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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
[Disclaimer] My stories are about erotic, sensual, and emotional connections between gay men. Albeit romantic, sweet, and uplifting, they also contain rough, sometimes edgy sex scenes between consenting partners. If that kind of sexual display is in any way triggering for you, I suggest you do not proceed with this particular story.

The Good Son - 3. Drawn To The Blood



[In a not-too-distant past]

"Hi!" the 8-year-old, big-eyed boy sounded. "What's your name?" he asked, his small hand stretched in greeting.

He had been secretly staring at the curly raven-haired kid, transfixed by his spell-binding blue eyes, for over fifteen minutes before finally mustering the courage to walk over to him and introduce himself. The boy sat on a small bench facing the school courtyard, where the popular kids played ball, and the girls wandered by the edges, giggling discreetly.

"Elliot." The blue-eyed boy mumbled in a shy manner.

"I'm Gabriel." The brown-haired boy replied, a smile pushing through his smooth features.

Elliot slowly lifted his head, his hand over it as he tried to block the sun from his eyes. He looked around, confused, and scanned Gabriel attentively, unsure why he approached him.

"What are you doing?" Gabriel enthusiastically asked. Elliot just sat there, silently peeking at Gabriel. "I've noticed you never bring snacks to recess," Gabriel remarked, immediately realizing Elliot's discomfort.

"I don't have any." Elliot divulged.

"My Dad always packs me an extra one. Here!" Gabriel offered, extending his hand. He was holding a chocolate cereal bar.

Elliot darted around, surveying the surroundings before taking the bar from Gabriel's fingers. He ripped the plastic over it and took a clumsy bite, his eyes rolling as he did. Gabriel could notice how starved he was.

"Can I sit down?" Gabriel asked. Elliot nodded as he munched ferociously on the chocolate snack, so Gabriel sat beside him, beaming. His eyes scoured Elliot, drilling for answers to infinite questions his inquisitive mind posed. "Did your parents forget to give you lunch money?" He questioned, to which Elliot just shook his head. "Want some of my juice?" He offered, extending his hand again. Elliot glanced at the orange juice and held it, sucking on the straw energetically. Gabriel couldn't help but smile at his delight.

"Thanks..." Elliot's voice uttered as his blue eyes finally locked on Gabriel, squinting. "She keeps forgetting..." He muttered.

"Your mother?" Gabriel asked.

"No. My aunt." Elliot replied. "I live with her." He said, giving the now half-empty orange juice back to Gabriel.

"Do you go the whole day without eating?" Gabriel asked, his voice slowing down as he realized he rarely saw Elliot eat at lunch break. Elliot remained silent. After the initial surprise, Gabriel leaned back in his chair, pondering. "I can ask my Dad to pack some extra stuff. Then, we can meet here at lunch break and share," Gabriel suggested.

"Why?" Elliot asked, bewildered by Gabriel's sudden act of kindness as if such emotion were foreign to him.

"I don't know..." Gabriel reacted, shrugging.

Elliot came from a broken home. His parents split a few months after he was born and eventually decided to give him up for adoption. His mother's sister interceded, but taking care of Elliot and providing him with a loving home was far from her true motivation. Instead, she attempted to take advantage of the system by accepting the boy into her care as his legal guardian so she could collect his child support fee, using it to feed her personal alcohol and drug addiction.

Elliot's existence was far from pleasant. But inside his broken spirit, his heart still yearned for love. His eyes scanned Gabriel, entranced by his empathy.

"Dude, you're weird," he said, smiling. Elliot's smile was beautiful, bright, innocent, and contagious. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said, standing up and leaving Gabriel alone on the bench, his mouth slightly opened.

The next day, Elliot sat in the same spot, monitoring the courtyard. After ten minutes, his eyes flared as he finally spotted Gabriel struggling to run across the cement basketball field with two lunch bags that dangled between his little legs as he walked, slapping them.

Suddenly, one of the balls hit Gabriel out of nowhere, knocking him to the ground. Elliot immediately straightened himself on the bench as he noticed a group of kids approaching Gabriel, snickering.

"Get the fuck off our field!" One of them hollered.

"Can't you see we're playing, Daddy's boy?" Another bully shouted.

Gabriel, still muddled from the fall and trying to gather some of the stuff that had fallen from one of the lunch bags, barely had time to respond when one of the boys in the group booted his leg, making him fall over again.

"Leave him alone, Tommy!" A girl from a small group sitting on the benches hollered.

The bully glimpsed at her, scowling, while the others laughed at Gabriel's unresponsive behavior.

"Faggot." The bully whispered as he raised his hand, signaling one of his friends to pass him the ball.

He lifted his arms, ready to lunge the ball back at Gabriel, who closed his eyes just in time to see a shadow scuttling from the side. Elliot pushed the bully with such brutal force that the boy rolled on the cement floor several times, eventually stopping with his body facing up and his arms raised. Elliot rushed to him and saddled the boy, his knees locking the bully's arms in place as he pounded his face into a pulp. Gabriel opened his eyes, following the girly screams coming from the benches. As he locked his sight on Elliot, he was already strolling over to him, a stern look on his face. He reached Gabriel and extended his hand, grabbing his friend and pulling him up, proceeding to pick up the two lunch bags from the floor.

"C'mon, dude," Elliot instructed, walking away.

Gabriel stood up and followed him, occasionally glancing back as the bully furiously bashed his friends as they tried to help him off the ground.

"Don't ever let them speak to you like that," Elliot commented as he sat on the bench, opening one of the lunch bags and poking inside.

"Sorry." Gabriel apologized, his eyes transfixed on Elliot, who turned to face him.

"Can I have the chocolate one?" He asked, winking at Gabriel, who nodded and smiled back.

"I don't like fighting," Gabriel explained, his voice soft and delicate.

"I figured," Elliot muttered, taking a bite of the tuna sandwich wrapped in aluminum foil. He then exhaled and leaned back on the bench, looking at the group of bullies slowly dispersing in the distance. "Don't worry. I got your back." He professed, glancing at Gabriel.

From that day forward, Elliot never let Gabriel out of his sight. At school, nobody dared to touch Gabriel again. And as time went on, Elliot and Gabriel became inseparable. Where one went, the other followed.

Roughly three months later, they were meeting before classes and walking together to school. Gabriel lived in the upper part of town, unlike Elliot, who lived on the outskirts, so the boy walked approximately two and a half miles from his aunt's house daily to meet his friend. His shoes were worn out by now, and Gabriel could sometimes smell a damp odor in his friend's clothes. Gabriel frequently felt the urge to say something and try to help, but he knew it would vex Elliot, so he kept it to himself.

One day, after an uneventful day at school, they left to go home when Elliot unexpectedly stalled Gabriel.

"Dude, wanna hang out?" He asked.

"Now?" Gabriel replied, puzzled. "I don't know. My Dad will get worried if I'm not home once he gets back from work." He explained, witnessing Elliot's dismay.

"Okay..." Elliot mumbled. "I'll see you tomorrow then." He uttered, turning his back to Gabriel and walking away, his back arched.

Gabriel felt an eery feeling but decided to proceed home regardless. The next day, he left his house and strode to their regular meeting place, waiting patiently for Elliot. But after 15 minutes, Gabriel began to fret. It was common for Elliot to arrive on time. After another 10 minutes of standing there, nervously scanning every street exit, Gabriel gave in. Remembering one time Elliot mentioned where he lived, and sure that his choice would upset his father, Gabriel decided to go to Elliot's house.

He walked for 30 minutes, all the way into the outskirts of town, over the railway, and into the district's slums. As soon as he stepped inside the shady neighborhood, Gabriel felt his chest tighten and throat lock. But whatever he felt for Elliot was strong enough to make the little 8-year-old Gabriel traverse that dangerous neck of the woods, eventually reaching Elliot's place, a beaten-down house next to a large trailer park. As soon as he stopped in front of the busted gate, he started to hear yelling.

"Go feed the fucking dog, you little shit!" A female voice hollered from inside the house, followed by the loud sound of shattering glass.

Seconds later, the side door opened, and Elliot stepped out, his shirt sleeve skimming his face as he soaked the tears off. Gabriel followed his movements through the fence around the front of the house, peeking through it as he silently observed. Elliot went to the back, opening a metal gate housing a large German Shepherd.

"Hey, baby girl. Hungry?" Elliot mumbled in a soothing voice. He sat next to the dog as she ate from the bowl, seemingly unbothered by the boy's presence.

Elliot filled the water bowl, collected the food can, and turned around, ready to walk back inside, when he spotted Gabriel watching him from the sidewalk. Elliot immediately looked inside the house with a panicked look and rushed to the front of the house to meet his friend.

"What are you doing here, dude?" He questioned nervously.

"You didn't show up to school." Gabriel innocently explained, confused by his friend's unease.

"I can't go to school," Elliot informed, shame clung to his statement.

"Why?" Gabriel drilled.

"I just can't, okay?" Elliot fired, making Gabriel's eyes flare as he stumbled back. "Look, I'm sorry. It's just...it's complicated," he uttered.

"Are you coming tomorrow?" Gabriel insisted.

"I don't know. Just leave, Gabriel...if she sees you here, she'll flip." Elliot remarked, looking at Gabriel.

"I brought your lunch bag," Gabriel said, lifting his right arm.

Suddenly, from beneath Elliot's concerned look, a smile appeared. He suddenly looked back, glancing at the house as he seemingly pondered something.

"Elliot, get the fuck in here, now!" The woman's voice shrieked from inside.

Elliot placed his finger over his mouth, warning Gabriel to keep quiet.

"Stay here. I'll be right back," he instructed, turning around and entering the house through the side door.

Gabriel stood behind the fence, his eyes flashing in anticipation, and it wasn't long before he began to hear a loud brawl coming from inside. There was screaming, hollering, and things breaking. And then suddenly, Elliot flew through the front door, holding his backpack and a ball of crumpled money in his tiny hand.

"RUN!" He screamed, jumping over the fence and dragging Gabriel with him.

"Come back here! Mother fucker!" The woman hollered as she broke through the front door, sounding raspy and aggravated.

The two boys ran through the street, screaming and giggling with exhilaration. It was the most electrifying feeling Gabriel had ever felt, and as they sprinted and Elliot smiled at him, Gabriel could feel himself get drawn to this boy's freedom and untamed nature. They rushed past the trailer park to the abandoned train station, hopping inside one of the old, rusted carriages. They lingered there for a while, ensuring no one followed them, before collapsing on the floor, exhausted but elated.

They lay next to each other, their shoulders touching, when Elliot turned to face Gabriel, who looked at him with awe. Elliot gently punched Gabriel on his arm. Gabriel reacted, and soon, they were playfully wrestling on the dirty floor of that abandoned carriage until their bodies tired, and they fell back, their chests moving up and down in perfect coordination.

"I won't be able to return for a few days," Elliot revealed, his eyes locked on the carriage ceiling, which had a large hole, big enough for the blue sky to pierce through.

"Where will you stay?" Gabriel questioned, muddled.

"I'll manage. Sometimes, I sneak into the school's gym. Sometimes I stay here. Don't worry. It's just until my aunt cools off." Elliot explained as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world.

Gabriel looked at his friend, his eyes glistening as the sun peeking through the ceiling hole lit them. Even though they had just met, Gabriel felt a connection to Elliot, an inexplicable bond. Only his father was able to provide a sense of serenity. So, unbeknownst to his will, he leaned forward and kissed Elliot's cheek. And to his surprise, Elliot didn't pull away.

"What was that for?" Elliot asked, his arms crossed behind his head, a benign expression on his face.

"Nothing," Gabriel uttered before rolling to the side and standing up. "C'mon." He instructed.

"Where are we going?" Elliot questioned.

"My house. You'll stay there." Gabriel clarified.

"Won't your Dad be pissed?" Elliot asked, sounding cautious.

"Don't worry about that," Gabriel reassured, beaming at Elliot, who smiled right back.

They got up, dusted themselves off, and walked two and a half miles back to Gabriel's house, chatting and laughing all the way there, and for the first and only time in his life, Gabriel missed school that day.

They arrived at the house, stinking and sweating buckets. They ended up eating what Gabriel brought on the lunch bags as they sat on the small steps of the front porch. Time flew by, and they fell asleep on the small patch of grass just outside the house, where Gabriel had installed a small tent. An hour later, they awoke to a deep voice outside the tent.

"You better have a good explanation for why you missed school today, Bud," the voice said.

"Dad!" Gabriel shouted, propelling forward like a slingshot, making Elliot bounce up, startled.

He stood there, squeezed inside the tent with his arms around his legs as Gabriel lunged into his father's arms. He became immediately mesmerized at how his friend's small body quickly faded inside these big, powerful arms and hands that seemed to hold him most delicately.

"Who's this?" Jonathan questioned, his eyes gazing at Elliot.

"This is Elliot. My friend from school I told you about." Gabriel replied, excited to have them finally meet. Jonathan carefully placed Gabriel on the floor and crouched, his eyes peeking inside the tent.

"Hey there, Elliot." Jonathan greeted, his beautiful smile pushing through. Elliot felt instantly hooked. Jonathan oozed a gentle masculinity unfamiliar to young Elliot yet utterly mesmerizing. "Are you coming out, or what?" He teased, his eyes flickering at the boy.

Elliot crawled out, battling an unusual feeling. For some reason, he felt shy. He finally stood in front of Jonathan with his hands crossed behind him.

"I'm Jonathan. Nice to meet you." He welcomed, extending his hand, which the boy reluctantly shook. "Heard a lot about you." Jonathan razzed, playfully pinching his fingers over Elliot's belly. "C'mon. Let's go." He instructed, picking Elliot's bag off the floor.

They headed inside, and Jonathan immediately pulled Gabriel aside. Elliot stood in the hall adjacent to the living room as Jonathan scolded his son, trying desperately to keep his voice down.

"I don't want you hanging around that part of town. Do you understand me?" Jonathan's muffled voice uttered.

"I'm sorry." Gabriel apologized, his head down and his eyes on the floor.

"I grew up there. It's not a safe place," Jonathan revealed. "Hey, look at me...I want you safe, okay?" Jonathan stated with a reassuring tone.

"Okay," Gabriel responded.

"Come here." Jonathan ushered with a tender smile. "I love you, Bud." He whispered, embracing Gabriel's small body under him.

"I know," Gabriel uttered from under him. "Can he spend the night?" He asked as he towed Jonathan away and glanced up at him.

"Sure," Jonathan answered begrudgingly. "Take him upstairs and shower, both of you." He urged.

From the other side of the hall, Elliot scrutinized their interaction. His gaze was transfixed on the love that seemed to transpire from that most mundane exchange. His bright blue eyes studied every move, touch, word, and sound they uttered. Slowly but surely, a fascination began to blossom inside young Elliot regarding his best friend's father.

Years elated, and the two friends grew away from their childhood and into manhood. Elliot's love for Gabriel grew deep, but with it, tucked away inside the darkest recesses of his soul, that once innocent fascination for Jonathan turned into an obsession. A silent, poisonous urge to possess whatever it was that existed between Gabriel and his father. There were countless nights while he lay in his bed when Elliot struggled with his feelings, ashamed of what they could mean. But his fixation on that love he coveted, his desire for Jonathan's blind devotion towards Gabriel, and the addiction to his mere presence corroded Elliot's spirit like a splinter tucked under the skin, crawling its way deeper inside him.

Until the day came when he forgot it was there. And that tainted splinter became part of who he was.


[In the not-so-distant present]

Elliot lay in bed, sporting nothing but his undies, his head turned sideways as he gazed at Gabriel's drunken body asleep beside him. His blue eyes, lit by the moonlight that pushed through the large window in their hotel suite, twitched restlessly. The way Jonathan's hand wrapped around his throat just moments before was making his cock harder than he had ever felt, and his hand was already rubbing it under his underwear when he finally lifted himself and sat on the edge of the bed, gazing at the sliding door. The stud demanded that he go to sleep, but every fiber in Elliot's body propelled him toward Jonathan's room.

"Dude...you awake?" Elliot whispered, glancing at Gabriel's unresponsive body.

Securing his friend's blissful slumber, he got up, slowly tiptoeing across the living room, and soon enough, he was standing before Jonathan's chamber. He took his hand and slid the door sideways, squinting his eyes as he adjusted his vision. Jonathan's adonis body lay nude, his muscular ass facing the door and his long hair covering his face. Elliot's heart skipped a beat. He had fantasized about the stud's body so many times, often forced to conceal his gaze as he admired him from afar. But seeing him like this, blissfully unaware of his presence, was something new. Elliot felt almost compelled to stand there, as long as he could, just imagining how peaceful it would feel to be in Jonathan's company without being shunned, dreaming of being wanted, desired.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that once he regained consciousness, he was already standing near the bed, his eyes latched on Jonathan's cock, which rested under his legs. The boy's lips slid over his plump lips, his mind roaming over the stud's body. Then, finally, he leaned forward and crawled over the bed, his face hovering close to the sheets like a dog. Suddenly, his nose sniffed Jonathan's feet, taking in his manly scent. Then he veered up, always careful not to make sudden movements, like a cat, grazing the stud's fuzzy legs with the tip of his nose. As he drew close to Jonathan's crotch, he could feel the scent become muskier, more intense, his mind desperately resisting the urge to dive his tongue inside his ass. He had never been this close to the object of his desire, and the feeling was beyond anything he could imagine. Elliot halted momentarily, struggling to tame his tears of joy.

He began to realize that his feelings for Jonathan had as much to do with his beauty as a man as they did with his masculine nature. He harbored gentleness, aggressiveness, love, rage, deep passion, and tender desire. Qualities that Elliot himself carried with him but had been unable to harness.

By now, his face was hovering over Jonathan's long hair, the scent of his shampoo fuming into Elliot's nose. He closed his eyes, and as he did, he felt movement under him. Elliot's eyes flared, but it was too late. Jonathan was already rolling him over, his arm raising and his fist sealed, ready to strike. Elliot was under him, pinned, his legs caged, his arms curled over his chest, and his eyes locked as he braced for impact. But nothing happened, so Elliot slowly unfurled them.

There was Jonathan, inches away from him, the wet wood-scented breath coating his face. He was even more beautiful up close, with his hazelnut eyes blinking, his long, thick hair cascading over Elliot's chest, and his soft dick grazing the boy's legs.

"I thought I told you to go to sleep." Jonathan groaned, his voice still muddy. Elliot lay silent, his alluring blue eyes scanning him, finally locking on his mouth. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jonathan vocifered, his arm still raised, ready to strike down. But Elliot remained there, muted.

Suddenly, Jonathan felt Elliot's hand slide under him, clutching his cock, which twitched immediately, forcing his pelvis to thrust forward, pressing against the boy's thighs.

"Finally..." Elliot moaned, the words fleeing his lips inadvertently. His hand rubbed Jonathan's cock, which was now hardening.

"Shut the fuck up." Jonathan groaned. His hovering fist flared and descended over the boy's face, pressing it into the mattress. Squashed under it, Elliot chuckled hedonistically. "You twisted fuck." Jonathan uttered, his face shifting into a sadistic grin. His hips began rocking back and forth, humping Elliot's thighs vigorously.

The boy started moaning, and despite Jonathan's hand muffling the sound slightly, the intensity of his lust was breaking through. Jonathan brought his hand down slightly and covered his mouth like a rag. His monstrous cock was now fully-hard, and Elliot's hand could barely grasp it as it moved up and down, stretching the foreskin and allowing the precum stored underneath it to drizzle down slowly, sticking to Elliot's wrist. The feeling was so intense that Jonathan failed to acknowledge his hand was grasping too hard over Elliot's mouth, and the boy's eyes flared. His left hand came up and tried to break the stud's grip. But Jonathan's power was unmatched. He pulled himself up and pushed Elliot's head violently down, making the boy's eyes lock on his, garnering all his attention.

"Will you be quiet?" He questioned, gazing down. Elliot's head nodded from under him, so he pulled away quickly, unleashing a loud gasp.

The two men lay there, staring at each other with curious wonderment. Under all the comfortable familiarity they had built, a dark truth was now revealed to them.

Elliot's tongue slid out and dangled, his mouth opened, and his eyes looked up. Jonathan's lips stretched slightly, a dubious smirk pushing through. He leaned forward and pulled Elliot's arms down, locking them under his knees. He then hauled himself, crotch over the boy's mouth, his fuzzy balls skimming his tongue.

Elliot immediately started licking his scrotum, sometimes gobbling on Jonathan's balls, sucking on them, and relishing their musky flavor. He could barely see Jonathan's face, his head completely covered by the stud's body. Then, Jonathan's hips started to move, taking advantage of the boy's eager tongue, sliding his hole closer to it. Under him, Elliot's muffled moans could be heard, an unbridled euphoria taking over him as he munched on Jonathan's tight sphincter. His tongue sanded over his hairy hole with delight and confidence, and soon, the stud started jerking his shaft over Elliot's face, groaning inwardly, his head tilted back.

Unexpectedly, his head shot forward, his hair bouncing with it. He looked down briefly and pulled his pelvis back, uncovering Elliot's flushed face, his lips swollen and covered in drool. He began slapping his cock over the boy's face in a belligerent manner. But rather than be offended, Elliot seemed enticed by Jonathan's conduct, enamored by his mistreatment.

"Open your mouth. Stick that tongue out." Jonathan ordered, slapping Elliot's face and rubbing his cock over his tongue. "Is this what you want?" He questioned, his voice boiling with lust. "You want daddy to fuck your throat?" He whispered cavernously.

Elliot nodded affirmatively, mouth flaring in rapture. Jonathan wasted no time, sliding the tip of his cock inside the boy's mouth, his knees still holding Elliot's arms hostage. He lifted his muscular ass, hovering his hips over Elliot's face, his arms riddling the bed, helping sustain his now-planked body. He drilled into the boy's mouth, an immediate gag erupting from his throat, his body shaking violently.

"That's it, bitch. Take that cock." Jonathan groaned.

As Jonathan looked down, he could see Elliot's panicked look, clearly overwhelmed by this uncharted territory they were delving into, his lips stretching inhumanly around the stud's cock. He hovered momentarily, just enough to allow the boy to start breathing through his nose, allowing him to proceed. Jonathan resumed thrusting, shoving more than 6 inches into Elliot's mouth, which slowly adjusted, its walls gradually accommodating Jonathan's monstrous dick. The boy's eyes glistened with tears, and his gags were becoming less constrained and more pronounced, erupting unannounced and bringing strings of spit that would ooze from the corners of his mouth. Sensing this and eager to test the boy's limits, Jonathan lifted his pelvis, placing his cock almost vertically, and plunged inside Elliot's mouth.

And at that moment, whatever latent feelings lingered unspoken between the two men were finally unleashed.

Elliot's body propelled up, his chest shooting from the bed like a fish out of water. His arms were fighting desperately to free themselves, and his legs squirmed uncontrollably under Jonathan. A guttural cry emerged from his now stuffed mouth, long and screeching. His eyes twitched aimlessly with panic.

"Shut the fuck up," Jonathan commanded. "You wanted this." He uttered, latching his eyes on Elliot, whose shivering body still shuddered uncontrollably. "Look at me. Breathe." Jonathan instructed.

And with those words, Elliot's body finally surrendered. His legs dropped, his chest caved in, and his eyes finally locked on Jonathan's, silencing his whimpering and muffled screaming and releasing a surge of air through his nose. Suddenly, all you could hear was his breathing. Slow yet deep.

"Ready?" Jonathan questioned, glancing down at Elliot, who looked at him with eyes and mouth wide open. Then, he blinked. Once. Like a secret code guaranteeing his compliance. "Good boy." He rasped.

And then, he resumed. Jonathan pushed his whole 9 inches inside Elliot's mouth with reckless abandonment. Enveloped by a lecherous famine, he fucked the boy's mouth recklessly, oblivious to everything around him. Elliot's head bounced under him, savagely bashed against the mattress, frot oozing from his mouth and these gagging and slobbering sounds, disturbing and alien, bursting from inside him and reverberating around them.

"Jesus...fucking... Christ..." Jonathan whispered in between thrusts, engulfed by his pleasure. His voice was dominant, coercive, and yet layered with fascination. Almost as if he was surprised by the gratification Elliot provided.

From under him, the boy's moans became less strainful and more submissive, bottled with eagerness and lust, and soon, Elliot's body was no longer fighting Jonathan. Instead, it was offering itself to him.

Then, amongst coiling motions, Jonathan's knees accidentally shifted position, skating away from Elliot's arms, unlocking them. In an unpredictable move, Elliot punched Jonathan's chest, immediately pushing him and making him fall back. Elliot crawled backward, slamming his body against the bed's headboard, coughing and panting. He took his hand to his mouth, brushing off all the spit, his head slanted. As he finally lifted his eyes, he met Jonathan's gaze, who sat on the bed, gazing at him with a cruel smile. And it wasn't long before Elliot joined him with an equally complicit grin. Jonathan scanned Elliot as the boy's eyes began to navigate through his body, seemingly taking in every bit of it. They suddenly stopped near his crotch, glimmering at the sight of Jonathan's throbbing cock. Elliot's mouth opened slightly, his breathing accelerating.

Jonathan chuckled just before Elliot lunged forward, consuming Jonathan's 9 inches.

"You fucking slut." Jonathan mocked, holding his body back with one arm and taking the other to the boy's head, coasting his hand over his hair.

His taunt met Elliot's lustful moans, accompanying his movements as he bobbed his head on his dick. Jonathan was struck by how quickly Elliot seemed to learn, and he barely moved, his hand hovering there as Elliot slid his mouth up and down his shaft, his tongue gliding under it, its walls closing in over it, hugging it, and his throat, now gracefully accommodating Jonathan's tip.

"Daddy's little cocksucker..." Jonathan snorted.

Elliot replied with a vigorous moan, displaying his submissive role. Jonathan gradually surrendered to Elliot's charms, both men enacting their private fantasies, feeding off each other's deepest desires.

As Elliot continued to suck on Jonathan's hard cock, occasionally pulling out and slapping it teasingly over his tongue, he let his body tumble forward, inadvertently exposing his ass to Jonathan. Still covered by his white undies but sticking up in the air, it wasn't long before it caught the stud's attention, whose eyes locked on it like a predator.

Without warning, Jonathan grabbed Elliot's hair and pulled the boy's head away from his cock violently, unleashing another gasp from his mouth. He tossed him sideways and grabbed Elliot by his feet, pulling his body and making him turn over the bed. The stud's hand came up and slapped the boy's bubble butt. Then, he took the other hand to Elliot's undies and ripped them apart, exposing his smooth peach. He yanked the fabric away and tossed it on the floor.

"Fuck." Elliot muttered, dazed by Jonathan's raw strength and gait.

With his ass now exposed, Jonathan's dick nestled between his cheeks. He felt the stud's hands spread them as a cold breeze grazed his sphincter. Then, he heard a spitting sound and felt a moist shot of wet liquid hit it. The sensation was rousing. But Elliot couldn't predict what would happen next.

He felt a heavy weight fall over him, pinning him on the bed, and then he felt Jonathan's fingers spreading his cheeks apart, followed by a sudden sharp and piercing pain. He could feel a scream form in his chest, and just as he was about to release it, he felt the stud's hand clad his mouth. Jonathan had just shoved 9 inches of meat inside Elliot's body.

The moment Elliot had fantasized about so many times was finally happening. But its reality far surpassed any fantasy. It was the most excruciatingly painful moment of his life. And yet, every cell in Elliot's body chanted blissfully. He had never felt more alive.

"That's a fucking tight pussy." Jonathan uttered, his head dunked inside Elliot's neck.

But as he pulled up, inadvertently shoving deeper inside, the boy's body twitched, attempting to pull away. Instead, Elliot's left arm grabbed the edge of the mattress, yanking them both sideways, their bodies now perpendicular to the bed.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Jonathan vocifered, pulling Elliot's head back, his grip on his mouth tightening as the boy's screams erupted from under it. "You wanted this. Now fucking take it." He bullied as he thrust his cock inside Elliot's tight gap.

Jonathan's ass raised violently, lunging his hips into Elliot, battering his dick inside the boy's hole with reckless strength.

"Fuck...wait...please," Elliot begged from under the stud's hold. But his words seemed to fuel Jonathan's raging inner beast even more. His arm fled right, clasping the sheets, pulling them sideways again. Jonathan's body followed, latched to the boy like a blood-sucking leech.

"Shhh..." He uttered, oblivious to the boy's plea, his dick ramming inside harder, slowly feeling the walls of Elliot's hole loosen.

Elliot's eyes closed, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stop. Then, everything became silent and still. His body squashed under Jonathan's authority.

All his life, Elliot yearned for this man's touch, for his love, affection, and devotion. But with each thrust of the stud's dick, those yearnings became faint whispers or dreams forgotten. Then, as he succumbed to the man he lusted for, his world unraveled, and suddenly, the truth became clear as water. He and Jonathan were the same. Two broken souls, violent, lonely, and struggling with despair.

Gabriel was the light of their lives, their angel. But there was a rawness to this shared moment that Gabriel's light could never reach. It was theirs alone, like a crack in time, a vulnerable moment exposing their darkest essence. Elliot became overtaken by emotion. He had finally discovered the only thing Jonathan could give him that Gabriel would never have.

His pain.

Tears of happiness fell from his eyes, and he began to sob. And as he did, he felt Jonathan's cum shoot inside. A warm liquid that coated his insides and replenished his soul. Jonathan's hips twitched and convulsed as he tried to cage his wails of pleasure. And as they diminished in intensity, Elliot could feel the stud's body revert to a more contained vibrancy. Finally, he felt Jonathan pull out, accompanied by a muffled groan as his hole queefed loudly like a flattened balloon.

Jonathan sat at the edge of the bed, his hands over his head that dipped between his shoulders.

"Fuck." He mumbled.

Elliot pulled his shivering legs up, his hole still puckering. His body felt mauled by a bear. He rolled over and pulled up, sitting behind Jonathan. Hesitantly, he reached forward and touched the stud's back. But reality set in fast.

"Don't fucking touch me," Jonathan whispered, his low tone consumed with rage. Elliot immediately pulled away. "I'm booking a room at the end of the hall. You'll stay there until the trip is over." Jonathan informed. "Now get the fuck out of my room." He demanded, standing up, walking to the bathroom, and closing the door behind him.

Elliot felt sick. He rushed for the door, afraid he might throw up over Jonathan's sheets. Instead, the boy slid the door shut and stood in the dimmed living room, cum dripping from his hole into the floor, battling the tears that desperately scratched their way out of him. How stupid could he be? To think that anything good could come of this? That Jonathan would ever look at him differently? He sauntered over to his bed and sat at the edge, facing the window. His eyes wandered around the room, finally settling on Gabriel's sleeping body. An overwhelming pain rushed over him, and he let his body tumble backward. He pulled himself up, nestled his head on the soft pillow, and lay there, gazing at the ceiling, his chest tightening with bottled emotion. After a few minutes, unable to withhold the pain, he rolled over to the other side, curled up, clutching his body, and wept silently.

Elliot's dream had come true. And yet, he had never felt so alone.


[Present Day]

Elliot's body shot from the bed, his hand grabbing his chest, trying to cage his galloping heart rate. As he did, his phone buzzed, and he stretched his arm to pick it up.

"Meet us for breakfast. G."

Elliot sighed, rubbed his hands over his eyes, looking around his new room. It was small, dull, and lonely. He jumped out of bed and into the shower, getting ready quickly. Unusually for him, there was an anxiety building. Meeting Gabriel again after their last encounter felt awkward. But maybe his text meant that things were falling back into place, Elliot thought. He dressed, grabbed his backpack, and rushed over to the deck.

As he arrived, he stood at the top of the steps, scanning the room. He finally spotted Gabriel and Jonathan sitting at one of the tables at the back. He took a deep breath and walked over, placing his bag on the empty chair and sitting in front of Gabriel.

"Morning." He uttered, his voice cracking awkwardly. He could have died right then and there.

"Morning, bro," Gabriel replied.

Jonathan was particularly quiet, his eyes entertained by the view. He had his left arm stretched over the table and his right arm tucked under it. Gabriel was forking pieces of strawberry with his left arm tucked under the table. Elliot's eyes fluttered, his chest burning.

"Let me have one of those." Jonathan requested, bowing his face to Gabriel, who lifted his fork and took a juicy piece of red fruit into his father's mouth.

It was as if Elliot was seeing it play out in slow motion. First, Jonathan's lips parted as Gabriel slid the strawberry inside. Then, a gentle crunch followed by Jonathan's tongue glazing over his lips, spreading the fruit's red juice over them, reddening them even more. Then a smile, tender and loving, a soft giggle between father and son. And then, finally, Jonathan's body leaned forward, and his lips kissed Gabriel's neck, its smooth skin prickling.

"I'll be right back," Elliot stated, standing up and carrying his plate to the food aisle. As he walked away, he glanced back in time to catch Gabriel and Jonathan's hands holding underneath the table.

After several painful minutes of bumping into people while holding his empty plate, unsure of what to grab, and feeling queasy in the pit of his stomach, Elliot grabbed some fruit and returned to the table. He sat down just when Gabriel and Jonathan's giggles were dying down.

"What's so funny?" Elliot questioned, his tone unbashful and snarky.

"Nothing," Gabriel replied. "Hey, we're sticking to the original plan and doing the jeep ride to the local waterfalls. Are you coming?" Gabriel invited, his eyes finally meeting Elliot's. For a second, it felt like they hadn't looked at each other for months.

"I...sure." Elliot conceded, unable to refuse Gabriel's attempt to bond. But internally, he was struggling. Jonathan's dismissiveness was taking a toll on him, the stud purposely avoiding him, not even looking him in the eyes. "I'll grab some fruit, and we can go to the lobby together," Elliot suggested.

"We got 20 minutes to kill. So it's cool, bro." Gabriel replied nonchalantly.

"Actually, we should stop by our room before heading there?" Jonathan finally proposed, looking at his son. His voice made Elliot's cock instantly hard.

"Did you forget something?" Gabriel asked as he took the last bite to his mouth.

"No," Jonathan said. "But there's a lot you can do in twenty minutes..." He teasingly whispered into Gabriel's ear.

Elliot could barely tell what Jonathan had said, but how he said it planted turmoil inside him. Something was off. Something was different. Gabriel leaned his head into his father, who ensconced his lips inside the boy's neck, nipping Gabriel's skin, the sound traveling across the table. Elliot could barely hold his head straight.

"Guess we're going." Gabriel taunted. "See you in a bit, bro." He said, getting up and walking away, with Jonathan rushing behind him, grabbing Gabriel from behind playfully as they hurriedly stepped away.

Elliot sat there, alone and completely lost, his eyes veering towards the ocean, glistening with tears.

"What a fucking nightmare." He mumbled to himself before taking a bite from his apple.

He begrudgingly tried to eat something, sure that if he didn't, he'd eventually pass out sometime during the day. Then, finally, he got up, walked to the hotel's lobby, and sat on the couch where he lay with Gabriel the day they arrived before everything became strange and excruciatingly complex. All he could do now was wait and hope the day would end soon.

Eventually, Gabriel and Jonathan came back, blushing and positively beaming. Jonathan rushed to the desk, and a few moments later, Sakda arrived, smiling and signaling the men to follow him outside, where a large four-seater jeep with an open top was parked.

"You can ride in the front, bro," Gabriel suggested, yanking Jonathan to him. Elliot caught his hand skimming his crotch and immediately pulled his eyes away. He was now actively avoiding admitting what was blatantly obvious.

"Okay, guys, ready for a big adventure?" Sakda teased, a playful smile across his face.

"Yes!" Jonathan hollered from the back as Gabriel leaned into him, already cradling his body into his father, his arms resting over his wide thighs.

"Not really..." Elliot muttered, leaning back on his chair and turning his head sideways.

They left the hotel and drove for about forty minutes. The road gradually shifted from a more tourist feel to complete wilderness, and soon enough, Sakda was driving the jeep through rough, dirt-filled terrain, veering dangerously close to steep hills and narrow paths. Despite his pridefulness, Elliot occasionally peeked into the back of the car, using his side mirror, hoping to catch a glimpse of the other two. But after several minutes of testing every possible angle, he sighed and leaned back, pulling down his car visor and using its mirror to take a peek. Finally, it was the perfect angle. Gabriel lay into Jonathan, his eyes closed. Then, as he tilted the small mirror further down, he suddenly stopped.

Jonathan's hand was inside Gabriel's shorts, gently stroking his dick. Gabriel's fingers would twirl around his father's fuzzy legs, gripping them whenever Jonathan upped the jerking rhythm. Elliot's cock throbbed on the spot, and a rush of electricity charged in his groin, going up his stomach and exploding in his chest, dissipating gradually. He saw Jonathan glance to the front of the car, assuring Sakda's full attention on the road before proceeding. He skated his left hand over Gabriel's chin and turned his son's face to him, dropping his head to meet his and planting the softest, most passionate kiss on his lips. Their mouths lingered, their tongues dancing together. Jonathan would occasionally pull away, very gently, and graze his tongue over Gabriel's lips. But then he stopped, his mouth hovering over his son's, and he muttered something. Elliot's eyes squinted, endeavoring to discern what he was saying.

"I love you," Jonathan whispered into Gabriel's mouth.

Elliot's eyes flared with exhilaration and profound jealousy. There it was, the one thing he would never have: Jonathan's love.

He closed the sunblind discreetly, reclining back on his seat and gazing at the moving landscape, an overwhelming loneliness crushing him. Twenty minutes later, Sakda stopped the car. They were now surrounded by a tropical forest, with palm trees and evergreens that stretched endlessly, covering the sky like a dome.

"Guys, now we walk!" Sakda announced, hopping out of the car and grabbing his bag from the back of the jeep.

All the men followed, and soon they were trekking through the jungle, the birds soaring around the trees being the only soundtrack for miles. Elliot tried to stay close to Sakda, aware that he was getting deliberately ignored by Jonathan and Gabriel, who followed behind, their fingers always searching each other, touching and grazing as they hiked. But as time elated, his frustration dwindled, and he began to feel at ease with his solitude. He found it to be extricating.

They eventually heard water rushing in the distance, and Elliot's face lit up, his mind momentarily freed from any troubles. Then, the terrain started getting steeper and more challenging to traverse, and soon, they were climbing rocks, bypassing a cliff. As they went around it, the path became narrower and slippier. On a particular occasion, while Jonathan was distracted, Gabriel lost his footing and slipped, his body falling backward. Elliot immediately grabbed his arm. Gabriel could feel his friend's tight grip and knew he could have fallen if Elliot hadn't been there to catch him.

"Are you okay?" Jonathan hollered, finally darting forward in time to catch Elliot pulling his son up.

"Yeah," Gabriel replied before looking up at Elliot and smiling. "Thanks, bro." He uttered.

For a second there, Elliot felt alive again as a small glimpse of Gabriel's former affection pushed through.

They persisted and eventually emerged from the other side. As they walked out of the large rock formation, all three men halted, gripped by the magnificence displayed in front of them.

A 60-foot towering waterfall. An oasis surrounded by a reservoir of crystalline liquid and verdant foliage whose beauty was unparalleled.

"Wow," Elliot murmured, outweighed by his emotion. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life, and despite his latent sadness, he was glad he got to be there at that moment.

"Guys, we have two hours until the next group. I'll be here waiting. Enjoy!" Sakda reported.

All three men darted at each other and chuckled, their old selves pushing through, and suddenly, nothing that had happened until then mattered. They rushed down the slope with childlike excitement, pulling off their clothes until they had nothing on but their bathing suits and jumped on the giant pool of charming water.

"Fuck, it's cold!" Gabriel hollered hysterically, chuckling as he did.

Jonathan and Elliot laughed at him, and for a brief second, Elliot could feel Jonathan's gaze linger on him. They swam around for a while, hovering, drawing close to the waterfall's edge, feeling how its brutal force changed the water's density and pull. From where he stood, Elliot could spot a solid rock formation behind it, with a stable platform you could walk into. But before he could explore it, he became distracted by Gabriel's hand coming from behind him and ducking his head underwater.

"Dude!" He yelled as he came up for air, coughing water from his mouth. He lingered there as Gabriel smiled back, their eyes finally bonding.

There were so many things Elliot wanted to say at that moment, so many things he wished Gabriel knew. But the fear inside him was unjust, and at that moment, Elliot discovered something. His love and friendship for Gabriel derived from his friend's ability to embrace his vulnerability, Something Elliot was never able to harness.

"Gabriel, come here!" Jonathan called, his soaring, muscular body now standing right underneath the cascade, the sheer force of it almost knocking him off the elevated rock he stood in.

Gabriel broke eye contact with Elliot, and just like that, he was alone again. As he watched his friend drift away from him and over into the private world he shared with his father, he turned around and floated back into the river's edge, exited the water, tiptoed his way into his backpack, took his towel out, and extended it over the green mantle that stretched around the ridge. Elliot sat down, arms crossed over his legs, stowing them in place, turning his head back to glance at Sakda, who casually perused through his phone, oblivious to everything that happened. Then he turned his head around and stared back at Jonathan and Gabriel. They seemed so joyful, so unrestrained. More attuned to each other than they ever were before. And soon, a deep gloom washed over Elliot.

Driven by the arbitrary urge to fulfill his desires, Elliot willingly tampered with his best friend's sentiments. Maybe he was a wretched person, after all, Elliot thought. But his obsession for Jonathan was still very much alive. So deep down, Elliot knew what he needed to do. It was time to let them go, to walk away.

He giggled, overwhelmed by his sudden epiphany. He let his body fall into his towel, and after exhaling a couple of times, he fell asleep, ushered by the empowering sound of the water in the distance and that fresh tropical breeze in the air.

After what felt like hours, Elliot woke up, startled and dazed. He lifted his head, his body feeling stout, and looked back. Sakda was still sitting in the same spot, meddling with his phone. He reached for his backpack and glanced at his phone screen. He'd been asleep for only ten minutes. He looked at the water, scanning for the boys, though they were nowhere to be found. He felt compelled to ask Sakda, but something stopped him. He pulled himself up and slowly crawled back inside the pool, trying not to overreact at how cold it was, his body fidgeting and trembling slightly. He dove in, keeping his head above the water like a reptile, and swam to the chute. He hoped to hear them once he got close enough, but the sound of the water plunging was too loud, so Elliot swam around it, keen to explore the rocky platform he had spotted earlier. And as he cornered the wall, his ears prickled to faint and distant yet discernable moans.

He slowed his movements, keeping his arms steady as he rowed them along the surface, pushing his body forward. And as he finally broke the water's surface, his eyes flared, twitching uncontrollably.

Jonathan stood in an upright position, with his muscular ass facing Elliot. Gabriel sat behind him on a circular piece of chiseled gravel, butt naked but still visible, his mouth wrapped around Jonathan's veiny cock, his lips stretched to their limit, bobbing his head back and forth, moaning as he sucked his father's cock. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, his face exuding pleasure and lust as the boy comfortably swallowed Jonathan's 9-inch monster. The stud's head plunged back with his mouth opened as he delighted in his son's mouth. Elliot immediately noticed how different Jonathan's demeanor was. There was no aggressiveness, no roughness. He wasn't forcefully taking anything for himself. In fact, he altruistically let Gabriel enjoy his pleasure. His hips would bounce back and forth but steadily, cautiously. Gabriel would pull away occasionally, holding Jonathan's cock in his hand and gliding his tongue over it, savoring every inch like a delicacy, his treasure.

"Do that thing with your tongue, baby." Jonathan's muffled voice urged.

Elliot felt compelled to swim further in, and soon, he uncovered a small crevice where he could hide, granting him the perfect angle for his now blatant voyeuristic show.

Gabriel moaned, sticking the tip of his father's cock in his mouth and rolling his tongue around it, wiggling it over Jonathan's prepuce as he tightened his mouth muscles around it.

"Fuck baby, that's it...right there... you're such a good boy." Jonathan groaned, his arms lifting as his hands covered his mouth, his entire body screaming in ecstasy.

Elliot blinked, his hand already sliding under his shorts. It was inevitable. His attraction to Jonathan was lewd, tenacious, unrelenting, and vital.

"Turn around," Jonathan commanded, pulling Gabriel away, clearly struggling not to bust his nut ahead of time. He glanced around, making sure no one was watching, oblivious to Elliot's presence, who seemed to become even more aroused by that realization. "Open those cheeks." Jonathan groaned.

Gabriel lay on the rock, a certain discomfort on his countenance but still actively engaged in his father's gaze. He lifted his legs, taking his hands to his cheeks, and stretched them apart, exposing his pink, gold-brown fuzzy hole.

"Fuck." Elliot blurted out, unable to withhold the sudden rush from seeing his best friend's sphincter exposed like that. He was now stroking his dick with one hand while attempting to pull his shorts down with the other.

"Hurry up. Someone might show up." Gabriel whispered. Jonathan looked at him and chuckled.

"Yes, sir." He uttered, stepping forward, adjusting his position, spitting on his hand, coating his dick, and gently sliding his cock inside.

Every inch that went in was tender, cared for, devoted, and loved. Then, enthralled by the sight of Jonathan drilling into Gabriel, Elliot started to tilt his head sideways like he was studying the moment, engraving it in his memory.

"Oh fuck...Dad..." Gabriel moaned, his hands finally letting go of his ass, slithering up along the rock and crossing over his head.

Every single muscle in Gabriel's body communicated. And it was telling Jonathan it was his. Elliot's dick was rock hard, his stroking becoming furious. He lowered his body slightly underwater, trying to isolate the splashing sounds from his arm.

Jonathan's pelvis was now pounding into Gabriel, the muscles on his ass tightening and flexing as he did. It was a beautiful thing to watch. And for over ten minutes, that sight became Elliot's whole world. Under the protected guise of that waterfall, the slapping sound of Jonathan's hips against his son's peach now echoed inside the cave like a melodious tune conducted by passion and eros.

"Fuck, baby! You feel so good...I'm almost..." Jonathan muttered, his thrusts becoming longer and more virile.

"Daddy...daddy...!" Gabriel wailed, unable to hold his voice from escorting his enjoyment out. "Cum in my ass..." He whispered before he took his hand to his bouncing cock. As soon as his fingers grazed its skin, he started to unload, his cum splattering all over his stomach and chest.

Jonathan followed, unleashing a guttural growl, lion-like, pulling Gabriel's legs up, hanging them over his shoulders in an attempt to drill his cum inside the boy as deep as he could.

And on his secret hidden spot, unbeknownst to the two lovers, while his hand silenced his mouth, Elliot's orgasm exploded. Streaks of thick cum spewed from his dick into the water, floating inside it, hovering in front of his dick before gracefully tumbling to the bottom of the river. The evidence of Elliot's crime forever hidden in that sacred place. He collapsed over the rock, labouriously panting. As he regained his composure, his head lifted again.

Jonathan and Gabriel had shifted positions. The boy was now saddling Jonathan, the stud's still semi-hard dick tucked between Gabriel's cheeks. His hands skated around his son's back, caressing it.

Suddenly, Elliot saw Gabriel's back trembling. But he quickly realized that Jonathan was causing that erratic movement. And then, Elliot heard it. But he couldn't believe it. Jonathan was crying.

"What's wrong?" Gabriel whispered, his hands running inside his father's hair, patting it.

"I...I just..." Jonathan muttered, his voice cracking at every syllable. "I'm so happy." He expressed. Gabriel didn't respond. He held his father in his embrace, waiting for him to proceed. "I'm scared...that this feeling will disappear." He revealed, his arms tightening around his boy. "Don't leave me, Gabriel." He pleaded, between sobs. "I'll die." He finally admitted before plunging himself inside his son, his tears soaked by Gabriel's beating heart.

They were the deepest, most profound, most ominous words Gabriel had ever heard. He held Jonathan in silence. There was nothing to be said. His presence was enough.

Hidden from view, Elliot observed. He pulled back, sculling himself slowly and silently back to shore. He got dressed and headed to the car.

"It's time to go." He informed Sakda as he rushed past him.

Later that night, back at the resort, Elliot felt jittery and couldn't even bring himself to eat. After wandering around his room for almost one hour, he finally decided to go to the bar and have a tuna sandwich and some juice before trying to get some sleep. When he got there, the place was uncharacteristically lifeless and barren. A few people were on the tables, and some random loners sat on the stools near the bar. He rushed for their usual table near the dock and sat, looking at the night sea. The moon stretched its light across it most bewitchingly, reflecting on Elliot's gorgeous blue eyes. But no shine could contend with the profound sadness emanating from inside them. He lost track of time between eating his sandwich and drinking his juice while his eyes lost themselves in that dark horizon.

Suddenly, he felt a presence approach him, and as he turned his head away from the dock, his eyes flared. Jonathan was standing there, looking at him.

"Can I join you?" Elliot asked. He was stunned, but his head eventually moved, and he nodded.

The stud sat before him, hands crossed over his stomach. His hair was in a bun, sparkling, his beard growing untamed, and his arms strong, bulky, and cinnamon-toned. There was no doubt in Elliot's mind. Jonathan was the most beautiful man on earth.

"What happened the other night...I made you feel responsible. But we both were. So, I'm sorry for that." Jonathan explained. "Gabriel won't give up on you...and I think we both want his happiness, so...we need to make things work between us." He reasoned.

"Did he ask you to come here?" Elliot questioned. There was a considerable pause.

"Yes," Jonathan admitted. Elliot chuckled sarcastically. Then, another long silence took hold as both men stared at each other, a palpable tension between them. "You're not gonna say anything?" Jonathan finally asked.

Elliot looked at him, knowing that Jonathan would never be his. And suddenly, all the fear faded, and finally, for the first time in his life, he surrendered to his vulnerability.

"I'm in love with you." He confessed.

"Jesus Christ..." Jonathan mumbled, taking his hands to his face and rubbing it.

"Gabriel will always have the best of you. And that's okay. I've accepted that." Elliot stated, suddenly grabbing Jonathan's attention. He lifted his head, and his eyes locked on the boy. "He loves you, but he doesn't see you. Not like I do." Elliot continued. "He will never let you fuck him like you fucked me the other night. Deep down, you know it. You need us both to be happy."

"Elliot..." Jonathan uttered the words skating from his mouth unwillingly. The boy had touched a nerve.

"We're the same, Jonathan. You're damaged, just like me." Elliot revealed. "And unlike him, I will never try to tame you." He vowed, leaning forward, setting his arms on the table, and looking directly into Jonathan's eyes, which were now glistening with tears. "I love you too damn much." He professed.

Elliot leaned back, smiled, stood up, and walked back to his room, leaving Jonathan alone and never looking back. Back in his room, as he lay on his bed, he closed his eyes, and suddenly, a profound serenity washed over him, unlike anything he had ever felt.

Somehow, the truth of his words had unlocked something inside Jonathan.

And now Elliot knew, beyond any doubt, that whatever transpired between them that night was far from over.

(To be continued...)

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