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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 4,014 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags.  If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

Love on the Rocks - 1. Chapter 1

I present to you the first chapter of the 3rd Book in the Westward Confederation Series: Love on the Rocks
Posting schedule is TBD as I am dealing with a family emergency.

“Congratulations Captain Alexander. You’ve excelled in the War College Training, just like you did in Officer Candidate School. Normally, we would advance you a grade in rank. Regrettably, we can’t make you a Commodore yet. That being said. We are advancing you to Silver Star instead of your Red Star as a full Captain instead of waiting until you are 18. The only privilege you lack is the ability to nominate individuals for their Captains Boards, because of regulations.”

“Thank you, Admiral Cunningham. It has been a pleasure to serve under you. I will also endeavor to teach the asteroid navigation course to the best of my ability.”

“I’m sure you will, Marc.” Began the Admiral as he leaned back in his chair and motioned me to sit. “I’ve had all sorts of comments in the training reports from you entering the belts with the fast battleship during the war exercises. Shocked the hell out of the aggressor wing of destroyers when Orion’s Sword dropped out of jump right on top of them. Captain Hestton is still rubbing their noses in it. Besides, we bought the new frigates and destroyers from Alexander Industrials. Who better to help train the crew than the ship designer?

“I was just one of many, but yes. It was based on my ideas from my experience with mining and with the fighters.” Admiral Cunningham smiled.

“I saw the holovid of your rescue.” He chuckled. “Had a few of our people on the edge of their seats. Too many of our staff don’t get enough shipboard service time.” His eyes darted to chronometer and back with a frown. “Unfortunately Captain. I need to head off for another meeting. Please tell Frances Campbell I said he was right.” He stood and held out his hand, which I took.

“I will, Sa. Thank you, and I should see you in two months.”

“I believe you will, young Alexander. Until we meet again.”

“Until we meet again, Admiral.”


* * *


Four weeks later. I was standing on the Bridge of the 403rd Pirate Interdiction Wing Commander’s vessel CNS Copperhead as we drove three of the new Striker Class Destroyers through the last of the asteroid belts in the Quinlivan’s Reach Sector. Another two hours and we’ll head for the Jump Gate. Three Jumps and we’ll be in the Nakajima’s Point Sector. We’ll spend a few days before we start another series of Jump and hunts. Meaning, we are fed probe and reconnaissance data, then we drop into the belts searching out targets. We have an Assault Cruiser and a Replenishment Vessel with us. The Senior Captain of the Cruiser is in overall command of our little group.

“Report, Sa Alexander.” The Captain said. She can’t use my rank as here is only one Captain on a ship and she is it.

“Captain Whitehead. I report all is nominal and we are on course to the first Jump in about 1 hour. All systems check and the probes are returning now. Should be retrieved by 10:12 hours. Flag has been notified of our approach.” Not that I think they would fire on us but, better safe than sorry. She smiled as she gave me a dip of her head.

“Then you stand relieved. I believe you have message traffic awaiting your presence from the Admiralty. They obviously found time to answer our questions. Rather kind of them, I think, and we have a staff lunch today in the Wardroom.” She said as she got comfortable in the seat I had vacated when she relieved me. Glancing at the multiple screens before she nodded to herself.

“Of course, Sa. I’ll see you in the Wardroom then.” She gave me a nod before I departed the Bridge.

Once I was in my cabin, I brought my tablet to life and began my work. My purpose here was twofold. Help train the crews on my asteroid maneuvering course and evaluate the ship itself and look for flaws. The first few days here were rough, as I was the outcast. At least until they realized I knew more about this ship than they do. It took an entire week before Senior Captain Adams enlightened the three crews I was involved in the design of these ships. In his words, it might behoove you to pay attention to what he says as his family’s corporation built the ship and he had a hand in its design. He’s probably one of the most experienced asteroid pilots in the Confederation. Currently on loan to us for a few months. That had the desired effect of bending their noses back into shape.


* * *


Two weeks later, I happily returned to Copperhead after being moved between two other destroyers for additional personal attention. I had the watch again as we made our way into the Baldries Sector. We were headed to the asteroid belts when the Captain pointed to the holotable at a highlighted ship. I sighed internally as I read the transponder code. ANS Caelestis Anastassia, story of my life. My trio is in the thick of it again.

“Permission to intercept Captain?”

“By all means Sa Alexander. Take us to battle stations.” I gave her a curt nod before I turned and tapped the button.

Claxons sounded as the ship’s A.I. called everyone to battle stations. I tapped out a command course and dumped it to the helms of the three ship wing. Giving a nod to the Conning Officer, he started giving commands to bring the ship to its new course and prepare us for the series of Micro-Jumps I had programed in. Another series of taps, and I sent a new set of courses to override the others as I turned to the Weapons Officer.

“Weapons. We will drop right on top of that fur ball. Forward weapons onto the fighters and port broadside into the two pirate vessels as we come around for our next course. We’ll pop out and come about for our return run. Again dropping right on top of them and driving up through between. Fire at will, targets of opportunity.”

“Aye Sa.” He said as I looked down at my holo display at the two other Captain’s. They nodded understanding. As I glanced towards Engineering.

“Engineering. Reinforce Forward and Port shields. Keep the Jump capacitors charging in case I decide to take a grand tour of the rocks.”

“Aye Sa. Reinforcing shields and charging Jump capacitors.”

“Thank you.” I said as I studied my screens. “Captains. Jump in 20 seconds. From my mark. Mark.” I noted the time as I sat while listening to the replies from around the various Bridges of our Wing. Strapping in as I watched the status displays.

“Wing. Jump in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Jump.” With that said, we had a moment of uneasiness as we dropped out less than two kilometers away from the two pirate vessels and ten fighters trying to take the ANS Caelestis Anastassia.


Bridge: ANS Caelestis Anastassia


Claxons sounded as the holotable updated the new emergence. Through the smoke caused by the damage and the sounds of organized chaos, the Executive Officer, Senior Lieutenant Janek Wojact, let out an internal sigh of relief as the new targets registered friendly as another hit reverberated through the ship.

“Captain. Three CONFED Navy Destroyers just dropped out of Jump Space right on top of us. They have opened fire.” The XO said.

“I see it, XO.” Replied Captain Tremblay from the ship’s Combat Information Center buried deep within the ship. “We are trying to raise them. Have Channing send the data to the lead ship.”

“Fighters are running and the two pirate Cruisers are taking damage… They switched their fire… CONFED Navy just jumped out.” One of the Combat Information Center staff said in disbelief.


Marc Alexander

Bridge: CNS Copperhead


I checked the status boards as we jumped to our next spot. As I had predicted, our weapons opened fire again. Catching three more of the fighters. “Wing. Come about. We’ll chase these down later. Steady up on reverse Jump course.” I received the responses as I watched the three of us coming around to the plotted course.

“Jump in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Jump.” Seconds later, we were back at the battle scene. “Weapons. Open Fire. Disable them.” Captain Whitehead was just about to say something as I added, “Communications Officer. Send them a surrender order.” The Captain smiled a nod towards me. In less than five minutes it was all over.

30 minutes later, the Cruiser was here and Captain Adams was back in charge of all of us, once again, as his Marines took control of the pirate vessels while he ordered the salvage operations. We’ll get a nice cut off the bounty paid for these. More importantly. We were ordered to await help as another assault wing joined us. There was a base in the area and CONFED Navy wanted it cleaned out. That meant even more possible bonuses. The officers and crews were happy about that and I was informed that my position was also getting the same share as a captain would. Elated about that as I worked out the possible numbers that Captain Whitehead gave me. I even had time to relax in my cabin. Which meant I had to make a private Comm. I closed my eyes and concentrated after I activated the Comm’s System, connecting to the Caelestis Anastassia. I let my implant reach out and touch Hugo Channing’s implant. I felt the surprise as he accepted.

“Little brother. Naughty boys, the three of you are. Always getting in trouble when you are out of my sight.” I said. I felt the laughter and relief on his side… and a touch of sadness. “What happened? Who is it?”

“Rory was injured.” Rory Thorp. One of my favorite triads that comprises Janek Wojact, Hugo Channing and Rory Thorp. All ex-lovers of mine. “They said he’ll be fine in a few days. Looks like you did it again. Just in time to save another one of your loves.” I reached out with my love and let it engulf him like a tight hug.

“Then make sure you hug the two of them tight and kiss them from me.” I started as I sent the emotions from one of our previous kisses to him I had recorded for just such an occasion. I felt his body reacting to that and the happiness it caused.

“Of course Marc. Any chance of you coming over to visit?” And I know he felt the disappointment before I replied.

“No. Unfortunately not. I may not see the three of you for another three or four months. You’ll be busy, anyway. I’ll send my orders over in an encrypted signal in a few minutes.” I paused as I sent the encryption key via my implant to him. His mind acknowledges receipt. “Tell Janek don’t scratch the ship this time. They are as expensive to repair as they are to build.” I paused again and nodded to myself. We might as well have been in the same room as he felt everything I did, as if he had seen it.

“OK, big brother. Thanks for the assist, hugs and kisses. Until we meet again Marc Alexander.” He sent me back the equivalent feelings of a three-way hug and kiss from them. Which I responded to in kind. Leaving both of us happy as I disconnected and sent the information packet with my implant to the Caelestis Anastassia’s Artificial Intelligence. Once the ship acknowledged receipt, I shutdown the Comm’s and my implant. A quick snack and an hour nap, I was as good as new, returning to my duties.


Low Point Station

Mining Vessel Bear Claws

6 Months Later


Sounds of muffled machinery and people working could be heard in the well-used passageways of the Mauler Mining Vessel Model 007. Top of the line mining vessel back in the day when she was built back in Stanyear, 4315. Unfortunately, that was almost 4 decades ago, with lots of heavy use since then.

“How was Officer Candidate School?” Asked Tom as we worked. We really have had little time to talk in the past year. I worked out a deal with my family’s mining group and had hired a Captain to take Mini Borer out 3 or four times a month. Add my bonuses, plus the income from that as well as mining up in the Ice Belts of the Lynx Sector with rental ships as I worked out of Joshua Seventy-Seven Station and I had the funds to buy my first mining ship. A very used, older mining vessel.

“Aside from all the military vernacular that CONFED Navy uses, it wasn’t much of a shock to me as it was to some of the others. I was the only Junior Captain in my class though.”

“Really? How many people were there?” Asked Tom as he looked under a console.

I shrugged, “We started out with 40 but 2 people dropped out. One for medical reasons. Nice group after hours. I was not the youngest. We had two other people a few months younger than me." I said as I zeroed in on the problem. Charred microcrystalline connectors. “Can you hand me the tester again, please?” Tom moved out of my line of sight to the sounds of metal on metal as he moved the gear around to get to the tester where we left it by the other panel we had opened before he returned to hand me the probe and leads.

“Here you go,” Said Tom as he reached in.

“Thanks.” He waited while I waved the probe over the connections I was looking at. I sighed, looking at the readings while wiping my sleeve across my brow yet again. I pushed my hair back as I sat up. My head rotated a few times to work out the kinks that were caused from laying in such an awkward position, then trying to lean in and look up at the underside of the environmental unit. To top that off, the environment system had to be shutdown in order to do this work and it was getting hot and humid. Shipsuit sticking to you, with eyes burning from the salt laded sweat dripping into them, type of hot.

“Probably should have brought one of the portable units in the keep things cooler while we do this.”

I snorted. “Now you suggest it.”

Tom shrugged as he took another drink of cool water from his insulated bottle. “Actually, Captain Alexander.” His tone was playful as he spoke. “I am sure I suggested it three times, and you thought we wouldn’t need it.”

My smile was cheerful, as he did indeed suggest it. I just figured it would take longer to run the cables to power it than it would to replace the actual part. My error. I should listen to Tom more about these things. He just smiled back at me as if he knew what I was thinking.

“Yes Tom. You did. Four times, I think. I actually thought this was going to be a simple swap of old for new.” I sighed as I ran my sleeve across my brow. Again.

“Every little thing we try to do becomes a major project.” And it does. When I bought this, I ran the systems checks, but didn’t look under the panels. I should have at least had Tom to look at it, or better yet, my cousin Rhasta. He was the family expert on mining vessel engineering, but I didn’t. I slapped the deck and shifted to stand up.

“Let’s go get the cables out and run them up here so we can plug in a portable unit.”

Tom never said, I told you so. Or anything like that. He just clapped me on the back as he stood to head back down the maintenance passageway towards the main section to drop down to engineering, talking over his shoulder.

“Did you have to go to Officer Candidate School, or was there some plan behind that? I mean, you passed your Captain’s Boards.” Tom asked.

I dragged myself up and checked my Link for the time. My eyes rolled, exasperated. What should have taken us less than an hour has already dragged into three. I twisted out my back and neck before heading down the passageway after Tom. Raising my voice to be heard over the Engine Room noises from the open Engineering Hatch.

“My parents suggested it. It would open more opportunities for me as a Junior Captain if I had it in my file. It worked out good as they promoted me to full Captain, even if I was there another 4 months. I made some new friends.” I said as Tom was dragging out the heavy cabling from the emergency power locker.

“Anyone special we should know about?” he asked with a smirk.

“Well. Austin was kind of cute. Good in bed. Total idiot otherwise.”

Tom raised an eyebrow over his shoulder at me as I dragged the supposedly portable cooling unit along behind him.

“Long story.” I replied to his unanswered question.

“We appear to have time. Besides, would you rather tell me or Rachel tomorrow?” Tom asked. I thought about it, then shrugged. We were doing the crystal alignment tomorrow, and I didn’t think I wanted heavy discussions while I was doing the math involved in that operation.

“Yeah. You, I think. And you can tell her.” I said with tired resignation.

Tom chuckled, “Thought so.” So I proceeded to tell him about Austin with the red hair. Cute dimples and the fact he didn’t have the common sense of an asteroid. I didn’t mention our private talks or meetings with CONFED Intelligence, as that was why Austin was there. To talk to me covertly on their behalf. That set the stages for my other training with CONFED Navy. And Austin had a lot of common sense in private. His other persona was just a cover.

We set up the portable unit and ate lunch before continuing to allow it time to cool the space off. It was close to dinnertime by the time we finished and the unit was purring like a kitten. It only took 8 hours, more parts than I had planned on and more credits spent than what I had estimated it would cost me. My budget was literately melting before my eyes and it wasn’t because of the heat. At this rate, I’ll never finish all the repairs needed to make this old mining ship as efficient and, more importantly, reliable as I could. This just means I’ll have to scratch the plans for fixing the Mining Crystal Alignment system tomorrow, as I need to take the Mini Borer out to mine some more rock in order to keep my fledgling mining operation afloat.

Tom had already Comm’d Rachel. She was all in and I was trying to reach Brandon and Seiko. Technically, I only need four people to crew the ship, but I like to take my friends out to help them get ahead. Maybe if they could leave tonight, I could slip us into a mining group from my family’s Corporation. And the protection that provided. More importantly. Haulers to take the ore back to the refinery for us. Tom departed the mining vessel Bear Claws to head over to the Mini Borer, small and slow with only two mining lasers. She doesn’t have the strip miners that Bear Claws has, but she is all I have. I can’t afford the rent of one of the big miners anymore, as all my funds are being piled into my new relic of a miner. But that’s OK. Everyone is happy when we go out and make credits. I would like to take Valerie too, but, well, that could cause more problems. Not so much Valerie as much as it is her father. Always trying to force me into some deal or other that would only benefit him.

Tapping out another code I knew by heart and waited to be connected. “Brandon,” a male voice answered.

“Hey Bran. Is Seiko with you, by any chance?” I could hear the smile in his voice when he spoke next. “Hi Marc. Yeah, she’s just finishing up her homework for the weekend. What’s on your mind?” I felt sort of bad for asking on such short notice. They were just starting out in their relationship after trying to avoid each other for almost a year since I introduced them. They are a very good team together when we go out mining, so I always try to invite them. These mining runs give everyone their spending credits, so it’s not like I am asking them to work for free and they know it.

“I’m heading out again. I really would like to sneak out tonight, but tomorrow morning is good too. We should be back before 1900 hours on Sunday. Think the two of you could join us?” He laughed.

“Out of funds again already? Hang on, let me ask Seiko.” I heard them talking, “Usual split?” Brandon asked.

“Yes. More if I can find the right material.” He said something again and then I heard Seiko’s voice over the Link.

“Hey Marc. Do you have those great food packs aboard for this trip?” My grin spread.

“I can grab some on the way to the ship, Seiko. Which ones did you want?” She told as I tapped an order at the Chandlery for pick up on my tablet. Everyone would meet us in the hangar at 19:30 hours.


* * *


I made final checks on the ship, and Tom had already finished his preflight in Engineering. Making sure we had a full load of volatiles and water aboard before he signed off on our readiness to depart. Rachel had pulled up the latest navigation updates and grabbed the latest probe reports on the field I was planning on. My family had a mining fleet in the neighborhood, so she made the Comm to find out if they had hauler capacity for us when we joined them. That was strictly a common courtesy request to the Mining Boss. I am a Board member and part owner, even if I can’t touch my shares yet, of Alexander Industrials. They wouldn’t deny me what I had asked for and I personally knew some of the mining crews anyway since I hung out with them as much as possible to glean off any information I can. And who am I. I am Marc Alexander. Great grandson to Joshua Alexander, one of the majority founding members of Alexander Industrials, over 335 stanyears ago. Some people say I am the Star Spirit of him and are wondering just what great feat I will perform to make our Corporation even better than it already is. Or at least, how I think it is. I am biased after all.

“So how is the triad doing? I haven’t heard from Hugo lately.” Asked Tom.

“Busy. You sent him a Link message?” I paused as I glanced at Tom, who nodded. “He’ll get back to you in two weeks or so. Depending on how things go.”

“I figured it was something like that. The new ships are working out well, then?” Tom knew I would only answer in the broadest terms, as he wasn’t on the project.

“They are working better than expected. Part of that is the information coming from the Caelestis Anastassia. We’ve been making improvements to all four ships based on those ideas.”

“Then you’re happy with the crew you assembled for that ship?” Tom asked with a knowing grin.

Chuckling, I responded. “I am. Another year or two and they will come off for a station posting. I think by then they’ll be looking at Bonding and children.”

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Marc is getting important experience on ships he helped design. He helped trained the large ships and fighters  in handling asteroid combat. Luckliy, he took part in a rescue attack defeating and capturing pirates. He ended up organizing a mining project to raise funds. He brought he friends along on his venture. Marc never fails to be engaged and active and in contact with his extensive network. His security role is not disclosed.

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Good Start to the story. Marc is as gung-ho as he ever was!

I love how he keeps all his friends and lovers somewhere in the upper levels of that complicated mind of his. Are we sure he is not a Cyborg? LOL!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Sounds like this one may have more danger than the previous two, but that is life in space.

Glad that we still get glimpses of those in Marc's life, and I am sure we will get a few new ones added.

@P. E. Knapp, get it posted at your pace, hope it all goes well.

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1 hour ago, akascrubber said:

Marc is getting important experience on ships he helped design. He helped trained the large ships and fighters  in handling asteroid combat. Luckliy, he took part in a rescue attack defeating and capturing pirates. He ended up organizing a mining project to raise funds. He brought he friends along on his venture. Marc never fails to be engaged and active and in contact with his extensive network. His security role is not disclosed.

Thanks for the comment akascrubber!


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1 hour ago, Al Norris said:

Good Start to the story. Marc is as gung-ho as he ever was!

I love how he keeps all his friends and lovers somewhere in the upper levels of that complicated mind of his. Are we sure he is not a Cyborg? LOL!!! 🤣🤣🤣

Thanks for the comment Al Norris!


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2 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

Sounds like this one may have more danger than the previous two, but that is life in space.

Glad that we still get glimpses of those in Marc's life, and I am sure we will get a few new ones added.

@P. E. Knapp, get it posted at your pace, hope it all goes well.

Thanks for the comment and well wishes centexhairysub!

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