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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 4,566 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Stop! Read First!  This story is marked Mature! There are Graphic Scenes, Sensitive Content, Sexual Situations, Foul Language, and descriptions of Traumatic Events including Death. 
This story is not for everyone! If you don't feel comfortable with ANY of the above. Please don't read!

Tragedia Et Amor - 11. Chapter 11

Due to a family emergency, I am posting this chapter late. I will respond to comments in a few days. Probably Sunday. Next chapter for this story will be next Saturday.
That said. Here is the next chapter for your reading enjoyment!

It’s been three weeks, and the package finally arrived from the Texas Secretary of State. Quinn and I spent time looking it over before my fingers pressed against the official stamp as a tear formed in my eye. Quinn held me tight until I had control of my emotions the best I could. Ten minutes later, I had the email sent to the IRS for our Tax Identification number. We decided to go to the bank next week, after school on Thursday. That should allow the mail to arrive from the IRS. He took it and put the papers into a file folder for us, then designated a specific drawer in the file cabinet for it.

That also meant that I could send out the current letters we worked up to the individuals on office letterhead once I had everything printed up at Staples after we had everything approved by our new hires next week. Meaning that we had just a few months before summer starts and we wouldn’t have as much time. Quinn told me not to worry about it as he had some ideas that he wanted to talk to Eric about before he talks to me. Once we both finished homework and the business that needed to be attended to for the Dive Texas, he pushed me towards the bathroom. Once again, it was our nightly ritual of him massaging my legs in the tub and me carrying him to our bedroom.




Two weeks later, we both sat on a conference call with the three professionals we hired, via Eric’s list, and there was a help wanted listing for an administrative assistant/office manager. We now had a lease on a small corner office with three rooms. Which would work out well for us. Orion also had one of the girls from school that was very interested in helping us and was hired part time too. He also extended the two thousand dollars per semester college fund hiring bonus. That also means he upped the recruiting bonus for Dive Texas to an additional two thousand dollars for certain positions, on top of the college fund. As I had discussed with Eric, we were also going to hire a few students to help man the flyer distribution to local businesses a few days a week during our push for donations. As well as stuff envelopes for our mailings. Sounds like a lot of staff, but it wasn’t really and if the funds come in as expected along with the grants I was working on filing for. Our original 110 thousand dollars that Eric and Orion added to our accounts would cover the cost of the staff and the office for 18 months.

“OK. Thank you, Brandon, Elizabeth and Michelle. I appreciate the candor in answering our questions and responding to our ideas. We’ll look over the information and connect tomorrow at 1pm? Is that good for everyone?” I asked as I leaned into Orion. He was tired. I was tired. It’s been nonstop running around. Looking for support in the form of donations. Taking our new hired high school seniors with us to get them used to dealing with people like Orion is. He is better at face to face than I am, but we are both learning. The best part about our outsourced people is they don’t work for us full time. We bought a block of time for what we wanted to accomplish. It works out to around seven thousand dollars a head for them to answer our questions and inject suggestions which includes proof reading and editing our letters of request. Although Michelle is also paid for her help with the grant writing, it’s taking a heavy load off of us.

Everyone was happy about tomorrow and we signed off. Orion was already looking at the expanded mailing scheme. He had to add 5,000 dollars to cover that, but more importantly, he was building a website. One of the college geeks he knows is working on it for us. He also had to buy a flatbed scanner to scan in photos we had that he wanted to use. Brandon was working on the actual marketing brochure which Orion was having added to the soon to come email mailing as a PDF. The entire team thinks that will be a winner once we establish a list of emails through our summer awareness blitz.




Now I understand why Eric made Quinn the manager. There is no way I could have handled all of this. Even my work directing the staff we hired is racking up hours of my time like I never thought it would. He has taken a few items away from me, telling me to concentrate as he shotguns everything. And he is. Multitasking at a level I can’t match. He left the actual talking to the local businesses to me as I am known and better at that. Division of work is good for us as we are past our honeymoon period and are moving forward together. The arms wrapped around me again as I felt the lips touch my neck.

“I’m going to order a pizza for tonight. Should we invite your mother?”

“Yeah. I’m sure she would like that. Give her a yell and order a salad too, please.”

“OK. I’ll disturb you when it’s ready.” He whispered as he kissed my neck again before heading over to the connecting door and knocking before entering. I heard the muffled conversation and laughter from Mom’s unit before he came back.

“Your mom was just putting the last frozen pie in the oven to heat. We’ll have hot apple pie for dessert.” He said as he went back to work on his laptop I bought him for Christmas. He was busy when mom came over with the pie at the same time the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” She said as she grabbed the money off the table by the door.

“Thanks mom.” I said, as I wrapped things up. Quinn was one step ahead of me and grabbed the plates and bowls as I went to the refrigerator to grab the salad dressing. Mom was already returning to the table as she spoke.

“How goes the foundation?”

“Busy.” Quinn and I said at the same time. Which prompted mom to laugh as Quinn and I kissed before we sat to dish out the salad.

“Good over all. Just issues of learning how to run it. Eric’s list of professionals that deal with the non-profit world has been a very worthwhile investment.” I said before Quinn ran off everything that was happening and would happen in the next few months.

“I got everything posted as you wrote it out. Are you sure you want to do it that way?” Mom asked. I shrugged.

“It’s the only way. I need to cut my hours during the summer as I dedicate time to the Foundation. I figure next year I will not.” I looked at Quinn, who looked thoughtful for a moment, and nodded. “We should be on autopilot by next summer after all the extra work of seeding the areas with artificial reefs and adding the permanent mooring buoys. I am also contemplating seeding oyster and clam juveniles. Something I hope will attract fish and help clean the water.”

“Then maybe we should set limits to the number of divers we can handle?” Mom started. Which made me sit back. Shocked and then I realized that she really only ran the Dive Center with Dad because that was what he wanted. Then it was what I demanded. “I don’t mean shut it down, Orion. Just limit the number of people we take. Maybe reduce to two boats for diving and use the third for the snorkeling trips.”

“That might be an idea. We’ll have to look at it Lilian.” Added Quinn as he looked at me. Gauging my receptiveness to the idea. In a way, I guess they are both right. Mom and I don’t need the money. With my dividends kicking in, no need for me to work at all.

“Maybe it’s time to look for a manager and both of us step back or curtail our involvement.”

“I’m not sure we are there yet,” Mom said as she smiled at me appreciatively for understanding. “What we should do is sit down in a few weeks and talk about training our employees to move up. Maybe Mike and Peggy would like to step into the management slots. Slowly at first, learning from us. A few years down the road, they could take over completely.” My head nodded slowly as I thought it over. We could advertise for one. That might be the better way. Sighing internally as I grabbed a slice of pizza. More items I will need to think about.


* * *


Later that night, I was snuggled in bed with Quinn. His hand held my cock as his head was nestled on my shoulder. He moved. Lips touched my neck. Whispered words encouraged me to go to sleep. We had our sexual escapades earlier, which included a flip-flop during our lovemaking. Again, he was correct, and I needed to get some sleep. Even if I can see the future and that future doesn’t have a Dive Texas shop. It almost felt like I was losing Dad all over again.

Quinn knew something was bothering me and climbed onto my chest. Small kisses adorning my chest before he moved down and took me into his mouth. After I orgasmed, he moved back up and kissed me before he spoke.

“Will you be able to sleep now, baby, or should I tire you out?” I pulled him tight against me.

“I’m sorry, Q. It’s just been a day of memories slapping me in the face. I didn’t mean to keep you awake.”

“It’s fine. Is it something you want to talk about?”

“No. Not really. Later maybe. Let’s just go to sleep.” I said as I rolled. Dropping him onto his side as I spooned up against him. He snuggled in close and wrapped his arms around me as his head nuzzled into mine. I lifted a leg, and he slid one of his between mine, trapping my dick between me and his thigh.

“Love you, baby,” Quinn said, and with that he drifted off. And I loved him too. I’m just not ready to dredge up the old feelings of loss again. Our life together has been magical the past few months, and I just want to keep it that way. I sighed internally as I felt Quinn’s lips press against my neck in a kiss before he tried to snuggle in closer. A reminder he was still awake enough to know I was not asleep. Pushing my thoughts away, finally, allowing myself to drift off in his arms.


* * *


Quinn was busy running back and forth between the Dive Center and our Foundation’s office space. Busy working out the time schedules for employees and realized we needed another assistant, office manager slash admin person. I had made trips around the surrounding area, not just explaining the concept and asking for donations, but getting people onboard that would also help us find the needed donations. Luckily, the locals that own the old motels and older condo properties responded to an idea that would increase the quality of fishing spots. In the end, some of the best restaurants in town had a new donation jar that they would allow us to set up, with a small brochure post next to it. New online printers made the bulk printing easy.

June was coming, and I was busy helping the new Dive Instructor learn our methods of doing things. Mom and I had a few talks before we approached Mike. He was interested in being the assistant manager first. Mom understood his point, and that made it easier on us, as we had already found someone that might be a good candidate for the manager of the dive center. Only three people knew at this point what mom and I were doing. Quinn, Mike and his girlfriend Peggy. I wanted to keep it that way, hoping the regular staff wouldn’t notice any changes.




I talked to Orion’s mom. Lillian explained to me that Orion fought to keep Dive Texas after his father’s death. It was a part of both of them and the night that she mentioned stepping back, she saw the emotions well up in Orion. We talked about that night too, after she left. In the end she is sure we’ll keep the dive shop, but it will be run by staff and not us. She might even join us at the Foundation to help us raise funding. I had to think about things differently now. There were issues I didn’t know about his past that were just coming to light. I don’t want to accidentally do anything that would upset Orion, although I think nothing will cause issues between us.

The kitchen was calling as I got home earlier than planned. Picking up a roasted chicken from the market when I was shopping in Aransas Pass. Maybe tonight is a top Orion night or a flip-flop. It’s been four days since we’ve had sex and I need to feel his love again.




Caleb wants us to come out to the bonfire tonight, but I don’t know. Too many items that need to be solved and I need some time with my boyfriend. It’s been a few days, so I won’t be surprised if he wants sex tonight. That brought a smile to my face. He always lets me know when it’s been too long. Checking my email, I smiled at the lengthy diatribe from Amanda about idiots in the oil and gas industry. Once she was finished, she began to inform me of the team that Eric had put together and enclosed a list of dates for communications with them and for our first official meeting with the Oborus Drilling Company. One of the many platform owners I would like to talk to. Eric had set up the discussion as, I assume, he has an interest in them. The lawyer and engineer he set up for us were specialists in the three fields of offshore law, rig engineering and decommissioning. This on its own is a cost saver for the foundation, as these three people don’t come cheap. And I am wondering if they are donating their services. Quinn should be able to answer that for me tonight.

Walking into the condo, I smelled dinner. Quinn obviously got home early and bought one of the roasted chickens. He loves those. Walking into the kitchen, hearing the sound behind me, before his arms wrapped around my waist.

“Hey O. Dinner is ready.” I set my case down on the counter and spun in his arms as I leaned in to kiss him.

“Hello to you too. Home early tonight, I see.” He took my hand as he pulled away from me.

“Yes. I finished what I needed and figured everything else I could do here.”

“You saw the list from Amanda that Eric sent down?”

“I did, and those three are donating their time. We just need to add them to our advertising list of donors…up on top.” Pulling him back into a hug before I lifted him off the ground and he wrapped himself around me as we kissed again. “Bedroom. Now.”

I chuckled into his mouth as I moved to obey. Dinner was obviously going to be dessert tonight. Once I put him down, he guided me to the bathroom for our pre-sex massage in the tub. After that, I had him pinned to the wall again. My grunts and his moans filled the room until the phone rang. The house landline, not one of our cell phones. Which caused raised eyebrows. Pulling back, I let him drop his legs off my shoulders and lowered him to the ground before he took off to grab the handset to answer it. I slipped into the bathroom to clean up a little before he walked in with a smirk and handed the phone to me.


“Now why am I getting the feeling that Amanda just set me up again? I didn’t interrupt the two of you, did I. I figured you would just be getting home now.” Asked Eric. Quinn smirked at me as he grabbed my cock, giving it a few tugs to bring it back to full hardness.

“No, we are good. I just had Quinn pinned to the wall again.” Which earned me a smack on my chest. That Eric obviously heard, judging by the laughter I was hearing coming through the phone.

“OK… The email about the two lawyers and the engineer. Ignore it. It’s now three lawyers and three engineers.”

“OK.” I dragged out as I led Quinn to our bed and hopped up on it. Giving him a shake of my head as he went to my dick again. “Let me put you on speaker for the manager to hear as well.” I tapped the button and increased the volume.

“Hi again, Eric.” Said Quinn to show we were both listening.

“And hello to you again. As I was telling Orion. The team has increased. The lawyers are all versed in offshore legalities, government issues, both state and federal. The engineers are a mixed bag. Environmental, Decommissioning, Construction. Every base should be covered. I’ll send down what my people have looked into as well. That should get the ball rolling on the first three rig donations. Although they will be spread across three years, starting with next year, the first will be available.”

“You’ve narrowed it down to who would be most willing?” I asked.

“Yes and no.” I heard the glass settle on the grant counter. “I have investments out in the industry and had one of my team ask some pointed questions. They marked who would be the best out of them. They are also working down the rest of the list now and will have something by the end of the month.” I glanced at the calendar and smiled. Two weeks.

“OK. We’ll have to do a phone conference and then probably come up to Houston for an in person talk with them, so we are all on the same page.” Quinn said, looking at me as I nodded. “We’ll have to see if we can do that next week.” Again, I nodded.

“That sounds good. Set it up tomorrow and let me know when. I might be able to swing through on my way out of town.”

“Sounds good, Eric. Thank you.”

“You are both welcome. Hopefully everything goes well, and we’ll have a memorandum of understanding in a few months for the first rig. That will help the fund raising while going through the contract phase to formalize it.” I could tell Eric was in a good mood and probably just sat back in his chair to relax.

“That sounds good and follows the timeline we sketched out.”

“Pretty close anyway. OK. I’ll let you get back to pinning Quinn up against the wall.” Smack. Which amused Eric again. “You lovebirds have a good night.”

“You too Eric. Thanks again.” I said, and we both said goodbye. Quinn looked at me and rolled his eyes.

“I’m not sure I want to let you pin me against the wall again.”

“I think you do.” I responded as I stood. And motioned for him to come closer. He did it with hesitation.


* * *


Two hours later, we were finishing the last of the dishes and we both had homework to finish up. As Quinn spread out his books, I grabbed my notebook and my math book. Taking about 30 minutes, I leaned in and helped him. Once finished, I was handed a folder, and we breezed through that together. With him sending out emails to the appropriate people to make sure that its done tomorrow. My mom had stopped in to discuss the new manager trainee that we hired. Ryan Anderson looked like he would be a good addition to Dive Texas. The crew was accepting of him as well. Mike was stepping into the assistant manager slot. In hindsight. That was a better option than him advancing straight to manager.

The following week, we had our telephone call and meeting with them on Thursday. We would drive up Wednesday night. Eric offered to have us stay at his place in Houston, but he wouldn’t be able to make the meeting as he was leaving early Thursday morning. He took us out to a pleasant restaurant, which was good that we had our suits with us. It seemed the place was full of influential people and we were introduced to a few as we made our way to the table. It was a high-class establishment and judging by how the entire staff seems to know Eric, he must eat here often. Even considering how packed the dining area was, it provided a comfortable atmosphere to talk business without involving the entire room. The candles on the table cast a flickering glow across Quinn’s face that made for a romantic atmosphere.

After two hours of eating and conversation as well as being introduced to people, I was leaving with another 5 business cards. Telling us to contact them to discuss donations. Apparently. Anyone that has a boat slash yacht was interested in anything that might produce better sport fishing. Eric rolled his eyes at one of the people that stopped by the table. He was in his mid-30s. Lithe body and overflowing with himself. Enough that he even tried hitting on me, which I politely rebuffed. Quinn was amused that I was flustered, or so he thought. I explained it later that I didn’t care for people that don’t respect the fact that people are a couple and it’s not polite to hit on one of them. Eric even apologized for his behavior.

The following morning, we made breakfast as Eric prepared to leave. Giving us last-minute pointers before he headed to the airport for his 9 am charter to New York. By 10 am we were in the offices of Simon, Jenson and Barringer, Attorney’s at Law. After introductions with everyone, Quinn laid out the general outline of what we are trying to do with a rough timeline that is subject to change. We spent two hours going back and forth before we went to lunch. 2 hours later, we were back at it. By 4 pm, we believed we had the best plan we could come up with and now it was time to send out the Letters of Intent that we created. Richard Simon was an elderly gentleman with a reputation of being one of the best in offshore law. He’s the one that Eric had contacted first, which was like a domino effect as he contacted the others and assembled a team. I also think he was part of the law team that helped my family all those years ago.

Three weeks later, I was out with a dive when Quinn called out over the radio to call him the minute I got back in phone service range. It was a cold dive, and we only had 6 people diving, but the water was clear today. The spot we were at was an artificial reef created 7 years ago by dumping cement chunks from a demolition around a few old boats that were sunk. It had been showing terrific growth the last few years.

All of which was irrelevant, as my phone was back at the dive shop office. Quinn was waiting on the pier when we pulled in and helped me grab my gear before dragging me into the office and slamming the door shut.

“I didn’t have my phone with me.” He stood there tapping his foot.

“Breakfast in bed for a week and no nookie for three days.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to spank me instead?”

“No. You would enjoy that too much.” Which it was actually the reverse. I smirked. He would enjoy it too much and then, after Quinn had taken me, he would beg me to pin him down as I do him. Turning, he grabbed a file out of his briefcase.

Handing me the printed paper, sitting down and waited as I read it. It summarized today’s events. Since he couldn’t get secure communications with me, he decided. Mr. Simon had taken the liberty of making us an appointment for next week with the Oborus Drilling Company at Quinn’s suggestion. We also had the latest intake from our efforts to secure funds. We have a 5 thousand dollar grant coming and almost 27 thousand dollars in donations. Slow in coming, but coming nonetheless. We also had a response from the University of Texas about my research project. Which Quinn handed the letter to me. Apparently, they are very interested in my idea of having a permanent research facility that we could use 24/7. The addition of solar/wind power would make it an easier sell with the governmental authorities.

Slowly, I lowered the papers and locked eyes with Quinn. His Adam’s apple bobbed a few times before he backed away from me with a smirk. Two steps and I had him in my arms as I lifted him up. Appendages wrapped around me as our lips met. Seconds later, he’s pinned against the wall, pushing against me. My grunt told my boyfriend, who tops from the bottom, that I was in charge right now. He sighed into my mouth as I drove my tongue in deep. I felt his hardness against me as I bucked my hips into him.

“Don’t. Stop and take me home.” He rasped out. I hesitated, and he thought he won until my teeth sunk into his shoulder as I thrusted against him again. His hands gripped my hair and tried to pull me back. As is that would stop me? “Orion…” was all he got out before he was moving again. Lowering him down, grabbing his shirt…



Orion is always happiest when something goes his way. And he just took me in his office the way he likes to. Now he won’t let me walk anyplace. He carried me to my car, then into the complex, up the elevator, into our unit. Straight to the bathroom. He let me down to fill the tub. I massaged his legs, and then he started again. We flip-flopped this time. Two hours later, I was making dinner as he tried to finish up his review of the actual donations and where they came from. More than one person has commented that it was a good thing neither of us can become pregnant.

Tuesday night we drove up to Houston to Eric’s place, since he would join us tomorrow. I think he is as excited as Orion is about the possibility of obtaining an offshore rig. After having a late dinner and catching up with Eric, we settled in for the night.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Well, this plan seems to be progressing faster than I would have anticipated, but then they do have some smart and connected backers.  That said, getting the first rig or two will be the big test.

Love how they still always make time for each other.  

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This progress is very encouraging. The staff is being upgraded and promoted. The plans and donations are being systematically developed, Both guys keep having great sex. The pressure is being handled. I hope they get their first oil rig.

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I love to see Quinn's growth (and I don't think about that one in his pants :gikkle:). From immature and insecure kid, he becomes a manager and great partner to Orion both in bed and business. He learns all the time, has initiative, he's good in planning and executing. Quinn is not just a great guy, during this process, with love and support from Orion - he becomes a man! 

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