her warmth when he and Ethan had gotten engaged. He remembered her comforting presence after Ethan’s death, how she had held him together when he thought he’d fall apart. Now, all that remained were fragments of those memories, tainted by the image of her lifeless body.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps brought him out of his thoughts. His blood boiled slightly at the intrusion, and he closed his eyes in frustration.

“Dexter,” he growled, “how many times do I have to tell you to leave me the fuck alone?”

He opened his eyes, expecting Dexter—but instead, he froze. Standing before him, looking more beautiful than ever, was Carter. His eyes held a deep sadness, his face filled with sympathy. Even in this moment, Jeremy couldn’t ignore the soft beauty in Carter’s features, though his heart ached with too much pain to care.

Jeremy quickly looked away, his chest tightening.

“What are you doing here? How did you even find me?”

Carter, hurt by the coldness in Jeremy’s voice, took a hesitant step closer.

“Jeff told me I’d find you here,” he said softly. “He said you weren’t doing well... and I’ve been worried about you.”

Jeremy’s gaze stayed fixed on the ground as Carter continued, his voice filled with emotion.

“I’m sorry for not being there for you. Your mother didn’t let me come close during the funeral, but I mourned Elena in my own way. I’ve been praying for her.”

Carter took a deep breath, his eyes filled with sorrow.

“Jeff also told me you haven’t cried... not once since she died. Jeremy, you have so much emotion trapped inside, so much sorrow that’s tearing you apart. You need to cry... to let it out.”

Jeremy’s expression hardened.

“Don’t tell me what I need, Carter,” he snapped. “Your sympathy won’t bring her back, and neither will my mourning.”

Carter watched him for a moment, his heart aching at how closed off Jeremy had become. Without another word, he turned away and sat on the swing next to Jeremy’s, silently offering his presence.

“Leave me alone,” Jeremy muttered again, though his voice had lost some of its sharpness.

Carter glanced at him, his eyes soft but filled with pain.

“You’re not alone, Jeremy. You’re with your guilt,” he whispered.

Jeremy stopped swinging, his gaze slowly turning toward Carter, eyes narrowed in a piercing stare.

Carter met his gaze, tears gathering in his own eyes.

“I know you,” he said gently. “You’re blaming yourself for her death. You think you didn’t do enough for her, that you failed Ethan.”

Jeremy closed his eyes tightly, taking a harsh breath. He rose abruptly from the swing, moving away from Carter.

“Leave,” he demanded, his voice louder now.

Carter stood and followed him, standing just behind Jeremy.

“You’re hiding from your pain, Jeremy. The questions... the guilt... it’s all because of that. But you’re not to blame for what happened to Elena.”

Jeremy’s heart raced, his body tensing as though it were betraying him. His breathing became labored as he turned around furiously to face Carter.

“You know nothing!” he snapped. “You should leave.”

He tried to move away, but Carter grabbed his arm, holding him firmly.

“The person who took her life wasn’t you, Jeremy. You didn’t kidnap her. You didn’t torture her. You didn’t shoot her.”

“Stop it!” Jeremy growled, his voice breaking under the strain.

Carter’s voice softened, his grip unwavering.

“The one who deprived you of that chance to save her wasn’t you. It was them.”

Jeremy groaned, his chest heaving as he clenched his fists.

“Stop it!” he repeated, his voice shaking.

Carter’s voice cracked with emotion.

“The one who didn’t let you save her wasn’t you, Jeremy. It was the person behind her kidnapping.”

Jeremy snapped. He gripped Carter’s arms tightly, his voice a scream of anguish.

“But it was my duty! I had to save her! She was like a mother to me!”

Carter stared at Jeremy, seeing the raw anger and despair swirling in his eyes.

Jeremy’s voice broke again, shouting as tears threatened to spill over.

“It was my duty to take care of her! I promised Ethan I would! She was my responsibility! I should’ve known something was wrong! I should’ve felt her pain when she was suffering—when she was in their hands! But... but I didn’t. I was so blind.” He pointed angrily at the ground. “I’m useless, Carter. I couldn’t save her.”

Carter bit his lip, a tear sliding down his cheek as he listened to the heartbreaking words.

Jeremy yelled again, his voice hoarse.

“I knew nothing about what she was going through! Eight months, Carter... eight months, and I let her slip away. I should have been there!”

Jeremy’s voice grew hoarse as he screamed, his words cutting through the stillness of the night like a blade.

“It was me... I killed her!” he yelled, his chest heaving with rage and self-loathing. “I gave way for those people to torture her... to shed her blood.”

Carter’s heart clenched as he watched the broken man in front of him unravel. The depth of Jeremy’s pain was palpable, and all Carter wanted was to take it away. Jeremy’s eyes were wild, haunted as he stared at his trembling hands.

“I couldn’t save her,” Jeremy muttered, his voice cracking. “I was her killer.”

Tears welled in Carter’s eyes as he felt the crushing weight of Jeremy’s agony. Jeremy’s hands began to shake violently, his gaze fixed on them as if they were drenched in blood.

“It’s my fault,” he whispered, his shoulders sagging. “I killed her.”

Then, without warning, Jeremy’s entire body began to quake. His shoulders shook uncontrollably as tears started pouring down his cheeks, torrents of grief that had been locked away for too long. His head slumped, his spirit breaking under the weight of his guilt, and he fell to his knees. His hands hit the ground, and a wrenching sob escaped his throat as he wailed like a wounded child, his body trembling with the release of everything he had been holding in.

Carter knelt beside him, his heart breaking at the sight of Jeremy’s anguish. He placed a gentle hand on Jeremy’s back, slowly rubbing it in soothing circles.

“Cry, Jeremy,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “Let the tears fall. Don’t hold back.”

Jeremy’s sobs deepened, and in a moment of raw vulnerability, he reached out, wrapping his arms around Carter’s waist and holding onto him with desperate strength.

His face buried in Carter’s chest, he cried like he had never cried before, his voice cracking as he muttered, “Elena left me... just like Ethan. They both left me.”

Tears streamed down Carter’s face as well, and he held Jeremy close, wrapping his arms around him, cradling him in a tender embrace.

“I’m so sorry, Jeremy,” Carter whispered, his voice trembling. “I’m so, so sorry.”

The two men remained locked in that embrace, the garden filled with the sound of their shared grief. Carter stroked Jeremy’s hair, whispering soft reassurances, his own tears mingling with the night air. The moment was intimate and raw, the kind of connection that transcended words, a shared sorrow that bound them together in ways neither could fully understand.

But as Carter held Jeremy, comforting him, his eyes flickered up—only to freeze when he saw Dexter standing a few feet away, his fists clenched, his eyes burning with rage. Dexter’s face was twisted in fury, his entire body tense with the heat of jealousy and pain. His gaze was locked on Carter, and it was clear that the sight of Jeremy being comforted by someone else had ignited something dark within him.

Carter glanced at Dexter for a moment, but then he refocused on Jeremy, speaking softly to him.

“It’s going to be okay, Jeremy. I understand how much she meant to you... the bond you shared.”

Dexter’s teeth were clenched, his eyes glassy with anger. He finally spoke, his voice tight with barely suppressed fury.

“Jeremy... it’s time. We need to go back inside for Elena’s final ritual.”

Jeremy, still trembling and with tear-streaked cheeks, glanced at Dexter, shaking his head like a lost child. He clung tighter to Carter, unwilling to let go, his body shuddering as if afraid of facing the world without Carter’s warmth.

Carter cupped Jeremy’s face gently, his fingers brushing away some of the tears that still streamed down. His gaze was soft but firm as he spoke.

“Jeremy, you need to go,” he said quietly. “Your family needs you.”

Dexter’s face turned red, his jaw trembling in barely contained rage as he watched Carter so tenderly comforting Jeremy. Every fiber of his being burned with jealousy, his hatred for Carter consuming him. His fists clenched tighter, the anger simmering just below the surface.

Jeremy, however, wasn’t ready to let go. His hand moved to grip Carter’s, holding it with a sweetness that caught Carter off guard. Their eyes met, and for a moment, it was as though the rest of the world had fallen away. Jeremy’s gaze was filled with yearning, a silent plea for Carter to stay by his side.

Carter gave him a small, encouraging smile, his thumb brushing against Jeremy’s cheek as he wiped away another tear. The touch was gentle, intimate, and it only made Dexter’s eyes burn brighter with fury.

Finally, with Carter’s help, Jeremy rose from the ground, his legs shaky but determined.

“You need to go, Jeremy,” Carter said softly, though his own heart was heavy.

Jeremy held Carter’s hand tightly, reluctant to let go. Each step away felt like a struggle, as though part of him wanted nothing more than to stay there with Carter, to find solace in his arms.

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, Jeremy loosened his grip and took a few hesitant steps back, still glancing at Carter, the need in his eyes raw and open. Then, with one last look, he turned and walked out of the garden, leaving Carter behind.

Dexter, seething with rage, glared at Carter, his eyes filled with unspoken threats. Without a word, he followed after Jeremy, his steps heavy with the weight of his emotions.

Carter stood there alone in the garden, tears stinging his eyes as he whispered to the empty space where Jeremy had stood.

“I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice choked. “I didn’t want for you to be in this much pain. I just... I just hope you won’t shut down again.”

The garden was quiet, the night settling back into its stillness. But Carter’s heart was anything but still, the weight of everything pressing heavily on him. He could only hope that, somehow, Jeremy would find his way through the darkness.


Carter sat on the couch in his room, his mind spiraling through the events of the night. Jeremy’s face haunted him—the way he had cried, the way he had clung to him, desperate and broken. The rawness of Jeremy’s pain felt familiar, far too reminiscent of the grief Carter had witnessed before. His heart clenched at the thought of having to watch Jeremy go through what Ethan had, the fear of losing someone else gnawing at him.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sharp ring of his phone. He blinked, disoriented, before quickly grabbing it. When he saw Jeremy’s name flash across the screen, he stood up abruptly, his heart racing as he answered.

“Jeremy?” His voice was filled with concern. “Are you alright?”

There was a long pause, then Jeremy’s voice came through, stuttering.

“I-I’m fine... I think. I don’t know why I called... I’m sorry, Carter. I’m really sorry.”

Carter sighed softly, combing his fingers through his hair.

“You don’t need to apologize. You called because you needed someone to talk to. I understand that. And I’m here.”

There was a heavy silence on the other end, the kind that felt like the calm before the storm. Carter waited, and then Jeremy spoke again, his voice barely a whisper.

“It’s... it’s nothing. You should forget it.”

Carter was about to respond when he heard a strange sound, like the wind knocking something over, coming from his living room. Oddly, he heard the same noise through the phone. Frowning, Carter rushed out of his room, opening his apartment door widely.

To his utter surprise, Jeremy was standing right there, phone still pressed to his ear, his expression lost and lonely. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to freeze. Carter’s heart raced as Jeremy stood frozen in place, a lump forming in his throat.

Jeremy’s body stiffened when Carter stepped closer to him, the phone slipping from his ear. His lips quivered as he murmured, “How did you know I was here?”

Carter, still in disbelief, glanced between Jeremy and the door.

“I heard something... it made me think you were outside.”

Jeremy’s mouth trembled, and he looked down, slightly shaking his head. He took a deep breath, his voice unsteady.

“I... I don’t even know why I came here at this time. I’m sorry.”

He was about to turn and leave when Carter grabbed his hand, pulling him back. Jeremy’s eyes widened as he stared at Carter, his emotions laid bare.

“If without thinking, your path leads you somewhere,” Carter said, his voice soft yet steady, “then maybe it’s not wrong.”

Jeremy’s gaze remained locked on Carter, his eyes filled with yearning. His need to be close to him was evident in the way his body leaned toward him, hesitant but full of desire. Carter tightened his grip on Jeremy’s hand and gently led him inside, guiding him back to the couch in his room. Jeremy sat down, looking lost, while Carter went to get him a glass of cold water.

When he offered it to Jeremy, the man shook his head, refusing. Carter knelt in front of him, his eyes gentle but firm, pressing the glass into Jeremy’s hand until he reluctantly took a sip.

Jeremy’s gaze lingered on Carter as he set the glass down. His voice was soft, but heavy with the weight of everything he had been holding back.

“I can’t... I can’t keep watching everyone I love be taken away from me. I’m losing everyone.”

He stood abruptly, walking over to the open window, staring out into the night with tear-streaked eyes.

“Elena’s death... it just showed me that time doesn’t wait for anyone. And it’s taught me that anyone... anyone can be taken away from me, without warning.”

Carter rose to his feet, walking slowly toward Jeremy.

“You don’t have to think like that,” he said gently, his voice filled with warmth. “No one else is going to be taken from you.”

Jeremy turned, facing Carter. His eyes were glassy, his breaths shallow. He took Carter’s hands in his own, his grip tender but trembling.

“I don’t know if I can take it... if someone else is taken away from me. I don’t think I could survive it if...” He trailed off, his voice breaking as he looked deep into Carter’s eyes. “If you were taken from me.”

Carter felt his heart stutter, the air leaving his lungs. Jeremy’s words echoed in his mind, freezing him in place. His pulse raced, his entire body becoming cold as he stared at Jeremy in shock. Jeremy sniffled, wiping his tears, his voice raw with vulnerability.

“You’ve become... so important to me,” Jeremy continued, his words shaky. “You’re my best friend... but...” He paused, swallowing hard, his gaze dropping to the floor before he looked back up at Carter. “But I don’t want to hide this anymore.”

Carter’s heart thundered in his chest, each beat louder than the last as Jeremy’s words hit him like a tidal wave.

Jeremy’s tears flowed freely as he continued, his voice filled with emotion.

“I don’t know when it started. Maybe from the moment we met... maybe it’s always been there. But I can’t hide it anymore. I’m in love with you, Carter.”

Carter’s body felt numb, his thoughts a jumbled mess. He stood frozen, unable to move, his wide eyes locked on Jeremy. The confession hit him hard, rendering him speechless. His heart pounded in his chest, the weight of Jeremy’s words sinking into him. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

Jeremy’s voice wavered as he went on.

“I love you, beyond limits. Unconditionally. I’m in love with you.”

Carter’s shock deepened, his face turning pale, his heart hammering so loudly he could hear it in his ears.

His mouth trembled as he whispered, “Is that why you’ve been acting weird around me recently? Why you reacted like that when I told you about Eric... and the marriage?”

Jeremy nodded slowly, his gaze never leaving Carter’s. He moved closer, his trembling hand brushing against Carter’s cheek, sending shivers through him.

“I’m so in love with you,” Jeremy whispered, his voice filled with longing. “I can’t stand being away from you... or seeing you with someone else.”

Carter’s breath caught in his throat as Jeremy’s hand slid from his cheek to his hand, the warmth of his touch spreading through him. Slowly, Jeremy’s other hand wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. Their noses brushed, their breaths mingling in the space between them.

For what felt like an eternity, they stood there, staring at each other, their emotions swirling around them. The tension between them built, growing thicker with every passing second. And then, finally, their lips met.

The kiss was soft at first, tentative, like the two of them were testing the waters. But then it deepened, the tenderness giving way to something more passionate, more intense. Their lips moved in sync, a dance of unspoken desires, and it felt more like a dream than reality.

Carter’s hands found their way to Jeremy’s back, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened. It was a kiss filled with emotion, with everything they had been holding back for so long. The sweetness, the need—it was all there, in that kiss.

But then, Carter’s eyes opened, and reality crashed down on him. He pulled away abruptly, stepping back, his breaths coming fast and uneven as though he had just run a marathon. His heart pounded in his chest, his mind racing with a mix of emotions. He couldn’t believe what had just happened.

Jeremy stood there, staring at him in confusion and hurt. Carter’s panic was evident in every movement, and Jeremy’s heart sank as he realized what was happening. Feeling foolish and ashamed, he turned and rushed out of the apartment, leaving Carter standing there, his mind reeling.

Carter’s legs felt weak, and he took a step back, stumbling against the wall as memories of what had just happened flooded him. His heart raced as the reality of Jeremy’s confession settled in. Everything had changed in that one moment, and he had no idea what to do next.

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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It's so sad that Carter is never going to meet his real mother. Of course, he met Elena, but as acquaintance, not as a woman who gave birth to him. If there is something good that came out of this misery is Jeremy's love confession to Carter. 

I'm wondering, now that Elena is dead, how the true is going to be discovered?!

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Is Carter going to be able to deal with this revelation? Is Dexter going to do something so crazy that it kills Jeremy and Carter? Will Elena’s will give any insight to Carter that she was his Mother?

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