Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Castaway Hotel - 1 - 15. Chapter 15 - Our Trip Begins
Danny decided that he wanted to invite Brandon O’Hara on our little trip, which wasn’t much of a surprise. Ricky wanted to ask Jay Curtis, the redheaded boy who played first base on his baseball team – the boy he had slept next to the night of his birthday party. I talked to both boys’ parents and they thanked us for our offer and agreed to let their sons go with us. They asked what the boys would need to bring with them and I quickly gave them some ideas. I informed them their sons should bring their toothbrushes, a comb or brush, sneakers, a pair of sandals or thongs, and enough clothes to last for three weeks, some for warm weather and some for the cooler nights and miserable days. Although I didn’t request it, and even tried to politely refuse their offers, both sets of parents insisted on giving me money to help cover their son’s expenses. When I realized they weren’t going to take ‘no’ for an answer, I graciously accepted, but I intended only to use their money to do even more for their sons.
I planned this trip out on a daily basis, because I’m a fanatic about doing as much as I can on vacations. I was able to reserve some of the tickets and a few of the hotel/motel rooms in advance; because I was concerned some things might be sold out or booked up by the time we arrived. I also made sure there was a nice mix of educational and recreational activities along the way, because I wanted the boys to remember this outing for a long time. I thought it would be nice if they could learn as much as they could and still have a good time. All in all, it was going to be a very hectic schedule, but it would also give us an opportunity to grow even closer as a family. In addition to that, it would afford the boys and me an opportunity to get to know their friends even better, as well. We were set to leave on Sunday after church, July 26th, and we would stay at a motel just outside of Washington DC to begin with. That would allow us to get an early start on our plans the next morning.
The O’Haras and Curtises dropped their sons off around 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, since they were both joining us for services, and helped them stow their luggage in the van. There were the usual admonitions from the parents, as they told their sons to behave, do everything I told them, be careful, stay together and so on. The boys nodded their understanding, while reassuring their folks verbally that they would do everything they had been told. It was then that the kissing, hugging and tears began, mostly from the mothers, but I saw both Brandon and Jay were slightly affected too. Realizing we had to get going, I urged the boys into the van, informed the parents that I would have their sons call home every few nights (to put their mothers’ minds at ease) and I reminded all of the adults we would return the weekend of August 15th. As we drove away, the parents were waving, but the mothers were also weeping, and the boys were getting into their vacation mode.
After what seemed to be an unusually long church service, we started out. The boys were talking excitedly, trying to pump me for information about what I had planned, and when I wouldn’t divulge the information they wanted to know, they tried to guess what I had in store for them. You see, I love surprises and I wanted as much of this trip, as possible, to be a surprise for them too.
From what I had observed during the short time I had known him, Jay was usually shy around adults, but he could be a real hellion when he was with other kids. He was two inches taller than Ricky, at 5’4”, but shorter than the other two boys. Danny had sprouted up over the summer and was nearly 5’6” now, and Brandon had grown to 5’5”. Jay appearance made him stand out a little, as he had red hair, green eyes and a milky-white complexion. He was thin, but I think lanky would be a better description for him, because he was often very awkward in his movements and even clumsy at times. I think that’s why the coach put him at first base, as those qualities weren’t as noticeable and didn’t come into play as often there. Even so, Jay still elicited more than his share of chuckles during the season, due to some of the less than graceful things he did while he was batting, fielding or running the bases. It was most likely just a phase he was going through, and one that he would outgrow over time, so we tried to ignore it as much as possible. We didn’t want to make him feel more uncomfortable than he already was, which wasn’t always an easy thing to do.
Riding with the boys had its ups and downs. At first they merely looked out the window and enjoyed the scenery, but after about an hour, they started to become restless and even a little irritable. I overheard a couple of minor disagreements in the back, as the various boys objected to something someone else was doing. It never became serious enough that I had to get involved, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t irritating when it happened. In an effort to divert their attention from each other, I stopped at a convenience store and let them pick out some snacks and drinks, and when we got back to the car, I also let them pick the music they wanted to listen to. That helped to prevent any further flare-ups between them for a while, as we continued on our way.
We reached the motel, just outside the nation’s capital, in the early evening. We unpacked our things and got settled in, taking a brief walk around the area to check things out. By the time we got back to our room, the boys were begging to eat, so I had everyone clean up and change as quickly as they could. I decided to take them to one of the restaurants we had passed when we took our walk, and they seemed to be fine with that idea. The establishment wasn’t elegant, but it was nice, and the food was quite good. Even though we had a pleasant meal, our time there wasn’t without problems.
About halfway through dinner, Jay managed to knock over his water glass, sending its contents all over the place. In an effort to redeem himself, Jay grabbed his napkin and tried to soak the water up, but that’s when he managed to knock over Ricky’s water glass too. All of the boys jumped to his rescue, as they used their own napkins to absorb the puddle of liquid that was spreading across the table, and while they did that, I restrained Jay from doing further damage. I urged him to sit down and let the rest of us clean up his mess, and out of frustration, he did as I requested. That might not have been a wise move on my part, however, because that’s when he noticed the people at several other tables were trying unsuccessfully to stifle their laughter. This embarrassed him tremendously, but once they noticed my disapproving glare, they managed to regain control of themselves and go back to what they were doing. After I soothed Jay’s bruised psyche, we got through the rest of the meal without further incident, but I still felt bad for Jay.
After dinner, I took the boys back to the motel and we settled-in for the night. We would be spending the next four nights here, using it as our base of operation. It would afford us a reasonably priced place to stay, it wasn’t very far away from the places we planned to visit and it was conveniently located near several major routes.
I had rented a double room, one with two king-size beds in it, and then I had the motel place a cot in the room too. I was going to let each pair of boys sleep together in one of the king-size beds, and I was prepared to sleep on the folding bed. As soon as the cot was set up, Ricky objected to my sleeping on it. He stated, quite forcefully.
“You’re paying for everything and should be able to sleep in a nice bed too, rather than on that somewhat flimsy thing,” he told me, while pointing at the cot. I told him not to worry about it and I would be fine, but he wasn’t finished.
“No way! You can sleep with me and Jay. Were smaller than Danny and Brandon and the bed is plenty big enough, so you can sleep on one side and I’ll sleep in the middle.” All of the boys sided with Ricky and I eventually ended up giving in. Later that evening, I crawled into bed beside him and I would not pay for another cot during the remainder of the trip.
We needed to get an early start in the morning, but I wanted everyone to enjoy a good night’s sleep first, so I announced bedtime would be at 9:00 p.m. Immediately, the boys began to argue with me. “Aw, come on, Dad,” Danny whined. “This is our vacation. We shouldn’t have to go to bed THAT early.”
“Yeah, Dad,” Ricky added. “Can’t we stay up until at least eleven?”
“I will be waking you up at 6:00 a.m. and we’ll probably be doing a lot of walking tomorrow, so what do you think?” The boys hurriedly discussed this among themselves, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. Finally, one of them responded to my question.
“Mr. Currie, what if we go to bed at ten instead?” Brandon countered, making me realize I had two issues to deal with here.
“If you can promise me that none of you will give me any trouble when I wake you up and you’ll be able to get going immediately,” I offered, “then I will accept letting you stay up until ten.” All the boys flashed me a grin. “However,” I continued, “there is another problem we have to address.” They all looked confused. “You and Jay have to stop calling me Mr. Currie on this trip,” I told Brandon. The boys looked relieved to hear my problem was that simple, yet I could tell Brandon and Jay were both a little apprehensive about how they were going to resolve this.
“What SHOULD we call you then?” Jay asked, trying to clarify what I wanted.
“You could call me Josh,” I told them. “I wouldn’t mind that.”
“No way!” Brandon objected, looking concerned. “My parents would kill me if I called you by your first name.”
“Mine too,” Jay chimed in. “So what now?” This left me to wondering what I was going to suggest next.
“I didn’t expect you to have a problem with this,” I confessed, “so I guess I’ll have to think of something else.”
“Dad, I might have an idea,” Ricky offered, though he stopped before telling me what it was. I surmised he wanted my approval, before he shared his thoughts.
“Okay, what is it?” I asked him.
“Well, my mom used to have me call all her boyfriends ‘Uncle whatever’ when I was allowed to go places with them,” he told us. “So what if Brandon and Jay called you Uncle Josh?”
I was impressed by his suggestion. “That would be fine with me,” I conceded. “Would it be all right with you?” I asked, Brandon and Jay.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Brandon answered for the both of them. “I don’t think my parents would have any problems with that.” Jay was nodding his agreement, rather than verbalizing it.
“Okay, then it’s settled,” I announced, “and I like that better than hearing someone saying ‘Mr. Currie’ all the time. I get enough of that at school.” The boys chuckled when I made that comment, because they all attended my school and understood what I was referring to.
The four of them decided to turn on the television once the name problem had been solved, but I had something else they need to do. In order to insure that we didn’t fall behind in the morning, I told the boys they’d have to shower tonight. I did this because I knew my boys like to take lengthy showers and that could throw everything off in the morning. I reasoned that since I had given in to them about their bedtime, they could do this for me. Although they were not totally convinced, they did still agree to it.
I also recommended they shower in pairs, to save even more time, but that didn’t work out as I had hoped. In making my apparently naïve suggestion, I didn’t realize I was setting up something other than just bathing. As I would later discover, some interesting contacts were about to take place in the bathroom, which would eliminate the time saving factor. The only thing that would work in my favor was that they would be ready to get started after I woke them the next morning.
Ricky and Jay went first, and they were in the shower cleaning up when Jay asked Ricky a rather personal question. “Ricky, have you ever touched another boy’s dick before?”
Ricky looked at him, uncertain as to how he should respond. He studied Jay’s face and realized his friend appeared to be sincere and eager to know the answer to his inquiry, and he wasn’t just trying to pry into Ricky’s business. Ricky took a gamble and answered him truthfully. “Yeah, I’ve touched my brother’s wiener before,” he admitted. “We’ve even jerked each other off a few times.”
Jay hesitated before he spoke again. “Would you mind doing that with me?” he asked, tentatively. The two boys were facing each other at the time and Ricky could see the pleading look in Jay’s eyes. “I don’t have any brothers,” Jay continued, “and I never dared to ask anybody else. I’m not gay, Ricky, but I would like to know what it’s like to do something like that.”
“I know,” Ricky admitted. “That’s why me and Danny did it - we were curious too.” Ricky was going to stop after admitting that, but he thought he needed to say something to ease a concern Jay had brought up. “Hey, just because you do something with another boy,” Ricky added, “it doesn’t mean you’re gay or anything.”
Jay immediately smiled and noticeably relaxed, after hearing his friend say that, so Ricky took that opportunity to take a peek at Jay’s 5.5” hooded cock. He was surprised to notice that it was already beginning to get stiff and they hadn’t even started to do anything yet. Ricky also noticed that Jay had a scattered growth of red hairs around the base of his dick, even more hair than he had. Ricky had seen Jay naked before, in the changing room when we went swimming, but he’d never noticed his pubic patch before. Seeing Jay had the only uncircumcised penis Ricky had ever seen, Ricky was always more interested in checking it out instead. This was also the reason Ricky was so eager to mess around with Jay, so he could check out those differences for himself.
“I think this is going to be a lot of fun,” Ricky commented. “I’ve never touched an uncut wiener before.” Jay’s grin broadened, when he heard Ricky admit that, and then he noticed Ricky was reaching out for his inflated rod. Tenderly, Ricky let his fingers wrap around Jay’s turgid shaft and he stroked it a few times, from the front. When Jay didn’t object, Ricky reached his other hand between Jay’s legs and began to fondle his testicles. Jay was thoroughly enjoying the attention he was getting from Ricky’s hands and eagerly encouraged his friend to continue.
“That feels real nice, Ricky. Keep doing it. I want you to make me squirt.” Ricky decided he could masturbate Jay more easily if he stood behind him, rather than in front, so he repositioned himself and started to stroke the redhead’s dick from behind. Ricky enthusiastically pumped it back and forth, intrigued by how the milky white prepuce slid back and forth over the dark red glans, like it was playing hide-and-go-seek. The sensations his actions were producing caused Jay to whimper. “Oh, yes, Ricky. That feels so good. Do it faster and make me squirt. Oh, wow, that is so good.” Even though they were being somewhat loud, the sounds of the shower and the exhaust fan kept us from hearing anything that was being said.
Ricky picked up the pace and soon he could feel Jay’s prick begin to throb. Ricky knew that meant Jay was about to explode and send his creamy seed flying out of his cock-head. “Yes, Ricky, I feel it. I’m going to squirt – a lot. Yes, yes, mmmmmmmm.” Ricky’s hand was a blur now, as it slid up and down the shaft, and Jay threw his head back and let loose with four strong volleys of hot boy spunk. Ricky kept pumping on Jay’s penis, even as the flow of his juices slowed to a trickle, but then Ricky finally stopped.
Ricky had also been helping Jay remain upright, as Jay’s legs seemed to grow weak after his climax, and Ricky waited for his friend’s strength to return. While he waited for Jay to recover, Ricky rolled and squeezed Jay’s loose foreskin between his fingers and then he amused himself further by pulling the hood back, exposing the crown, before returning it to its normal position. Ricky couldn’t get enough of playing with this novel new toy, but Jay finally distracted him. “Oh, thank you, Ricky. Thank you, so much. I loved that. It felt so good. Do you want me to do you now?”
Ricky nodded and Jay immediately reached out and grabbed Ricky’s 5” inch member. Jay had never touched any penis, other than his own, and this one was circumcised, unlike his. He let his fingers roam over the bright pink head and around the section of the shaft where the operation had been performed. He began to rub and pull on Ricky’s scrotum, while he was fingering his boyhood, enjoying all of these new activities. Ricky also liked the feel of Jay’s bony fingers running over his joystick, as it felt different from Danny’s hand or his own grip. Ricky decided he should try to encourage the novice, so he wouldn’t suddenly stop, before he had finished the task. “That’s great, Jay. You’re doing really well. Yeah, just like that. Oh, keep going. Faster, oh yes, faster. That’s it, keep it up.”
Jay was emboldened by Ricky’s comments and jacked him even faster. He felt Ricky’s pole expand in his hand and Ricky was making all sorts of strange sounds. Jay realized it wasn’t quite the same as when he played with himself, because his hand didn’t slide as easily up and down Ricky’s mast, like it did on his own. Jay concluded this must be because of the missing skin. He surmised, that since there wasn’t any loose skin to glide up and over the head, each stroke seemed to come to a sudden and abrupt halt. This train of thought was broken, however, when Ricky began to speak.
“Faster, Jay, faster,” he pleaded. “I’m ready to shoot. Faster, oh yes, here it cuuuuuums. Aaaargh.” Ricky’s hard-on spewed five watery bursts onto the shower wall and he clung to Jay, to keep from falling over. Jay didn’t let that slow down what he was doing, though, and continued to work on Ricky erection, until he had milked the last drops of the sperm from his now deflating rod. Nothing more was said, until Ricky descended from his high.
“Thanks, Jay, that was awesome,” he complimented his friend, before suddenly remembering the admonition I had given him and his brother before we left. “Uh, Jay, you’ve got to do me a favor,” Ricky told him. “You’ve got to promise you won’t say anything to anyone, ever! I don’t want anybody saying shit about us. Promise?”
“Yes. I don’t want anyone doing that, either,” Jay agreed. “I won’t tell anyone, as long as I live.” Reassured by the other’s pledge, the boys got out of the shower, dried off quickly, wrapped their towels around their waists, and left the bathroom. Danny and Brandon were waiting for them as they came through the door.
“It sure took you two long enough,” they chimed in together, as huge grins spread across their faces. Both of the younger boys were somewhat embarrassed by the implication and stammered. Ricky recovered first.
“The hot water felt so good on our bodies that we didn’t want to get out.”
“Yeah, sure,” Brandon shot back, as he and Danny entered the bathroom next.
Jay and Ricky looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and got out some clean underwear. They dropped their towels on the floor, not caring that I was there to see them without anything on, and they even took their time dressing. Once they were finished, they went over and sat on the small sofa and watched TV.
Danny and Brandon were now in the shower, lathering up. Danny accidentally, or maybe on purpose, backed into Brandon as he was rinsing off. Brandon immediately popped a boner and Danny turned around and saw it. “Did I do that?” he said, pointing at Brandon’s flagpole and flashing a grin. “Seeing I caused it,” he continued, “maybe I should help you get rid of it.”
He reached for Brandon’s 6” cut member and Brandon snapped at him. “No!” Danny was momentarily frightened that he had made a serious error in judgment, having assumed the rumors to be true and concluding that Brandon was gay and would appreciate his offer.
“Not with your hand,” Brandon bit off the words sharply, but then he began to soften. “Let me get you hard first, and then we can rub them together, almost like we’re f**king.” Danny let the air escape from his lungs, as he had been holding his breath since he first began to think he had made a major mistake. Brandon reached out and stroked Danny’s cock until it was as hard as his own, causing Danny to feel better about the situation. During this time, Danny also remembered my warning to him and spoke to Brandon about it.
“Brand, if we do this, you’ve got to promise me you’ll never tell anyone else. Okay? And I promise I won’t say anything to anybody either. I don’t want more rumors flying around about you and I certainly don’t want them spreading around about me.”
Brandon looked embarrassed by this statement, and swallowed hard a few times in between, but he still managed to respond. “Don’t worry, Danny. I won’t tell anyone.” There was a slight, awkward pause after he said this, while he debated if he wanted to press the issue further. “Is that why you were so quick to try to grab my stiffie, because you thought I was a queer?”
“No, Brandon. I didn’t think that. I like you. You’re a good friend. I wasn’t even sure the stories about you were true. Heck, you may not be any more gay than my dad (little did he know), but I just thought we were friends and we might be able to have some fun together.”
Brandon’s face seemed to brighten after that comment. “Yeah, we’re just friends having a little fun,” he concluded.
Danny debated with himself for a few seconds, as he tried to decide if he should ask his next question. Finally, he got up the courage to do so. “Are you gay, Brandon? I mean… well… it won’t make any difference if you are, but I just kind of wanted to know. I won’t like you any less and it won’t change how I act toward you or anything,” he added, trying to make Brandon comfortable enough to answer him.
After thinking about how he wanted to handle this, Brandon decided to be truthful with Danny, because he liked him so much. It did take him a few seconds to summon his courage to speak, though. He might have even been a little hopeful that possibly something more could come from this encounter. “I hope I can believe you and trust what you say,” he told Danny, before he paused briefly. Danny was eagerly nodding his head to confirm that he was telling the truth and Brandon could trust him. “Yes, I am,” Brandon finally admitted.
Danny could still tell that Brandon was still a little worried about his reaction, so he immediately set out to reassure him. “I really meant it, Brand, and it’s okay. I think I’m gay, too,” he confided, which seemed to shock Brandon.
“I didn’t know that,” Brandon admitted, slightly in awe.
“Yeah,” Danny told him. “I’ve been attracted to other boys for quite some time now, but I’ve only told my dad and brother that. No one else knows I feel that way.”
“You told your dad!” Brandon blurted out, incredulous.
“Yeah. My real dad found pictures I had of naked guys on our computer and kicked me out of the house because I was a fag,” Danny admitted. “My new dad, Mr. Currie, knew about it when I came to live with him, but he was really cool about it. He just told me that I’d have to be extra careful, if I did anything with someone else. He’s just worried that I’ll get hurt, if any of the other kids find out that I’m gay.” There was another slight pause in the conversation, before Danny continued. “You know, if you ever wanted to talk to anybody about any of this, I’m sure my dad would be willing to do what he could for you too. I know he wouldn’t make you feel uncomfortable about it. He’s a great guy and I’d bet he’d help you too, like he’s helped me.” Brandon just studied Danny’s face for a second or two, before he responded.
“I’ll think about it, but we better get started, if we’re going to do this. You know your brother and Jay are going to want to get back at us, for what we said to them earlier.” Danny agreed and they quickly stroked each other back to arousal, because their conversation had made them both go limp again. That might have been due to nerves or the topic of conversation, but it didn’t last for very long.
Once they were both hard again, Brandon pulled Danny tightly against his body and adjusted their love muscles, so they were rubbing against each other. Once they were in the desired position, he started to thrust his hips, up and down, so their embracing bodies were performing the act of masturbation. Danny caught on to what Brandon was doing and began to match his friend’s movements. Both boys were enjoying the feeling of their penises being rubbed by the other’s cock and abdomen, and this friction caused a wave of sensations to ripple through their adolescent frames. They continued to thrust against each other, as if in some ritualistic mating dance, and both were moaning and panting, while their hands were roaming over each other’s back and butt.
As they became more involved in this sensual dance, they began to push harder and faster, which sent bolts of electricity shooting out in both directions. Some of these sensations shot toward their head and shoulders, while the rest moved toward their legs and feet. As they kept humping against each other, both boys began to feel the crescendo building between them, and they sensed their nut sacs drawing up against their bodies, as their sausages continued to swell even more. When that magical moment arrived, both boys arched their bodies in opposite directions, yelping unintelligible words to one another, while their dicks exploded in pure delight. Shot after shot of hot boy jism splashed between their two bodies and they were soon coated in a white slime, which served as a sealant as their bodies pressed together.
Danny threw his hands against the back of Brandon’s head, so he could draw him forward into a passionate kiss, and his tongue forced its way into Brandon’s shocked mouth. Once he realized how much he wanted this too, Brandon relaxed and let his lips part slightly, allowing Danny to proceed. As their two tongues slid against each other, they were able to sample the taste of their counterpart, something they both enjoyed. Brandon yielded to Danny’s exploration first, so Danny let his oral muscle eagerly explore the lining of his friend’s mouth. When Danny’s tongue had been fully extended into Brandon’s mouth, Brandon suckled on it for a moment, and then the boys let their tongues swap places. Just as eagerly, Brandon’s tongue began to explore Danny’s oral cavern, moving around his sensitive lining and over his teeth. Eventually, they ended their kiss and broke their embrace, when they realized it was time to leave their steamy love nest.
“Thanks, Brandon, that was awesome,” Danny admitted, “and I’m glad you suggested this. I’ve never done anything like that before.”
“No, thank you, Danny,” Brandon countered, still slightly breathless, “for being such a good friend and for not caring what people were saying about me. Not many people will be my friend, because of the gossip, even if they are gay themselves. They act like I have a contagious disease or something.”
“Don’t let it bother you any more,” Danny comforted him. “You’re a great guy and I’m not going to let anyone give either of us any crap.” Brandon thought it was time to give Danny another kiss, to reward him for his sweet answer, so they locked lips once more. After another few seconds, they ended this kiss too, and Danny spoke again.
“I don’t really want to stop,” he admitted, “but we’d better rinse this stuff off us and then get dry, so we can get out there with the others. If we don’t, they’re going to start knocking on the door and wondering what we’re up to.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Brandon agreed, “but thanks for everything. It was really wonderful.”
Both boys dried off quickly and left the bathroom. They were prepared for the other boys’ comments when they emerged, and therefore weren’t disappointed as they walked into the main room. “Man, you guys thought WE took a long time,” Ricky began, the moment the door opened. “You two were in there MUCH longer than we were.”
“Yeah,” Jay chimed in, “MUCH longer than we were.”
“You were right,” Brandon shot back, nonplussed. “The hot water did feel really good.”
“Besides,” Danny continued, “we’ve got more to wash. Especially in certain areas,” he added, with a wink, before he and Brandon let their towels fall to the floor, to emphasize their point. They continued to stand their like that for a second or two, before they went off in search of clean underwear, making sure Ricky and Jay got a good look at what they meant.
After that little display, there was no feigning of modesty between the foursome. They undressed and paraded around nude on a regular basis, from that moment on, without exhibiting a care in the world. Hell, they didn’t even worry if I was around and saw them exposing themselves either. During the remainder of the vacation, I was to be treated to a never-ending display of gorgeous, youthful male flesh. It was a feast for the eyes and far surpassed anything a museum curator could have organized along those lines. If this was the type of scenery I’d get to behold, we might have to take more vacations together.
Now that each of them was clean and dry, I shooed them off to bed. Of course, being exhausted from the drive, I turned in at the same time. My little blond haired monster spooned his body against mine the entire evening. It was far and away the best night’s sleep I’ve enjoyed since my wife died. I wonder if that little shit knew what he was doing to me? Yeah, I have a feeling he knew all too well.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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